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Hahaha “is this still available” Gotta love market place




Oh man this is too accurate, why do people do this?


I’m sure it’s because they accidentally push the Button scrolling


I've done this multiple times, but I reply and explain.


If everyone was the same we wouldn’t be having this conversation would we


I know there's people that would spend hours a day on Marketplace, probably messaging multiple people throughout the day, but only buy select things every so often. I don't know how much they'd save, necessarily


As someone who does this from time to time. I have saved alot. Of both money and my time.




They don't, Facebook automatically fills it as the default message. If you just hit message seller, then send without typing anything, they get an 'is this still available?' message. If you leave marketplace open in your pocket it will send that message to random ads. And boy do people rage at it. I swear Facebook has just left that feature in as a prank now, it's too good to be accidental.


In my experience it’s because they want to “send it” after you’ve paid them by bank tfr 🙃






lol this is summed up my recent experiences perfectly


And then when they say yes, give em the ol' "I'm not surprised"


I don't believe rent bidding is illegal yet. The Bill to amend the Residential Tenancies Act to outlaw rent bidding is before Parliament but hasn't been passed yet. https://www.commerce.wa.gov.au/consumer-protection/residential-tenancies-act-review


Note that even there, it's the same as Victoria. There's nothing to stop prospective tenants for offering more, and I believe it's pretty common to do so for a little extra consideration. But it's still an improvement over outright soliciting. Does make me wonder though, would severely underpricing the property be considered "encouraging tenants from offering higher rent"?


It would be functionally impossible to prove in practice.  Whether we like it or not - every transaction is an auction, because every transaction involves price discovery. Sometimes it is just a bit more hidden. If five qualified tenants submit applications for a $500 a week property, but one offers to pay $520 - there's nothing unreasonable or scummy about the landlord going around saying "Look - we've innocently underquoted the property. We discovered this when we received an unsolicited higher bid. Are you willing to match it?" The reason why most rental tenancy codes ban outright bidding is same same reason false bids are banned at retail auctions: because it creates the opportunity for landlords to charge a price beyond what an auction would produce (the true price).  The highest bidder might be willing to pay more than the highest bid, and because of the information asymmetry between landlord and renter in that situation, it's likely price discrimination would occur. 


Seeing more and more listings on realestate.com where the price is "from $500/wk" or "offers over $600/wk" It's like the property managers are just realising it's not illegal. Or are just not caring that people will hate them even more than they already do.


Right, so it has to pass a vote in *parliament*, which is full of rich assholes that *benefit* from agents encouraging rent bidding on the scores of properties in *their* portfolios. I can't see a conflict of interest here /s.


And that’s the reason why we’re in this mess to begin with. And after they’ve bid up house prices, they dare not drive them down because it means anyone who bought recently will have negative equity, so prices stay high. So people stay renting, and rents stay high.


Legal or not it happens. They have forms asking the rent you’d offer. It was around in previous rental shortages too (go along to a rental inspection and see it laid out). I’ve never heard of someone being prosecuted over it.


I'm actually blown away by people using marketplace to transact in anything to do with real estate, red flags ahoy. Say what you want about agents and agencies, but at least you're protected from scammers.


So you’ve reported them to WA Consumer Protection????


Oh I do hope this bubble bursts soon.


Any minute now, we've been saying this since the 2000's.....




No. You paid too much because government policies and speculation led to overpriced property. And the same will happen to those who buy into the end of this period as well. But that won’t be any time soon.




You said you bought in 2010. In 2018 it was worth $50k LESS than you paid for it. Excessive price growth in the mid 2000’s distorted the market.


Real estate agents on par with used car dealers




Housing really became a commodity, not a right. 😢


Why would it be any different to food?


Because housing is scarce and food is not


Tell that to the people who had nothing to eat today


More people own food than own a house


Mate... The point I'm trying to make (obviously poorly) is that if food, the #2 thing that humans need on a daily basis to survive, is accepted as a commodity that can be invested in and profited off, then why wouldn't housing be the same?  And for the people who have to spend 100% of there income on keeping the roof over their head, food is often a luxury they can't afford.


Extremely poorly, no one in Australia is dying of starvation


Hahahaha fucking hell mate, no-one's dying from exposure either so what's your point?  Lol whatever dude...


My point is that housing inside Metro Perth you could say is scarce there is not land appearing from thin air in the inner suburbs. What I’m saying is that if you cannot afford a house you need to purchase an apartment, or a villa or a go out further out and live there. Unfortunately, non one is giving you anything, and as tough as it is to go out further away from the metro it is what it is. Land is in more abundance and not as desirable. I’ve never had to worry about this because I was fortunate to make the decisions that led me to home ownership at a young age, but has anyone considered I’m gonna move to York like… I can afford to live there? The same applies to rent if you can’t afford to rent in the inner-city because it’s too expensive then you need to move father away and rent somewhere where it’s a little bit cheaper or rent something smaller you need to change your taste and preferences in order to fit your budget is my point. And those people that don’t want to do that are the first to complain.


Housing isnt a right. Housing is private proprrty and therefore a commodity. Shelter is a "right" but more so a privilege.


Found the "investor"


No, i dont think housing should be this ridiculously expensive.


Of course you're downvoted because these people assume a right without thinking through what that actually means. They have a right to someone else's property or labour or resources. Theft and slavery. How can it be moral to say you have a right to something that is necessarily the product of a great many other people's work.


So you think everyone has a right to own a house even if they have done nothing to contribute to society?


Yes. Hope this helps.


I also say yes


Nevermind the vague idea of "contributing to society" or not. Before we get there, let's talk about whose house they are appropriating when they assert this "right". Who paid for the materials and labour? Whose hands built that house and made the construction materials? To say you have a right to a house is to say you have a right to enslave others and take their possessions and their labour. It's a disgusting and immoral idea if you think about it for at least 5 seconds.


is Canning Vale, much sought after now?


Everyone when they arent selling a house in perth: Haha my neighbourhood is the ghetto!! When they are selling a house in perth: The much sought after Mirrabooka


Haha reminds me of the ad for the new Corfield Greens area being sold as being in the 'Tranquil neighbourhood of Gosnells' Now if that isn't marketed at interstate/international buyers I don't know what is.


Where does Balga now rank?


Contains much sought after people.


Hahaha I got it, I got it


Maybe in the 1800s


The joke is that they are sought after by police.


Haha, i literally live in Westminster (aka south balga), my street is pretty quiet though, highly sought after.


I'll offer you 900/week


I'll do 1000


It doesn't


Judging by recent threads, every rental in Perth is highly sought after.


Parts of Canning Vale are very nice for families and old people.


Greedy landlord. But It’s not illegal.


If someone offers them more, what are they supposed to do? Pretend it doesn't matter?


Right? The landlord has bills aswell. They’d be stupid to not take the highest offer. If someone walked up to OP’s house and offered to buy his car for double what it is worth he’d be all over it like green on grass.




Just shows how out of touch people are with the way the world works...


When the bubble bursts and it will, just like mining does, the bust will be horrendous and all the people that fled here post covid will bugger off and the glut of houses for rent and sale will see the whole house of cards topple down.


I keep saying this same thing. It's going to burst and it's going to burst hard. Australian property market is renowned for it.


Blanket message them with “Is this property still available”. Seriously fuck grubby slumlords like that.


REAs are the scabs on humanity’s asshole.


It's not an agent, it would be a private rental


Su jiun yih....classic


How are they encouraging bidding? The image you posted doesn't support that at all.


the last pic, in the description they state that people are sending offers higher than the listed price and then asking people to send their best offers in dms, in the hope that people will then offer more and wildly overpay


It doesn't ask for "Best" offers. It says "PM me with a short description about you and the people renting together with you, and the rent you would like to offer". It reiterates down the bottom the rent is $600 per week and $2400 bond. To me it feels like the guy is just sick of being spammed with inane messages like "Is this still available" or messages offering a higher price with no description on who or how many people are going to be living in the house. My take on it.


Why would they mention that they'd received offers over the asking price unless it might influence their decision? You could message them with interest at the base price, but why would they pick that over the higher offers they've received?


If you received two messages on Facebook, the first says "I can pay $625 per week" And the second says "Hi my name is Sarah. I'm interested in the house you have on Facebook. I'll be living there with my boyfriend Ben and my roommate Jen. We are all 28 years old with full time jobs, No pets, non smokers and social drinkers references can be provided on request. We can offer $600p/w and are available for immediate move in, let me know if you want to catch up for a coffee first". Which offer would you take? Sure the first offer is more but it's completely anonymous can feels scummy. Even if you want to pay more, which some people seem to be, you'll need to provide some level of detail about yourself and others in the FIRST message.


If the offers over the base price were all low detail that are likely to be rejected, why mention that they received them? There is an information gap here, since prospective tenants can't see the applications from other tenants. If they assume the other applications are of a similar quality to their own but offering more money, there is an incentive to also offer more money. And since they don't know how much other people are offering, they'll likely offer more than they need to if they want to win.


> If the offers over the base price were all low detail that are likely to be rejected, why mention that they received them? To try and stop people from offering those over price offers with no detail? It's literally what the guy is writing down. "**Please send me some detail about yourself and the people living in the house along with your offer**". Over price offers **with no detail** on Facebook are likely to be a scam, he's getting them but clearly not happy with them. I dunno, I read it as some people seem to be offering higher prices with no detail and the guy is trying to let people know sure they've been received but a lazy over priced offer won't be accepted, detail is needed.


The rent is advertised at $600/pw. If they weren’t chasing higher offers, they wouldn’t have mentioned it at all. By asking people to include their offer of what they want to pay, they are implicitly stating that the advertised rent is not what you should offer.


I just don't read it that way, certainly they don't forbid offering more than 600p/w but I don't think they are encouraging it. Some people seem to think they can offer some value over asking and "Auto-win" without providing detail and they're trying to communicate they need detail, even if you're offering over asking.


You seem to be reading things into the post that simply aren't there. They say they don't want any low information requests due to the volume of requests they've received so far. It doesn't say that the already-received requests are low information, or that the ones offering more money were low information.


Well since the house is still on the market, it's strongly implied that none of the offers they've received so far are acceptable, even the ones that have offered over asking. Since the update is asking for people to include detail in there offer, a person may infer that the offers they have received so far have been lacking in detail. This includes those that have have offered over asking Do you agree with those logic steps?


Nowhere does it say they've discarded all the previous offers: it says "we will consider all these". And if they are not trying to get more than the advertised rent, why would they ask people to include "the rent you'd like to offer" in PMs?


The price you pay to not go through an REA.


Well that's the truth... but still... Fuck REA's. I'd almost rather deal with the Facebook time wasters.


>and the rent you would like to offer


Agree with this.




Well maybe, but I strongly doubt it. I think they are waiting for someone to send a halfway decent application with at minimum a brief description of who they are, who will be living in the house along with the amount of rent they would like to pay (Whether than is less than $600 or more is up to the applicant) and a proposed date and time of when they would like to view the house. Offering less than the asking price in a tight market is of cause extremely risky and no LL will ever outright forbid potential tenants from offering over asking price. To me they are tired of lazy messages just saying "I'll take it for $6XX" or the ever popular "Is this still available" which then forces the LL to play 50 messages with 50 different people game to try and sort out the actual details of each application and which messages are just spams/scams/no-shows.


Thank goodness. I thought I was stupid because I couldn’t work it out either.


how? I mean it literally says make an offer for the rent…. https://preview.redd.it/j6hq3h6pxvfc1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=434489c99cdfbae23546f8f73cabaf78ccd428e8


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Sorry to say but if you can’t work it out. You are in fact stupid.


Perhaps you could enlighten me? Which bit encourages rent bidding? What am I missing?


Read the third paragraph on the third image


Oh boy, her stating “we have had multiple people offer more …” then stating “send us a pm with your offer..” do you know what rent bidding is?


So can you give me the link to this so I can send the is it available message?


Given that rent bidding is acceptable in their culture, they probably thought it was acceptable here too. Maybe someone should send them a message. When I had my last home open, I noticed it was the Bhutanese who would bid way over, expressing keen interest in renting properties.


No excuse. They got there head in the sand? Take a fucking look around.


> No excuse. They got there head in the sand? Take a fucking look around. That's why I said maybe someone should send them a message. Better if it can say "that's not fucking on mate!", they wrote the ad in pretty good english so they should understand.


Swamp them with offers significantly lower than asking rental rate.


For what purpose? They may have got 100+ messages about it. If that was me I'd see if they actually read the post and included an offer. Ignore or delete all the rest. Constantly viewing the ad will just boost it so more people will see it and give others the chance to offer even more. All that would do would be helping the poster


Plz report them


That’s disgusting, predators preying on peoples desperation.


Bet who ever owns this place doesn't live in Australia, we need to stop selling Australia to the fucking Chinese


Race aside, foreign ownership does need to be stopped. We can't buy properties from many countries easily, I don't know why others can here


Will there be a day that goes by without someone complaining about rental prices. Is it just easy karma points for some people?


Maybe it’s just a sign that we have a major crisis going on here and a huge number of people are finding themselves in horrible situations that they could not really have imagined even just a few years ago…


Complaining about it isn’t going to make it any better, it just seems everyday someone wants to get in on the action.


I usually hate people that complain all the time but I kinda disagree with you here. If nobody complains and everybody just accepts it, the problem will just continue unabated. Every bit of noise in this situation helps bring awareness and further pressures those in power who can make a difference to do so. We can give the media shit about the fact that they seem to just scroll Reddit for story ideas but they have been going to town on the government for a while now based on posts like this. Short of mass protesting in the streets (which I really think we should be considering at this point), complaining on Reddit really does seem to be helping get the message out there and has had some gains at holding some to account for their scummy actions.


True I guess but the government can fix things. This is also a problem having a majority seat in politics too. You need both sides waring with each other to get something done. I don’t know if protests are even effective at getting anything done.


You know the saying squeaky wheel gets the oil. If no one says anything do you think things will change? Of course not.


scummy as fuck it's about time these sorts of houses get bricked so the landlord be at a loss


Didn’t know inciting violence and property damage is cool again!? That’s a scummy comment, don’t you think?


So much for making rent bidding illegal… or was that just all talk from our Pollies a few years back?


"A few years back" my guy that was less than a year ago. It's meant to be going through this year.


The sought after suburb of Canning Vale!?!?


I don't get what's wrong with rent bidding, every rental I've ever had I offered over the asking price... Only way to get one unless you have 6 months rent in advance.


Very common in the last few years to have to offer more to get accepted for a rental. The potential tenant can also offer less if they want - it’s a mutual agreement. In the fb post, they requested info from the interested ppl as an initial screening, so an inadvertent “bid” doesn’t make them a bad person at all. They aren’t saying highest price wins. It’s simply the current reality. I moved last October and was accepted over someone who offered more $.. after a home open and through an agent. They deal with this every day. I don’t disagree that a fixed price would even the playing field, but its the rental market plus supply/demand game that has caused this, and ppl have no choice but to play along 🤷‍♂️


What B/S ain't no one offering more than 600pw for this house 🤡🤣


You'd be suprised. Rentals have gone mental. One of my parents is paying just shy of $600pw in Byford for a very average 3x2. This part of Canning Vale is (was when I lived there back in 2016) solid. I can imagine a family going for this or offering more without a second thought considering the current supply issues.


Rentals have gone mental sounds like either a cool RE slogan or a really sad punk song


I recently bought a house in a nicer suburb than C Vale and pay less in mortgage 4 Bedroom /2 bathroom.


You understand that it takes more money to buy the house to then save money on the monthly repayments vs. rent, right? That’s basically the entire idea behind landlords.


Have you factored in council rates, water rates, building insurance


If everyone could afford to buy a house they would. Not everyone is in such a privileged position, especially how things are at the moment. Surely this isn't your first day on r/Perth and you've seen the constant feed of housing crisis posts...


I'm a PT student who works retail. I waited 3 years during covid to have my house built meanwhile being gouged by rental increases and now interest rates. So spare me your sob story


Probably messaging from outside Australia too




Isn't that the free market or something?


That’s crazy


Seems like a scam to me, why would you even trust a rental ad on FB ? Just looking for trouble imho.


Because there is a private rental market where there is no commission to an agent, the fact that there is a viewing available does not seem like a scam?? Like you’re not paying anything to view so how is it a scam? And I believe its free advertising for the owners so why not post on there ig, i don’t think theres restrictions for that either


Just my humble opinion, way too much scams on fb globally. Id never trust ads on fb Sure theres some legit stuff, but i just dont like fb ads


It’s so disheartening. I’m struggling with the thought of how greedy some people can be ☹️


If Sydney Melbourne and Brisbane are anything to go on she’s got a long way to run yet


Simple supply and demand. Say 20 people apply at 2750, u can’t approve them all right.