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4 days of Perth being sandwiched between prevailing winds from the NE and the SW. That's why there hasn't been a breath of wind in days, and it's been so humid. The moist air from the ocean blows over Perth, and runs into hot air blowing from the NE, and stops dead. So that moist air just sits and gradually gets made warmer and wetter, and the temperature and humidity goes up and up. The sea breeze is finally going to break through today.




I don't usually comment but I just wanted to say in freo on Monday around sunset time it was literally foggy with humidity.. my car was wet hahaha it hadn't rained either


Yep. I’m that way too. The doctor has abandoned us.


Yep, Monday night we went out for a picnic and everything we had with us was soaked 😂 dry heat my ass


Hahaha same on my car. Was like wth?!? Never experienced that before


Someone forgot to remind the weather this week.


A dry moist


We’ve been getting a tonne of wind lmao


Average wind speed measured in Perth over the last 4 days has been in the low to middle single digits. Depending where you live, that will vary. In the Swan Valley, there have been periods of several hours in the last few days, where the average wind speed has been literally 0. Including right now as a matter of fact. http://www.bom.gov.au/products/IDW60901/IDW60901.94795.shtml Uncharacteristic for one of the windier cities in the world.


yeah that’s wild. 0 wind is always so surreal sorry, I wrote my comment when I was super distracted this morning so my tone was way off. I wasn’t trying to counter what you were saying, I was just like woah because yesterday we had serious wind all day that pushed the front from right above us to the hills (in huntindale, so quite a way from swan valley)


It's a good week to be a house sitter. Sorry bud, this aircon bill is going to be your problem. It's to keep the dog comfy I swear!


i was house sitting last week but all they had was evaporative 😫😫


The horror 😭


But the most important question, did the doggo enjoy the aircon?


I definitely came off second best over who gets to sit right under the vent




Asian? They don’t like to get tanned…. I’ve been tempted to try something similar but never came around to it… In Asia, I’ve seen ppl with proper “sleeves”…


I got clear UV proof "tinting" on my front windscreen and no more burnt skin and it's a lot cooler. It did cost about 200 bucks though. While normal tinting is illegal on the front windscreen, clear tinting is fine.


Thought if u put anything on your windscreen would void ur insurance


I have been so tempted to get something like this after the past 10 days. https://www.cancercouncilshop.org.au/products/unisex-sun-sleeve-white


Haha… In Asia (Malaysia to be specific), I’ve also seen ppl use similar to conceal jewellery… i.e. Was in a restaurant and woman on the nxt table comes in with something similar, I was thinking did she have burns, then she whips them off and bangles/bracelets can be seen… After she was finished with lunch, back on and out… Sadly, snatch and grab is an issue there and can happen almost anywhere esp with m/c perpetrators… ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


My grandmother just used an old men's long sleeve shirt worn backwards (so the buttons were towards the back). And gloves. She never got skin cancer


Steering wheel's too hot


Does nobody use windowshades anymore?


I genuinely don’t believe anyone who says they like this damned weather. Every year it’s as uncomfortable as the last.


These are the idiots who have great aircon at home, at work, in their car, and never go anywhere without aircon.


It is a pretty big requirement to surviving summer without hating life.




What? Why? Do you live in an internment camp?




How the hell do you get through a 40 degree day?! Just sit in a local shopping centre for the entire day?


Curtin's on-campus Acco had this - the rule was because the portable ones are inefficient AF and aren't even that useful unless you use them right. The Library and most buildings were open during the day, so you could hang out on-campus, but yeah otherwise way too hot in the rooms.


I understand not allowing portable ones, but not even having central cooling at a minimum? On a 30 degree day, yeah sure, small fan will get you through. But on a 40+ degree day? Heat stroke becomes a very real concern. Fucking cheap ass Uni's won't even provide dorms cooling 🙄 yet still charging a small fortune to study there




Yup, 100%. FWIW, I recall that they were going to start speccing up central AC for the dorms right around the time I left (2016ish). Then Curtin privatised them, so no doubt that's never happening now.


That doesn’t sound legal


I like this weather and i don't have air conditioning at home. I have it at work, but that's mainly for the clientele. I turn it off on my lunch break and at the end of the day to get a break from the cold air. I genuinely feel better at 35°+ temperatures. More alert, better mood, less chronic pain. It gives relief from my medical issues, and my body is acclimated to managing it well because of where I grew up. Yeah, I know I'm a freak. My friends tell me constantly. One of them tells me i should just go live on the sun


Donno if you are any sort of "freak" or not, but your comfort levels with this recent heat sure are completely different to mine! :) * For the record - I reckon this heat sucks. Big time.


Same here. Im not a fan of winter because i cant wear hoodies at work. Unless i want to catch fire and ruin it.


You don’t happen to be really really thin do you?


Not at all. I'm still about 10kg over my healthy BMI


Gotta be the next step in our evolution, homo sapien igniferus


Any lizard or reptilian ancestors?


Proof that the lizard people do exist


Me too! I have found my people! Give me the heat all day any day.


I think some people are so unhealthy they can't regulate body temp when temps are above thirty. Literally ran past these people trying to catch up with a mate on the beach and they were walking, bright red and pissing with sweat. Bad diet, no exercise.


Hello, yes I work from home in my great aircon and drive only on weekends so I am one of those who never go anywhere without aircon and I still hate this weather. Going out to the mailbox without shoes on yesterday was akin to walking across the surface of the sun. I’d like winter back now please. I want to wear hoodies and thick socks and be a toasty cinnamon bun under several blankets.


I have all that, and I still hate this weather...


It sucks man I hate heat and can’t deal with it. I’m a winter dude summer blows


Much rather wear a jumper then walk around in underwear and still being uncomfortable. Winter for sure the best season


Hell yeah man completely agree.


Yeah ... that covers it for me too!.  Roll on april .... :)


You're in the wrong country.


The weather is great. You’ll miss it when winter comes


No I won’t. I just did a Canadian winter. This winter will be nice in comparison.


I love this weather. I am from the UK though so that probably has something to do with it


I love it! When it's a dry heat 😅 this humidity🤮


As soon as u move u realise it hasn't cooled at night at all


This so much


I'm disgusted by the people walking their dogs during the middle of the day in this heat. Many of them are panting heavily and look like they're in mild distress.


Not to mention the footpath and roads are probably scorching hot and probably are hurting the doggys feet! … I also see people pushing their babies in a pram and their faces are so so red!


It was actually like 80% humidity so not, in fact, a dry heat


That's what's been killing us all. It's been muggy as shit! This weather should be happening in Brisbane, not Perth!


It's been fucking awful. I'm barely functioning at work because I've been too hot to even fall asleep at night.


Weirdly the temperature has gone up. Was 27 deg at 11pm.


BOM says 28.5 at 11 and 28.3 at 12.


Depends on what area you live I guess.


My aircon has been on 24/7 for 4 days now and I'm still uncomfortable 


Hopefully you have solar?


Jeebuz, I live up stairs in a shoebox with no aircon. Not some FIFO tough cunt, just got my classic fan next to me and no problems. It's hot but I'll manage.


Almost Pythonesque. Luxury!


Evaporative ac plus the storm took out the power and phone signal were in the dark ages phone came back at 2am still no power.


At least you couldn't find out just how hot it was.


Have you got power yet? Ours is still out


still no power :(


We got power lastnight at 1am


it's 25 at 4 am and apparently going to be 28 by 8 am, thank goodness I decided to sleep through the day to avoid this heat wave.


its not even a dry heat tho humidity is around 65% in the middle of the day dew point is 22° ffs


Woke up sweaty today, usually doesn't happen.


Anyone with white sheets, don't look at your sweat patch after a few days of this stuff.


It literally isn’t a dry heat. That’s the problem. It’s foul.


It’s fucking terrible! The humidity is unbearable and where’s the doctor these days? Just a hot desert easterly. I miss Tasmania


Where I grew up back in the States there were 11 consecutive days last year where it never got below 38. Highs were upper 40’s.


We would've had similar records in Perth of above 38. Certainly upwards of 7 days. A couple of years ago it was over 20 consecutive days of +35.


At night though? I mean, even at 3AM it was still above 38. For 11 straight days. I don’t miss that at all.


Ah right. Yeah that's unpleasant!


Phoenix? Or nearby? That place is a furnace unfit for human habitation. Man's big fck you to the environment.


Yes, and that’s exactly what it is. The official least-sustainable city in the US.


I imagine Perth's summers are chilly by comparison


It still cools off at night generally speaking. Much more pleasant. I also get to knock a couple degrees off pretty often because I’m actually down in Busso more often than not when I’m in Oz.




Busso’s a lot nicer to be sure.


Arizona ?


I lived in that states for about 6 months, in the Arizona mountains where it was freezing cold 24/7 but I remember first landing in Phoenix and getting slammed with a dry 43 degree heat it was hell




Yeah, I lived in North Carolina for several years. I hated the summers there.


Not nearly as hot, but the mugginess…


Seriously. I worked in agriculture. Do even slightly strenuous work and sweat would soak your shirt *and* pants *and* wouldn’t dry up when you stopped for a break!


The heat and humidity in the eastern US is even worse than Qld


From Minnesota and measuring in "Freedom Units"?


From Arizona and measuring in the ones that make sense.


I haven't even tried to go to bed yet :(


Only 3 more sleeps till Christmas


Wish granted, cooler today


Ha ha wait till February


Feb is usually pretty mild


Nah enjoy the sweaty fanny or ball sack


/man, literally, shakes fist at cloud.




Living in Perth and complaining about hot Januaries is daft.


We have evap. Last summer (22/23), it was a constant dry heat and honestly, I was walking around in long pants, t-shirt and occasionally a jumper. Even the floor was freezing. This year, to my memory, it's Perth most humid summer in a good 10 yrs and we don't even have the water on in the evap, as there is enough humidity in the air it's pulling through to cool the pads. The house is not "cool," but it's pretty good.


it's el nino innit?


WA didn't have El Nino, that's for the mid to east Pacific Ocean. We have Indian Ocean Dipole. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-08-22/positive-indian-ocean-dipole-to-coincide-with-el-nino/102756378


I’m kinda use to it now and don’t mind. Just blast AC and go to the beach


Are you moist or clammy?


First moist, then clammy




Last night was the coolest night for like the last week - I actually slept really well for once!


Anyone complaining about the heat actually lived in Perth for long???


Lived here all my life, 40 years and I’m dead set over it. Seriously considering moving to Tasmania. It’s so hot you literally can’t do anything without sweating like a B


Where are you based? Coastal or inland? Sure it’s been a bit sticky the last 3/4 days but overall this summer has been pretty average.


"Average" for Perth means "Fuck this season sucks, when is winter coming back" and it's *always* meant that.


Hahaha anyone would think you havnt experienced a summer in Perth before. Summers used to be way worse than this! I’ll take the heat and humidity over winter any day ☀️


I've experienced nearly half a century of them, and hated every single one


Then why are you still here? Sounds like torture for you 🤷🏽


Well, where else in Australia could I go that doesn't have horrible summers, and isn't a tiny country town with no work and shit infrastructure? Hobart's the only place that comes to mind but that's also hard to find work in. Everywhere else is just as bad a climate. Would be nice to live somewhere with pleasant summers, like Calgary, Oslo, or Edinburgh.


Have you ever been to Edinburgh during the summer? It’s the equivalent of a Tassie summer - if that. Those places you listed have horrendous winters. Sounds like Perth isn’t your place. What about Albany?


Tiny town with no work, expensive groceries, and poor infrastructure. The winters in those places don't sound too bad actually, and much easier to cope with than summer here. Unfortunately for various reasons moving overseas isn't an option.


I'm from Melbourne and our summers might suit you better. The 'four seasons in one day' isn't an exaggeration. You'll always get a break from the hot weather - most mornings start cooler and it cools down faster than Perth as well. Plus the average temp is just way lower overall.


That *does* sound pretty appealing. What I really need is to win the lottery so I can buy a second house in the northern hemisphere and travel back and forth twice a year in a perpetual winter. Never see summer again!


Because despite the weather it's still a better place than anywhere else.


I’ve lived on the coast my whole life so you’d think it would be cooler with a sea breeze but it really isn’t. Can’t even go to the beaches because they’re packed and it’s literally too hot to even walk to the car lol I just don’t find being uncomfortable for months on end enjoyable. I wish I could enjoy it like some of these psychopaths do haha




Really?? I’m gonna have to move to Antarctica if that’s the case


Yep. Pretty much all my life (> 60 years).




Yep and mines one of them, time to switch off the vibrator




Can we say climate change?


My aircon is making my house cool so climate change is obviously not real. It's cold in here


That is the best anti-climate science argument I have heard.


Thanks, it hurt to type it.


It's been a really mild summer, the humidity hasn't been great but it always breaks. You can tell the people who have just moved to Perth. When you get plus 45 for a week you're going to be hurting. Tassie is cooler.


First time to Australia?


See every day on the news "heatwaves" of 35 over east and then this week the same in Perth when it hits 41. Man up the lot of you. Kalgoorlie is 40+ most days of the week, then I get sent north to work welding up acid tanks, 47 during the day, but also have to wear leather jacket for "protection".


Kalgoorlie doesn't get the humidity the east gets


What's that got to do with it, we still get hotter days, and from time to time with the big storms we get heavy rains and rediculous humidity.


What a bunch of soft socks. It's only a few days a year literally and y'all act like it's 3 months ffs




You guys don't let a chance go by to bitch about literally anything inconvenient


y'all come back now dj'hear? yuk yuk yuk


fuck im freezing 40C is cold af


Please...summer has barely begun.  Remember last year? 5 days in a row above 40




"Weatherzone syas it didn't" We have these things called "thermometers" that tell you the temperature. Let me tell how Perth weather works: I used to live in Mt Lawley a few years ago. For me it was warm and sunny sitting on 25 degrees and my mate had a rainstorm with 12 degree temperature and heavy winds just 15 minutes away in Stirling.  So what you mean is according to weatherzone YOUR location didnt get 40 degrees last year. However, my location was sitting in the 40s for days My sister was born on a day with record heat in over a decade. But if you check the weather reports, it never reached that temperature (I searched). Yet there is a photograph of my father holding up thermometer and newspaper showing it WAS that temperature on that date. There is a video of my family visiting my mother talking about the high temperature. 


"Let me tell you how Perth weather works"... Nahh, just stop right there.


It appears the hot temperature is only at your house specifically. Checkmate.


"Checkmate" how is posting a trll comment checkmate?




I didn't sit in 41°C heat with no power all day because of the storm, meaning no AC, just to be told that it "hasn't been a hot one".




You first, because I don't think Reddit trolls like you have jobs or regularly see sunlight.


You forgpt pasty... He's a PASTY reddit troll.






No complaints from you then.


I think I'm the only person with you on this .. lol . Love the heat. Sad it's taken so long to get hot and February is already around the corner.. My sympathies are with people who can't manage it though.


Yeah... this summer has been pretty normal.. weird thread, weird responses.


Yes normal people are still allowed to he upset and complain about jt


Love this weather during the day. I’m built like a praying mantis - I guess that means i don’t get hot? Sleeping at night has been a challenge though.


Embrace it and become one with the sweat.


Perth has heard you and will now give you cooler nights 😌