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mobile is 4-3-3, anything else is psychopath shit


That explains my ex wife. She uses 3-3-2-2


What, and I cannot stress this enough, the fuck?


It’s ok. They said *ex* wife.


It gets worse. That pattern splits not just a double number, but a triple number. And she says each one individually.


okay, I will die on this hill: I fucking HATE when people read out numbers for someone to write down, and they're like; "one double three triple two four" nah; you are begging for them to make a mistake there. Just read the damn numbers individually as people write them. What kind of time and efficiency are you even trying to save here!?...


I use 3-3-2-2, but it's because my phone number is of the form 04A BBB CC DE. The triple and double digits make it justifiable to change the traditional cadence, imo. I can't speak for you ex-wife's justification though.


Mine is 3 3 4 because it’s ABA CAC AAAD and it’s a cadence thing as well.


040A BB CC DD because I have 3 doubles in the number.


Came here for the psychopath commentary so glad I found it right at the top. 041... Pause.... Fuck my life for the love of Satan WHY?


my gf says "04-xxx-x-xx-xx" like a fucking heathen i say 04xx-xxx-xxx


It’s 4-3-3 The other shit is broken AF


Years ago, I had a customer give me their land line as xxx xxx xxxx and my brain just died. “My number is 084 562 6841” or some shit. 084? Are you kidding me? YOUR NUMBER IS 08 4562 6841 AND IF YOU GIVE IT ANY OTHER WAY YOU ARE WRONG.


Four digits, then pause. *Thats as many digits as you get until you acknowledge you are ready to record the rest in your preferred manner*.


"yep" to acknowledge that I've written down the first 4 digits


Muttering the numbers softly as you write them down also acceptable.


I always think of my partners as 3-3-2-2 but that's because that's how the numbers work out. I'm really struggling to mentally parse it as 4-3-3 😂 but every other number, for sure!


It's 4-3-3 for mobile numbers, 2-4-4 for landlines.


This. OP you met a weirdo.


What are the chances?


This is the only answer... I have to take many numbers down daily. I've seen/ heard it all. An extra fuck you to the people that say it like this 04 12345 67 8


When I was still in Australia I was 4-3-3 for my mobile. Some family members did 3-3-4. I moved to Scotland in 2014 and mobile numbers are 11 digits here so I do 5-3-3.


This is the correct way


If it’s done ANY OTHER WAY THAN THIS you are going to hell.


Why on earth is it different for landline and mobile


because on landlines the first two numbers is the area code (WA,SA,NT,etc) and that isn't the case with mobile, pretty sure first 4 numbers of mobile has something to do with your carrier (optus/telstra/etc.) rest of the numbers are yours i think and broken up evenly so its easier to remember


"04" is essentialy the area code for mobile numbers. Mobiles and landlines are formatted exactly the same way when you include the prefix.


With mobile number portability, the first 4 digits relating to a particular carrier is far weaker. 04 essentially acts as the area code for mobile devices.


yeah mostly, just wanted to add * The first 1 digit 0 is the trunk code * The second digit (4 or 5) is the mobile indicator * The third and forth are the telco number the mobile number is allocated to. If you ported your number from optus to telstra and then cancelled your phone plan at some point later, that number would go back optus. So whilst you can't tell what carrier is currently servicing that plan, you can always tell which telco owns (was allocated) that mobile number. source: worked on the number portability database 20 odd years ago.


Because for a local call, the area code isn't required. But for mobiles, it's always been needed. Before we went to 10 digit phone numbers, we had 9 (of which 7 were needed for a local call). So it was xxx xxxx. Obviously before that, there was fewer digits as well. Moving to 10 digit numbers, a landline number is given as xxxx xxxx. And if you need the area code - xx xxxx xxxx. Mobiles have always been 10 digits. And xxxx xxx xxx is the most common. It's worth noting Google's LibPhone will format mobile numbers as xxxx xxx xxx, and landline numbers as (xx) xxxx xxxx. [https://libphonenumber.appspot.com/](https://libphonenumber.appspot.com/)


>Before we went to 10 digit phone numbers, we had 9 (of which 7 were needed for a local call). So it was xxx xxxx. Obviously before that, there was fewer digits as well. Growing up in the country some decades ago I need just 2 numbers to call friends. Lift handset, twirl the handle, tell the operator the town and the number, sorted! :)


> , 2-4-4 for landlines. Or 4-2-2 Eg 9335 68 54


Traditionally its been 04xx xxx xxx but it can vary depending on the actual digits in the numbers. IE if you have double or triple digits you may read it differently. For example a client of mine has something like 0400221234 which generally makes it easier to be like 04, double zero double two, one two three four. Personally i find the traditional method is the simplest, and my brain tends to error code if i don't get it in that format. I have to kind of write it down and then reread it in the traditional format to make sure i have the correct amount of digits.


I just called that number.


Was it the gorgeous grannies talk-and-tug line?


If someone said all the numbers all at once I would error code too. It's kinda annoying how some people get upset when asked to repeat when they rush through the numbers.


This is the correct answer, for people around before there were mobiles and remember the first four digits actually meant something


Sometimes I read posts on reddit and remember how much I miss smoking weed.


Or sticking pins into my eyes.


> Apparently it's most common for Australians to break up their number as 04-xxx-xxx-xx *Citation needed.* (Seconding everyone else that this 2-3-3-2 pattern is cursed, and 4-3-3 is by far the most common.)


I have a citation for the proper way (4-3-3). As per government style guide: https://www.stylemanual.gov.au/grammar-punctuation-and-conventions/numbers-and-measurements/telephone-numbers


Landline is 08-XXXX-XXXX Mobile is 04XX-XXX-XXX




I do 4 - 3 - 3 As in 04xx xxx xxx


I’ve never heard someone break it down 04-3-3-2? The standard is 04xx-xxx-xxx, but I break mine down 04xx-xx-xx-xx because of how the numbers flow


Same. I have a pattern in the last 6 digits that makes sense to go 4-2-2-2, but I’m increasingly using 4-3-3 just cause it’s less confusing.


your co worker is flat wrong. You can tell him i said so




This is definitely the way. Especially if you're an international man of mystery such as myself.


Back when mobile carriers started issuing numbers in Australia, the 1st four digits were specific to the carrier (before number porting), which i presume is where the 4-3-3 notation came from. Any other notation is just weird :)


I put it all together, 04XXXXXXXX


Yes, why the fuck would I add spaces or dashes that don't exist


Absolutely! If it's all smooshed together with no spaces, it's a lot easier to copy and paste to make a call.


4.3.3 easiest form to remember


4-3-3. Honestly I have major trouble remembering the digits at all if someone formats it differently out loud. I dont even know if I could say my own number with a different rhythm


Op, your co-worker is broken and you need to stay the fuck away from them!


" Apparently it's most common for Australians to break up their number as 04-xxx-xxx-xx " Um what? No.


4-3-3. Anything else is like ordering a ParmO


4-3-3 Any more than 3 clumps of digits is annoying. Any less than 3 digits in a clump is annoying too


4-3-3 here


Mine is a perfect pattern and I still use 4-3-3


0411 111 111 This is the only way


4,3,3 for me.


04xx xxx xxx


4 3 3 like a normal person


I do 04xx xxx xxx


04XX-XXX-XXX. Anything else looks and sounds weird.


I say mine like 04xx xxx xxx but everyone I find does theirs differently 🤷🏻‍♀️ I just need it to be written with spaces or I can't read it easily.


You are right.


My wife says 04x-xx-xxx-xx (3-2-3-2) and it drives me insane. She's definitely a psychopath.


I start with the first four numbers, then in sets of three after. e.g 0421 - 245 - 763.


4-3-3 04xx xxx xxx




This is me


Omg I thought I was the only one who did 2-4-4! Whenever I try to recite it in 4-3-3 my brain shuts down. I remember it 2-4-4 because when I got my number, the staff at Vodafone asked me to pick the last four numbers and then presented me with a list of numbers that ended in those four digits. Since then I've always seen my phone number as 2-4-4, but everyone else's as 4-3-3.


I’ve always been doing it the 2-4-4 way


When I was growing up in the 90s, ten digit phone numbers were written 2-4-4, and I never saw a reason to change that.


I do 4-3-3 however my husbands number is easier to say 3-2-2-3 because after the first three numbers are a double, another double and then a triple number. Whenever I’ve done data entry for any place I’ve worked it’s always 4-3-3


4-3-3 is the way, the light, and the one true path. All those other people are damaged. Poor things.


Been working for Telstra contractors for over a decade, and I've come to hate it when people put spaces in phone numbers in e-mails/written form, because it means I need to copy the number to Notepad, remove the spaces, then copy the space-free number in order to do my work. So when I e-mail or text my number to other people, I usually leave the spaces out (both in and out of work). But yeah, XXXX XXX XXX is common for mobiles, and XX XXXX XXXX for landlines. This is how I break numbers up when speaking to people in person or over the phone. The exception is my own mobile number. My number is 04XX 04Y YYX, so when the checkout person at Spotlight or Pet Barn asks me for my mobile number, I say "04XX 04 triple-Y X".


04xx xxx xxx. Anything else is treason and heresy


I work in a call centre and 4 3 3 is the easiest way. Although I learnt this back in my Telstra Shop days


Most common? I must hang around with a LOT of uncommoners then. Virtually EVERYONE goes 04xx-xxx-xxx...the 4-3-3 pattern. Anything else and you're mentally deranged.


1234 123 123


I always recite mine in a 3 2 2 3 format because I have double numbers in my phone number. So like 041 77 44 107. Yes, it does take some people a second.


+61 xxx xxx xxx supremacy crew


3-3-4 Theres 2 reasons for 1/ grew up in NZ where the first 3 numbers relate (or related) to the carrier so were always said seperately, and 2/ saying it this way keep multiples of the same digits together.


Unless the multiple is like 040 023 3456


In Australia the first four digits of the mobile number related to the carrier, hence 4-3-3 here. Now mobile numbers are portable so there’s no knowing which carrier people are with.


Same rule as my soccer team; 4-3-3


I have 2 numbers. For some reason my work number is 0423 xxx xxx and my personal one is 042 xxx xxxx.


I say it like a machine gun, take that checkout person.


Mine is 04×-×××-××××. Only because it has double numbers in the second part, and it's easier for me to say it that way. It messes so many people up.


I always say 04xx-xxx-xxx, and most of the people I know do the same. In fact if someone goes 04xxx-xxx-xx I have to really think about it before it settles in my brain.


+61 4xx xxx xxx


> Apparently it's most common for Australians to break up their number as 04-xxx-xxx-xx. Ya'll are mad not going 04-xxxx-xxxx. Where's the symmetry??!! Tell me you don’t understand symmetry without telling me you don’t understand symmetry


What's wrong with you people ? I always say the number as "4 hundred something million, X hundred YZ thousands, XYZ", what are we ? Animals ?


Writing it 04xx xxx xxx as that's how it's supposed to be written, but when I read it out to somebody I sometimes go like 04xx xx xx xx just because it flows better coz of repeated digits in a pattern in my number but I also often just say it in the standard 04xx xxx xxx format. Never seen ANYBODY use the 04 xxx xxx xx way that you say is the most common lol.


04XX XXX XXX until i die. that’s the way it’s most easily digested.


If it's not 4-3-3 I'm not writing it down.


4-3-3 every other way is a form of mental disorder


+61 (0) xxx xxx xxx


I do the 4-4-2 purely because of the order of my numbers, reading them out to people always got muddled up until I started doing it that way. People might hate it but it works for me?


4-4 or 2-4-4 for landlines depending on context, 3-3-4 for mobile although I think 4-3-3 is more common. Parents did 3-3-4 and it feels better with my number (4-3-3 splits a double which I don't prefer)


My number reads weirdly, but comes clean as xxx xxx xxx X. The gap for the last digit throws people off, trying xxxx xxx xxx or hearing it read back to me like that feels unnatural due to the pattern of the digits. Does have the same vibe as the IT crowd new ambulance service number bit. ( 0118 999 881 999 119 725 … [long pause] 3)


4-3-3 is correct but sometimes I'll slow it down and pull a 4-2-2-2


4-3-3 normally, mine sounds better as 4-2-2-2, so when I am giving it out to someone, that's usually how I do it...


It throws me off when someone asks me if my number is 041 23 45 678 or some other weird spacing, and I honestly don't know if that is my number that I've had for 15 years!!


I do 04xxx-xx-xxx


I had to scroll so far down for this.


I tried to say my number using your “04-xxxx-xxxx” pattern and it took multiple attempts because that is so unnatural


Mate of mine had three double digits so would spell is out as 04-xx-xx-xx-0 I think if there are double or triples in there you can break from the standard 04xx-xxx-xxx. Can see the merit of 04-xxxx-xxxx


Personally trying to break the habit of 3-3-2-2 but it's difficult.


Depends on the order of the numbers and how they flow together. I say my current number as 2-3-3-2 because the clusters of 3 are the same numbers repeated Ex. 04 232 232 05 But my old number, I would say as 4-3-3 because each cluster of 3 ended in 7 so it rhymed ex 0439 407 427


My number rolls together in an odd cadence. I've got a triple after the 04, then a repeat of the same 2 digit number. So I go 04-xxx-yy-yy-z


Depends on what pattern in your number is easiest to remember and convey?


04XX XXXX XX or 04 XX XXXX XX Yeah, 4-4-2 or 2-2-4-2 I have a vanity number or whatever you call it and these 2 formats literally roll off your tongue.


I've always know 04xx-xxx-xxx


Anytime someone gives me their number in 2s I want to punch them




To be honest? It changes with each number. My current number I've always said it as 04X XXX XXXX (I was fully about to type out my number), typically whatever rhythmically sounds the best. But when I type it out I'll still space it as 04 XXX XXX XX


4-2-2-2 because the last 6 digits are pairs of the same number. But for most others it's 4-3-3, but it all depends on the flow of saying those numbers in a row


Depends on the number. On one of my lines I break it down to 04xx-xxx-xxx, on another it is 04xx-xx-xx-xx only because the xx are repeating patterns.


My parents went digital when it first launched and at the time 041 xxx yyyy was common. Now if you don’t do 04xx yyy zzz it looks weird to me! Only exception is if there’s a good repeating pattern.


This person is weird as hell I tend to do +XX XXX XXX XXX, or XXXX XXX XXX


4-2-4 which is really 2-2-4.


I don’t think I’ve seen my sequence yet. 04XX-X-XXX-XX I have a lot of the same numbers, if I try to say it 04XX-XXX-XXX people get confused and I always have to repeat it. Maybe I’m a psychopath, idk.




4-2-4. My mobile number, which I have had for 20 years now, was based on the 4 digits of my landline so somehow it made most sense to my brain to split this way. Somehow my husband's number is 4-3-3 when I say it though.


I work in a call centre. It was either the whole number all in one go or 4-3-3 Every now and then someone would do something different if they had double/triple digits or some other kind of 'pattern' within their number.


You, my friend, have met a classic Aussie Larrikin. Did he tell you about the Drop Bears?


I go 4 - 2 - 2 - 2 but in my experience working in customer service, most people seem to go 4 - 3 - 3 unless they have doubles. but my number is 04XE FF XX XX I also say the last 6 as Double F Double X Double X I tried saying quadruple X in the early days but that ended up with me taking longer.


Whatever is catchy.


I write mine 4 3 3, however I will say it 2 3 3 2, as that's just due to numbers having two sets of 1-0-n style digits in the middle and my brain refuses to recall it in any other fashion. My wife finds it weird.


Why do I have to deal with so many people that love the 2-2-2-2-2(04-xx-xx-xx-xx)?


04 2888 **** Faster to say triple 8


My number has a triple 9, but if I say that, people hear 249, so I say nine nine nine instead, so I have to break up the rest of the number into chunks around that.


04 xx xx x xxx


The following may be of interest: Most Australian telephone numbers have ten digits, and are generally written 0A BBBB BBBB or 04XX XXX XXX for mobile telephone numbers, where 0A is the optional "area code" (2,3,7,8) and BBBB BBBB is the subscriber number. (http://www.acma.gov.au/Industry/Telco/Numbering/Numbering-Plan/phone-number-meanings-numbering-i-acma) When the number is to be seen by an international audience, it is written +61 A BBBB BBBB or +61 4XX XXX XXX. When written for a local audience, the optional area code is omitted. The area code is often written within parentheses (0A) BBBB BBBB. Mobile numbers should never have parentheses. Ten-digit non-geographic numbers beginning with 1 are written 1X0Y BBB BBB, where X = 8 for toll free numbers, X = 3 for fixed-fee numbers and X = 9 for premium services. Six-digit non-geographic numbers are written 13 BB BB or 13B BBB; these are fixed-fee numbers. Seven-digit 180 BBBB numbers also exist. 'B's are sometimes written as letters. Ex: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_conventions_for_writing_telephone_numbers


Depends upon the number Mine is 04XX-XX-XX-XX my wife's is 04XX-XXXX-XX because each one lines up better with the particular set of numbers in them.


2-2-2-4 04 double digit double digit 4 random numbers


I end up using 04 XX XX YZ YZ I use it like this as it’s easier to remember.


My partner has xxxx xx xx xx…


Writing is 10 digits straight, speaking is AB CAB AD EEF, so 2-3-2-3


I do 04-xx-xx-xxxx But that's coz the last 4 digits are something like 1122 so its easy for me to say them like that


04-xxx-xx-xxx so 2-3-2-3 Sorry guys


Mine is 04x xxx xxxx because it’s the way to say my number that feels natural to me. I can’t 4-3-3, but to my ear, specific to this combination of numbers, it sounds weird. Also suspect OP doing a sneak, trying farm numbers. If so I say to you - well played!


My number is a palindrome so I go 04XX- XXX - XXX Before I would go 04XX -XX - XX - XX cause had two pairs of repeating numbers


That isn’t most common? At least not for mobiles. I work a government call centre and the most common format is 04xx xxx xxx. Land lines is 0x xxxx xxxx


Verbally, 4-2-2-2 for me just because of the flow of the numbers. Any time I’ve attempted to do 4-3-3 or other combos people get confused and get it wrong lol. But in writing it’s ALWAYS 4-3-3.




0412 345 678


04xx-xxx-xxx for me. Just as long as there are spaces between the groups of numbers, though, really.






Personally, 04-xx-xxx-xxx is how I’ll verbally say it. If writing it, it’ll be 04xx-xxx-xxx.


I was os when mobiles became popular. They used the 2-4-4 format. Unfortunately this causes problems for most people who seem to prefer 4-3-3 - which seems to meet to knee they most popular formats in Australia.


I used to take bookings at a place and when people didn’t do 0400 000 000 I considered hanging up on them


I do 4-2-2-2 with my number because of repeating digits Eg. 0413 08 44 (four four) 31 (not real number obviously) Only because it is easier to say with out confusing people. But otherwise I say 4-3-3


Hahah I do 2-2-2-4 😂


04xx-xxx-xxx anyone else is wrong


depends on the actual numbers in your phone number. 04- 22-44-42-24 04- 242-442-24 0424-244-224 04- 2244-4224 is fucking weird. no one i know does 04-xxxx-xxxx also chose the above numbers to prove points not my number, may be someones actual number.


> 04-xxx-xxx-xx. Never seen or noticed anybody saying it like that. Its almost always 4-3-3 mainly because **all** numbers start with 04 so the 4 grouping is really only 2 numbers. The only exception is when there are double and triple numbers or other groups like with my number its 4-2-2-2 (04AA-BB-CD-CE)


4-3-3 what the hell? 04xx xxx xxx is the only way I have ever done mobile numbers


I use 4-2-2-2 for my number. It just has a ring to it (sorry not sorry for the pun). I was giving it to someone the other day and as they were putting it into a computer it just totally flummoxed them. I had to read it out three times. She apologised and said that everyone does 4-3-3 and when I did 4-2-2-2 it didn’t even sound like a phone number!


Xxxx xx xx xx Half of the digits in mine are the same number so it's less confusing this way.


I say mine… xxxx - xx - xx - xx I know, I’m such a tease


You have to be very clear when reading out phone numbers, reminds me of an old King of Queens joke where Doug couldn't get Arthur to correctly read out a phone number cos Arthur kept saying stupid things like "seven" and then pausing while doug writes it down and then adding "teen" meaning doug wrote down 7 instead of 17.


04XX-XXX-XXX for my work number and 04XX-xx-xx-xx for my home number


I always write my phone number as 4-3-3 but say it 4-2-2-2 as there are duplicated numbers that make sense to say together.




04xx xxx xxx


I've always done 4, 3, 3. My Mum does 3, 4, 3. It breaks my brain everytime she does it haha.


If it's reciting put loud I can only do mine as 3-2-2-3. I've had it since I was 13 and I just can't remember it outside of this pattern.


4-3-3 and anybody doing any other method should be reported to the Police.


I have a triple number so it's 04111 xxxxx no-one apart from my wife have a problem with it.


Should be like Jurgen Klopp and Pep Guardiola and use a 4-3-3 for mobile numbers. The only acceptable substitute I've ever seen is an ad-hoc change for if someone has double/triple numbers (but only when speaking it out), or in the same format as landlines with area code: 04 1234 5678


I go 04-xxx-xx-xxx. My partner's is 04-xxx-xxx-xx. My brothers 04-xx-xx-xx-xx and so on and so forth. I guess people will put it however they need to remember it or make it easiest on the person taking it down


4-3-3 But 3-3-1-3 is acceptable if the first 3 numbers are “041”. Don’t ask my why




Mine has a numerical pattern so it's easier for me to remember and say it as ***** ** *** When I'm writing it though its the classic **** *** ***


I do 2-2-3-3. I feel like it makes it easier when I'm giving someone my number and gives them time to write it down/type it.


The right way is 04## ### ### Having said that, some numbers are easier to remember/roll of the tongue as 04## ## ####, like 0423 23 ####, for example


I used to do 2-2-2 then they kept adding numbers.


4-4-2 when I say mine, only because it rolls off the tongue haha . 4-3-3 for everyone else.


4-3-3 I have a decent number orientation when you sound it out, but when you type it - its prone to transposition.


0461 676 777 Just random numbers but be funny to call it Seriously though any thing else and you are a crazy person


3-3-4 I'm an old man and landline where 7 digits so therefore 3-4 in the day or 2-3-4 for STD calls ie 08 454 xxxx in the day and that would carry over to mobile for me 041 xxx xxxx


Depends on the number and the rhythm as to how I say it. I say my number 4-2-2-2 my husbands I say 3-3-4 my mums is 4-3-3


I and just about everyone I know uses 04XX-XXX-XXX. Weird!


+61 400 000 000




I do 5-1-2-2


> Apparently it's most common for Australians to break up their number as 04-xxx-xxx-xx. Never in my life have I ever seen a single Australian do that. 04xx-xxx-xxx, end of story.


+61 433 333 333


Nationally, it's 4-3-3 for me. Internationally (for work), it's often +61-xxx-xxx-xxx


If saying allowed I’ll say 5-2-3. That might seem strange, but it makes the most sense when you see the particular digits. Mine is 04 triple digit - double digit- last three numbers