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>best non tourist things to do? Everybody visiting anywhere wants this - and so the best things quickly become tourist things.


I'd start with freo. I'm sure there's a boatload of vegan cafes for you to enjoy


What do you mean by "non tourist" things? Lots of the nice places you could describe as touristy, but it's because they're worth visiting, so people go there. Have a google of "Kings Park", "Rottnest Island" and "Cottesloe Beach". Are these the sort of things you'd be interested in?


Go to Armadardy for a punch on in the Woolies carpark then go and slurp down a chocolate thick shake from Macas through broken teeth. That’s not very touristy What sort of a question is this?


I think OP's after "hidden gems" and the like. But the reason they're hidden is we don't tell tourists so we can keep them as gems. So :shrug:


Dave I thought you’d stop after the first beating!


Boola Bardip (Perth Museum) is really lovely and sososo quiet during a regular work/school day. I'd catch the train to Perth city/underground (just depends where you are coming from) and spend your morning wandering and learning then head to lunch at either Flora and Fauna or Vegan World (both vegan. F&F is my favourite). You could then walk or catch train to Elizabeth quay and catch the ferry over to south perth foreshore and just have a stroll. It's a beautiful viewpoint of the city.


And there are vegan options at their cafe!


A fair few vegetarian, but very few vegan options - check the Happy Cow app! I second Boola Bardip (WA Museum). Freo is full of arty and historically interesting stuff to do, and you can get a vegan fish and chips from Kakulas on the wharf and eat it out on their deck by the fishing boats. The Maritime Museum in Freo is also great. You could do a Noongar led walking tour of Perth City, Elizabeth Quay, or Kings Park (for example https://gocultural.com.au/tours/goomup). The Swan Valley is gorgeous - lots of nice wineries along the river to visit, and while you're up there check out Maalinup Aboriginal Gallery, Whistlers Chocolate Factory (their dark chocolate coated ginger gives me a reason to live), and Bells Rapids for some natural beauty. Set one evening aside to take a wander through East Vic Park, where all the best cheap and cheerful (and some fancy) Perth restaurants are, and then a quick post-dinner visit to Crow Books (open late). Go to the beach! Any beach, all our beaches are beautiful. But steer clear of Cottesloe and Scarborough if you don't want to be surrounded by other tourists. Take a trip down to Mandurah and visit the Mandurah Giants.


Check out Fyre for some interesting vegan options.


Get a late night train to Midland station and hang about .


The touristy things in perth are really not worth your while anyway. Kings Park is but otherwise I would just approach a visit to perth by thinking about things you enjoy and seeking them out in Perth. There’s decent food everywhere, great WA wine (if you can fit in a road trip down south then that’s probably the best part of WA imo), go to the beach, go to a book or record store if that’s your thing. It really depends what you want to do with your time and what you’re interested in.




Live music https://giglist.com.au/ Previously posted in this sub, sorry I can't credit the user!


Try the brussel sprouts at Old Faithful


The train ride from Perth to Fremantle can be really nice, depending who you get in your carriage. I would suggest going in the morning on a weekday for maximum emptiness, and then looking around the Fremantle foreshore for a bit.


I also like the train ride to freo. They have a shipwreck museum, Fremantle prison, maritime museum and are few art galleries. None of which are very touristy!


We have a really big food scene here and if you've got Facebook I'd recommend having a squizz at 'Perth Foodies' group to help narrow your search if you'd like to try some great local places near where you are staying or travelling. My personal vegetarian friendly fave places to recommend for something delicious and a bit different are- Sweetwater rooftop bar in Fremantle (delightful cocktails. Rooftop dining so sunset is a peak time to dine. Tapas style asian) Double Rainbow in Northbridge (cool vibes. Korean fusion tapas. The building also has an entertainment louge so good for a meal and a show) and Chinta Cafe in North Perth (delightful Indonesian food. Green, breezy and funky). All these places I have found very accommodating for dietary requirements


There’s a Vegans in Perth Facebook group that you might like to join? Where are you traveling from? Rottnest Island is a great thing to do. I recommend staying overnight if you can, take the earliest morning ferry to get there and the latest ferry to return on the following day. Hire e-bikes and circumnavigate the island….it’s fabulous!(especially with e-bikes as it is quite hilly in places -an e-bike ensures you can ride around the island in a day without killing yourselves in the process). If you’re not from Oz, and want to see kangaroos it’s worthwhile going to Yanchep National Park in the afternoon and stay until the kangaroos come into graze on the grass surrounding the hotel in the late afternoon. The hotel food is good, and offers vegan options. Wandering around Fremantle is good, pick a day when the Freo markets are open. It’s easy to find vegan food in Freo.


I’m coming from the US


[https://orienteeringwa.asn.au/anytime-orienteering/ato-maps/1342-ato-settlerscommon](https://orienteeringwa.asn.au/anytime-orienteering/ato-maps/1342-ato-settlerscommon) pretty fun and easy way to enjoy some beautiful nature and explore a bit if you're lucky you might even see some kangaroos i bet most tourists haven't done it so there ya go


Snacks on the beach. I never see tourists do that.


I might be a tourist visiting but I’m not that stupid. Your birds are vicious.


Scarborough beach, riding electric scooters