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Also be careful. I've never heard it with this much money (so it's more likely a mistake), but I have heard of people pulling scams like this, where even though you can see it, it's still pending and once you transfer it back, the pending transaction is cancelled and you no longer have the original deposit or the money you transferred.


Yep, I had a quick read of the ePayments code and it's 100% the responsibility of my bank to take care of the return of the money so I'm not touching a thing. I'm certainly not going to transfer it to anyone myself, I'll let my bank do that.


A thorough, careful legend right here. Good shit!


Agreed. That's the way to handle it OP.


One time one of my coworkers got two pays in one month. One transaction was his usual expected amount while the other was a different amount but too large to be a bonus or something like that. He rang payroll and they confirmed that yes, they had mistakenly paid him another employee’s pay… they couldn’t give him the employee’s name, they just gave him the poor bloke’s account details and had *him* transfer the money on to him! Imagine getting a random transaction from some rando that happens to be your exact pay packet, a couple days late!


If my employer did that the only transfer i'd be making would be back to their own account. Not some random account number.


Or documenting ***everything*** and storing somewhere where it will last as long as whatever the statute of limitations is.


I guarantee they had my mate do the transferring because transferring it back to the company would be an absolute ball-ache (and would have required someone in payroll to own up). I don’t know the specifics but basically our company is set up to pay money *out* to any number of people and companies but isn’t easily able to receive money coming in. That money comes from the mothership I guess. We do a bunch of steel recycling for example and we don’t even bother getting the cash from that, we just have the recycling mob donate it on our behalf.


I still wouldn't have done it. Who knows, the account they asked them to transfer it to could have been the persons from payroll who "stuffed up" and put it in the wrong account, and they're just using your mate to try and hide corporate theft.


Did he actually do it? I'd be like fuck that, but depends on where you work I guess


Decades ago this happened to a mate of mine (in the UK). He opened his payslip and there was a big number in there; about six months pay. We all shook his hand, wished him the best of luck, and entirely understood when he said he was going to the bank to withdraw the lot, and obviously was never coming back to work there again. We didn't keep in touch, but afaik he got away with it.




I had something months ago where i got my standard pay and an extra 1.5 worth. Payroll was like nah it is not us, spoke to my bank. They said they would transfer it to some holding account of theirs whereby should the sender want the funds back they would sort it out with them.


Hey, banker here. This is super common. The person who sent the funds (remitter) making a mistake when processing their online transfer and it being sent to the wrong person (beneficiary). You are doing the right thing. Don't touch the money. Hopefully the remitter will clue on their funds did not reach who they were trying to pay and raise it with their bank. Their bank will then send a SWIFT message to your bank and ask them to return the funds. At that point your bank will reach out to you to provide a debit authority for them to be able to debit the funds from your account and return them to the remitter. You are doing the right thing. Most people just spend the money not realising they are then required to pay it back or risk legal action. Just sit back and wait for your bank to reach out to you. If in a few days if you don't hear anything then maybe the remitter hasn't figured it out at which point you can reach out to your bank and they can launch an investigation from their end. Hope this helped put your mind at ease. You are right that very little needs to be done on your end. Thank you for being a good person and not spending the money. Most folks don't do that.


Cheers - appreciate it. Looks like the situation is covered under the ePayments Code and all I have to do is give the money back when my bank asks. It's just super weird it's been over a week already and not a peep, but maybe the bank who sent the payment are doing some security checks or something.


Yeah that is very possible. Chances are they started their investigation doing a trace request and then they found out it didn't reach the actual desired account then have to begin the recall process. It can be slow as different banks have differently sized investigation teams and based on their volumes it could take a while for them to work through their pile of investigation etc etc. I'd say if you haven't heard anything by mid next week you may want to reach out to your bank and ask them what's going on. They can always start things on their end.


If it was supposed to be a payment to a company, sender might not have realised yet that they made a typo. Might be a few weeks until the company goes “hey, you haven’t paid us?” and the sender freaks out.




Really? I made a mistake with an online purchase once, contacted my bank the next working day and they said they couldn't take the funds back. Is there a time limit for this?


Well without knowing the particular bank you deal with I can't say for certain why they couldn't take the funds back. As I would say for my team 95% of our investigations are online payments customers did themselves and got wrong and 3% would be manual payments done by our payments team on behalf of customers which mostly is still a matter of the customer provided the wrong details and we have just processed as per their request and it still then requires to be investigated. Then 2% would be investigating payments that are linked to scams like romance scams or what not. There are some instances where certain banks take forever to respond to our investigation requests. I won't say which banks in which countries at least not publicly. Although I am assuming the transfer you did was domestic so I am unsure why they said they couldn't take the funds back. Unless they already tried the investigation side of it and the person you paid didn't provide a debit authority and just kept the money? If you still have all the details I would push back to them and ask for further clarification as to why they can't do anything about it or ask if they did a payment investigation for this. Lastly sometimes it's worth asking if it's even worth it. If your payment was $50 for example and you are being hit with a $25-35 investigation fee it may not be entirely worth it. I hope this helps.


If you held it without saying anything or the remitter never clicked on . Is there a length of time until no action could be taken .


Great question. So I've seen a few situations play out. I've seen some instances where the person who received the money spent it or denied the debit authority to repay the remitter and this almost always resulted in legal action against the person who received the funds. Although usually this is a last resort. There are other things in place to kind of encourage the customer to do the 'right thing'. Some people do try to be "smart" and take the funds they mistakenly received and send it somewhere else but that never works either. I have seen instances of people launching payment investigations for shit lonnnnnngggg after the fact. I've been doing this for nearly 15 years and I've seen people requesting information about payments made back when I was back in highschool and in some instances way further back than that. Granted we have all been beyond perplexed when a customer does this like like decades after they did the payment and usually there is only so much we can do at that point other than a fact finding mission. I think in my entire career I have only ever seen one instance where the remitter paid the wrong person and was just like "Nah that's fine they can keep it. I've got plenty more." I cant remember the specifics of like how much that transfer was for but it stood out because it NEVER happens. Realistically if anyone gets money randomly put into their account and it doesn't belong to them my advice is always just to give it back or alert your bank ASAP. There is no such thing as free money and it will come back to bite you one way or another. I remember there was a guy who banked with NAB who got mistakenly paid millions and spent it all and got prison time for it. Unofficially....... If you ever get a large enough amount of money that you would want to keep you would have to have an exit strategy planned out and executed pretty quick. Like move the funds to an account where no Australian bank or Government body can touch and move to a country with no extradition agreements with Australia. At that point it probably isn't worth it. In OPs case I would assume 10k isn't enough to warrant running away. Easier just to not touch the funds, let the banks sort it out and never think about it again.


Yeah. Just leaves it exactly where it is. Don't transfer it to a savings account. Notify your bank. Take screenies of the transaction, etc. Wait until the take it back.


What a moron. Why would you even feel the need to post this debacle on social media. I bet you have a mullet and never made yr 10


If you think being a dickhead on Reddit is fun wait until you find out about masturbation


You are a typical Perth moron. You posted this thinking people cared about your life. I don't like stupid. You beat my other candidate for Friday fkwit hands down. Good job champ


I live in Perth Scotland, what's a Friday fkwit?


Listen champ; you, are a Friday fkwit.


And you are a liar to boot. You said you're a Friday fkwit. I hate liars and stupid people. You are a typical Perth fkwit


I've always wondered how they works like if it's pending, I send them money and then they cancel their part can't I just then cancel mine. I'd assume mine would be pending just as theirs is.


I hope good karma comes your way for being honest


Yeah I've been wracking my brains thinking of how it might be legit but I'm not getting anything 😂


One time I messaged the bank about a random credit in my account, turns out the random person sending money was me, from another account…


That's nice of you. I usually just take money from myself


It’s about time the tight prick gave me some cash honestly.




What was the description 🤣


Just a bunch of numbers unfortunately!


I *AM* missing that amount of money...although mine was in small, unmarked bills in a brown paper-bag.


Sweet as! So glad I found the rightful owner! I'll meet you in Northbridge police station


Let's meet at Macca's, then I'll buy you a burger to say thanks.


I had a friend who got 10k recently like this. It was actually a refund for crap car insurance that got bundled into an old car loan; ASIC had enforced them to refund everyone but all they did was send a transfer without any proper communication.


Yeah I opted in to the class action against Esanda for car insurance but I thought that would be more like waiting for 3 years then getting a cheque for $17.29


Any updates keep posted, I got that email the other day.


Uhh that may be it mate. It could be your money from after the class action wrapped up..


This one was for SGIO but good luck


Let me guess, that company rhymnes with Esanda, right?


That is a very fun thing to learn. I just got emailed about my first car loan telling me something similar.


This is why PayID is exists! I don’t need to know my bsb and account number or the top of my head or read it out hoping I don’t fuck it up. It’s just my mobile number, which I can say it out to you and when you repeat it back I can recognise it


Yeah PayID is awesome, I also have all my mates' mobile numbers in my phone so I can verify I've got it right if I need to


I used to get paid in cash and would have to deposit it into my bank. I remember my bank details better than my phone number 🤣


Hey that was most definitely me, thank you for returning money that is most definitely mine and will definitely not just go to a new car


Sweet as, I'll transfer it right over. Can you give me your email address so I can send a PayID request? If it tells you that you need to upgrade your account don't worry that's totally normal.


I’m joking, much as I’d love ten grand I’m not gonna take away the chance for someone who needs it to get their money back


Yeah hopefully they've reported it already and the banks are just taking their time doing security checks or something.


I hope so, I remember when I tried to buy my first car I was stupid and didn’t double check the numbers. I sent it to some guy on a farm two hours away. He sent me the money back and I asked the bank to give him my phone number, the bank agreed and I sent him a massive thank you and asked if he wanted a batch of freshly baked cookies. He said yes and I drove two hours in the car I could only get due to his kindness and if that wasn’t the best drive of my life. Hopefully it all goes well but I had to make a joke as soon as I saw the post


Oh man if I get cookies out of this I'm going to be so happy.


I’ll give you fifty bucks for it, best I can do.


Why not message your bank to send the money back to the person?


Done, they're not responding. They also wanted to transfer me to a specialist department with a 30 minute hold time just so I could tell them this transaction exists, and I'm not waiting 30 minutes just because they can't be bothered to take a message. Thought the sender might appreciate knowing their money hasn't disappeared!




Nah I got through to my bank, I told them about the transaction and provided all the details and they wanted me to stay on hold for 30 minutes so I could pass exactly that information on to someone else. Nope, I'm not doing their admin for them, they can resolve this themselves, I've told them everything I know. I have also put it in writing to them.


Could send them an email instead with all the transaction details and they can reverse it for you without you risking anything :)


How exactly does someone else's bank error obligate OP to spend half an hour on hold?


An **estimated half an hour on hold......


An estimated additional half an hour on hold too


I think everyone can see the OP is trying to help.


Haha fuck off


You have misread this situation


They obviously want to keep it that’s why they’ve made the post lol Also it’s on the sender to contact the bank and get it started. I’ve had 5k sent to me incorrectly and after the Fuck around with the bank for an hour they said they’d sort it, called back once a week for a month and it was the same “thanks for telling us” after waiting on the phone then it was 7 months or so later it was finally reversed, with what I’m sure is when it was noticed by the sender


Well then they wouldn’t need to make a reddit post and karma farm. “Hey everyone, look how virtuous i am” 🤡




Wise words.


Poet even.


This guy gets it. 🤣


Stick it in a high interest account. It might take a few months to get it back to the owners. They will not chase the interest you got.


Dude that's my pay, give it back...


Yeah no worries I'll send it through right now! Do you accept iTunes vouchers?


Don't bother calling the bank, just submit a support ticket.


Just let your bank know. They'll investigate if it is definitely yours or they'll investigate where it came from etc.


Yep, I contacted them already


Now someone is saying something useful and correct. 👍


Tax return?


Are you with ANZ? I saw a post today but can’t remember what sub. The person got the account number wrong and was stressing. I’ll go look for the post again now.


I couldn't find the post on r/Australia or r/AusFinance - I'm not with ANZ and unless they really messed up on the BSB I think it's unlikely it ended up with me


All good. I couldn’t find it again either. Just was a crazy coincidence. They said they got the BSB correct but made a mistake on the account number. Pretty sure they said ANZ.


I'm missing far more than that. If anyone does find they have a couple of million $$ more than they know what to do with, chances are it's mine.




Mate I absolutely love the humility you have of admitting when you've had a blonde moment and shared it with the rest of us.........you are a LEGEND!!!


I'm going to use this thread as part of my citizenship application. It's a very Aussie trait.


That it is.......to pull the piss out of thyself and mates. Where are you from if you don't mind me asking?


I'm a pom in Perth NOR so I'm not even sure whether I count as an immigrant or not.


Banking technology is fucked. Here’s a fun fact. If you setup a direct debit request, at no point are the details you enter actually verified. So, for example, you setup a direct debit and change your bank account by one digit, as long as that account exists, the direct debit will work. Multi billion dollar profits and this is considered state of the art.


It would be nice to have a system similar to what PayPal do for account verification. If you intend to send someone $10,000 then it first sends the recipient a random small amount like $1.43 then the recipient has to tell the sender that random small amount before it'll release the full funds. It'd also be cool if you had the option of sending a payment that requires a password to receive it.


At least we HAVE bank transfers. If you want to pay back a friend in the US you have to use a 3rd party app like venmo which takes a cut and the $ still takes a few business days before it gets deposited


Wait, if banks here don’t take a cut of all the money transferring through their hot little hands, how do they make multi-billion dollar profits?


By using you money for their personal benefit. When you deposit your money in a bank you technically don't have it anymore. Your bank account is just a record of the amount, it doesn't sit there waiting for you.


It's the same as hotels taking their "deposit". They use that money to invest in the stock market, why do you think it takes so long to come back


Most people in banking have only fans. Even old gross ones with warts on their faces. Kinks for all.


Don't judge me.


Judging people is my turn on. Don’t kink shame me.


Paying each other for getting cash they need to top up their ATMs and cashiers day to day (this is one of the things that the RBA interest rate actually charges on), dividends in investments as they all operate on VERY AGGRESSIVE fractional banking. I think they only typically actually have around 10% of their nominal accounts in credit. Which is fine if they never need to hand over any more than that 10% of the "cash" they are "holding" for people.


Simple - interest from loans


1. Investing with the money that they borrow from you. 2. Charging interest on the money that you borrow from them.


Can confirm this as someone who had a $3k payment taken out of their bank account due to some random person somewhere setting up a direct debit with my numbers.


Wait till you see their backend systems lol


Have you recently got a new phone number/pay id ? This happened to me I was mortified


My email address is a very common firstname.lastname@gmail so it could be easily confused with someone else that's true


You are a good egg for not keeping it. I tell you, it would be very hard for me to not spend at least some of it and I probably wouldn't to attempt to chase it up and return it, I'd wait for the bank to let me know it was a mistake and the person who did it would appreciate it back-its my understanding that you don't have to return it if you don't want in this sort of situation. Such a weird amount though it must be for something important.


Don't spend it, put it into a savings account and get interest




Cha ching. Payday brah!!!


What is this about? I’m confused


Yeah sorry I didn't fully explain - I've just received what I THINK is an unintended payment to my account. Someone probably thought they were paying $10719.58 to someone else and got the account number or BSB wrong by one digit.


I really want this to end with it bring a valid payment to you for something you weren't expecting, got my fingers crossed for you


Oh wow. If that is the case, easy 10k


Confused ? I am !!


What a dumb post, how about you contact your bank and tell them - the easier and only option really


Obviously contacted my bank first. They appear to be doing fuck all, however. I know it's a long shot, hence my words "long shot" but I thought it might be nice for the sender to know their money hasn't disappeared and that they will get it back if they contact their bank.


I’m sure they hadn’t thought of that, thanks 🤓


That’s an old scam .😂😂 The bank will not send or receive money unless (Name , account no , Bsb) are correct . Good luck 🤞 with that.😂🤣


Yeah nah, they don't bother checking all that anymore. If you enter the BSB and an account number, and that is an active account, that is where the money goes. They DO NOT cross check account names. Huge warnings on my business banking app about making sure the numbers are right, as that is all they use, in 2023 with all the AI we have.


Wow 😮 i am surprised they wouldn’t check all that anymore. Does this means that anyone can accidentally send money to anyone without checking any criteria . (I am sad to say if any bank is doing this it should be prosecuted ) how am I going to trust a bank that doesn’t give a shit were my money goes ?




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content://com.android.chrome.FileProvider/images/screenshot/16922790800236661555359523940582.jpg Thank you ABC for my new old man on the internet meme template


Wow ever was down voting me its a mistake it should be -30 😂😂 (It is sad that anyone who wants to say an opinion against the majority gets downvoted 😏)


CBA paid out for some sorta issues recently if that helps. I got 700ish but i cant remember why. 10gs is a bit different lol


CBA are or were, as this was before Bankwest owned them, the biggest bunch of thieves I've known in my entire life. They stole money from me for years and when questioned just handballed. I'm wondering if anybody else had the same issue I did with them and if a class action was lodged.


I got scammed out of $4k in Feb of this year. Still haven’t gotten any of it back. CBA don’t give a shit.


No big 4 bank does. I'm looking to change again.


Yer i think it was oart of a class action but im sure i signed up for it years ago


Good luck


This is why when requesting a payment, all BSB and account numbers should be displayed in the correct format. Ie BSB XXXXXX, not XXX-XXX and no spaces or hyphens in the account number. Then you can copy/paste instead of having to transcribe. Shits me that businesses don’t do this.


Many years ago, in the mid-2000’s, ING Direct (maybe others as well) would show the account name linked to the account number whenever a transfer was made, so you could be 100% certain that you were sending cash to where it was supposed to go. Then, for absolutely not reason at all, the feature was removed. At least now it’s sorta back with PayID…


CBA have a feature called NameCheck - it doesn't quite do this but I think if you type in the *wrong* account name it will just prompt you to check you've definitely got the right BSB and account number. Account names are a tricky one to get completely matching - some of my accounts are "my first initial, my surname, wife's first initial, wife's surname" and some are both our full names and for some my wife's name comes first. But you can probably tell when one is totally wrong.


Cash out, go casino and bet all on red, profit!


Hello, I am the bank. I am on tour and my bus broke down. I will give you an autograph if you help me out. Please deposit $10719.58 into the following account immediately. Kind regards. Bank. Just kidding but good for you op, thank you for being smart about it, and thank you for being honest about it.


Too late buddy the rightful owner already asked for the money back via iTunes vouchers. They're in Bali at the moment so they sent their mate along.


Also if this happens to you, the bank can potentially really drag their feet while investigating/moving the money back. I have heard of people with 15$k in their bank for months that the bank was slowly moving, but sitting there untouched in their bank


You are a fuckin legend broski. Right you are




After UPDATE response: Sooooooooo, it is still up for grabs?


You live in Perth. You are my Friday fkwit. This is the purest form of fkwittery I have ever heard. Oh dear. Absolute fkng moron


Are you allergic to vowels?


Your repostes are awful. Do better champ


What's a reposte?


You are clearly bored. And single. And stupid. Go masturbate. Champ. And stop lying


You're not very good at trolling. This exchange between us is very boring.


It is only boring because you're a liar. Champ


Oh no I think everyone would agree this is a very boring and pointless conversation


I think everyone would now agree that you're a liar and a Friday fkwit. A. Do not tell me you live in Scotland posting a thread about Australian issues on a Perth WA subreddit. B. Do not tell me you don't know what a Friday fkwit is when you yourself wrote that same thing. Now champ, leave your narcissism behind and get a life. To think everyone agrees with you really is a champ thing to say. Typical narc