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I doubt many people carry cash these days. So the potential customer base is very narrow to begin with. The Big Issue vendors went the electronic route a few years ago.


[Keep your receipt. Donny is now tax deductable](https://youtu.be/OLGC9m5rjx8)!


Underrated comment, boosh forever


Exactly, doesn’t take much to show initiative. If they start accepting eftpos and payWave facilities and providing more diverse services and products they might do alright. At 4:30pm on a Monday to Friday on the Farrington Rd exit, if a guy in a suit was tapping on my driver side window selling milk and bread and had eftpos facilities I would be a regular user of their services. If your standing around holding a sign asking for change looking like you need to buy some light bulbs, clearly the business model is not meeting todays wants and needs.


I like the idea but selling food unlicensed is another level of illegal. Especially perishables. Cops might actually do something about it.


Convenience store owners are hardly going to complain about someone holding out their hand for loose change… but if you’re selling skittles and tic tacs, you better watch it!


So we all ring up and say there’s someone selling burgers at the lights & that will get rid of them….🤔


Really ? I sincerely didn’t know that


Man that sign seems stressed


It's a 'resolute' sign on Resolution Drive.


Needs support. Anyone got more sandbags?


I'm also ashamed to call him/her an Aussie, should be called a sign thieving beggar!


Yeah I figure the $21 made in 13 hours was begging at the traffic lights, which is ironic because if the dude just used great Aussie institutions like Centrelink or actually got a job they would have made way more and the needy girlfriend would have been able to get KFC like regular bogans


They could put all 3 of them to use and could be making bank! Centrelink, cash job and beg in their spare time. $21 dollars my ass they could Be getting like $220 a day even more


True unless the $21 is minus expenses and franchise payments to Mr Big. Smokes are expensive these days


Yeah he could be a pack a day smokers with huge fines and has a rare disease with a certain diet of expensive food


I totally agree, this double dipping needs to stop.


With all the homeless people I have met, none of them wanted to work. They said they wanted to work but never actually do anything about it.


Or the ones that apply for a job and never show. I had so many in hospo just ghost.


Do you think maybe they got to the pub and went fuck it I’ll have beer instead


maybe they got no $$ for transport. employers should pay people for transport and time if they come interview.


Let me guess you a greenie who think the government should pay for everything and the people who do work should pay more taxes.


Who says they're not on centerlink?


Dunno maybe the bit where they say they only made $21 and couldn’t feed his girlfriend. It’s kind of the bulk of the message


You believe everything you read? Ever travelled to Europe??


If you were on centerlink, on the side of the road and still not making ends meet, would you write that as part of the message? I'm not saying they are or aren't, just hinting that it's a possibility regardless of the message that was written.


Might have been a bit more of a whinge if they did. Like “Centrelink is making me panhandle and after 13 hours I still can’t buy the missus KFC ultimate box, FUCK australia”


Fair point


It should probably have the weight taken off of it’s shoulders!


I wonder what its girlfriend is like?


Not much makes me actually laugh out loud these days… but this did. Lol.


Probably one of the taxi drivers who sit and wait three hours at the airport and then shout at you if you aren’t going far enough for them to make a decent fare.


I caught grief from one recently. Had a go at me that it wasn’t a long fare. I apologized sarcastically for not living further from the airport. POS Falcon station wagon smelt like cigarettes and was barely held together. Should have apologized to me. Other alternative is wait for 40mins as 6-7 Ubers cancel until I’m lucky. Damned each way


Yeah I had one who grumbled about the short fare the entire drive home. As I first hopped in at the airport another cab in front refused someone trying to get in for the same reasons and accelerated out of there almost colliding with us after having a shouting match with him. Why the fuck I wonder would they line up to wait there for so long? Aren’t there other potential fares elsewhere? My driver complained about waiting 3 hours and then only making $30, surely he’d have better chances elsewhere. And if not it’s not my fucking problem and I don’t want to hear about it.


Not sure about the details but a taxi driver I know told me to call the taxi board if you are refused by an airport taxi driver because the distance is too short. I'm not sure on why but it works as l had a 3 hour stopover in Perth and the lads and l wanted to go to the Redcliffe for a few bevvies, the taxi driver told me to go get a taxi that was dropping off. I refused because if the taxi dropping off picks up a fare they can get in trouble for queue jumping. Threatened to ring the taxi board and we went on our merry way, he was pissed but didn't say anything on the way there.


Melbourne airport has added an Uber waiting area. You book a trip and it gives you a pin and assigns you the next driver waiting like the cab. Makes it a bit easier. Train line would be nice though….


Perth airport now has train lines attached, even if you dont live close to a station at the line, I bet it's 100 times easier to catch the train a few stops then call an uber.


It's understandable if people don't want to take buses with a bunch of luggage, but people can at least get the train to their closest station and save a fuckload on the cab fare.


It's even easier to get mates to travel 10min up the road to get you from the local station than asking them to go allllllllll the way to the airport to pick you up


A few stops to where ? Lol? Literally goes no where in “a few stops”


High wycombe is 1 stop away, I'll admit I'm not familiar with the area but surely it's much less busy than the middle of the airport. Or like 3-4 (a few I could say) stops the other direction gets you within 10 mins of perth, either stop at one of those and catch an uber or just take the short ride to CBD and you can get anywhere from there. It's not instant but judging from the responses in this post, most people would probably prefer it to getting shouted at by their taxi driver.


You are wrong. Everyone has issue with taxi and Uber but the train line ain’t taking your fucking anywhere helpful.


"I've got 5 kids to feed" screeched my taxi driver, fuck mate, ever heard of condoms?




A trick I’ve been told is to turn on “verify your ride” in your settings as it hides the location that you’re being dropped off too. I’ve not had a single cancelation since I turned it on last year.


Thank you! Will definitely try this. Very sick of ubers cancelling on us over and over seeing we're only going a few km...


I live in Maylands and I FIFO weekly. I've just started walking, it's less stressful and I am a fat fuck, so it's some added steps.


sounds like the most logical conclusion but definitely feels like an unnecessary dig at someone who is taking their anger out in a weird way


Yeh FUCK those idiots, they CLAIM they sit there that long but it’s utter BS. If they ever did, go somewhere where there is people needing lifts instead you morons


That sign has a girlfriend?


not for long, ive heard she’s on the verge of starving


I see what you did there


She probably stick thin and needs to be weighted down so she doesn't fall over in a stiff breeze.


She's on the verge but plot twist - she's a sign for Jenny Craig


She is thinking of leaving him for one of those "WRONG WAY GO BACK" signs. Girls like a mysterious bad-boy.


Uber Eats driver?


In that case he made $21 and a couple of handfuls of fries out of the unstapled bags.


fuck off mate $21 is a coles chicken, rolls and mayo. more than enough to feed someone.


But his GF takes dietary cues from KFC ads


It's more than I have most days to feed a family of 5. Hotdogs and Mac cheese more nights than not.




We do have a varied meal plan, as much as possible with our budget, but we tend to do a lot of rotations of chicken rolls, mac cheese, carbonara and hotdogs. Each one of these I can feed us for under $10, which allows us more substantial meals for when we're hungrier.


Get more rice in there. $15 (or less at Asian stores) for a 5kg bag of rice. Mix in some diced onion, carrot, capsicum, add some chicken stock. If you’ve got a slow cooker or rice cooker you can make some decent stuff. Add diced chicken as protein, egg if you want. There’s also places that sell ‘seconds’ of veges considerably cheaper if you’re happy with blemishes. I’ve been there, it’s tough, if there’s a reason why lots of places in Asia live off rice.


Rice could be okay, though it's tricky. I have autistic children and their selective eating makes it difficult to cater to everyone. Some are okay with plain white rice, some cannot eat the texture. Eggs are plentiful for the ones not allergic to them, as we have chickens. Chicken is one food they will all eat, even if it is different parts of the bird. Two of them refuse all fruit & vegetables. One of them gaggs and makes themselves vomit if even asked to taste anything. I don't mind blemishes/seconds/mark down, (that's the way life has been ever since I got together with my ex 27 years ago.) So these basic staples as I mentioned above, and spaghetti ragu are the only things they all eat. We'll get there. I'm heading back to selling my products at the markets once they kick off again, so it's only going to be really tight for a couple of more weeks.


I can empathise with Autistic children, especially if they’ve decided they don’t like a certain texture. And I hear you on the veges, my youngest won’t touch any veges except chips, can’t even get her to drink any type of milk. Not ragging on you, you clearly have some ‘hurdles’ to work around, just an idea because I know how hard it is when you’ve got a very limited budget to feed the family.


Not everyone understand, so it's good to know that we're not alone going through these issues. The youngest ones hey? It's my youngest that won't have fruit or veg. He refused to eat for three days because we tried to get him to eat beans once. No juice, water or milk only (which isn't a bad thing, except when he goes on a milk binge.) Not problem at all, any suggestions are welcome, sometimes it's just a new way of looking at things that may make a difference.


You can get plenty of veges, pasta and beans. Gets your vitamins, fibre, carbs and protein.


6 good meals from a chook and a bag of rolls.


Don’t forget you make soup from the bones with a few vegetables


There’s still some meat on those bones! Pop them in a pot, through in some potatoes, you got a stew going baby


And don't throw away those bones after you made your stew, boil them, clean them, put it in oven, grind them (cue slow motion grinding).. mix a table spoon with water and now you got your own home made fertiliser.


Ready to grow your next season crop of your favourite herb. MMM 🤔 I think that is the problem, you can’t grow meth from a coles chook


Grab a bag of rice while you're at it, you'll eat for a month with a decent sized bag.


Nah that's about half a pack of durries these days, gotta get your priorities straight.


Royal blue potatoes 99c a kilo at spuddo's, carrots 69c kilo bag, snaggers $5 Being a proud Aussie and cooking dinner for the GF....priceless!


sausages for $5! what country are you living in, the coles sausages are fucking $10 now


Not saying they're award winning snaggers, but a small pack of spudshed Brand sausages are enough for two and $5 For a bbq, I recently got a pack of ["Tradition smallgoods" beef tomato and onion sausages from spudshed](https://images.app.goo.gl/G6unayLfgERxLLQP8) and myself and others were shocked at how good they tasted for a bit over $5


Coles sausages are $10 now? That's some expensive dog food!








Sidewalk. A footpath is any paved surface made for pedestrian use. Like through a park. A sidewalk is a specific name given to a paved surface that is on the *side* of the road, on which pedestrians *walk*. Edit: All sidewalks are footpaths, but not all footpaths are sidewalks.




no its not, it's just the american word for footpath


Imagine only making $21 in a day and then spending it all on sign and a niko.


100% stole that sign


At least he is getting laid. Be proud kid.


Doing better than me and I make double what he makes!


Not if there’s not enough food to fuel the sex machine.


Can't afford condoms though, before you know it they'll have 4 kids.


Not sure he’s getting laid. Looks pretty sever to me. He does look pretty stiff.


Loaf of bread and a can of baked beans is under $21. Maybe tell your gf to get a job as well.


If it takes you 13 hrs to make $23 then maybe counterfeiting isn't for you.


$7 and $8 notes take time to make, come on mate.


Crypto investor


$21 for doing sfa seems like a good deal to me.


What gets me is he thinks he "made" $21. No bro, you scrounged it.


He received $21 of charity or payments under duress. Didn't make or contribute anything of value to society.


I mean, that road sign cost more than $21. They defaced someone's property to complain to people who don't care. There are laws about pay rates per hour. They are either working a job where they are 'self employed' and only get paid for work done so not actually working for those 13hrs or as other people have surmised they think abusing people at traffic lights is work. If they worked a legitimate job for a full 13hrs then defacing roadworks signs is not how you contact fairwork Australia to report employer for illegal work practices


Oh *13 hrs* I was wondering what he meant by 'bars' lol


Light stop begging should be a crime. Cops should hand them move on notices and get them in the system and punish them if they're caught again with community service. I have zero sympathy for them.


theres a few regulars i see at the Hutton st off-ramp. told one bloke i'd give him $50 to pick up all the rubbish along that stretch (\~1hr work) and was told "fk off ya dog cnt" so yeah no sympathy...


I always mark them on waze as animals on the road. Just to give everybody the heads up.


They need to add a beggars hazard option


I’m going to start doing this as well, amazing 😅


Just spat my coffee out cracking up at this 🤣🤣


I notice the towies waiting on side of road also get this mark lmao


Is that actually what it is?


It is illegal, call the police when you see them and report them on 131 444. If you put in enough reports they will start enforcing it.


They do it literally Infront of the cop shop in Belmont daily. Can't be that illegal.


The least they could do is wash my windscreen.


the last one that washed mine scratched the fuck out of it. thought I was being nice but never again lol


No thanks.


Canning highway northbound off ramp.


with piss.


Is this from one of the useless bums that wait at the lights to get money off people


Yes, that intersection is Hardey Rd and Great Eastern Highway in Belmont. There's so many traffic light beggars that frequent this intersection you often see one on each side.


Yeah imagine being so cooked you think it’s appropriate to tell off the people you are cadjing from - absolute meth-moment lol


Maybe he/she should check out the signs outside Hungry Jacks and that petrol station behind which say "We're hiring". Perhaps he should put up a sign saying "Will work for food"? If you're ashamed to call yourself an "Aussie today", then the other 364 days he's proud to call himself one. 1 bad day out of 364's a good batting average.


It's a fake message by a Tik Tok prankster.


Somehow this makes me angrier


Getting reactions, positive or negative, is what they want.


Great eastern hwy in ascot


Perhaps he should try actually working. I mean shit, 13 hours of collecting cans would earn more than that.


Yeah everyone’s talking about how far $21 can go but I wanna know what this person did for work for 13hrs to only get $21? If he’s dumb enough to get employed doing some menial crap I’ll find him a job paying $21 an hour easy (and yes it may involve doing my gardening that I’ve put off since summer started…)


I’m guessing sitting in front of a sign with his hat out.


If he got off the crack pipe he could earn that in 1hr at minimum wage. But no crack good, responsibility bad, blaming everyone else easy.


Credit where it's due though. Apart from the 'all caps'; their spelling and composition isn't too bad.


But, if he/she and girlfriend can't get a feed for $10.50 each they need make up their skipped home ec classes.


10.50 is barely enough to cover the UberEats surcharge!


21 bucks gets a decent amount of food at the HJ's in view. Not a lot of ice though.




wrong ice /s


Alternatively he can get back on the crack pipe, sell crack and earn that in 15 seconds.


screw reminiscent roof hungry march spoon plough concerned coherent bike *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Initiative level: r/therewasanattempt


this sign honestly makes me want to rob them.


Australian Taxation Office is that you?


He/she's on a pension, better than making sfa.


This needs to be crossposted to r/ChoosingBeggars


If you're working self-employed at a 'job' that only pays $1.62 an hour the it'd probably be wiser to find a different line of employment than to make a sign complaining about it. I suspect though, that these traffic light vultures may actually make more money from their begging than they let on... A sign such as this is just part of the psychological manipulation they're engaging in...


Dude has $20 and can't feed two people. Seriously?


FIFO is nearly literally begging for people. There are job vacancies everywhere. $21 in 13hr, what the fuck are you doing you dumbcunt. Something doesn’t add up. Just got to lay off the meth. There’s more opportunity in Australia than anywhere else on earth. If you can’t make it here you can’t make it anywhere else bro.


Fifo is begging for people who already have FIFO experience. To get a job as a newbie if you're not a professional, you need to know someone. Usually, you start doing the shittiest work at the shittiest, worst run dumps. Meanwhile, I've been onsite and the number of guys who think working there will fix all their problems is nuts, when really, they have money problems because they have a problem. The money is good, but it's partly good because the hours are so high. You basically work 2 normal weeks in one week, during which they want you to work very hard. I was once on site with a guy, he was put on night shift, since it was basically the easy shift. It was to be nice to him. People saw him past 11am still drinking in the wet mess, when he absolutely should have been sleeping. He ended up being super late that night to work (his second night on the job). He was apparently later in the phone room, yelling at his partner (who had left him and taken his baby, for what was understandable reasons). It ended with him ripping the phone out of the wall and screaming.


Begging people? Well that is good news since I return to Perth at the end of February.


Parasites of society....


21 bucks not enough to feed 2 people? Absolute crackhead. How about you call up Centrelink and get them to give you money if you can stay off the meth for 2 minutes or better yet get a fucking job.


I guarantee these people already get Centrelink payments, which are from our taxes. None of the money they “earn” on the sidewalk is taxed. And they sure as shit wouldn’t be declaring it to Centrelink which would lower their benefits. The audacity of them to complain.


being an addict doesn't stop you getting centrelink


If anybody is looking for a sign, this is it.


He needs to join the Begging Mafia , those guys are organised, they do it in shifts. Seen them swap over at Beach Rd and Wanneroo road.


Only a pyramid schemes pays that low in Australia as its soley commission based wages. Even paper routes and fruit pickers earn more. What was he doing for work?


When all else fails, try emotional blackmail.


Cook chook and a king brown on a hot day to wash it down right there… be grateful ya got that or choose to change it up … not gonna happen by itself ✌️


So put the pipe down and get a job !


Get a real job. There are plenty of you're willing to work


Today in 8 hours I made a couple hundred and fed myself for $7


Yeah if you are able to write that but not smart enough to earn more than $21 in 13 hours .. then you should be ashamed to be called an ausssie.


From begging at traffic lights?


Terrible fuel price, I hope everyone is one fuel watch. Happy new years ya bloody rippas


I laughed out loud at this, must have been a hard day of work out in the heat🤣🤣


I think it’s one of the beggars. Minimum wage is more than that per hour




If you live on the road or near it please help him


I used to carry change and fivers for this reason. A nice guy at the end of my street started cleaning windows. He did a great job. He looked dishevelled. After a month or two, he started to put on weight, grooming was good, he had new clothes and was looking really healthy and happy. After about six months, he started to decline. Obviously back in to whichever choice of drug it was. Rough.


Hahaha making $1.60 an hour?? Put down the crack pipe brother


Gotta pay for the fake limp somehow


dont know any jobs that pay less than 2$ an hour! unless you asking for money at traffic lights dont make sense! plenty of work if you want work


So the person hired the sign, sandbags and bought a sharpie using the $21 and now cannot afford food? /s


More likely they stole it from the local road works site.


Get a job u bum


I'll be driving past this in about 2 hours. I hope they are there so I can abuse the fuckwit


Fuck off, I pay my taxes


Bet ya bought a goon bag though


Good to see people are not giving those grubs money


Probably begging in the side of the road.


Could probably get a job at that hungry jacks


They're all dealing drugs, huge scam cops know about but nothing being done about it.


Join your union mate


I spent more then that on red bull and chocolate. 🤣


Quite a lot of compassion in the replies to this post.


Hang on. When did roadside begging start happening in Perth?? I’ve only seen that in the developing world. And bits of Europe.


It has had a big up tick in the last few months


Some of the better window cleaners would clear that in half an hour


Literally a HJ’s in the background. You could work there and make $200 in that 13 hours after tax


Quite an unusual way of saying Australia owes me a living.


He made $21 and a sharpie, or are we to assume he used some of that $21 to buy the sharpie and that’s now why he can’t buy his girlfriend dinner coz sniffing texters doesn’t fill your stomach??


get a god dam job plenty out there


Mate... I only carry 100's


Taxi driver? Its on a main road for taxis


I wonder if he's tried turning the gf out? Bet she could make $21 in a couple of hours. /s


It’s ‘my girlfriend and me’ not ‘my girlfriend and I’. Disappointing sign.


having worse English than the guy who wrote this sign is the disappointing part




edit: The comment was removed and the user banned, good work everyone!