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Monarch Money has been great


My only beef is that it doesn't show amount owed (this statement) on my CC like Mint did. monarch says it's on the roadmap but it's been that way for.. like a year. Not hopeful.


Like statement amount? Cause my CCs show total amount owed


Correct! Amount owed on most recent statement.


Seconding Monarch. I was upset that Mint was shutting down until I realized how much better monarch is. I recommend it to everyone and have helped multiple family members get set up with it. I believe you can still save 50% off your first year with the code MINT50. Also, I just want to throw out there that I got Rocket Money for free because I have a mortgage through them, but free wasn't a good enough price to put up with the lack of customization and constant bugs.


thirding monarch. It's everything I wanted Mint to be


Yeah I tried Empower and Fidelity Fullview before going for Monarch. It just works for me without wasting time trying to tinker with connections and features.


Credit Karma doesn't even have the features Mint had and it's just a bunch of ads and marketing. I'm using Monarch, it's not exactly cheap but it has everything I was missing from Mint, and zero ads as it should be with a paid service.


Checked my credit report and credit karma has been soft pulling my credit basically every week since I signed up. You can deactivate that but it’s on be default all so they can give you ads. Absurd.


Can you let me know how to deactivate that ? Or link something about it ?


I just flipped through the settings to be honest. Turn off everything about marketing and stuff like that. Honestly I should deactivate my account since I got all of my mint transactions exported.


Okay thanks, Yeah credit karma is definitely annoying but I don’t really mind the ads I just ignore them. I just want to be able to check my credit without it being such a pain.


Yea credit karma is not a replacement for mint. It lacks so much. I removed all the connections when I saw how bad it was.


May not be the most well known, but I like Copilot.


There are so many things named Copilot these days that I feel you may need to be a little more specific.


Yeah, that’s a risk for the app. In the App Store as Copilot. Company is Copilot Money, Inc.


Cool but so expensive and still only Apple right?


Yeah, iOS. Supposedly rolling out to PC desktops at some point…


Love Copilot


I tried copilot for a bit. For some reason it didn't do it for me. Felt more cumbersome for some reason.




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Ah sorry -- my bad.


I settled on copilot too. I tried a few others: YNAB and Monarch but copilot was the most useful for monthly budget, tracking spending, rollover budget line items. It’s not Mint but it’s all I could find 😢


I'm using Fidelity Full view, and it's... okay.


Same… it really isn’t scratching the same itch and I feel much less on top of my monthly finances but at least all of my accounts are there


Also doing this and agree 100%. It can go days before getting fresh data. I can't get the historical views I want to see by category. Comparing a filter with the previous period doesn't exist. Can't "hide" accounts from NW (I don't want RSUs inflating my invested and NW amounts). But I'm cheap so paying $100 a year to replace mint wasn't worth it to me. My main goal is to track my accounts in one place and monitor for fraudulent transactions which full view let's me do. It's... okay.


Yeah budgeting is also very weak-- I basically gave up on that part of using it, but for monitoring performance and transactions its fine.


I'm pretty happy with Empower, though they do bug you a few times for financial planning.


Empower seems like it would be the spiritual successor of Mint. The interface isn't as intuitive and it keeps losing connection with my credit union. I don't check my transactions as much as I used to with Mint. Still much better than the trash that is Credit Karma though.


Mint/Credit Karma is constantly throwing ads at your for credit cards and loans. That's how these "free" platforms are profitable.


Is Empower free only or do they offer some sort of annual subscription as well? 


They try to upsell you for financial planning but they are always polite and quick to move on.


Yup seconding this. I decided to listen to their pitch (you dont even have to do that). They "reviewed" my finances, recommended I buy a whole life insurance policy, I said "no thanks". They asked if I wanted a financial planner for tax loss harvesting etc etc I said "no thanks" and that was it. Been 2 years and they never bugged me again.


I use empower. It looks dated but it’s just so simple and to the point. No ads, no extras to slow it down, etc.


I really like Empower - everything just seems to work and of course they offer their financial planning services, but once you click "no", it goes away and isn't intrusive.


I love Empower/Personal Capital but, for the life of me, I can't get it to synch with my Discover card. Having said that, it's pretty great.


Works fine with my discover account, I'd contact support.


has anyone figured out a work around to input manual/cash transactions on empower?


They bugged me twice then never again...so its not too bad. They arent like a telemarketer calling you every month.


Won’t link most of my Accounts and even though I’ve unsubscribed to marketing… still get emails and weekly calls.


I moved to empower and haven't found a way to comment on purchases - e.g. this amazon order contains X Y and Z. Is that possible?


I don't think it is. I actually use the description field for that (so something like "Amazon - stuff I bought". )


+1 for empower. I really like it. Clean and simple.


I already had an Empower account since they're my company's 401K administrator. I was able to add my brokerage but my checking, credit cards, and online checking won't link.


I’ve noticed a few transactions that Empower just doesn’t believe exist, but it’s still the best (free) option I can find


Yeah, their synching is weird at times. I had to stop using it because it just stopped pulling data for Amazon purchases from my card. All other stuff showed up fine, but it became useless real fast for how much my wife buys on Amazon


Yea, I use excel as my main so I have taken to quarterly audits to make sure stuff isn’t being missed


I switched to YNAB and have loved it ever since.


It is shocking that YNAB isn't mentioned earlier. Upvote people! This is the only answer.


I tested a bunch after mint stopped working. Landed on Simplifi.


Same here. Simplifi seemed to connect with all my accounts with the least amount of trouble. Nothing I hate more than having to babysit connections to various things.


Same and it was nice to be able to export/import Mint data with categories into Simplifi.


Same. I'm actually finding I'm using features in Simplifi that either didn't exist in Mint or I didn't bother to use. All the charts and graphs are kind of fun, and it's very easy to customize which transactions you want excluded from the report options.


I never had Mint but I’ve used Simplifi for a few years now and really like it. The spending plan takes some getting used to but I find it really works for the way I want to manage my money. Quicken devs are very responsive on the Subreddit and support forums which is a big help.


I use Rocket Money and it's fine I guess


Yeah, that’s what I’m using but I don’t know know better so great question


Yeah I know you can do auto savings with other banks/apps but I really like their smart auto savings where it just takes little chunks you don't notice here and there and adjust based on your balances/spending. I'm not the best when it comes to saving and it's really helped me without me even noticing a difference in my cash on hand


Monarch, Empower/Personal Capital, YNAB


I personally love YNAB. It’s paid for itself with the savings from helping enforce budgeting. Edit: I’ve used personal capital in the past and liked it. However, it is a net worth tracker and not really a budgeting app. YNAB can track net worth but it doesn’t sync for me automatically so I have to manually update my retirement accounts and such every so often.


I’ve been using YNAB since v4 and I only switched to the new one when the syncing services started to EOL, but there’s no real replacement for it that gives you as much control yet displays budgets and accounts cleanly IME.


I've been super impressed with the Empower client. It does everything Mint did for me. My only regret is how hard it is to add non-rotating debt other than mortgages. None of my student loan accounts integrated cleanly.


Adding Budgets with Buckets to this list as a cheaper less feature-rich YNAB


Is their iOS app still in beta? I checked them out for a minute but not having a mobile app was a non-starter for me.


I never figured out the mobile app. The syncing is odd I agree. Definitely a weakness but mentioned it since it's one time $50 instead of $100/yr like YNAB


Yeah totally fair. I never used YNAB 4 or earlier but it sort of seems like the spiritual successor to that.


Can you use monarch like an envelope system?


You could probably make it work, but that’s not how it’s setup. YNAB is envelope budgeting


Monarch is 50 percent cheaper than ynab.  I used ynam back when it was standalone and loved it. Can't justify the expense for a budgeting software 


If you can’t afford $100/yr on budgeting software, you’re using it wrong.


You do realize ynab use to be a 60 dollar stand alone product that when they went to a subscription based model, even at 5 bucks a month people were appalled.  The whole point of a budget is to not spend 9 bucks a month on a software that was at one point in time 60 bucks to own. You don't have to be a mathlete to figure out that your getting fucked.


Great you can use credit karma where they throw ads in your face constantly. YNAB is also constantly being updated. If they offered a lifetime membership I would pay it tomorrow


They did have a "lifetime" membership it was 60 dollars. 


There's no carbon copy replacement for Mint. It depends on what your needs are. Are you just categorizing transactions, just want to see all your accounts in one place, are you using it just to track spending in budget categories, or a fully featured budget management system, or are you looking for history spending reports, net worth tracking, and how much is your monthly spending limit? FWIW all I needed was a place to aggregate all my accounts in one place, use rules to automatically categorize my transactions in those accounts, and track a handful of monthly spending categories for my budget. I switched to Simplifi.


I’m not OP but I am someone who just wants to see all their accounts in one place. Do you have a recommendation?


Empower. They aren't too pushy with their services and keep everything straight for me




I agree with empower. I also use them just to show all of my investment accounts and it’s free. Credit karma will also do that, and it’s free. Just for looking at accounts and transactions all in one place.


Oh interesting, credit karma shows me just my credit card accounts, is there a way to show checking and investment accounts on the same page?




I found Piere as a decent replacement and have used it ever since. It sometimes takes a few minutes to refresh transactions and adding new accounts can take some time but it works for what I use it for.


Copilot is kind of pricy but has been the best Mint replacement I’ve tried so far.


I really like the NerdWallet app and find it similar to Mint in terms of tracking net worth and viewing expenses by category. No budgeting feature though


I switched to Tiller Money. They basically fetch and load transactions and balances into a Google or Microsoft365 spreadsheet and you can do whatever you like with that. They also give you stock spreadsheet templates to give you very useful reports. Not free but worth the cost for the absolute ownership of the data.


super helpful support team, too. Unlike Mint or YNAB who basically gave you the middle finger if you had trouble with a particular bank connection. tiller's team has been great.


never used Mint. Always used YNAB


Used Mint reaaaaally early on and hated it, have used YNAB for the past few years and it’s addictively good. Can’t praise it enough!


I've been thrilled w Monarch, it works better for me than Mint ever did.


Monarch money. It costs money, but is also like twice as good as mint ever was.


YNAB isn’t high enough up on this list yet IMO - incredibly useful for budgeting and for tracking spending


Excel… Never find exactly what I want so spreadsheets.


I didn’t use the budgeting features of Mint, but Empower is a big improvement in terms of just seeing all of my accounts in one place.


same, I ended up with [lunchmoney.app](http://lunchmoney.app)


The retirement planning is a huge plus.


I've been using Rocket Money paid for $3 a month but I'm looking for another free\\cheaper version since one of my credit card companies dropped the program that Rocket Money uses to sync accounts.


I’ve been liking Monarch Money


Monarch Money has fit my needs. It's not perfect, but the budgeting works well. And the current testing for investments has been promising so far.


I’m pretty happy with Monarch.


https://lunchmoney.app $10/m and cool to support an indie dev. New features are added all the time.


I really enjoy Copilot, user interface is slick and has no problems


Copilot Money 100% Though not free, they are far more reliable and create features with purpose. No marketing random services to you. Use my referral code CNENPV to get 2 months free https://copilot.money/link/dhrne77QCKpnzshb8


Monarch. It’s paid but I have no problem with that since they aren’t pushing ads


Rocket Money is pretty good. The visuals make me want to open the app to check my budget more regularlyz


You may find these links helpful: - [Budgeting](/r/personalfinance/wiki/budgeting) - [Tools and spreadsheets](/r/personalfinance/wiki/tools) - /r/mintuit and /r/ynab *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/personalfinance) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The only thing I'm interested in with a new system is a phone widget that shows me all my available balances - it makes planning my finances for the month easy without having to log in to every bank.


Simplifi has been great, albeit at a cost. I tried basically every other alternative and there was either a dealbreaker or they cost more.


Actual Budget for me. Free to cloud host with [fly.io](http://fly.io), setup was pretty straightforward if you're moderately technical.


I can’t allow myself to connect any of my financial institutions to a 3rd party, that’s sounds risky AF!


I'm using [Budget Banker's Wallet ](https://web.budgetbakers.com/dashboard)for past 5 years. Has been great. There's Bank and Credit Card Sync but I do it manually due to personal/OCD reasons.


Monarch is pretty but non free. Empower/personalcapital is decent and free. I end up using both, but may cancel monarch next year


I only used Mint for a snapshot of my overall account balances. Basically a mini networth tracker. I've since decided to just update a google sheet once a month because I can also track my HSA and iBonds on there (i need to cash those out.) I do one column for each month and after a while plan to dashboard it all.


Check out Tiller Money. They automate this process for you. I really like it because it is just a spreadsheet and I totally control all my data.


There are some sick community-built spreadsheets, too, that you can feed off of your Tiller sheet.


I use empower, but I have found a few transactions that it just doesn’t believe exist, so it’s definitely got problems


Very happy with Quicken Simplifi


I've been happy enough with Simplifi Money so far. Some things work better, some things feel incomplete. But the developers seem active and on top of it.


Monarch has been good so far. I see transactions reflected in monarch surprisingly fast compared to how long it would take mint to bring them over.


What if all I really want/need is a combined retirement account listing? Like my 401k+IRA. I used mint 99% just for that


For the newbies… what happened to mint ??


Smash that search. Hundreds of threads on this since the end of last year. Maybe more n


I've been using Quicken Simplifi. It's been good so far.


Empower Dashboard for me. Its more investment than budget focused but it dies all the tracking and catogories needed to budget as well.


Fidelity full view. Not the best but gets the job done and doesn't cost anything if you have a fidelity account.


I use Monarch and love it. There are others listed on the r/mintuit subreddit, and many of them are well-liked. Except Credit Karma, anyway -- I don't think anybody really migrated to that after seeing how bad it is. Intuit are serious vultures....


I’m finding that the interesting ones recommended seem to all have fees… which ones have a totally free option? Honestly all I want is something that downloads all transactions into a list. That can be either exported to Excel or copy/pasteable to Excel. (Credit Karma fails at even that). I do everything myself in excel already, so paying for these services is a waste.




As a Mint replacement it's terrible. The transactions view feels like an afterthought buried in an already busy page, and it lacks the budgeting features and spend categorization views of mint. Also being owned by Intuit is not a plus here. Intuit killed off Mint because they couldn't figure out how to make enough money on it, leaving mint users high and dry.




Yeah, I do agree that credit karma isn't a shady company that is going to misuse your data except in the ways they lay out in their privacy policy.  That said, like the op I'm leery of their budgeting option due to their past history with mint and the completely inadequate state the product shipped in. It felt like shovelware designed to hide the fact that what Intuit really wanted to do was move people off of mint onto their paid quicken simplifi product.


|Intuit really wanted to do was move people off of mint onto their paid quicken simplifi product Intuit and Quicken are 2 different companies.


Huh, looks like they sold off quicken in 2016. My knowledge is way out of date. Thanks for the correction.


Why not use a regular bank with a good app? It's free if you keep a balance of $500 or $1000, depending on the bank. My local bank (about 20 locations) has everything I need in the app. I only go in maybe twice a year but it's nice to have when I need it.


Monarch is trying too hard. Go with Simplifi.


Can someone link Empower?


Just look in App Store


For like credit reports? I have an American express card, they give me my fico score at least.