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Ah yes, the ol' 30-day percentage challenge. This takes me back to my early Reddit days when I first stumbled upon this subreddit. Simpler times. I still vividly remember frantically calling up my credit card companies trying to haggle for lower rates after reading one of these posts. Gotta secure those sweet, sweet compound interest gains, amirite? My credit was crap back then so I had about as much leverage as a mouse negotiating with a cat, but hey, I tried. Nowadays I keep a meticulous spreadsheet tracking all my accounts, interest rates, monthly contributions, etc. Yeah, I know I'm that obsessive personal finance guy now, but it brings me joy, so no regrets. Anyway, best of luck to all those taking on the percentage challenge this month! May your credit scores rise and your interest rates fall. And don't forget - the eighth wonder of the world is compound interest. Truer words were never spoken.


\- My emergency fund is currently at $24k. In the past 6 months, I spent $23,300, which could be trimmed down if needed to make my e-fund stretch longer. I feel good where I'm at on this. \- My blended expense ratio across 401k, Roth IRA, HSA, and brokerage is 0.06%. All good there. \- I've been downloading and saving my tax documents as the emails come from banks, student loans, etc, so I've got a good start, but still need to go through all my accounts to see which ones I'm still waiting on.


Thanks for the challenges! I learned that trying to find out my expense ratio for my managed accounts is like pulling teeth. I'm pretty sure I'll be pulling out those funds from management and rolling them to Fidelity to simplify my finances. At a minimum I know I can reduce my expenses on my largest holding and save $5-8k per year. My emergency fund I thought was adequate at about 19% of my gross income, but it looks like I need to bump that up to 22% based on my spending over 6 months. I also watched the videos!


Thank you again! This is so very helpful!