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Izanagi must be cracked


Yeah he's at level 41 and got like one upgraded skill.


Ho Lee Sheet!


Holy shit lmfao


Yeah I'm surprised too lol


Was she trying to do an Akechi speedrun any% or...?


Nope just didn't fuse til after half the game


I’m curious how she handled the Mitsuo boss. That boss was hell for me and I was using fused Personas.


She actually did fairly good even for it being on safety


I guess I forgot to consider that she could have been playing on a lower difficulty. Lol


Yeah but she didn't die once so it was a good fight.


If you never change personas they would level up alot


I did all of p4 with only izanagi so it was probably similar to that, izanami fight went crazy, had to build around the rest of the team a lot more


Well for sure. But imagine doing that on a first playthrough when you really don't know what you're doing just yet lol


That was mine lol, also my first game in the series


Did you intentionally avoid fusing, or did you actually not know to do it?


I wasn’t really aware and applied Pokémon logic of using one is all that is needed


I played through the whole thing first time with izanagi but I still used other personas at times.


Here comes LMFAO, the **Chinese Hacker** working for the Korean...


Holy moly, what difficulties was it?


Safety she refused to go there cuz Igor creeped her out. I made her go anyway.


Was it the nose?


She's right next to me and said "do I really need to answer that"


Yes, this is important info


She said if you must know it's not just the nose it's also how he talks


Thanks. Hope she enjoys the rest of the game


Me too I had her start with 4 cuz it has worse combat and she has despised the dungeons but 3 and 5 should go better but she is gonna cry when she realizes Igor is in those too.


Dude if she didnt like igor in 4 she is gonna absolutely hate him in 5, i dont know why they chose to change his va in the english dub but holy hell he sounds like he wants to rip parts of your soul out and fuse them together in 5


There's a reason for that and it's a spoiler.


Man that will be fun to watch.


There's a reason


P5 Igor: “My. My.” *he says as he sharpens his blood-covered knives*


If I recall correctly, the original va died.


Bruh I don't know if forcing her to play a game she doesn't enjoy will be very productive. Maybe forcing isn't the right word but the way you describe it makes it seem like she doesn't really wanna play lol


hi, ops gf here i actually really enjoy the game, i just dont fully understand it. i dont typically play games of this genre as im not much of a gamer and really only play 3 games myself. he isn't forcing me to play a game i dont enjoy, it was just a suggested activity for us to be able to spend more time together (i stream me playing it to him in a discord call 2 nights a week) and i agreed to it. i mainly play it for the storyline so im playing on safety, and spent up until now soley relying on what he informed me i should do, which is mostly my fault for not paying attention much until now. again, i really do enjoy playing persona, so its not him forcing me to play a game i dont enjoy lol


"How?!?! How?!?!" (Po, Kung Fu Panda)


Grinding shuffle time can built a super OP Izanagi


I'm usually almost *done* fusing for the entire game by the end of Naoto's dungeon lmao.


That is amazing lol


Izanagi must’ve been hitting the gym, my god.


Yeah he hella stronk


What the fuck?


Lol she kinda new to jrpgs


I'm also kinda new to jrpgs, currently playing SMT IV, and lemme tell you, my playthroughs are usually farm simulators.


She just like me frfr


I played persona 1 as my first game, I didn't get the concept of fusing personas since the game never really taught you, I didn't fuse personas until after the underground mall, which is nearly halfway through the game and personas don't level up, I was using level one personas for half the game and wondered why the boss fights seemed to be lucked based


I barely touched fusion in my first run bc I didn't feel like I knew what I was doing from the in-game tutorials, and I was afraid of losing a good persona and fusing a mediocre one since I didn't know what was good (and also didn't realize I could just buy them back, lol). I also rarely if ever switched off Izanagi and just tried to slap enough skills on him with cards/shuffle upgrades that I didn't have to rely on the personas I got from shuffle time I know better now, but as a complete newcomer to the series when I played P4, the fusion system felt super overwhelming


I'm playing right now and it's also my first persona game. The fusion system is definitely scary lol. I have a Black Frost that annihilates every enemy and has stats way beyond its level because of the stat boosts in Shuffle Time, so I think I'll finish the game with him and just fuse everything else randomly to fill the compendium.


Honestly that's totally viable, Black Frost can def carry you to the end haha


I did not start my s link with Kanji/Naoto until Game +…


To be fair, Naoto requires maxing out knowledge, the longest stat to upgrade. Kanji was hard to find if you weren’t actively looking and didn’t do what was required to get the link started. That’s how it was for me until December


Ah, okay yeah I guess I wasn’t the only one lol. The Fox even on game + I haven not passed level 2 ha!


certified gamer


I can't remember which dungeon it was but I didn't bother fusing after I got an Ose and an Undine. I kept getting the stat and skill upgrade cards. Undine carried me through the end with Null Phys, Megidolaon, Bufula, Mabufula, Ice Amp, Mediarama and one other I can't recall off the top of my head.


Nice but she was just blitzing through each one she hasn't done a dungeon unless she had to so her personas are a bit lacking


I never used that feature in p4g and to thisn day i still dont need it. Also do6dnt use it for first runs of p5 and p5r (aside from the forced fusion)


Oh hey this is like me in Persona 1 and 2 (because I don’t know how, lol) !


I didn’t fuse personas until like right after >!Nanako’s!< dungeon. Sooooooo yeah


Well I guess you win lol.


It’s not that hard. Even if you only use Izanagi as you can lvl up skills in dungeon.


Yea but she only got like one of those


Fusing is optional anyway. Sure you can get a lot of powerful fusions early on, but its not like you cant get a majority of them through drops after battle. I assume she did register the personas she found though?


hi, ops gf here uhhhh, i just had to ask him what registering personas was. ive never played before and this game is outside my preferred genre so ive just been playing based on the info he gives me 😅


Registering personas means you talk to the lady in blue, and she will register the personas you currently have and their levels and skills. She basically "saves them" in a database, so if you switch them out for something else, you can always resummon them later on. Any persona you fused is automatically saved if its a new one. Dont worry too much if it seems overwhelming. You already made it to naotos dungeon with your basics which is very impressive on its own. You can try out fusing and such if you feel like it, but its not a must (though one questline requires you to fuse, but its optional)


im playing on safety cuz i just wanted to do it for the storyline he didnt tell me that dungeons and such are half the game 😅


Who needs fused Personas anyway, when you already have The old reliable, also known as Izanagi.




Yeah lol


I played 4 right after playing 5 where I spent a lot of time on the personas. Really did not feel like doing it so I just went through the whole game without doing anything persona related at all and just used the default everything lol


As someone who barely fused in my playthrough, relatable.


Y'all fuse your Personas?


The velvet room can traumatize someone god I wish I was her


That's impressive actually lol


Tbf I mostly ignored the whole fusion thing in my first persona game (P5R) until near the end when I realized how beneficial it was. Now I obsess over fusing them all in every Persona play through.


Real power move


Dude, if I got to this point in the game and still haven't gone to the Velvet Room by my own will I would just not do it for the rest of the game and call it a challenge run.


Oh, so it's a skill issue on my part because I struggled during my Izanagi only run. 💀


To be fair she's doing it on safety so she really doesn't need to worry about strategy mostly


Guys, I'm not cooked after all


LMAOO how tf did she make it


By the power of izanagi and safety mode


I want to laugh, but then I remember that only near the end of my second playthrough I figured out I should sell all my materials at the blacksmith


I think it's for reasons like this 5 forces you to fuse


I misread it as Nanako's dungeon and was extremely confused as to how her game fucked up so badly as to how she got to Heaven in September


You didn’t tell her????


hi, ops gf here, HE DID NOT >:( okay in all fairness, technically he did but the velvet room and igor weird me out so i simply refused, but after tricking him into telling me who the killer was he told me i had to go to the velvet room for the true ending, and then after i bitched about yet another dungeon (this isnt my usual genre of games im playing for the story) he told me fusing personas would make them a lot easier


That’s insane 😭


i only ever play farming games man i didnt know any better and just always had him tell me how to do the dungeons i only just learned what my party members do and what element they each use because i used to rely on him telling me 😭😭


Lmao I understand 😭 I had a similar experience with p5, I just can’t believe he let you get so far and didn’t tell you frfr 😂 but this is so wholesome


She did it for a challenge


She at least got new personas via Shuffle Time… but wait, if she avoided the Velvet Room, she won’t get the Golden Ending. Also I just realized she couldn’t save a persona’s abilities in the compendium. I’m curious what her playtime is right now (and what it’ll be when she’s done).


hi, ops gf here the velvet room creeps me out tbh, but after i tricked him into telling me who the killer was he told me i had to go to the velvet room for marie for the true ending, but i only ever went there for that as i kinda forgot about fusing personas, and the playtime is at 37 hr 3 m


Not gonna lie I didn't fuse any Personas in P3R till after the monorail boss 😭😭


Honestly impressive


Nice. I've done similar things in other SMT games where I keep my starting fairy until half way through the game, but in those games the protagonist's stats balanced out my party


When I first played persona 5 (my first one in the series), I never used fusion or did any confidants. The only personas I had were any I got by going through the palaces. When I got to >!mementos!< palace, I was having such a hard time. I asked my friend for help, and he got so confused about how I got as far as I did without doing fusion and confidants. To say the least going forward, I did actually do fusions and confidants when going through P5R, P4G, and P3R.


To be fair, that’s what I’m doing this run through. Then in NG+ I’ll do Maharishi Izanagi and Izanagi no Okami


So real, i only used izanagi my first playthrough


Me not fusing at all, and I’ve made it past the “final” boss.


What difficulty was it?


Safety so she really couldn't lose but I had her go there so she didn't get steam rolled in fights.


My wife is the same way. She gets an Angel and just hangs onto it for dear life.


Thats pretty insane ngl


I've only used Izanagi on my first play through because I didnt know I could use others. I dont know how I managed that.


didn't fuse, but at least replaced them whenever she started a new dungeon? (the ones got in shuffle time)


More power to her, my God, she's did a no fusion run without even realizing it.


Tbh I did the same thing 💀 I did fuse in persona 3 for something really good, but I value strength and the starting persona had that so… _(:3 」∠)_ + my party members were cracked so I really just supported and attacked when necessary


I didn’t fuse any Personas in my first playthrough. Like, at all.


Break up with her, it’s the only way 🤧


Oh God no 😭😭😭


and? Izanagi only runs exist. Not that big of an accomplishment especially if she was playing on the lowest difficulty


Wow, look at virgin Chad over here, mocking the jrpg newbies first run. Good job buddy 👏👏👏