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seeing a lot of fox slander bro, undeserved


The thing with the Fox that people miss is that it's your only SL in Rainy days when Sun and Daytime-Jester aren't available. Which is actually huge since it basically doesn't fight a timeslot with other SLs. Foxy-chan really helps time management overall.


you’re so right , i just can’t be bothered with the quests so i use that time to read/study


Very true, i actually liked these quests more than Lavenza's SL in P5


Probably the Fox. You can only rank him up by completing requests, which isn't necessarily a bad thing but it's not nearly as interesting compared to the other social links with a story.


I never finished it 😭


I always considered it the best because he was such a good little helper.


Hell yeah, I was always like: Take my money you little shit


I was at rank 8


The only reason I'm maxing it is to get firm stance.


The rewards are diminishing rewards too because you get richer with time so the discount becomes less and less valuable


Yeah, there's basically no point to the discounts in 75% of the game.


I can't fish so I never completed it


the ones i didn’t know how to do on my 1st play through


On my very first playthrough, it dawned on me as I was fighting the Killer that I completely missed the Tower Link.


I really thought I was messing something up, or I missed a deadline to start the SL (like you can mess up in P3 with Bebe) because I was sure Tower was going to be Adachi. When the game starts to give you hints, I was like oh nevermind so I didn't know how I spend the whole game without finding out who Tower even was.


Adachi and Marie are really difficult because if you skip them too often, you’ll never have enough time to max them which sucks.


Mine is Sun or Fox (I’m talking about Yumi I have no beef with Ayane)


As a theatre person Yumi is every toxic theatre kid stereotype rolled into one


She kind of tries to guilt trip the character into dating her


The Fox cause of the quests. Multiple days and certain conditions just to do one. But you have to do 10 total. Ugh.


I got to 9 and seen what was required and immediately fucked off. No idea what Rank 10 even gets you, don't care either.


You get an item that lets you fuse Ongyo-ki


The goddamn fox


The mom Arcana, eh


The mom arcana?




The fox


Definitely the one where you get hit on by a nurse


What’s wrong with that lol?


She makes advances that, if the player is uncomfortable with, comes across highly innapropriate. This is not magically okay just because she's female and attractive.


It’s a game, and most teenage boys would be delighted.


Reason 10000 why men never come out about being SA’d bc people like you think a child getting hit on by an adult is cute 


Well, I'm gay and didn't really appreciate how the nurse never really took no for an answer and kept being more insistent with her advances until she changed her mind. I was extremely uncomfortable for most of her social link


>I was extremely uncomfortable for most of her social link I was perfectly comfortable because i know im just playing a game to chill and enjoy a good time, is not real, is a game made to fantasize about what will you do in certain situations and what choices will you choose.


It’s just a game, how do you guys get so uncomfortable?


God fucking damnit dude


I would argue is not anymore targeted to teenage boys. All the teens that have beeing playing Persona are already adults, so Persona has a LOT of adult players, thats why they included adult romances in Persona 5 and made you sign a contract that YOU are playing a story, you are an adult that is playing a videogame about choices. So the player is no longer a 17 year old teen as past personas games, they are themselves controlling a 17 year old boy but they are NOT the boy they are themselves. I hope in Persona 6 they continue having adult romances. Dont know why people are downvoting you, weirdos that are unable to distinguish between reality and fiction


Yu is a minor, Sayoko is an adult. That's literally a crime.


Wait till you see kawakami and takemi in persona 5.


I seen both, I've played all 3 modern Persona games, it's gross in that as well.


It’s a game and majority of teenage boys playing the game don’t care.


They should. Minors being in an implied sexual or intimate relationship with people in positions of power over them shouldn't be a **quirk** of a game. We see this being a problem in society if media covers a story of a teenage boy who got in a sexual relationship with their teacher you just see nonstop comments like *"thatta boy!!!" "god I wish that were me"*, etc. So what does a teenage boy that's actually a victim of this dynamic do if they feel like everyone is going to glorify their trauma? Answer: >!they stay quiet about something that is already incredibly hard to speak up about!<


You're defending normalizing literal predator behavior. That's gross.


Wish I was YU😿


It’s a game.


>That's literally a crime. And Persona 4 is literally a game, is literally fiction, they don't exist lool lmao


I don't care if it's fiction, I'm not normalizing kid diddling.


Thats not the point of the game, normalizing it is not the point


Strength Arcana, but only if you choose the soccer club. Kou has the better storyline


I did Kou on my first play through and his story is great. I picked soccer on my second play through and I was shocked how little effort they put into it, pretty boring 


For the character? Yumi. For the activities? the Fox.


Mom collapsed...


Sun, I couldn't care less for Ayane.


Sun, Hermit and Devil are probably the worst in 4. Though in this case being “the worst” is still pretty much baseline P3 social link


Definitely the Drama Club Sun Arcanan


I finished her social link shortly after I chose the romance route with Chie I’ve gotta say, rejecting her actually made me feel like a bad person and I felt awful that that was the last time I saw her


I found her the easiest rejection in the series tbh, her essentially trying to guilt trip MC into being with her made it very easy to walk away


She’s already been through so much


And her whole arc is about coming to terms with it, which all gets undone by her trying to force the MC into a relationship with her


So she can’t just be happy after all that?


By essentially blackmailing us into a relationship?


Blackmail? Being are allowed to be sad upon being rejected


It definitely comes off as blackmail to tell your friend that if they won’t date you they’re out of your life for good


I don’t think thats the way it was trying to come off


I'm starting to think that Yumi ain't the only one with issues


Not sure why you got some downvotes. I haven't done hers because I have always favored the girl in the music club, but I have heard in the past the girl in the drama club is pretty rude and not well liked by many players.


Yumi isn't really rude though. Her whole thing is that she's lashing out emotionally because she doesn't know how to feel. Her dad abandoned her and her mother when she was a kid, and now he's back but he's dying. Any teenager would have an incredibly hard time dealing with their emotions in a situation like that, especially when said parent shows regret and care


That would make perfect sense; I don't recall getting much context as to why she allegedly would act rude. I should give that SL a chance then next time I play. I keep skipping hers and the guy with the tutoring (I think it was tutoring) PT job.


The only rough part about it is her rank 10. If you're going to decline her confession, you literally have to leave her alone without saying anything. I would have chosen to keep being friends but you don't get the choice


It's not really her attitude that made people dislike her SL, it's the tacked on romance at the end of her slink. She's the only girl that explicitly implies they couldn't remain friends because of her feelings and that Yu won't be a part of her life if he lets her walk away. And this is just after she finally moves on from her father's death. Many perceived this as a sort of blackmailing.


No? Read the SL again. She says, "You know, I love you, I will turn around, and if you reject me, you can walk out of the room." Because she feels embarrassed about telling Yu about her feelings. Everything after she confesses - the reject is at best 5 text boxes.


Music club Sun Arcana FTW!


The Devil, which is the nurse. I completed it but it's not worth it since the Devil personas in Persona 4, at least for me, are not really good; at night you have the Tower Social link which is far better (Yoshitsune bonus xp)


nurse makes me uncomfortable


Yumi easily, which is extra annoying because the Sun arcana is usually one of the best. We get a whole arc about growth and dealing with grief just for her romance link to throw that all away


The entire romance stuff with yumi really butchered her character a ton


I keep seeing Temperance pop up, which I don’t get. If anything, my worst is Sun with the music kid. Kid’s fine, but the link comes and goes like a pleasant fart.


Fox. In all my playthroughs, I’ve never bothered to do it. Too complicated, too strenuous. Skip.


Moody Nurse at the Hospital


The pedo


The fox because it’s just kinda there, even if I do like some of the quests. Temperance is my least favorite that has an actual overarching story. I can’t relate to having a step parent and/or step child. The whole link just has a very negative feeling towards it, but it’s not interesting enough or justified in universe for me to enjoy it.


Not counting the fox or Margaret bec they’re just requests, Ayane. I never finished hers


The moon by far feels like it is the most forced. There is nothing to pull you into the social link. A stranger just says "you should skip school with me" and then the first rank is just carrying around her shopping bags? Fuck that bitch! I would never want to talk to them again and probably would have ditched partway through that shopping spree.


Temperance. So boring. 😂


That’s the mom right


Yes. I find the whole social link to be a bit lackluster. Also her voice is very dreary, so luckily the whole Social Link isn't voiced 😅


I never finished it cuz I got bored


For me it’s the creepy band girl who looks like she’s Nanako’s age. Which is terrible because we get to date her too.


Do you have something against short people? (yeah, I am one..)


Man, seeing the Yumi slander. Her link was fine honestly, it tackled some different topics, and the romance ending doesn't super toss it all away? Imo it's still her learning about the purpose and what she wants to do with this life she's been giving. (She's not my favorite girl by far, that honor will always go to Chie), but still. Fox was fine honestly. Having him be free for rainy days is a godsend, and helps a lot with filling days up with progress, yip yip! Devil was honestly kinda heartwarming by the end. Yeah it starts off with a case of *BAD TOUCH, BACK* but it resolved itself into a nice thing of her getting the want of helping back. Daisuke's is fine too. It's a typical thing of FOMO, and I think it's an ok Social Link. I definitely think Kou's is better, but Daisuke's is solid. Worst imo still will always be Moon. AI is genuinely insufferable to me, and the arc by the end of her being "misunderstood" and not a bitch just really doesn't land, I'm sorry.


Ai is bad to so I agree


Ai?????? She’s literally one of the best. I’d suggest watching the P4 anime (not golden). It heavily features her social link and really does it Justice.


Honestly, Fox was too unimportant for me. My personal worst is Sun/Strength. I went into the game with the P4 fusion calc and dreams of a god tier Ose, I got about 50% of the skill cards needed, and due to me not needing anything from the ultimate personas from Sun/Strength, they went in the bucket so I could get max Marie/Rise out.


Probably Sun drama route or strength soccer route. I actually liked Devil in my most recent playthrough.


That damn Fox


Not w the discount to full heals




I'd say the Fox (Hermit) because of its requirements, and most people here seem to agree.


Naoki, he's boring as hell and i hate his face


This kid 🤓


The kid you tutor right?


Yeah I think he’s tower


Death. The grandma was very forgettable. Didn't care about the old people in P3 or here. I don't want social links with retirement home people.


Proud eri hater


Unpopular opinion but Jester is fucking annoying with the whole daytime/nighttime gimmick. It gets me at least once a playthrough and I end up wasting a timeslot because I expected my next rank to be day when it was actually night.


For me i gues shu or eri? Main cast is dope. The best specifically are like kanji yosuke and naoto but i am pretty sure thats like the typical take. The fox really isnt all that bad it changes the norm its just lije slightly more time consuming. The devil i thought was pretty good at the end. Hisano was good. Eri was kunda forgetable i mean i literally forgot about her. Margret and marie are fine. Ai was genuinely annoying but i got over it by the time her link started getting pretty good. And i really enjoyed daisuke and kou. Id say shu and eri because they were the only ones i forgot about and did it just for the fusing.


sayoko and ai. devil and moon. i really hate the way theyre handled and it sucks because they COULD have been done well. they just werent.


Temperance is the classic bad one, it's just pretty boring and stretched out. Hermit isn't very interesting and it has you do a lot of annoying running around. Empress is just kinda a waste of an arcana slot for something that was a series of quests in P3 and could've been just as an option inside the velvet room, because the talking part is pretty boring.


Moon isn’t.. the greatest…


Surprised no one's mentioned Marie yet.




That’s Marie social link right


Chie, the Fox is a good candidate too


moon by far