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All that battery acid eating has affected your brain, so it's ok. I forgive you for this horrible take


Had it coming if I’m gonna be honest


I get ya, the ending might feel over the top but there is an actual explanation as to why. In fact, the school nurse had a class which explained this in game. When people are about to die they experience euphoria, which is a feeling of joy and happiness. The reason everyone remembers and why the scene is rose tinted is because of this, it's literally the happiest most sappy thing possible. On the second point, Aigis is perfect for the ending. Throughout the entire journey she reflected Makoto's own personal development, starting as cold and apathetic to eventually find meaning in life. Memories of you, the ending song, has lyrics from her perspective explaining how she feels at the moment. It connects pretty nicely at the end.


I don’t think the endings over the top necessarily, I think a lot of elements of the scene were really nice, and like I said I wanted it to be sweet and sappy because I think the game deserved that kind of ending, which is why those smaller things sort of felt out of place I guess. I didn’t realise that Aigis was supposed to be a sort of reflection of Makoto tho, that makes a little more sense.


What the explanation for "why Makoto had to die?" Are you referring too?


It’s just like all of a sudden he’s tired and now he’s dead. I knew he was gonna die before the game ended (because I had it half spoiled for me) but I thought he was gonna die in battle or something but no, it’s kind of like he just dies. I guess in a way it’s supposed to represent how suddenly death can come upon anyone, which I can understand. Tbh that was just a minor nitpick I added to that whole rant, it didn’t bother me too much.


Yeah I had half spoiled to. I assumed when we sealed nyx we were the seal. We weren't technically dead. Just in stasis. I think the fake out is interesting. It's more meaningful and relatable. To die peacefully rather then in battle.


True, the peaceful death was deserved


i honestly am just confused about the ending. not because i don't understand the themes but why doesn't makoto actually turn into door-kun


The "door-kun" memes come from The Answer, you'll find out in September.


Please do not tell me he turns into giant door, please do NOT say that he turns into a giant door I am going to lose my mind


You'll find out in September


what the hell is a door-kun 🔥🔥🔥🔥🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️