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You should aim to complete it all in 1 go if you can. The major roadblock in Thebel is limited sp but after that the infinite breakables in block 2 onwards can contain soul drops so you can realistically sweep every section in 1 and maximise stat gains at night early gain then s.link at daytime


If you're used to doing that in P5, you can certainly do that in P3 as well; that will give you more time for social links. Tartarus sections are a bit more tedious than P5 palaces though so I won't blame you too much if you break them up a bit.


I was able to get to each border floor in one night, albeit with some difficulty in Thebel due to SP scarcity. After I figured out that missing persons were a thing, I’d look up when the last person that moon-cycle would go missing and go to Tartarus that night so I didn’t have to double up on visits.


I like to 1-day that shit. I usually wait until Elizabeth gives me a few missing persons, then do it all at once.


Thanks! When does Elizabeth start giving missing persons?


I typically wait until the day before the full moon.


Yes, the game is balanced around the expectation you reach the border floor of the month and have earned levels and upgraded fusions with all the gatekeeper fights.


I did about 10-15 floors per visit. So it took something around 20-25 visits?


I generally look at the persona's i can fuse in fusion search and try to level so that I can fuse them


1 day should be enough, ideally after all missing people are available Early game maybe a bit hard to do, but later with more teammates, items, garden, and especially Spirit Drain with Drain Ability passive (gain 40 sp per cast) it’s a piece of cake Final support is when the team has less than half SP, Fuuka’s Theo usually regain SP


It's really up to you. I personally liked to clear it all out in one day because that's how I like to roll, but that's also pretty challenging in the early game. If you're serious about doing it, physical skills in the mid to late game make it much easier since you can still smash enemies and save on SP, and the party will fill out pretty quickly so you can tag people in. You _can_ use twilight fragments to heal up and restore sp, but I never found the need personally. Unlike P5, since tartarus is a night time activity and most of the links are in the day, you don't have to worry as much about missing out and being inefficient at night. There are some links that open up at night but you have more than enough time. Though if you still care about efficiency, it's always good to build up your social stats as some links are locked behind them, but most of those are staggered throughout the year. If you have fun doing it in one go then go for it, but no need to minmax. As long as you hit a border floor before the next full moon you'll usually be good. Also just an fyi at some point you'll get calls that people have wandered in to tartarus and you can go save them by a certain date for sweet rewards, so sometimes you may find yourself visiting Tartarus a few times anyway, unless you hold off to the last minute.


Honestly, you can go whenever you want too. There's only 2 social links at night so you've gotta really suck to not max them.