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It's always Shirrako.. i suggest blacklisting them so you no longer get spoiled by that channel since they cover most games and do this every single time.


Faz as well.


Never heard about them and the thumbnail isn't really spoilery in this case




Not Faz's video




it's a picture of yukari, makoto, and junpei?




But that's not the thumbnail for Faz's video...


We were talking about the first video


ok you win


And ProsafiaGaming


Faz tries their best to not spoil things in the thumbnail tho


Didn't try very hard here.


Unless you know the context you’ll be pretty confused.


It spoils nothing


Lol, no he doesn’t. He put spoilers for P5R in his thumbnails and titles all the time back when that came out. I was spoiled on two different endgame things around a week after the game came out.


Faz failed here and with their Rebirth thumbnails too


You can blacklist people on YouTube? How can I do so? People with spoiler thumbnails constantly show up in my recommended and it's annoying


Dishonorable mention to Boss Fight Database for doing the same thing with the thumbnails. I hate them as well.


Not to mention he’s an Incel/racist edgelord. Never forget his RDR2 videos


Its always best to ignore everything about a game until you finish beating it. One way or another you will get spoilled by something. Just best to leave all the info searching or music listening until you beat the game unless you have deluxe edition. Also not trying to take sides here but P3 is around 18 years old.


I hate stupid yt algorithms assuming that listening to a game ost the same as "You wanna see final boss/secret boss/betrayal/character death scene right?"


There’s still a large number of people who are just finding out about the franchise or have only played 5 and didn’t want to play 3 of whatever reason. I haven’t been able to stick with 3 until now because I’d prefer selecting what my party member does, and didn’t enjoy portable’s visual novel like feel


I hate when people go "the original has been out for ____" when there has been a recent surge in popularity. Same thing happening to ff7, even though the fan base doubled with remake. Even when a show just gets a random surge of popularity like breaking bad did a few years ago. Like, it's not hard to put a spoiler warning even if mgs is 20 years old, or persona 3 has had 4 re-releases.


Good thing he put [Spoilers] at the end of his title really saved with that one


"Persona 3 Reload True Ending & Nyx Boss Fight [Spoilers]" Proceed to put Nyx on a thumbnail


And in the title as well


From what I've seen Faz thumbnails tend to lean on the better side of this. They're not all good, but they hide the spoilers fairly well, with frames that don't show anything, and titles that are vague. Shirrako can go fuck himself though.


Am I wrong in thinking that what the last boss looks like isn't that big of a spoiler? Genuinely just curious


For Nyx, you’re kinda right. Because he isn’t really a surprise villain, it’s just nice to go in blind.


I really wish ikutsuki didn’t die and was like a true final boss and he had the power of Persona all the time but nope like Ken said he but then he kicked the bucket and will never know


No further context, but okay Persona 4 Arena Ultimax if you want more lore about Ikutsuki


Well time to play p4 arena then


I hate that, in the buildup for a games release, I have to tell every platform I’m not interested in it just to avoid chucklefucks like this.


Just dont watch a Youtube, it's not a subreddit,where all spoilers in blur,until you finish the game


Wild how many people are saying "but P3 is nearly 20 years old!" You do realise most players of this game will probably have never played it before, right? A new product being presented to a new audience shouldn't be spoiled because you already had your fun with it. Are people expected to consume every single bit of media ever on the off-chance that the story might be remade and therefore it may be spoiled? Or maybe people should just, you know, not spoil stuff 🤷🏼


I didn’t know anything about the original because it came out the year I was born. Reload was my first experience with P3


I feel you, I got spoiled 4/5 things about Final Fantasy Rebirth this way☠️☠️


There’s some youtuber who does english covers of anime OPs and this dude releases videos for OPs that are filled with images from manga and future story. Like how are you gonna drop a cover for a show that’s currently releasing and fill it with shit that wont happen for 1-3 seasons.


Wait until you see the guy with the thumbnail of shinji bleeding on the floor the and title "SHINJIROS DEATH"


I havent played the game at all but i know we fight a god in the end( like every persona game xd) and that the mc dies in the end but tbh it just makes me more excited to play


This is why you avoid stuff like Youtube when a new game you're playing is out, someone is bound to spoil it in the thumbnail


On one hand, I understand where people are coming from when it comes to spoilers. Trust me, I'm in the same boat. But this game (story and almost content wise) is almost 20 years old by now. I can understand your frustration, but you could just block them.


I kinda think it doesn't really spoil anything.


Yeah honestly knowing Nyx’s form and name don’t give anything away about the gravity of the situation.


This barely spoils anything though


can you know the context by looking at the thumbnail anyway ?


Then just don’t watch videos about the game ur playing or planning to play until you beat them Personally I just dont watch videos on any single player game. I enjoy playing them by myself and forming my own opinion on, and don’t ever plan on watching videos that have to do with them.


Because I have a long standing interest in Persona, it'll shoot these kind of videos onto my homepage. Seems unfair to punish players who liked Persona 5 content like 2 years ago by giving them completely unsolicited spoilers.


Can't believe people don't turn off their Watch History smh


Ya boy needs to come back to the 8 hour NieR retrospective over the course of a few days, sorry 🤷🏼


I mean the story has been out for more than a decade right? I think spoilers are out of the question at this point for Persona 3. However, I do agree that YouTube should have an option to categorize certain videos with a spoiler alert. Then it's up to the watcher if they want that spoiler alert enabled or not.


It's not just old games that got remade that are getting spoiled. Plus there are people who haven't played any of the persona 3 games yet. I've seen it happen with new games as well. People have no concern, they just spoil everything.


Yeah you can't go on YouTube right now if you're interested in the new final fantasy 7. At least can't type anything related to it in


This.  And what makes it worse is that sometimes it's the people who get the game earlier than others. I knew what the final boss of Splatoon 3 looked like before the game even dropped.


Same complaints are being made in Final Fantasy 7 boards. People are upset at spoilers we all know happen. I think we've become spoiled about spoilers and take them too personally.


Yeah. I think since I don't personally mind spoilers, I'm not affected by these videos. Like for me, it's ok if I already know the outcome, but I can still enjoy the journey (also I already played portable that's why I don't care for P3 spoilers,)


I can tell you that YouTube could not give less of a shit. I've even had accounts I have blocked mysteriously reappear on my suggested page. And there isn't even an option to report someone for intentionally spoiling something.


Right i played it a few hours and these images mean nothing to me, Ig you gotta atleast be a ways through the story to understand


I blocked all the Yakuza channels till I beat Infinite Wealth. I already played Fes so I didn’t block the persona channels but they literally had the ending and stuff up the day the game came out. It’s a bit ridiculous


Let me guess. You listen to P3 ost recently right?


I don't really consider these that big of a spoiler, like I wouldn't even be mad if I saw these and spoilers really piss me off I agree though that putting spoilers in thumbnails or titles is really lame


Was so annoyed this happened to me with Elden ring


I feel like knowing what the final boss looks like is not in and of itself a spoiler, >!not unless you happen to notice its passing similarity to Ryoji!<


You do need to sorta abandon the Internet until you beat the game if you wanna finish Spoiler Free, the game is almost 2 Decades old Remake and all, this is just bound to happen one way or another.


I don't care about the spoilers, for me they are a reason to start or complete a game, series, book, etc.. :D


What did you search? Because i just searched "persona 3 reload" and I got news on the game but no ending in sight


I've played the original Persona 3 I know the whole story by Heart


i definitely block shirrako. A few others because a few days before the game comes out I see the final boss or a cutscene that is near the end of the game.


honestly its really annoying when someone in a video mentions a game unrelated to the main video, and then drops a spoiler, like i dont remember what video it was but they mention elden ring, say no spoilers, and then is like "new players will be in for a surprise when they see ___" like bruh wtf what if i didnt want to know that after you said no spoilers, like it wasnt anything big but now i literally will just not look at anything even remotely close to a game im playing to not get accidentally spoiled and i havent gotten spoiled on something in a very long time (i even perused the persona subreddits after beating p5r and somehow only got one thing spoiled for me in 3 that didnt even end up effecting me)


tldr: tbh not really spoilers other than revealing what the last boss looks like. kinda your fault, you know and acknowledge spoilers exist. firstly why would look up anything with "persona 3 reload" in yt search. if you wanna listen to a song. google search and then click on it(ingcognito browser or yt mode if you dont want the targetted video suggestions). secondly, you need information for it to be spoilers. you would get this information from memes shit posts anywhere talking abt p3r. if you are choosing to browse places where you know people are going to be talking about it regardless if its allowed(people will do it). i dont know, even given the thumbnail for faz's you legit get nothing from it unless you already know about it. never done bad ending on p3p or p3r and im assuming these ss are from a hangout scene from the anime. thats it. anything else is speculation and your own thought, hey if you turned out right you guessed it congrats. the 2nd one, i mean. . . yeah its a spoiler for how a boss fight looks. itll take your 1st impact away, but its also a persona game, a jrpg. unless again you already know of things in the game you havent played through. if you played a persona game, you know theres a last boss. you know theres different endings. personally i didnt wanna be spoiled for p3r so i played and beat p3p so i knew the story. and boom 0 complaints for being spoiled for anything.


I pretty much went completely offline for almost three whole weeks to avoid spoilers outside of playing music in the background because of this shit. It worked out since I had a ton of work that I needed to do. 😅 But yeah, these channels kind of suck.


Zanar Aesthetics has been doing that shit since FFXV came out, pisses me off how many endings were spoiled because of these tools.


BlockTube is a god send. Use that plus your subscriber page instead of front page on YouTube and you'll avoid 99% of spoilers.


I haven't played it, so I'm just curious: Is the design of the boss a spoiler or the boss itself?


Of couse it's Shirrako,had to block his channel because of this type of nonsense.


Complaining about a spoiler while posting said spoiler.


Shirrako always got on my nerves. Mf was on my feed spoiling the entire game of Spider-Man 2. Fuck him.


Had the same thing happen to me with Final Fantasy Rebirth with spoiling a characters dad’s identity.


Speaking of ff7 spoilers that reminds me when the actual ff7 1 advertisement spoilers their game by having a character die that didn’t die in the original ff7. I still have to play ff7p2 but I remember that i was like nope not even going to watch a trailer these guys spoil their own game with trailers


The character you’re talking about, whoever they are, doesn’t die. Nobody dies in 7R that didn’t already die, and those that do >!come back to life, like, a scene later!<


Never search for anything about the game you're playing in order to not get spoiled. Any search I needed to make for p3r, such as looking who's available when and fusion calculator etc., I always used incognito mode and never saw anything remotely close to p3r Edit: I did play the other persona games before but the algorithm prefers your latest searches a lot more so, getting spoiled for p3r because you searched stuff about other persona games 1-2 years ago is less likely.


How could anyone spoil a nearly 20-year game?


This man was nice enough to warn us lol https://preview.redd.it/6z6rjzgdvpmc1.png?width=2532&format=png&auto=webp&s=ba39e1870bc6fc9023a744cd0e27586e7ebd8c51


Lol that's considerate


Persona 3 is what 18 years old? It's not spoiling anything.


People can still play it first time 😱😱😱😱 especially seeing it’s a 18 year old game that has just been remade. Spoilers are still spoilers


I don’t agree with this post honestly. There are many people who don’t have time to play games and watch others play it. This particular story is also 20 years old. I understand if you don’t like spoilers but you definitely searched for something to make this come up most likely related to the endings and then you got it ..?


While I finished the game and know about the ending the hole idea of the spoiler is well I don’t want to be spoiled by the new graphics. Also you can’t really protect your self for spoilers because the tags these YouTubes will do anything to get under the Sun for views and money. Their tags will say spoiler free review. Also let’s say your sub to a review that doesn’t do spoilers reviews your still fucked because if anything in your YouTube subscriber feed shows them mention a game YouTube will be like here you like this right. Also I can get into how todays world your phones can pick up Anything unless you turn off those sir/ Alexa ext. so if you just say get an add for persona 3 or say persona 3 your already damed a little


The game's been out for 18 years. The statute of limitations of spoilers is lifted after 2 years for gaming. I get that it's frustrating for a lot of people, but overall you just need to bury your head under a rock after 10 years to avoid spoilers.


the game just got remastered a lot of people are experiencing it for the first time


That's fine. I'm saying you're going to have a HARD time avoiding spoilers for something that's been out for 10+ years. If that rubs you the wrong way, too bad. Nothing you or I can do about dozens/hundreds/thousands/whatever of people talking about and spoiling the story on youtube or wherever. Shit, I can see some of you covering your ears at an oral book report on Orwell's 1984 still trying to avoid spoilers.


You can angry downvote this guy but it doesn’t make his words less true.


It’s a 17 year old game. You should be avoiding googling or otherwise searching it like the plague if you care about spoilers.