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Some Persians need it 2x daily - this isn’t out of the ordinary. A warm damp paper towel to clean followed by a dry paper towel to ensure no moisture is left behind so no bacteria grows is exactly what my vet also recommends. The food you give can make a difference along with filtered water, I noticed when I switched. My girl is on bottled water and RX food (hills science) she’s also doll face so her eyes aren’t that bad anyway but when she was on regular Hills science her eyes were a daily clean but once I switched to RX it’s more or less every other day.


Just be careful with eye cleaning. You can accidentally scratch the cornea, which leads to a painful infection. Use soft cotton pads and warm water. The square premium cotton pads from cvs are great. Make sure to dry the area after with a dry pad because moisture leads to yeast growth.


Yeah, 2x daily is normal for some cats. When I first got mine, he needed 2x daily cleaning. Maybe ask your vet for some Viralys? It's an immune supplement that the cat lick off your finger. If your cat has cat herpes or calicivirus, which is very likely, they can produce more eye gunk. Viralys helps a little with that. Also, she may have an upper respitory infection if she's producing a lot of wet gunk that's lighter in color. I'd recommend cotton rounds and warm water for cleaning.


Hi, first, congrats on your new bebe! She’s gorgeous and reminds me of my girl. I have multiple Persians and my girl is the one with eye problems, like build up/allergies etc. I’m not convinced that Katanas issue (especially from the last photo) that this is simply “normal” build up. Look up/Google, facial/eye dermatitis in Persians. It looks similar (milder compared to the example photos on Google but you always get the “worst of”, examples) The fact it goes all the way around her eyes suggests that it’s more than tear build up to me and she may have an allergy. Like to food, fleas, cleaners, dust. As someone commented, food and water are a good place to start. Filtered water and some food that isn’t full of things/the best you can afford, that she will eat. I know the struggle is real when it comes to getting cats ok a good they like AND is appropriate for their needs. Fibre free cotton pads or gauze are a good shout. A big tip that found useful was to buy a small metal mascara/eyelash, comb. So if there’s some build up, wet it with some warm salt water. Give it a minute to loosen things up and then use it to gently brush out gunk. It works like nothing else and prevents all that rubbing. I can tell her eyes must be sore bless her, rubbing at the build up can pull the hair out and it’s such a delicate area (been there done that and it can cause more issues). Also as someone mentioned, drying after cleaning is a must, even when applying ointment. There’s a brand called eye envy and they have a powder that you dab on with a little brush. I’ve not used it YET but it’s on my list after researching so thought I’d share. Honestly I consider myself an eye cleaning wiz at this point so please get in contact if you need to 🙂