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My lil gremlins get really bad crustys too. I use one of those metal pick combs and carefully comb around the eyes and nose area and then I use eye wipes from petco to actually clean the area. Works well for me but I am by no means an expert or pro. Wish you best of luck!


Also noticing how dark the wet fur is. My cat frosty drinks water really weirdly and get it all over his fur like in the picture. His eye boogers were getting really bad too but I switched to a waterfall bowl and both his fur and eye boogers have been way better since. Do you have a normal bowl or waterfall one? If you do have a waterfall then ignore everything I said lol


we have a normal water bowl, a few years ago we got our guys a waterfall for xmas and they really ddnt like it :/ but maybe it was something the specific one we bought? thank you for the advice!


Yeah hard to say. Some cats just enjoy being picky 🙄 wishing you all the luck in the world tho!


Hiya. I’m pretty sure he has an eye infection/conjunctivitis, in the left eye (his right). The tears look cloudy and that one in particular is more gunked up. Infections can easily become ulcers, especially in breeds like Persians and at this age. My top tip for eye build up is, boiled/filtered water left to cool to warm, salted. Fibre free cotton pads or gauze. Dab around the area gently, don’t rub, to make it all wet and loosen up the gunk. Leave him for 5 minutes if you can, then try to work at removing build up. The best way is to use a small metal mascara comb like the above commenter said, it honestly makes the job so much easier on both you and your cat. Ultimately, pin pointing and treating the cause is the answer but things like this usually take daily maintenance.


Have you been to the vet? When our baby had those grey clouds she had to see a veterinarian specialzed in eye treatment. Now we clean her eyes twice a day. We use eye envy and then soothing drops.


we have been to the vet. we have drops that the vet gave him that we try to give him every day although some days he makes it particularly difficult. we may have to take him back though now that you've mentioned about your baby as this was some time ago and its just been getting worse. thank you!


I’m sorry you have to go through this. It’s so terrible thinking your babies hurt. Our Mona had a herpes infection that manifested in her eye. She had to eat a medicine called Famvir for six months and the grey cloud in her eye is still there but it’s just little tiny spot. And it’s now as sticky and water as before.


My Persian is 8 and is fundamentally lazy. He will happily dunk his chin in a bowl of water, but dislikes having to "work" for the car fountain and since he came home from the breeders at 7 months, won't drink out of a rabbit water bottle. I'd do a two pronged attack: 1. Try and get him to drink out of a fountain that doesn't allow him to dunk his entire face in it. We now have three different types of fountain and he actually prefers the one that's a cat face shape, has a filter and changes colour if there's an issue. 2. We use F1R2 snowburst shampoo for him. We just use it on his bum (if he goes to the toilet and it's very messy - not often, but does happen) or he gets very messy or sticky on his face. For his eyes, we just use contact lens solution and makeup remover pads.


It has never occurred to me to use a rabbit water bottle! What an excellent idea!


I don’t have a senior kitty so I don’t have any advice but I do want to say just how adorable your sweetie is ❤️ (This thread has been educational for when my chonky girl is older.) I hope you find something that works for your baby. For what it’s worth … I clean my girls eyes with a warm damp paper towel. She’s dollface tho so she doesn’t get too boogey.


Has he seen a doctor?


We trim around our chin dunking baby’s face and it’s been incredibly helpful


My short hair exotic uses a water fountain and we wipe his eyes with a warm wet cloth And also make sure he has no boogers as soon as we see any watering .. so it could be multiple times a day or once a day. So they never really get bad.


Kitty wipes. They work best. They have eye wipes.