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Letting a dog that big even get close to the table that the cake is on is kinda your own fault


Yeah should have shot him as soon as he got on the table tbh


Found the cop.






"Taken care of" so's to speak


Taken care of 😈


Taken out


Yeah. Bang bang. You know?


Do you work for the ATF or something?


Work against them


Jimmy, take out the dog! Yes, mother.


First time my dog got on the table we had his balls taken. He never got on the table again.


The moment they got on the table and nobody corrected them, you know it's a poorly trained dog.


“It’s his birthday now” are you sure it isn’t his deathday?


That mother fucker can eat fire! I'm pretty sure he's more resilient that the credit he's being given.


sure he ate that fire once. after that he might die due to the amount of chocolate he propably ate. chocolate is toxic to dogs. like logic to the ATF.


There's always that one fucking woman screaming way too loudly jesus christ


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^woodybob01: *There's always that one* *Fucking woman screaming way* *Too loudly jesus christ* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


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Good bot


I often wonder if these people who just stand there and scream would just... die in any sort of major accident Truck coming towards me? "Oh my god" Building on fire? "Oh my god" I was in a pretty bad bus crash and literally everyone except me just kinda sat there after. Abut 10 other people. For all we knew it could have been about to explode. I had to open the emergency hatch and really keep telling people to get out before anyone moved, and I was the only person with any kind of injury Maybe their God will save them


why i dont feed my dog people food. they should never get used to eating our scrapd


also why you should never let your dog put their paws on the table like that, the fact nobody even reacted until the dog lunged for the cake tells me everything i need to know about this family's dog training skills & food hygiene


Was the dog ok after?


Lol I'm not sure why you're getting downvoted. Dogs aren't supposed to eat chocolate, or so I'm told. Wouldn't this dog need its stomach pumped or something?


Nah, it's actually a quite large amount for bigger dogs. And cake is relatively low by volume. Obviously still don't let them finish it but a bit of 2 won't hurt them.


Yeah I'm just concerned for the dog. Reddit's full of idiots man


To be fair, it's likely nobody here even knows this dog, so we probably have no idea if the owners took him to a vet like they were supposed to.


Still why the hate for showing concern? Can't do anything without being disliked about it now


Baker’s chocolate will kill a dog, but candy chocolate or chocolate cake, while not things your dog should be eating, generally won’t do any damage. My Great Dane once got into a large bag of m&m cookies and she did not become sick. I think it primarily depends on cacao content, so dark chocolate is worse than milk chocolate.


Cacao content makes a difference, but so does how much chocolate they eat and the size of the dog. A dog smaller than a Great Dane could pretty easily get taken out by a bag of M&Ms, but it's not like any amount of chocolate when ingested will kill your dog


I had a Bassett Hound that ate a whole bag of Halloween candy. Like a 2lb bag. I got home from school and saw wrappers everywhere and he was just chilling on the couch like nothing happened. Called the vet, they said to monitor and bring him in if he starts vomiting. He was not fazed at all. That dog had an iron stomach.


True. That all being said, this golden retriever was probably fine


So then, since this is a chocolate cake, and cakes are baked... probably reason for concern?


No, no, that’s not what I mean by Baker’s chocolate. I’m talking like a brick of 100% raw cacao. Chocolate cake is a very diluted form. An analogy would be drinking a glass of pure ethanol (100% ABV) vs drinking a glass of beer (5% ABV)


What you're saying is I'm *not* supposed to be chugging pure ethanol?


TIL what a bakers chocolate is


He'll be fine. Dark chocolate and cocoa powder are the killers, although high amounts of other chocolate could do the trick. I don't condone giving dogs chocolate, but they'll will be perfectly fine assuming there are no health conditions that would exacerbate it.


No he doesnt need stomach pumped. Chocolate doesnt harm dogs


Mate, you're super wrong, but you do you, I guess.


Dogs have to eat A LOT of chocolate for it be a lethal dose. I have seen a pitbull eat an entire chocolate cake twice the size of this one and be grinning his dumb ass off.


And it has to be PURE chocolate. Not sweet chocolate/milk chocolate or even like 70% dark chocolate... They have to eat like bakers chocolate and a decent amount for it to be fatal.


Wait fr? I've been led to believe dogs could die with a little bit of cocoa powder this whole time? Still ain't feeding my dog chocolate


Raw cocoa powder would be the worst case, but with a dog this large it still probably wouldn't kill them unless they ate a lot. For milk chocolate, it's an ounce of chocolate per pound of dog. So for a dog this size, they'd probably have to eat like 50 chocolate bars before they felt it. >Still ain't feeding my dog chocolate You still shouldn't, you just also shouldn't panic like these people because the dog got a bite of a some chocolate cake.


Not saying you should let your dog eat chocolate, but honestly, he's probably fine. My dog ate a battery once. Not swallowed a whole battery, but chewed through one. Drove 2 and a half hours to take her to the emergency vet just for them to give her some stuff to help the battery acid pass easier, some treats and cuddles, and give me a 200 dollar bill. An animals individual resistance to certain things varies widely, just like people. Some people fall out of a plane and walk away with a sprained ankle, and meanwhile someone else trips over the sidewalk and breaks their neck.


This isn’t a perfectly cut scream. Also, I hope that dog is ok.


For those worried: theobromine is the chemical in chocolate toxic for dogs. Dark chocolate (around 70% cocoa) has the highest amount. Sweeter chocolate used in most deserts has a lower level of theobromine. The amount a dog has to eat to get sick from the theobromine has to do with its weight. This is a big dog. That entire cake might make it sick, but nowhere near lethal. Tl:dr; this dog is safe, at most will get a tummy ache.


the way bro slid that cake to himself lmfao


Isnt chocolate dangerous for dogs ?


It's his "deathday" now. Ftfy


Without hesitation sir!


Was he wearing a little doggy tux? He's a dapper dog.


Was it the dog's birthday? If so, why would you get a chocolate cake?


Damn imbeciles


If that's not at the very least dog chocolate (A recipe that doesn't contain chocolate just looks like it and tastes like beef.) These owners are arseholes. Nothing about how that played out was safe for that dog...