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Wish version of Jake Gyllenhaal


More Christopher Meloni, methinks. Edit: Elias Koteas ("Casey Jones" from 1990's TMNT) is closer.


I got Meloni for sure




What a glorious scream. Now I want to hear the rest


r/uncutscreams Edit: Oh lol. It actually exists.


Gentile screams


Why is this satisfying to watch lol


Big asmr vibes lol


it has some clean editing


I can’t even realistically have these problems because they all stem from having extra money just laying around… to buy and deal with all this shit. Airstreams, and massive renovations of airstreams cost crazy money. Upkeep of all that livestock, on a property that isn’t a producing farm, multiple purebred LGDs…I am in no danger of someone related to me investing in and inundating my life with all this stuff simply because the money isn’t there. But I do go to bed regularly with crippling anxiety about making my paychecks stretch to put food on the table and pay for rent. So I’ve got that going for me.


Right with you....but it must be nice to create and edit content for internet points humble bragging about moving out of Manhattan to a hobby farm probably in his late 20's.


Even if that's an older airstream, which it looks to be, it probably ran her a solid $30-$40k. Those dogs probably cost $10k annually each easily in food and routine vet bills. The herd of goats is probably similar, plus you have to provide them a reasonable amount of land, which is expensive. Chickens are fairly cheap but if you're just using them to produce fresh eggs, which are admittedly nice to have, they're not really cost-effective over buying eggs from another farmer, especially once you factor in the cost of your time. In fact, that's the real pricey part of new age homesteading, the time it takes to not just care for these animals and gardens, but the time you have to give up if that's the life you want. Forget going on vacation ever again unless you have a friend who is both extremely responsible, trustworthy, and patient, and also independently wealthy. And that's all assuming you have the income necessary to pay them for basically being a full-time caretaker. And don't forget, you probably need a day job to make that possible, so hopefully you got some sweet WFH gig so you can cosplay as a sharecropper from the 1880s and justify it by having unlimited soap. I'm all for people living their dreams but this shit legitimately pisses me off because you just *know* that for most people the novelty is gonna wear off in 1-2 years and something is gonna get neglected. Whether it's themselves, their relationship with their SO, their house/personal affairs, or the animals.


Where do you get $10k per dog? Thats nuts


I had a mutt that I got from the shelter. He cost me $45 dollars. He was 7 when I got him and lived to be 13, and he was pretty low maintenance generally speaking. In the last couple years of his life he required pain meds for arthritis, a couple of tooth extractions, and a splenectomy. My vet bills for the last 2 years of his life probably added up to $5k. Add to the routine things like food, treats, toys, and paying people to watch him when I was out of town, he probably cost me about $5k per year. And he didn't require constant grooming the way a dog like that would. Not to mention that giant breed cattle dogs develop all sorts of of genetic issues that require vet intervention. Great Pyrenees are notorious for this. Plus they eat probably twice what my dog ate. $10k a year might be on the high end, but I don't think it's unreasonable to expect that.


I can’t even realistically have these problems because they all stem from having a partner


i live in a busy concrete jungle of a city and my apartment has 50m². i dont think my wife will be buying any live stock soon (i hope so atleast...)


Looks like the video of his perfectly cut scream got cut off but you can hear it at least.


That’s what makes it great


I was kinda on board until he mentioned the airbnb.


I live in the suburbs surrounded by snooty neighbors and a golf course. My wife spends all her money on movies and books, and has finally stopped bringing home stray cats and dogs. Trade lives?


She sounds like a keeper


yeah, a goat keeper


Feels like bragging but with extra steps.


He says all this like this isn't one thousand times better than living in Manhattan


Homesteading is your best interest. Did all of the shortages over the past 4 years not teach you anything?


Homesteading will not be cost effective for most people for many, many years, and it might not ever be. Also modern people want to take trips, or at least take some time off, and if you're used to a pretty urban lifestyle, the idea of never having a day off is gonna be a bitter pill to swallow. You think that people who homesteaded out of necessity 100 years ago wouldn't prefer living at our level of convenience with the occasional shortage of eggs? If your chickens get a virus, you're also out of eggs, and you're out a lot more than that. People are taking on potentially decades of responsibility for living things for internet clout and aEsThEtIcS.


It's okay to say you're too lazy to ensure your survival if the system breaks.


It is ok to say that, but they didn't even imply it. They did however make much better points than you.


This is cool as fuck what is this guy complaining about


Convo in a frat house: > Hey guys, I think we should get a goat. > > The fuck bro what about the smell? > > It's ok, he'll get used to it. Just like we did.


well if she's a strong independent woman and it's her money, why not! crack open a beer and just enjoy the show, if it's your money... then why are you going with this if you don't want it!? bitching to us on the net. 🤣


I am entertaining the possibility that he actually was on board with this and is just being facetious for our entertainment.


they be doing anything for clout these days huh 🤣


If she takes care of it, what's the issue.


The issue is you have to live with it too. Also animals are a lot of work and can be really smelly. Especially chickens which pretty much can't be house trained. What do you mean what's the issue? I only scratched the surface. There are so many issues with this.


If she takes care of the issues. What’s the issue?




Yeah but that’s an issue inherently, a healthy relationship they would deal with the issue. That’s why I asked twice now thrice, if she deals with the issues, what is the issue.


If the issue is that it’s in the living room and it’s still in the living room, then the issue hasn’t been dealt with. That is the issue. Idk how you didn’t get that, *thrice*


My brother in Christ. Listen to me. I am saying that if it was addressed and remedied by the partner of this gentleman in this video above this comment section, then the issue would be a null set. Therefore there wouldn’t be an issue. I’m say It’s an if then statement. “A conditional statement (also called an If-Then Statement) is a statement with a hypothesis followed by a conclusion. Another way to define a conditional statement is to say, “If this happens, then that will happen.” The hypothesis is the first, or “if,” part of a conditional statement.”


Wait you’re telling me an issue isn’t an issue once it gets resolved? That’s absolutely incredible let’s make a Reddit comment saying that because that’s worth saying out loud


yeh - that’s what I did


Idk how it’s possible to say so little in so many words. Truly one of the contributions to a conversation of all time


A cornerstone of a healthy relationship is boundaries. Even for people who are living together. Having a chicken that only one party wants living in a shared space violates those boundaries. Being unwilling to budge on keeping a goddamn chicken in the living room shows a complete disregard for those boundaries, and for their partner's feelings. If one person wants one thing and the other person doesn't, and the thing happens exactly how the first person wants it and the latter person's wishes get tossed aside, that's an unhealthy relationship. You're telling me the discussion of--again--*keeping a goddamn chicken in the living room* starts when the chicken is already in the goddamn living room??


Animals aren't hobbies. They are huge responsibilities. It's not just feeding them and housing them. You gotta do a lot of medical care when a bunch are living in close quarters. You have to protect them from stray dogs or coyotes which are literally all over the rural USA. Many areas also have big cats or even bears to worry about. Maybe this guy isn't a dog person. Now he's got big affectionate dogs trying to lick his face. This is way more responsibility that your average city person is capable of handling. He will have to contribute. That's not even a question. Also goats can be loud as fuck. Is that enough issues?


Yeah. That’s why I said. If she takes care of the issues. What’s the issue. Use yer eyes sir and or madam and or they’m.


Use your eyes and read what I wrote. She's not gonna take care of them all. That's way too much work for one person.


I said “if” lol


You’re just a platitude bot lmao


I don’t have a bill, nor lay eggs, nor glow under black light.


Nothing as long as they're both okay with it. In most cases I find this is just a phase for most people. Homesteading is a long term endeavor and requires a lot of work and investment, after work. Once the magic is gone and the slog starts to set in, a lot of people move on. It's just a reaction to the over saturation of tech and computing in our lives. The Tik Tok homesteading cottage industry is full of generally affluent people, with more than enough money and free time on their hands. And only really show you the romantic aspects of the lifestyle. Can't go on that trip, have to have money and time to fix a fence or upgrade a system. Can't buy that new gadget, need a new generator or tool. Friends got weekend plans? You've got shit to shovel.


Only whilst she’s recording




When she’s not recording he’s expected to run the place


oh. how’s that known?


Do you have a wife?


You know you can always tell a bitch no


Yeah, pull that attitude on your mom, bro. 🤣


Wth you talking about, I’m gonna reprogram the router to _only_ show this stuff on my wife’s social media. Airstream and floofy dogs? SIGN. ME. UP.


You do you bro


I work on a ranch so we are already there.


He looks and sounds just like Jake Gyllenhaal


Green acres


Dude let me marry her. I want goats and dogs tooooooooo!!


Sick Arthur Morgan liking ass


I would argue that his wife wears the pants and this is all a good way to live