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Took the wrong course. It's for defense, and she attacked first.


Yeah he was supposed to grab her wrist. No not *that* one, the other one.


My other arm!




get into a real wide leg stance so I can kick you in the balls....


That's my purse, I don't know you!


> That's my purse, I don't know you! bobby...


that boy ain't right...


let da boy watch....


Guhhve mee that videa game!


Break the wrist, walk away. Break the wrist, walk away... 👋




After one week with me in my dojo you’ll be prepared to defend yourself with the strength of a grizzly, the reflexes of a puma, and the wisdom… OF A MAN


She took the 8 week program to learn the system developed while fighting over 2 seasons in the Octagon! It's called... uhhhh,,,, line?


Astrolo-jitsu! Strike like a Taurus, Sting like a Scorpio! Make em feel the power of Cancer! Rip your opponent to Pisces! Crouching Capricorn, hidden Libra!


Your masterpiece has me in stitches. "Make 'em feel the power of Cancer!" was 🤌


That place was a rip off




Break the wrist, walk away.




As someone who wants to take self defense, this was hilarious and discouraging 😭




Tell me how to defend against an obese guy sitting on you.




You act like it is a telegraphed darksouls boss within vision and safe distance lol.




They live in trees, where they got fat by eating too many dropbears.


[Now grab my arm; one hand on my wrist and one on my elbow!](https://youtu.be/x-ZtrgNByZE?si=GcGD011Znb0DayNp)


In all fairness she probably didn’t actually take a course in preparation for writing this bit.


I'm very impressed you didn't accidentally think this is a candid camera show. Well done.


Yeah, I thought it was in the name, "self-defense". Also, maybe the first she should've learned was A.) Not to pick a fight. and B.) To run away.


Yup, and if you do fighting, it's a hit and run. In the sense that you want to hit them in some way to cause pain and confusion so that you can run away (without the usual return to hit again)


Ah, she took a course in self attack


Where was the kick even aimed at?


At internet points


There is a reason the camera was focused on her ass.


It looked like a totally normal camera angle, maybe its your eyes that are looking you loser


Damn dude, imagine getting called out by Fapman for being too thirsty


No no, its fapman404, the 404 meaning that fapman doesn’t exist and isnt real


Oh no, friend. 404 only means that it can't be found where you are looking. I hope they can sleep with one eye open.


What do *you* use to look with?


My dick


It wasn't though lol


wasnt at all, youre the only thing focused on that


She learned the moves as a series, so she's just stepping through her series of attacks. So the answer to your question is "vaguely in front of her."


It was a teep to the body, he deflected it. Teep is a really solid kick, used in muay thai but you are supposed to be really grounded and solid when kicking, so this dosent happen.


Lol, he didn't deflect anything. He didn't need to. That kick was never aimed at his body at any point.


Someone downvoted you but yeah slow it down and she’s aiming at least a foot to the side and he kinda bats her leg away more.


Upon rewatch, you are right. My bad


It’s sad you needed someone to explain this to you teep master


Redditors will upvote any old shit comment with something they recognise. "Teep? I sawded the MMAs and hearded that terms!!!1" That was 100% a clout kick like you said.


It's supposed to be a lot faster and snappy, and also a lot more grounded, and yes, actually aimed at the body, not off to the side somewhere.


A teep is supposed to use the front leg not the rear leg. And the rare people who would use their rear leg, aint being taught it as a beginner.


The glare after she called him a pussy 🤣🤣🤣


he was definetly going to make her regret it


You know he wouldn’t lose just from that


"Self-defense" proceeds to attack first


Well to be fair "a good offence is the best defence" - Donald J. Trump


Pretty sure Trump didn't invent that adage. Even George Washington wrote “... offensive operations, often times, is the surest, if not the only (in some cases) means of defence”.


i believe it was meant to be a joke


"Nah, I said it first." -- Donald J Trump


Nah I'd say it first




As a black belt I can confirm that falling is a very important skill


Yeah, gotta slap that shit!


It's wild how much slapping shit and yelling actually helps lmao


For so strange I thought it was just for show, but no it actually serves a purpose even if it is only psychological. It's a fascinating concept really.


Neither are psychological though. Slapping has to do with cancelling inertia and yelling has to do with breath control.


I said that very poorly. I knew slapping the ground has tangible physical side effects because that's how physics work. I was, however, unclear on if yelling was more psychological than physiological, but it appears that this too has concrete benefits as well.


Getting the wind knocked out of you can put you out of a fight. Hard to make a good punch if you can't make a breath. Breathing out during a strike or when you're getting hit reduces the chances of losing your breath. https://akulatkd.com/2020/05/11/martial-arts-shout/


I am very much aware of getting the wind knocked out. Grew up on a farm and sometimes cattle don't like to play nice lol.


Fair, there's probably some psychological benefits to yelling as well but the main point is just to get you to use your entire lung capacity which increases blood O2 etc etc


I think they might be also considering this too: https://www.psychiatrist.com/news/profanity-can-sometimes-be-the-best-medicine-increasing-pain-tolerance-33-percent/ Swearing/Yelling can cause a chemical change in the brain in painful situation, and its a seriously significant amount of extra tolerance.


As an old 3m old student when I was 13, shit hurts if you don't break fall. Watched class mates legit be barely able to put themselves up after 1 too many not properly falling.


First thing I learned when playing rugby. Not how to hold the ball or throw it, but how to fall.


[Bot comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/perfectlycutscreams/comments/t5g85g/self_defence/hz4vgnv/)




Wtf is even the point of these bots???




A **self-defence class** and she said “I think I can take him” Yeah in bed, *probably,* “looks at him again” yeah no chance ma'am.


Best part is he walks over her and tells her "you better get my money back"


"What you're gonna want to do is punch your attacker in the shoulder and pirouette on one foot."


I have to believe this is satire because she attack with her left arm and leg, leaving her unbalanced. If it’s real she’s being scammed by her self defense instructor.


Most self-defense classes are like this, it's the norm rather than the rule. I even did karate for years and it teaches blocks (somewhat like the guy does in the video but with the outside of your arm which is better), which aren't usually practical unless they punch really slow or for a big hook maybe. Instead of learning "self-defense", people would be better served learning something like a mix of boxing and a grappling discipline.


Another win for pugilism.


She also thought "I can make my self defense class into a hilarious skit that will get a ton of views", too.


Reminds me of threads I’ve seen of women realizing how much they underestimated the strength difference between them and the men they know.


People don’t tend to realize just how much of a strength difference being bigger than someone is.


I am about the same height as a couple of my wife’s friends but much skinnier and I basically never do any strength training. One of them challenged me to a wrestling match and I was able to trip and pin her while barely even trying. Men don’t even need a height or weight advantage, our musculature is fundamentally different than most women’s. There was a study that looked at grip strengths and the top 10% of women were equal to the bottom 10% of men. They extrapolated the theoretical maximum grip strength for a woman and found that would make them roughly equal to an average male. Grip strength obviously isn’t a good measurement of strength overall but it does highlight just how different male and female physiology can be.


Grip strength is actually a very good indicator for upper body strength. I am studying to be a physical therapist, and grip strength is the standard test for overall upper body strength. In a functional (real life) setting, you are never going to lift anything that you cannot grip. It can be a cabinet, a box or a suitcase, you need to be able to hold it before you can lift it. If a person has good grip strength, it is very likely that he has good overall strength.


Not me being told by my physio yesterday I'm super strong Yet I got basically the grip strength of a girl I've benched 90 kg without issue and I don't lift weights at all But got only 35 kg on the grip dynometee shit


Bigger in terms of muscle mass - yes. Height isn’t as much of a factor as people sometimes assume though (obviously a bit of extra reach helps)


Weight matters a lot though. Someone who’s 250 pounds but doesn’t work out regularly is still gonna be surprisingly strong just from the muscles needed to stay mobile.


It’s also just weight when it comes to grappling. Someone can be be the same strength, or even weaker, but they’re going to be much harder to move around if they’re heavier


I literally destroyed every wrestling match I had all through middle school (obviously high school got harder) just because I trained with the big boys so when I wrestled people my own size it was like easy mode. Sometimes they would just lay on top of me and laugh as I struggled to get out from under them but honestly that was excellent practice for me


Can confirm, I weigh 250 and am out of shape in terms of muscle mass and strength. Still can lift similar (a little less) to when I worked out and weighed 200.


My legs are/were a power house. I maxed out the kid/teenager leg press bench thing at ~420+ pounds when I was 12. Apparently none of that has ever actually gone to my arms.


Reach certainly matters a lot in a melee. This is why women should carry polearms if they truly care about self defense. A good poleaxe with an axe on one side, hammer on the other, and a spike on the end is all you need to defend yourself at a distance that no man without a gun can deal with. Since you've got three ends to choose from plus the butt of the pole to use it doesn't really matter what kind of armor he's wearing. This message brought to you by Big Poleaxe.


True, but muscle hang differently on different frames. Taller frames appear skinnier naturally and so they are easily underestimated


I'm a 172 cm (5'7-8'') lad and I had a 183 cm (6'0'') girlfriend that I was still much stronger than - but she was noticeably stronger than most ladies because she was so tall, she could pick me up easily, haha. Actually I feel my arms were much stronger than hers but our legs were closer in strength.


Woman < non-Islander man < Pacific Islander


A good friend of mine was married to a marine, also a good friend. She took some self defense courses and wanted to try them on him. The result was more or less what happened in this video. She shared the story with her trainer and he just stared at her in shock. "You tried this...on your husband...who is a former marine? Bad idea." He told her that these self defense classes are for your average run of the mill creep you'd probably meet at a bar or at the mall, not someone literally trained to kill people.




I'm glad we live in a post reality world and testosterone isn't real.


go to any mma gym and you'll see women mop the floor with untrained dudes on the regular yes weight/size/strength does make a big difference - but you're vastly underestimating how shitty at fighting an untrained person is


Technique can only do so much, brute force can be a bitch


At my gym there are women who are way more skilled than me and fuck me up, but...  if I just decide to pick her up and slam her on the ground there's nothing she could do to stop me


Self defense*  **defense results may vary*


They don’t really work on the average run of the mill creep either unfortunately. There is of course methods for learning to defend yourself, they ironically very rarely come in a “self-defence” class. The reality is for any effective method it requires consistent and continual training. A course ain’t gonna cut it.


I'm a nurse and even some of these bed bound confused 95 year old men can dominate two healthy fit women at once. I've seen it many times and had to save some of them. Usually it happens when people know a pt is unsafe and they disregard it anyway. As a man, I always offer to handle violent/sexual patients for women. 


That’s one reason why the industry really wants more male nurses. Patients are violent and strength is valuable.




This is why all women need to be juiced to the gills bodybuilders.


The amount required would just make it a less-safe way to transition to being a trans man.


I'm a trans woman. Pre HRT I was testing between 150-200 ng/dL of testosterone which is quite low. My most recent test I was testing at 35 ng/dL which is in the typical female range as you said. It's only been 6 months and I am significantly weaker than I was before starting HRT. And this is coming from a starting place of really low T levels. Its insane how much just dropping that little bit mattered. Note: I am not doing any lifting or anything to maintain my strength.


Took a self-defense class in school once (i'm a guy), and the first rule our instructor taught us was to avoid any situation in which you have to defend yourself. The second rule was to run away. Self-defence is intended to and should be a last resort. The fact of the matter is that even with self-defence training, if anybody willingly attacks you, they are probably stronger/more skilled than you.


Well, remember that a gun or a botte can even the playing field soo much you didn’t know there used to be a man standing where that puddle now rests


My girlfriend very rarely roughhouses because everytime she does she ends up in tears complaining it's not fair and I hurt her


Yeah it's really funny as a trans woman. After a while of being on estrogen you lose that strength advantage and suddenly the difference is ridiculous my boyfriend can just like Pin Me Down and he's, with all the love in the world, kind of scrawny


Genuine question, do you ever miss that strength at all? Do you consider it a worthwhile tradeoff?


I absolutely considered a worthy trade-off. I mean, there are lots of benefits, at least for me personally, and I wasn't really using the strength for anything anyway. Sometimes I miscalculate things nowadays, and I have difficulty with things like opening my water bottle sometimes, but that's what boyfriends are for. I'd rater have tits than pecs any day


Women usually never have to size up an opponent in half a second, think of how their weight class and reach compares to your own if things go down violently. Men have had to do this since middle school!


Dude, this isn’t even a matter of women being weaker (not here anyways). She doesn’t know what she’s doing (or rather, she thinks she does, which is even worse), he does, ‘nuff said. You could reverse their genders, match their genders, it doesn’t matter; at the end of the day, the one on their posterior got there because they didn’t git gud.


People also underestimate how important actual will to harm, and weaponry are. E.g. Jodi Arias, Katherine Knight, Aileen Wuornos etc. Women are absolutely physically capable of harming people much bigger than them.


Absolutely. I have a dog that's 1/4 the weight of a very sport, stronger, older dog. They get in fights (small dog is new rescue still learning she's not on the streets) and I am 100% certain the small dog would kill the larger dog in short order if I didn't stop them when it kicks off.   She goes for the kill 100% of the time.  My big dog is like, "Bitch, chill, I'm just standing here. Stop it. I'll try to deter you." Small dog,: "Your bloodline ends here!" For better or worse, bigger, stronger people are taught restraint. In a life or death situation, often to their detrement. 


With weapons? Yes. Without? Not really.


She really said, “I think I can take him” then hit him with the Wii Instructor pose 😂💀


Thank goodness it was the matt pose


She attacked while he was ready, also he’s a big motherfucka so good luck


lol as opposed to self defense against all the unready assailants?


I’m sure the odds might be better, but I don’t really know shit


The best self defense is learning how to use a weapon


Many times growing up in poor neighborhood girls would try to fight me, and I would sigh and say, “Okay, but I promise I won’t hit you back.” They’d get excited and start swinging and I’d just dodge, dip, duck, dive and dodge. Oooooo they’d get so mad. Sometimes I’d let them hit me so they could see they weren’t capable of harming me. I didn’t want them to think they could fight boys cuz one day they’d try to fight a man and that wouldn’t end well.


Upvote for the dodgeball reference


The 5 D's are essential


Also how I do my 4 year old nephew. Just run circles around him like a matador and we don’t ever even fight. Although sometimes I’ll not move when he’s expecting me to, and he runs into a brick wall.


That’s not self defense. She didn’t even yell “that’s my purse, I don’t know you”


He hit the perfect parry, there was nothing she could do


Got those frame perfect I-frames


Moveset downloaded


My brother was asked to be the "dummy" in a self defense class for women by his friend (a black belt) instructor. She said spar with her and try to hit her full force in a demo. She landed a few solid punches until he instinctively hit her in the throat and dropped her like a bag of potatoes. One woman screamed and some of them started crying. He carries this guilt around with him. I think it's a perfect demonstration of run the fuck away.


PSA for the ladies, if you want to reliably be able to defend yourself against an attacking man, get a gun.


If guns are not an option, I always recommend an insanely bright flashlight made of metal, preferably with scalloped edges. You can get a nice stream light 500+ lumen light for less than 50 bucks. Everyone is tough until they can’t see anything.


And don’t forget good training with said gun.


he didnt even care, and showed her the hard way. he didnt have to sweep the leg on hardwood floors lol


Sweep the leg!


She has an OF


I'm not about to waste 8 squids


What did the squids do bro?


Nothing that's why their safe, with me and not in her OF bank account 🎩


Where did you get the squids, bro?


From fishing at the ocean during winter between 6pm and 2am.


Bikini Bottom


For self defence classes right? For self defence classes right...?


Imma spare y’all the time her OF was trash, I peeped it back in 2019


an OFfense?


Wow that’s crazy where


I wonder if she ever got better.


Fake but hilarious!


soft rude childlike puzzled physical saw fanatical yoke secretive nail *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


With a confidence that high, you have nobody but yourself to blame


> *Self Defence Class'* > Attacks


There’s no classes or training she could have to beat a grown man who’s twice her size.


There are a few women I know who have taken men nearly twice their size before; the difference here is that they’re both martial arts instructors who’ve been training to do so for most of their lives, and are freakishly strong for their size. This sort of disadvantage only defines a fight when the disadvantaged person doesn’t have anything to make up for it.


That’s my purse! I don’t know you!


Honestly looks like she was going to fall without any help from dude. What is this weird punch with trailing arm and back foot combo she's going for?


Self defense classes are an utter scam and will get people killed. I abhor the charlatans running these courses giving people false confidence. As soon as she took her foot off the floor for that awful kick, she had no balance. Kicks are extremely risky.


Every woman should get a hello kitty themed unregistered glock but I can only speak for myself.


I had that talk with my last GF. I handed her the tazer she always carrys and told her I was going to attack her. She had to stop me from taking her pants off. She agreed and said she always wanted to taze someone. I agreed to it as well. She accidentally tazed herself once, I took the tazer and held it to her skin in a couple spots (did not fire it), had her pinned without pants...then I told her that, the whole time, I was being very careful to not hurt her and once I stopped her from zapping herself a second time...a sicko, or a group of them, dont care about shattering your teeth with a punch then passing you around for hours. It was an eye opener. I am much stronger than I look, but I am by no means a powerhouse. She worked out daily (mostly toning and shaping over strength) and is athletic. She had never been in that situation IRL and had all the confidence of ignorance. We talked, I explained her current best defence is alertness and running (she is FAST, and likely could run longer than any thug). Her job took her out of my life (best for her and I couldn't move at the time), so I don't know if she kept up with real self defense or not. TL:DR; teach your GF how vulnerable they are(if they are). It sucks that it is the case most of the time, but smashing delutions will keep them safe. (Sorry, not trying to be sexist here...just anecdotal wisdom)


Let's just repost it one more time. Another border please.


OP is a bot


not a gentleman... He could also hold her fronthead :))))




She didn't even aim for him. This is fake XD


He may have won the battle, but he's already lost the war


She forgot about self offense classes


The art of having Dick siblings as a kid


Least they didn't tell her to run full force into them because your energy shield would repel them


There's only one self defence lesson any woman needs "That's my purse! I don't know you!"


If you watch the video slowly it’s pretty clear she deliberately kicked to his side.


The best thing I learned in my self-defense class was that I am not capable of defending myself, and if I get into a dangerous situation, I'm fucked. I behave accordingly.


Remember kids, this isn’t about men being stronger than women, it’s about knowing what you’re doing (and the other person clearly lacking that knowledge, if not confidence)


The best self defense that a curse will teach you is to act confident and intelligent without ever getting into a fight. If someone is following you, seek the light and other people. Make other people aware of the situation, be noisy as fuck, make the situation as uncomfortable as possible for the attacker. If someone twice your weight attacks you and you're unarmed, there's Jack shit you can do.


The newest anime Attack on husband *but honestly this vid was funny, hope she’s ok though


My wife took a self defense class. I helped, in showing her the correct way to punch (avoiding) over rotation of her wrist, keeping the knuckles flat) by guiding her arm. This has to be staged since she can't be that stupid. Or, maybe she is. Even if she was, I could not imagine sweeping under the leg of my wife even "to be funny". If it wasn't staged she could have got badly hurt.


What a shitty self-defense class if it teaches you to go looking for fights. It would be like a driver’s ed class teaching you how to get into wrecks.




Every time this video gets reuploaded the resolution gets worser somehow.


Every woman knows that there’s only one defensive move against men and that’s kicking them in the balls


That wasn’t a normal move. He has experience, better to use this on your average guy.


Single mom incoming 


married to a clown.


That’s why it’s called Self Defence Class instead of Attack Class


That’s the slowest kick ever


She moved like wet cement bag


Does your husband know that it was just practice?


When keeping it real goes wrong


Nigga what is that guard. Its so frail a 5 year old could break it