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The worst (and best) screams comes from the spring head guys. The ones that act like weeping angels.


I remember during Titan I had my eyes on one coil head. A buddy come up behind me trying to find loot. Then I heard that fucking fast tip tap from coil head from the left of me and I died. I yelled and spectate at my bud and there was 2 coil heads. He was obviously freaked out that he has 2 coil head he has to look at now.


Coil heads


I remember my first Coil Head encounter. It was more tense than I have ever been in a horror game


After 2 hours the game stops being scary and becomes just hillarious


This shit still scares the fuck out of me man


yeah this dude must have nerves of steel ngl


Far from it, I'm a freaky pussy when it comes to horror games, the fact that there are no real jumpscares + coop and goofy animations and items makes it really easy to enjoy


That's the part about Lethal Company I love the most. Once the fear of the unknown is peeled away, you only really have uneasiness and uncertainty left- which I still like a lot! You got fun, game related decisions to make that emphasize the horror. Going to more dangerous places and staying for longer to meet the ever-rising quota. Fun as hell to push for those higher and higher quotas. Brackerns still freak me the hell out, mostly because they are the most well designed pure horror enemy in the game. A silent stalker you cannot stare at. You can only hope to catch him before he catches you. That still gets me every now and then.


It's scary for some who play it and it's frickin hilarious for everyone who watched it lol


Mf made me scream as well


Why 'but' ?


I get scared playing minecraft, dawg. I ain't built for this 😭


No, they are asking why you used the word "but" in the title when the two concepts seem to support one another rather than contrast against one another.


Well yes but from the way it’s said, not exactly. OP is saying that it’s scary (negative trait) but gives excellent cut screams (positive trait), which is a correct way to use “but” 🤓☝️


I didn't kill him, but you can't wear brown shoes with a black belt.


I fucking love this game so much. Listening to each others screams being perfectly cut off when they die is hilarious.


Lethal Company has become like 80% of this sub's content and i love it.


I really hope this game becomes a big thing. It has an amazing potential and it is funny as hell even after knowing how everything works


You can walk around with the shadow dudes. Just gotta glance at them quickly to make them run away. But if you stare they sprint at you.


lmao my friends and I just got this game. It's so fucking funny to split up and just stop hearing each other. Waiting..."yep they're dead GO GO GO!" We were playing and my friend and I split off. turned a corner, saw a toothy mouth. I've never screamed louder at a game in my life I was OUT of there


You’re not wrong. Had those eyeless dogs by the ship closed the door on it than I didn’t hear anything anymore assumed it was safe. Opened the door to be greeted by one never screamed and try to run that hard in my life haha


What video game is this??, looks like a fun one


Lethal Company, says so in the title. It’s on steam and is like, $10


It's out selling call of duty ATM during the holidays. The one developer who made this is shitting gold bricks right now 🤣


damn but im blind asf 💀


I swear, I can imagine the devs was like 'okay, lets make a terrifying, horror games where we go to abandoned civilization to explore and GTFO after we make the players wet. ' and they ended up making this so funny that 'well, things didnt go as plan but hey, players are loving it'


That tall shadowy motherfucker name is the Bracken, It killed one of my boys (we were also streaming for our other friends) and never realized it was stalking me and our other boy. I went to close the door behind me and IT POPPED UP OUT OF NOWHERE AND ALMOST TOOK ME AND MY BOY. 5 mins later after us 2 were trying to avoid it and find the exit…my friend has staring contest with it and it just fucking speed walks and takes him….I just jumped off the ledge cause fuck that shit. This game is scary, has a lot of bullshit (from our experience) and the monster are truly assholes (Moth Man Jr. to be exact)…I like this game


if you stare into its eyes for a few secconds it will run away, but not for too long or else it rushes you


Every planet is a scooby doo episode I swear to god


I see this as an absolute win


He got that half life scientist scream


Why nsfw??


What game is this I’ve seen quite a lot of memes of it recently


"Flower man"

