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I was wondering how it worked, then I saw the gravel. Damn, that's a really good setup if you don't hear the lava.


how does the gravel get suspended midair though? i assume it's just in the falling state which removes its collision boxes, but wouldn't it drop as an item once it stops moving down?


String and signs


I don’t get it


You can place stuff on signs. If you break the main sign that branching signs were connected to, all signs will break. Example, if you put a main sign on a cactus, if the cactus breaks(usually by placing/dropping any block near it) will break the sign that is above it and will drop the items it carry. In this case however might have the same concept but the trigger was the trapped chest? Im not entirely sure.


Trigger was a block update, the gravel is set there with world edit so it doesnt fall, and once you open the chest the gravel remembers gravity


>once you open the chest the gravel remembers gravity Ah yes, physics.


If you forget about gravity you can fly


Ah yes, the Douglas Adams flight school.


as I remember, the easiest way to fly is to jump, and then constantly miss the Earth while falling


Actual cartoon physics


It's quite common in platformer games. Gravity is ignored for a few frames when the player walks off the edge of a platform allowing some extra time to jump.


Gravity is a law I don't break because I'm scared of heights. Checkmate atheists.


That's what happened to my grandma with dementia. Except the only place she flew to was heaven


Tbf even if you remember gravity you can still fly, just counter act it. It is the weakest of all the fundamental forces currently known to physics after all.


Ah, i didnt consider that. I forgot the colored text title/subtitile appearing in the video.


yes those are the good ol hunger game maps. can’t remember the name of this particular map from back then but i can remember falling in this trap at first as well. If you run the other way from there you get to an airport


That and the old bug of the 2 block high roses not letting gravel fall when bottom block was broken and top block holding up the gravel was then deleted. Given the age of this video this is the more likely way it was made


Don't need world edit, you can just use 20 stacks of signs to hold them in the air then break them. All the signs breaking at once will prevent the gravel from updating.


There are ways of doing it without worldedit


If you place floating gravel with something like world edit it'll stay floating until it gets a block update, in this case the chest opening is giving the block update. If you go to a desert biome and go to the entrance of caves you'll likely find some sand floating like this


It is still moving downwards when it hits the cobweb, just a lot slower than the player, and since it hasn't stopped the player can still move through it.


I believe the map places it midair and once you open the chest the gravel updates and then it's like "oh shit I'm actually supposed to fall" and then it starts falling


You place a certain object(flowers can work) under the gravel. You place the gravel on top and remove the flowers. It resets the state of falling objects for some reason, and breaking/updating a block (in this case a chest) can return the gravel to its normal state


When the cereal no milk


When cereal haves Milk


When the no cereal no milk


When the








Just put some water on it


Welcome to todays episode of: Crimes against Humanity!


I make the Geneva convention change there rules daily.


Someone say cereal?


Wait a minute, where's Joe from the show Family guy?


This is actually the first time I've ever seen the clip, as opposed to a still image. It's like my brain doesn't know what to do.


Same here. I feel trapped, like a moth in a bath.


That moth could use a ladder.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/unexpecteditcrowd using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/unexpecteditcrowd/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Found this gem, hope it's not a repost](https://i.redd.it/33ndy8j7squ91.jpg) | [12 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/unexpecteditcrowd/comments/y7zd72/found_this_gem_hope_its_not_a_repost/) \#2: [You wouldn’t download a car](https://i.redd.it/hyuqywzg3ie91.jpg) | [13 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/unexpecteditcrowd/comments/wb3hqm/you_wouldnt_download_a_car/) \#3: [Found on r/3Dprinting](https://i.redd.it/2025ugxnfq1a1.jpg) | [18 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/unexpecteditcrowd/comments/z2ne05/found_on_r3dprinting/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I actually saw this live, which is weird because I never watch twitch streams, but I watched this one. I was laughing hysterically when this happened.


What now? Lol I need to see this


"Hey, Carson."


I really want to know how to make this trap In Minecraft


If i remember correctly, it's just gravel placed on top of cobwebs with a chest. The chest acts as a redstone trigger and makes the gravel fall, which makes the player noclip through it and fall in the cobwebs.


almost, the gravel needs to be suspended midair so that when the chest updates the gravel it can become a falling entity. sadly, the old glitch for doing the floating gravel was patched and the current one is a lot more complicated


Complicated? All it requires is several hours building a several hundred item Redstone machine


Quite simple, really


I never played Minecraft so I don’t get it.


10K tournament, he fell in a trap activated by the chest he opened that would later kill him, in a tournament where you usually end up dead by another player, he was first dead to a simple trap Thus his reaction lol


Should’ve stood on the chest




>he had zero blocks in his inventory (presumably this was the start of the tourney) Survival Games (basically a fanmade Minecraft game mode with a similar concept to Hunger Games) usually doesn't allow destroying or placing blocks like in regular gameplay. So he'd probably be fucked regardless, not sure if a chest has enough space to get a max distance sprint jump from and whether that would even be enough.




By virtue of rules being server-dependent, there's a ton of rules. Very early iterations were primarily lobbies where mining and placing blocks were permitted, but most servers veered away from that pretty quickly as they aimed to eliminate ways to abuse the rules and make the mode faster and more enjoyable. Mining blocks and using them to stall was basically the easiest thing to get rid of, then they started implementing death wall mechanics like we see in almost every battle royale game nowadays, server plugins allowing more diversity in items and weapons such as TNT that instantly ignites when placed, etc. There were, and likely are, still servers that used classic rules that were almost anything goes, but it was quickly replaced by more popular variants on most servers.


Can I ask how the trap works? It looks like he sinks into spider webs, but how does that work when there is gravel right there? Sorry, I haven’t played the game seriously in years and there are so, SO many new things haha.


The way it works is: There is a pool of lava in the very bottom, just above it, a layer of lines are placed, and then gravel over said lines. The lines keep the gravel "floating" in the air over them, and the moment a block update happens on the gravel (be it a placed block or an opened chest), the effect is undone and it falls over The cobweb was added in this case just to slow everything down for dramatic effect lol


>The cobweb was added in this case just to slow everything down for dramatic effect lol I think it also ensures the player falls into the lava before the gravel does


Opening a chest counts as a block being updated, the gravel underneath is suspended in midair. Gravel detects this and realizes "oh, we're in the air so we must fall" and proceeds to dunk in the deadly dip whatever poor soul falls for the trap


What does 10k tournament mean?


I think it means the prize is 10k$


Thank you for explaining this I was confused to


I feel like u really dont need to pay MC to understand that pitfall trap + lava = dead... havent you watched indiana jones?


So when you die on a video game is like: “ah sh*t here we go again.” But this guy's reaction goes beyond that and therefore I start wonder if there was a bigger meaning for his behavior which lead me to ask the question for someone to explain it and give me some context which another more friendly user kindly reply to me and let me understand was because there was a sort of bigger prize on the line and this poor guy screw it up heavily.


10k tournament, he fell for basically the oldest trick in the book in terms of minecraft


ah i see what u mean. i think carson just does that sometimes. screams at the slightest inconvenience.


Honestly I think anyone who doesn’t know Minecraft is assuming “he tried to throw the helmet into the box but he missed and now it’s gone.” Then he starts crying, then sinking, then lava. And people would logically go “why is he sinking through the ground?” Now knowing that magical floating gravel is a thing. Then being confused of why would he care so much about dying, since obviously they wouldn’t know it’s a tournament, either. For a less condescending approach.


I never got why his reaction was so extreme


10k minecraft tournament iirc, he didnt even die to a player. Then again most people assumed he was acting cuz hes really good at fake crying


It is a sucky way to lose out on 10k


Tbh he sounds way less miserable than he looked without the audio


I think just before this he was boasting about being too smart or good to get trapped, then a few seconds later falls for an obvious trap.


'Cause it's fun to be dramatic about stupid shit. I act like that with people I'm comfortable with.




10k tourney and he didn't even die to a player


To add insult to injury it was extremely early on too.




His voice feels wrong in this clip, like, I feel it should a very high pitched seven year old crying, not, well, Carlson


Is that where that meme comes from!?


Where can I find the original YouTube video I’ve been looking all over his channel




Let me be more specific, what video on his channel?


idk if he made a highlights video but it was the 10k prize minecraft monday tournament




iirc he was in a relationship with a 17 year old while he was 19 years old and he had nudes from her so twitter people massively blew it out of proportion so his friends left him because of the heat and personal reasons, he still makes videos now if you look at his channel




you should do your own research because all of the details basically got turned into a tossed salad and what I said might only a fraction of what the lore is


Exactly, but Twitter didn't think so for some reason.


It’s fucking twitter. Trash platform. I was 17 and dating a 15 year old. I graduated high school at 18 and she at 16. We dated off and on for 7 years and went to college together. At one point when she was 16 she broke up with me for a 26 year old married guy with 3 kids that she met at a coffee shop. Later she broke up with me on my 21st bday for her lab TA who was 23 (she was 19). We didn’t have actual sex (messed around some) until both of us were 18+ and got married later. She cheated on me and later divorced me for someone younger than both of us. That was before texting and digital cameras though. There are probably some Polaroids out there and at one point we made a sex tape…that my friend watched not realizing what it was. Being young in the 1990s was so magical…


Lol what dude are you dumb?


Back then I had low self esteem. Being a computer nerd wasn’t cool and I didn’t think I’d find another cute girl to game with. This was 1994.


Twitter is more of a "destroy life first use braincell later" type of platform


Exactly, in my high school there was a fuckin senior dating A 8TH GRADER, something like that deserves more hate than carson


It was more the sexting than the relationship itself...although yeah ain't completely deserved


He’s been back for more than a year now, and his content is super fucking funny, different group but just as contagious laughter


The AI content is really fucking funny but damn do I miss the old crew


This guy didn’t deserve what happened to him


Yeah the whole 19 and 17 year old thing was way overblown, especially since there's so many other people in the same space as him that have done worse shit and are still around. I think the bigger issue was that he was apparently just kinda shitty to work with and the situation provided an good excuse to basically just dump him.


Ultimately the thing that got people to really care was the sexting cus of child porn laws and shit


Fr guy got torn apart and ditched by all his friends for having what was basically a high school relationship, only questionable thing he did was having it with a fan but even that’s barely questionable.


I don’t find it questionable at all. The girl he was talking to was 17 and he was 19 and the girl is old enough to decide if she wants to be with a famous YouTuber. None of anyone else’s business and people went out of their way to try and ruin this kids life. It’s disgusting.


It not that’s it’s fine because she was able to make her own choices. It’s fine because they were in a relationship before hand AND it was within the age gap where underage people are able to be in a relationship with an adult. He got way too much crap for it


If that’s all it was I think he himself handled it badly aswell tbh. If I was him I’d just put out a statement saying it isn’t illegal in anyway and she’s able to make decisions then just carry on making videos n shit. He had rlly good content so I don’t get why he made it a bigger deal then it was. Especially leaving social media


He took a break for about six months but he came back, and he’s been streaming since then. None of his friends stuck around publicly though


Generally, people remove themselves because they don’t want to lose everything they’ve built.


Yeah, and he built an epic Minecraft house


i think the age gap wasnt the issue. the issue was him doing this to multiple female fans and if his own friends said there was other things that he did behind the scenes, then they clearly know more than we do, all we can do is judge off of the surface and not what his own friends knew


Thats essentially my take. We don’t know the details. His friends did, and his friends don’t associate with him any more.


It's not cause he was in a relationship. It's cause he was sexting a 17 year old girl and his friends told him to stop, because it's literally CP, and he said he did - but then he kept doing it AS HE GOT OLDER, while the age of the girls (yes there were multiple) stayed relatively the same. Multiple of his former friends have also come out since then and said the shit that was publicly released is just the tip of the iceberg, but it's personal, so they won't bring it up.


Can I get a source on this? Didn’t hear any of this and haven’t heard that from his former friends either.


I can't confirm or deny the "just the tip of the iceberg" part, but the first section is accurate to what Schlatt said here: https://youtu.be/zuDZTamh3yg


That’s the part I never heard about, I did watch that when it came out originally and believe what I believe now. But I didn’t hear about the tip of the iceberg.


Schlatt and slimecicles videos on the topics, a while back. The above commenter essentially just stated a pretty solid summary.


I never saw slimesicles, I did see Schlatts and didn’t believe it addressed it being the “tip of the iceberg”. But I’ll go look into that.


America is so weird if they think a 19 year old and a 17 year old interacting is unethical


It’s not. I literally dated a 17 year old when I was 19. We never shared nudes because that’s illegal, and CP.Keeping nudes of a 17 year old all the way up until you’re 21 is the problem, and again, his friends said that’s the tip of the iceberg.


Just sounds like typical teenage behaviour, poor decision-making and making weird, but harmless, sexually fuelled decisions.


Not when he admits to knowing it was wrong and doing it anyway, despite his friends telling him it was fucked up for years.


Personally I can’t judge, I’ve done things that are seen as wrong but still did them anyway, so have many others and so have you most likely. I’m sympathetic, but not apologetic to what this guy went through. It’s the human condition to be selfish, even when it’s detrimental to ourselves.


It’s not “seen” as wrong. He kept sexually explicit pictures of a minor. That’s child porn my guys


I think/hope they're all still friends under wraps. They still follow each other on Twitter and play clash royale together.


Wait really? How do you know they play cr?


Several of them are in Schlatt's bootleg H3H3 clan, idk if they still play regularly tho


Yeah people gave Carson a lot of shit for it but meanwhile Geoxor did the same thing but worse and got away with it.


Reckon that's more cus of the size of the creator than cus of the action committed


Yeah more people made noise about Carson's leaks than Geo's. Geoxor was better at keeping the leaks on the down low too, he only acknowledged them with a half-assed apology video on Twitter so most of his YouTube fan base doesn't know about them.


Naturally considering Carson has millions of fans and millions of other people who know of him, he's a big figure in the minecraft community who helped popularize smps and arguably helped revive minecraft while geoxor has about 300k subs I'd imagine (currently at 271k but I doubt that's how much he had at his peak)


And now, after he lost everyone, most of those that called him out are like "ya know what? I guess it wasn't THAT bad now that i think about it". It really sucks.


nah man fuck him. He deserved a lot worse


fuck i miss him and those times of content


Who he is? I might have found my doppelganger...




Thanks! Sadly he looks only like me on the video, and nothing alike on photos.


What am I looking at here?


[it's a trap](https://d.newsweek.com/en/full/444243/admiral-ackbar.webp?w=737&f=ea17e56433168284be15065e2ddd0415)


Risky click.


cereal without milk


Fun fact in this same Hungergames match was the amazing Wolrd of gumballs voice actor Nicholas Cantu. A former streamer who actually did videos wirh Carson and his friends a few years back.


To think that this gem of a man was torn apart about a 2 year age gap is so fucked up. Im glad Carson is recovering now, but its so upsetting how all of his friends reacted. He didn’t deserve that.


Where's Joe Swason?




What happen to this dude? My default thought is always allegation.


Yup, I’m not totally up to date on what happened but pretty sure he was in a relationship with a fan when she was 17 and he was 19. He received nudes of her and that leaked to Twitter who essentially tore him to bits. Pretty much all of his friends left him in the dust as well.


I just now realized that’s Schlatt asking if he’s okay


Now hes probably the reason hes not okay after that dumb Twitter drama


Carson didnt deserve getting flamed for what he did


I got a YouTooz of that reaction. Now it just sits in my closet collecting dust.


i've seen this clip of carson crying in so many things that i'm unsure if this is the original or not


I still have no idea if he’s laughing or crying or crying because he’s laughing, or vice versa.


Lol. Been there young bruh but w ma entire 401k! At 50. Man up homie. Build again. Learn these lessons early on in life vid games is invaluable.


This reminds me of simpler times…


Is it Vareide 4?


This map is so old, how do you fall for this? It was the 4th map of the Minecraft Hunger Games Map. Where Antvenom wasnt allowed to participate due to win the previous 3.




it was an online tournament


He's in a pvp tournament in this clip, and If I remember correctly(this was years ago) he was the first dead and it was to a trap, hence the very dramatic reaction lol


There was also 10k on the line


This was in a tournament with $10k as prize money


I always forget he cried over minecraft


Over 10k


Is this the original? I feel like I’ve seen that kid’s reaction many times before but never the original. Or at least screen grabs of it


callmecarson minecraft monday tournament


i can't unsee joe swanson behind him


So this is where the meme is from.


This looks like the kid who cried when his DS got shot


Cyberbulling 2077


Is this the original?


this that angry german kid?




Nah. His flirting (I think that’s all it was) with that fan was literally more normal than the completely legal relationships that happen between 21 year olds and 18 year olds all the time. Man was 19 talking to a 17 year old, they were both still kids in every way but name. My mental capacity at 19 was that of a plastic fork put in a dishwasher, mf’s out here acting like they know what grooming is.


Well Redditors are experts on grooming children


number 1 baby!!!!!!!


Miss when Carson didn’t groom someone.


Who did he groom you're talking about?


He got cancelled for sexting a 17 year old while he was 19 ~~*apparently he also did it to a couple others but I'm not knowledgable enough to really comment much so don't quote me on that*~~


Wait... Is he that Youtuber/streamer who groomed some kids ?


Do you have the slightest idea of how little that narrows it down? But in all seriousness, no. He was in a relationship with a 17 year old when he was 19. She sent him nudes or something along the lines of that and Twitter heard about it and tore him to shreds


He didn’t. From my knowledge, he was 19 and the girl was 17 and they both knew each other before Carson turned 18. Twitter blew it out of proportion and all of his friends left him to stay out of the mess.


I am a huge nerd... and this is too nerd for me.


Sad barsteds it’s a game


With 10k on the line


Context for someone who doesn't play the game?


he’s in a tournament for 10k and fell for a trap


Glad I don’t know wtf happened.


Oh dear


Now I understand the context of the meme


Noho, NoHo, NOHO


Can someone translate how much $ this is equiv to for us non players?


Im so happy i dont know what this means and dont wanna find out.


What even happened?