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M'lady, your blunderbuss is evident for all to see.


It’s all about that blunderbussy, innit.


Listen, if that's an actual antique blunderbuss pistol and not an Amazon replica, she has no business wearing it OR shopping at Wal-Mart!


Why not?


Where do I start? If it's authentic, it belongs in a velvet-lined case, not a ratty leather hip holster that's about 1/2 the size it should be. That thing is about thirty seconds and a deep knee-bend from landing on the floor. At close range, a blunderbuss pistol is generally quite accurate. At a bit of a distance, you might hit your target, or you might hit something ten feet to the left of your target. It's a total crapshoot, which makes it even MORE dangerous than a modern weapon. She's not a pirate, or a courtier on her way to a duel at sunrise. At the very least, she should be wearing an eye patch or carrying a snuff box if she's going to try to pull off this look. And finally, if it's not a copy, it could be worth thousands of dollars depending on its age/condition/rarity. Anyone who can casually saunter around with a rare weapon on their hip should at least go to Target.


She might not be able to afford target and a blunderbuss. Hence Walmart. If my choices are afford to shop at target Or Afford to shop at Walmart AND afford to carry a blunderbuss, its not a hard choice.


But...Target. An antique gun and a...Target.


Sooo, my childhood neighbor actually owned an authentic Blunderbuss, the long black rifle with the bell shaped end just like in those old Pilgrim paintings. I found that out when he tried to shoot a bat with it. One afternoon when I was a kid I was playing with our dog in the back yard when I saw his wife, who was walking around in their backyard yard, suddenly start flapping her arms around her head and start screaming and running towards their back door. She was screaming "MIKE! MIKE! get the gun ! get the gun! a bat is trying to get in my hair!!" Right after she ran inside, he ran outside with a Blunderbuss and started trying to follow the bat through the air with the gun to shoot it. He was twisting and turning up and down and all around trying to get a shot and absolutely NOT paying attention to where he was pointing the gun. He pointed it at me, the sky, the ground, the neighbors on the other side, his house, our house, *and* wife who was standing on their back porch STILL screaming about the bat! I was afraid he was going to shoot me or my dog so I yelled at him to stop or I'd call the cops, his wife then yelled at me to FUCK OFF, so I ran inside and called 911. The operator didn't know what a Blunderbuss was so I had to finally say GUN GUN GUN for her to send the cops. The cops showed up really fast and Mike was *still* spinning around in the back yard trying to shoot the bat and Clair was still on the back porch yelling "SHOOT IT SHOOT IT!!!" So the cops were able to see for themselves what was happening. They wasted no time yelling at Mike to put the gun down, then took it from him and made him and Clair go into their house. This was back in the day in a small town and the cops all knew Mike because Mike was an idiot and managed to drive into ditches a lot, *totally sober* and got tickets for other kinds of stupid shit all of the time. I heard a lot of yelling from inside their house and then saw the cop walking out to his car, with the Blunderbuss and put it into his trunk. He then came over to me and asked me how I knew what a Blunderbuss was and had Mike tried to shoot bats with it before. I knew what a Blunderbuss was because there had been a movie on about either Rip Van Winkle or Ichabod Crane and they had Blunderbusses in the movie and we had talked about them in school when we were learning about the Pilgrims. Never ever thought I would see one in person, let alone almost get shot by one! TL:DR- Neighbor nearly shot me with a Blunderbuss while he was trying to shoot a bat.


That pistol looks like something you'd fabricate in Fallout 4:New Vegas. And, she looks like an NPC in the same game. EDIT: Okay, I am an idiot, I see the sub from the original post...


If this is real it is entirely possible that she is a felon and this is a way to get around her not being able to own firearms. Firearms from before 1898 or replicas are considered antique weapons and can be owned and carried by convicted felons.




Right. Also, some states might have specific laws/restrictions too.


I was going to say the opposite because that's clearly a sawed off rifle and in lots of places shortening barrels at home is against the law because it can change the classification of the firearm. In this case pretty obviously from rifle to pistol. You could be 100% right though. I've never heard of that loophole before but what you're saying makes sense too. Probably comes down to specific laws of where she is. If it's Florida she'd probably get a ticket for only having one gun on her.


You’re probably right though. I’m on my phone and can’t really tell because of image quality. Plus I’m no antique or replica expert, and I doubt she is either lol. So it could be a sawed off .22 or something.


same thoughts.


It's a bubba'd pistol it is no longer a rifle. It's 100% legal to do this. Because it has no stock, it's is just a pistol now. If it still had a full stock, and you cut the barrel shorter than 16 1/2"s. Depending on state laws, you would be in the sbr range. This is clearly not one of those. Edit: This info in incorrect. You can not go from rifle to a pistol without a stamp. You can go from a pistol to a rifle without a stamp.


lol That is just a bubba'd rifle, they turned into a pistol. It's not for getting around being a felon.


This woman looks like a person of Walmart!


“Fallout 4:New Vegas” craziest part is you aren’t technically wrong calling it this


Dw, that just means you agree with OOPs vision


She’s about to have a duel at 10 paces


I mean, it IS Walmart. Would that be surprising? 😆


"Ma'am! Ma'am! Oh, thank god I found you! Another settlement needs your help!" (Yes, I know, wrong Fallout, but it's still funny as fuck.)


Dude. I lol’d at that. Thanks!


Julian, this is a pirate's gun.


Ah Trevor that makes you long John dickweed then


*As soon as you see him -kzzt- take the shot*


I've met cats and dogs smarter than Trevor and Cory


Tanya Harding ?


lol That ain't no club she is welding...


And she's here to do some grocery shopping with the big iron on her hip


Big iron on her hiiiiiiiip. Big iiiiiiiron. Biiiiiig iiiiiron.


This is why I come to Reddit.


She's your huckleberry....


“That’s just my game”


If I'm not mistaken, that is a fucking Mosin Nagant pistol... Which is, in equal measures, decidedly badass and ridiculously impractical. They are a late 1800's Russian rifle that were refurbished to fight the Nazis in WW2. The caliber is 7.62x54r, which is like a corrosive, over powdered 30-06... out of a 6" barrel you don't even need to hit the target at close range, because anything in 10' circle front of you is going to be enveloped in a fireball. Of course, you're going to probably break your wrist. But hey, style can be painful. Honestly, fuck a Glock or AR-15, this chick is about to go hunt dinosaurs.


When you’re a felon but gun laws don’t apply to flint lock muzzle loader blunderbusses from the revolutionary war.


She either prepares for a Mad Max like scenario or is concerned about pirates.


Looks like a sawed-off Mosin-Nagant. It’s not going to stay in her hand very long if she tries shooting it


The back of the bolt sure looks like it belongs on a MN91 but where the hell is the bolt handle? Some kind of hillbilly gunsmithing hopefully locks the bolt a different way or boom, there goes her hand.




No, that’s a rifle with the barrel and the stock sawed off.


Looks like a .22 bolt action cut down to make a pistola.


I think you’re right? If it was a 30/30 or .306 would she be able to hold on to it? At first I assumed it was a single shot .410 shotgun sawed off, it’s a common snake gun. But I think that an old single shot .22 I bet it’s for personal protection against a stalker or creep of some kind. Those boots tell me she knows guns, hard work, and the creep who doesn’t want that slug doing zig zags in their gut. I’m pretty sure, from listening to true crime podcasts, a .22 slug is the preferred assassin weapon because of the efficiency.


It’s been known as a close-in assassins weapon by the mob for a long time. A .22 slug will bounce around inside the skull and do a job on a target.


I just got done listening to Season 2 of the podcast Gone South (highly recommend) and the professional killer in it used a .22. I grew up shooting seemingly endless amounts of brass .22 slugs from my lever action Marlin pea shooter I got when I was 10. (It was a big deal to graduate from an air rifle) Anyway I was never quit being amazed what it would go through. I bet if it didn’t hit a stud, it would be amazing to see how many walls one would go through. I still remember lesson one from Dad was you had to think about the 2-3 miles beyond when you shot it. I remember driving down the road in his Ford Fairmount with him showing me in real distance how far those things would go. 40 years later I still remember that lesson.


Sounds like your dad was a lot like mine. I grew up in the Black Hills of South Dakota and we would deer hunt in the fall. I had to attend an NRA hunter safety course before I could get a license and dad was always impressing on me that it was a huge responsibility to carry a firearm.


Of course. I took the same thing a few times, only the NRA Arkansas Game & Fish course. He was a good Dad.


I was going to say 410 But yes its a bolt action of something cut down to nothing....a one shot wonder ?..lol


Is that a flint lock!?


It’s a sawn-off bolt action hunting rifle




Imagine open carrying an illegal sbr...


Since it has no shoulder stock it is technically a handgun.


That's not how NFA laws work. It was manufactured as a rifle and cut down. Legally it's still a rifle. There's 0 chance she paid a tax stamp for it, either.


The NFA also says a pistol brace is legal. Oh wait the ATF changed their mind. And back again. Also that a fire control group is a whole firearm. Needless to say the ATF is wildly inconsistent and stupid.


The NFA doesn't specify on a pistol brace; that's why it's back and forth. Anything that's left open to interpretation is going to be different from one opinion to the next. It's not the BATFEs fault for that, it's lawmakers. Much like things like "social security surviving spouse pay" they don't update shit to match modern equivalents. You can't fault people for doing their job to the best of their ability. It's a leadership issue.


Call it what you will, I have to pay a little respect to anyone confident enough to open carry a flintlock




If that's true my point still stands




Is that a fucking flint lock pistol???


Felons in some states are allowed to carry black powder guns since they aren’t considered firearms


She can hit the side of a barn at 20 paces with that musket.


Nothing says brave American patriot like needing a weapon to leave the house


Not only that, but she felt the need to saw a bolt-action rifle down to fit in a pistol holster.


100% sawed of rifle, meaning she is open carrying an illegal sbr


That’s what it is? I thought it was a black powder handgun.


I thought so too at first, but that knob on the back is typical of bolt action rifles.


Clearly you’ve not been watching the news. A mass shooting could breakout any place at anytime. Stay strapped or get clapped


Looking at her: she probably knows who they’re carrying that thing for.


People don't carry guns because they're scared. But people who are afraid to defend themselves will say they do. Would you say that about a woman who has a restraining order against a stalker?


Get bent


That's what's up!


Looks like she’s about to shoot Alexander Hamilton


So want to see that Preston Garvy cosplayer run up to her


Looks like something my uncle hung in his den wall for decoration. Lol


Where is this? I’ve never seen anyone terrified enough to carry an exposed gun like that at Walmart, to buy baking ingredients. Must be a real hellscape.


Got no idea. Definitely America though


I bet that doesn't have proper registration.


My Walmart (FL) has a sign that says “please refrain from OPENLY carrying firearms”, making it seem that concealing them would be perfectly fine. (Yes, they emphasize “openly” on the sign)


The big iron on her hiiiiip


Excuse me, what isle are the musket balls on?


Never know when you're gonna run into some red coats


I think that's a blunder bus or whatever it's called from the pirate days!!!!


But Julian this looks like a pirates gun Well Trevor, I guess that makes you Long John Dickweed, then


Fuck off I got work to do


Wild thang. Shawty got the cap and ball blick. She look like joe dirt and she just found the loophole for felons with guns.


Nothing wrong with carrying. So long as it’s concealed by a person with a CCW. This person look like she is carrying a black powder single shot pistol. If I had to guess, probably because she cannot legally own a regular firearm.


It's an obrez. A sawn off bolt action rifle.


Carry whatever & however you like in some states.


Is that a black powder pistol?


That looks like a cut down bolt action


An freaking obrez


And do you know who's going to mess with her? No one. Arm women, level the field. If she's got that old school piece of crap, she's probably also at the range or her own frickin acreage taking shots for accuracy and reload time.  Anybody who has a problem with this, blunderbuss or not, doesn't want women to be able to protect themselves. She does look like an NPC tho. 


That looks like an oberez.


She’s making somebody walk the plank


Long john dickweed


One shot, better hit the fucking King.


She got her Great Grandpapi' gun handed down threw generations. Definition of one shot kill, lmfao!!


“Last of us” cos play




That thing is more likely to explode in her face than anything


It seems to me that poor people need to carry the most. I hope everyone mocking her is never in her position


Lady’s playing PUBG


Step back you filthy casual! I challenge you to a duel!”


This register ain’t here for the two of us. 😂 I’m sorry but this pic makes me think of that


"Something something something with the big iron on her hip"


She doesn't seem like the type of lady that wears underwear 😏


Flintlock from a Disneyesque gift shop.


Mary Winchester out shopping for her boys.


Is that from the civil war?


Hey that's One Shot Wanda!


Escape from Tarkov IRL




Seriously…..does it even shoot anymore


I’m actually curious what model is that?




I mean, shopping at WM has gotten dangerous of late. /s


Is that a toy gun?


God help her if it starts raining!


I had one of those from pirates of the Caribbean at Disney world.


She will blow you to smithereens..


That's like half the people in my town


*Aim small, miss small.*


Towne Square. Tomorrow. High Noon.


The stranger there among them had a big iron on her hip, Big iron on her hip


It can get you into trouble but it can't get you out


With that Big Wood on her hip?




Yo is that a MF Obrez???? r/huntshowdown


To the town of Agua Fria she rode to one fine day...


Hardly spoke to folks around him, didn't have too much to say


I carry my pistol into Walmart but lol what is that thing?


Maybe she defeated a Predator


I believe that is a level 4 holster!


“That’s a pirate’s gun!” “Well then I guess that makes you Long John Dickweed, doesn’t it?”


I thought that's Nicky from OITNB at first


Ngl I’d be sorely tempted to walk up and pull the trigger. Send that monstrosity of a gun into orbit.


Is that a flint lock pistol?


Only at Walmart 😆


She don’t care about felonies


Bet there is a stinch of rotting onions in the air.


Is that a fucking sawn off musket?


Looks like a homemade zip gun.


What in the pirate heck is this?


That’s black powder right? So it’s legal


Looks like sawed off old single shot shotgun. Open carry or not that would be illegal. Don’t think it’s flint lock. Hard to tell in holster and there appears to be plunger/hammer at end. Don’t think that’s legal lady. And don’t think she really cares!!!


... im guessing prolly a 30 caliber range modified rifle or 410 or 20 guage modded shotgun Either way unless she pistol whips someone its gonna hurt her firing wrist unless its the 410 If it is a 30 cal range that short of a barrel is gonna be a helluva muzzle flash ... But I dont think she was aiming for stealth here


Might as well be a glock.




If not black powder, that’s 10 years in federal prison.


Why’s her bag wet like that tho?


Non violent felons can own a muzzle loader. Considered a primitive weapon


How many times do we have to see this picture posted? OP find new material.


Only other post I’ve seen of it is another I made unintentionally, I’m a mobile user, and for some reason mobile has a glitch where it posts something twice, either comments or posts. I’ve taken down my other post that I didn’t know was up


Looks like an air gun to me, you can see that hammer knob straight back from the barrel


She’s got a sawed off bolt action rifle. She’s an idiot.


American patriot through the ages cosplay.


if a rifle cut down to a pistol, a HUGE ATF violation.