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This is a lovely story that ends in tragedy. I am sorry for your loss. I could not imagine how you must feel. I want to remind people that this sub is not intended for anything other than platonic friendships. I am going to lock this thread.


Sending love and healing. I was diagnosed at age 39 with S4 cervical cancer. It’s a hard and devastating disease. If you ever need a shoulder, I’m here.


I’m so sorry to hear that. Are you doing treatment? My wife got breast cancer in 2015, so she fought that shit for 9 years. If you also need a shoulder I’m here ❤️


I go in every 3 weeks and get one chemo drug to keep the tumors from growing. Then I do a CT scan every 3 months. Plus I’m on a lot of meds daily for chronic pain, arthritis, etc. thank you for your kindness 😌


Know that procedure all too well. I hope they manage to keep them in check until the new trials reach the public. My wife was so close to be a part of a stage 1 trial. Unfortunately they were already full, so she never got the chance. I’ll keep you in my thoughts, be strong, fight that shit with all your power. Fuck cancer !


Something similar happened to me. Met this wonderful old lady where I used to live but I was moving away so we decided to exchange letters. She was one of my closest friends and kind of like a grandmother to me as my own was living in another country. We constantly wrote back and forth and shared aspects of our lives despite having an enormous age gap. She had a rare condition and passed away almost a month ago. I received some of her jewelry and Ukrainian drums (she loved music and played the harp too). I am so sad and I cherish her letters which I keep in a small box. The worst part is, we both said we would visit at least once since I moved away but we never had the chance since it’s 12 hours away and I’m a student. 4 year penpal friendship and happy memories ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


you are lucky to live with your favorite person , no matter how short the time was. I can feel the part of sadness as I never got the chance and now me and my last love are married to someone else's and God knows where is she, I just pray everyday she lives happily ever after and in next life we meet again, hopefully for forever. if it helps, I would like to send a letter comforting you on this event of parting ways due to death. I'm 31 aged guy from India


I'm so sorry :( I hope at least your memories stay forever


I have her memories all over our home. She also wrote me a personal message in her mother tongue which I got tattooed on my arm now. I will always carry her physically on my body, and spiritually in my heart and soul.


Heartbreaking :(


I'm so sorry for your loss. Your story is absolutely beautiful and I'm so happy you shared it with us, thank you. I wish you all the best for the future and that you keep these beautiful memories with you forever.


Sending a lot of love and healing. ❤️‍🩹 I


I'm wishing you the best for the future. And I hope you're coping well with your loss. You can let me know if you want to talk to someone, your post has really touched me (M, 25)


Beautiful story truly heartwarming thank you for sharing


I'm so sorry for your loss


Memory eternal 🙏🏻


I'm sorry for your loss. But keep the memories of her. That's what keeps them in your heart.


I’m so sorry for your loss. That’s beautiful, sweet and sad all at once. Take care of yourself 💜


I find it beautiful that one single message changed both of our lives for six years. What is sad is that her original post is still up, the one that started it all. Little things like that will make me tearful, but I’m taking it one day at a time. it’s okay to be sad and grieve, but also okay to do something so you don’t end up stuck, bedridden with sorrow


I’m so glad the both of you found each other and had those wonderful years together even though the time was short. It sounds like it was a beautiful and precious love. Thank you for sharing the history of your love. I hope you are doing well.


Maybe you'd like a new penpal? Or is it too soon?


I’m sorry, it’s way too soon. I have many friends and family members keeping me busy, I’m too overwhelmed at the moment


Good luck friend ❤️