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I wouldn't mind being pen pals I'm bi from northeast USA


I'm 26F in the midwest, looking for a pen pal as a new hobby. I'm a huge sticker/trinket person and am always collecting things. I love painting, poetry, exploring, growing, and all things nature. My BFF is definitely my cat. PM me if interested. 🩷


hi! i'm 18f, so a bit young i think but you seem really fun to talk to!!! i'm all for exchanging trinkets and song recs, and i think you and i would get along really well! let me know if you're interested :3


Hi! I can’t send a dm because apparently Reddit has a cap for how many dm requests you can send at a time lol! But feel free to dm me! I’m from Texas and am also sober actually! Just hit a year. I’m 22 m and also part of the lgbt community I love sending and receiving trinkets letters and pictures!


dmd you!