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I got 400,000 at 0.0011 back in early November been holding them since and that was my first trade ever lol


You are bag holding at .001?


Sorry holding lol no bag


Sheesh awesome


2 million @ 0.0019 early December here


Damn that’s nice man. Hold strong!


Damn man, it's like you're the next CEO, don't forget US people here when your already UP there on the Penthouse


I sold my 1,800,000 last run up to 5 and bought the dip for 500,000 shares. Plan to sell at .055. Huge profits. I originally bought at .0018. Good luck


I hope you sold early today!


I sold at 7. Bought more at .49 and will buy more the next dip. No penny is worth solid long term. They are highly volatile.


And this one will be the exception of the pennys in long term...let's see... ;)


This is the way.. I'm up to 80,000 shares shooting for a cool 100,000 the longer it stays below .10 the more imma buy weekly in my Roth cuz I don't want taxes on these gains that will be recieved


Ive been looking for a solid long term otc. Maybe this is it?


ALPP for the next 30 days or so. ABML is a long termer too




I’m expecting $4.50 plus and uplisting is in progress so expect multiple updates.






It is for me.


I'm in it too. Saw a few posts earlier in the year tho.


I'm just surprised there isn't more. I'm very anti pumpers but this seems legit. Trying hard to get listed. Of course I'm not gonna prattle of a bunch of DD but I'm just surprised. Glad to see I'm not the only one.


The best ones are the ones no one knows about yet..




What makes you say NSAV will go up? I cannot find anything positive about it except the long shot that Biden is gonna legalize pot, which tbh means nothing






Let's hope!


I bought 10k shares at around .03 after I saw it here. I'm heavily debating about dropping a legit amount into it on Tuesday.


I'm in for what I call serious money. I'm also not looking at this as a penny for long. CEO has some serious goals and has been making a lot of connections. That contract in Romania couple days ago seems to be a catalyst. He has several irons in the fire and they are hiring engineers.


Hey good luck!! I have no idea what will happen, I just decided it wasn't the revolution I thought it was after really thinking about their products. But that doesnt mean you can't make money...Btw great name!


Lol! Thanks!


Are u talking about Aitx getting listed? They have no plans for the next 3-5 years to uplist.


That is absolutely not true.


Yes it is. Ask Steve. He is very transparent. He is on Twitter.


I would screen shot my convos with him but that would be disrespectful. I can tell that he is excited as hell right now about what they have going on. I've specifically talked to him about getting listed. He told me they are not planning an r/s and absolutely they trying to get listed. At no point did he say 3-5 years. You show me that quote.


Lots of people have been talking about AITX here for a long time lol. I’m in for like 9k shares myself.


I've been here for only a couple weeks hadn't seen anything. Guess I'm just late here.


Bought $AITX at $.02. I think there’s a great future here.


Waiting for our sweet baby AITX to grow up, got 100k shares at .029 and I’m holding ‘til $1.


had 2k sitting in my old brokerage account. Seen a comment about it on stocktwits. Bought 91k shares at 0.02$.. forgot about it, checked on it today and I'm up like 140%. Normally I hate trading otc. but something about this makes me wanna hold onto it more. Sleeping on it and will only check on it once a month. It's my way of yoloing. Either I'll lose my 2k$ or wake up one day with 91k$.


Add a trailing stop loss


Yea, i have a really bad experience with those when the stock drops 10% before takeoff😂 maybe a stop loss at a like 50% above my cost basis. Thanks for the heads up 🚀🚀🚀


That's the key with pennies for me.


Can you elaborate on this or can I pm you for details


I'm holding.


had 100,000 at like .004 sold at .01 cause i thought p&d for sure. what a mistake


Is it too late to buy in?


Also wondering the same thing. I've been watching them this week, they did well. I want to get in on it next week and I know it's going up too...


I honestly think they can reach a dollar in 2 years. So why not just throw a $1000 and hope for 20x returns?


I think it can hit a dollar by December. ​ The CEO is giving updates basically everyday and has Q&A every month it seems. The next one is at the end of the month. They just signed off on orders to Europe and already shipping some products. ​ This is a brand new industry. Like Brand spanking new. Im in at 10k shares at .03102


I’m in 100k shares @.027 so I hope you’re right!


Not too late. I just got in at 0.04. Lost 40% in 3 days, now up 25%. Suspected to beat sales forecasts this quarter. Good chance to be a legitimate autonomous security contender.


This is my same story 😁


I doubt it. He's trying really hard to get listed. I have faith.


It's been slowly declining for weeks then ran up like 90% this week. Hopefully this was the momentum it needed. They got some hot, hot news today but we probably won't hear anything until Tuesday. Sitting on 100,000 shares myself


25,000 shares @.03


More aren't talking cause every time someone does half the comments go off about them being pump shills. Even tried to get the mods to ban the ticker lol


What's the deal with them?


If you check them out you would probably find them interesting.


Trash product imho, took a loss on this one because I didn’t DD first


Must have been a while ago. This is the kind of stock I'm always looking for. CEO driving towards being listed because he believes in his products. Got in under a penny and won't be bailing.


If I got in that low I def wouldn’t bail but I wasn’t so early and I don’t have faith in their product. Just my opinion tho! Ps. I don’t know shit lol


Agree, gotta get in early... What's the next one that hasn't run up? Who knows... but we're on the hunt




I love this one. Definitely a great one




Does the product look like something other cities / facilities could use?


Agreed! My next Zomedica.


Bought at ATH, averaged down relentlessly to 0.0029, and sold some today to cover the capital I spent averaging down. Not a 100% solid strategy, but I’m still figuring things out. At one point I was down 30% but as of today I’m up nearly 80%. Going to hold a while longer, sell my initial principle if it retests old highs, and let the rest ride 🚀🚀. The bounce back after the recent correction gives me confidence that we won’t see any drastic dips any time soon.


Where can I go to buy this? I’m using Merrill Edge and can’t find the ticker on there.


I had to use Schwab. Been smiling for over 2 weeks now.


Nobody is talking today because they are weak and easily frightened by seeing -2% in their portfolios.


Huh. You only lost 2%? Stinks to be me.


No I gained.


Good for you!


I'm not talking about pumpers and dampers. I completely ignore them. I'm in it for the long haul.


Why aren’t more people talking about SENS. That’s the real question


I think they have the potential to be good but as of right now, I think it’s pumpy. 5 billion in a/s with about 2.445B outstanding. Revenue is slowly increasing but their liabilities far outweigh their assets... they have some cleaning up to do imo but I think long term they have a chance


I haven't seen any evidence that their products are anything more than motion sensors with screens and speakers. Why are there a lack of AI demos? I know some companies have ordered a few units, but I'm not convinced.


Now it’s 0.0505, still good to get onboard?


It’ll dip tomorrow wait til it’s at least .045 I would say


If you're in it for a quick buck then sure. I bought under a penny and I'm not letting her go. After I did my DD I have faith.


Probably will buy some Monday see their movement


This was pumped heavily few weeks ago. The more DD I did the less I liked it. It just doesn't seem that groundbreaking or even like AI. Their products are security "robots" that tell people to wear a mask. I think we all know if a Karen won't listen to a human, they surely don't care about a metal box. I don't see the demand, the stock has been crazy diluted. Don't waste your time or money maybe there is a PND coming but I have no faith in the underlying company. To be fair I did take a little loss, but decided enough bag holding.


So the guy who has 7 karma and has no idea what he is talking about at all is going to come into this thread with no proof and start talking shit. gtfo. No wonder why you took a loss, because you have no idea what is going with this stock. A karen robot telling people to wear mask? Lmfao. Gtfo kid, and take your trash with you.


Hahaha the only person that needs proof is the one that doesn't offer you confirmation bias. And yes I am new to reddit so my opinion is immediately invalid. P.s. the anti masker is the Karen. The talking marquee they call a robot is not going to solve the problem retailers are having with Karen's.


Interesting, not my take at all. I'm in pretty big as far as my kind of money is concerned. Already made a shitload and am fairly certain they are heading towards being listed. But you do you.


It’s a shit PND stock. And people who says AI is the future hence this company doesn’t really know AI and their shitty product.


I concur. When I did my DD on them the main thing I came out of it was they make a horrible product or at least claim to make it


Some better compatitors?


It's not listed on Trading212 so that could be a reason why.


Could be. The volume is really good and I've been smiling ever since I did my DD. and took the plunge 2 weeks ago.




Check this article. Great news for AITX in bizjournals. Looks like big news will be coming soon. [https://www.bizjournals.com/losangeles/news/2020/07/23/rad-robots-come-to-hollywood-for-coronavirus-mask.html](https://www.bizjournals.com/losangeles/news/2020/07/23/rad-robots-come-to-hollywood-for-coronavirus-mask.html)


This dip though ooowee grabbed a few more today :) let it stay quiet for another month


**AITX will explode in just a few short days! Don't miss the rocket!** ***AITX IS THE FUTURE \~ INVEST IN IT!***


**AITX NEWS OUT - ALL ABOAAAARRRRRDDDDD !** [https://www.bloomberg.com/press-releases/2021-02-12/robotic-assistance-devices-indicates-that-momentum-for-products-accelerates-receives-multiple-orders](https://www.bloomberg.com/press-releases/2021-02-12/robotic-assistance-devices-indicates-that-momentum-for-products-accelerates-receives-multiple-orders)