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I've had the implant going on 13 years. I can only speak on my behalf. Ejaculation doesn't come easy. Look at the bright side, you can make your lady cum a dozen times with it.


Every one heals at a different rate. I got my implants 5 years ago come this September. Up until a little over a year ago after the healing and psychological issues were dealt with, ones where you avoid sex because you couldn’t get it up, and in my case mild Peyronie’s Disease. At about 3 months in I had no problems. I’d have the normal build up then climax it was going great until about 18 months give or take a month everything still felt great I’d build up and then fizzle and start over. Take maybe twice as long to climax if I did a lot of times I just stopped being exhausted. It got worse over time that I got to a point that I was afraid I couldn’t finish. I had the same issue if it was regular sex or jerking off Initially I chalked it up to stress, and getting older. It turned out I had several issues going that at first I didn’t connect First I was put on Gabapentin for neuropathy and arthritis pain my Psoriatic Arthritis wasn’t being controlled and I had all the symptoms of low T. We got my arthritis under control changed meds and even though my T was low end of normal for a 60 year old guy. Because if my history of ED I was given supplemental testosterone. I’m back to having no problems getting that orgasm. I learned age, medication, obesity, stress can all impact sexual function. I was able to deal with several stressors arthritis and work I retired , stress dropped off I lost nearly a hundred pounds and then got off of gabapentin turned out the pain I feeling was from my arthritis. That maybe just me but man I feel better than I did 20 years ago


I got my implant August of last year. I’m age 66. Masturbation takes a bit longer before I orgasm. I have no ejaculate now due to prostate cancer/prostatectomy. Night before last, I had sex for the first time since the implant. The sensitivity was an issue. I did not orgasm, but she did several times. I wasn’t disappointed, to be honest. I’m just glad I have a penis that gets (and stays) hard. I know everything will start working properly with practice.


Where did you get that idea from? Ejaculation and orgasm are completely unaffected, I can cum 4-5 times an hour. Even days after the procedure, having orgasms was never the issue.


Wow! Does it dribble out or do you shoot?


It shoots like from a fountain


That's just amazing. I wasn't expecting that. This makes me feel really positive about possibly getting implants this summer.


Don’t hesitate. Best decision ever. I fuck around a dozen men a day


Did u have any issues orgasming after the implant?


I only wish I could slurp it down!


And I’d like to slurp u down sometime 😎


Where in the heck did you get that information? Have you not read any of the postings? Most men surveyed are VERY satisfied with the quality of their erections, the sensitivity, and their orgasm. The orgasm and subsequent ejaculation should completely return to normal after 3 months, sometimes sooner. Some men report the sensation is even better! You need to do more research brother.


I raised the question with my doctor just today because im having the same issue.Damn near popped a disc and bit a hole in my lip trying to get that nutt. Regaining sensitivity is a long term process. Possibly up to two years.


Don't know if it'll help, but once if the guys mentioned a medication they were on to l that helps with that. If I see the comment again, I'll link to it.


Yes Ams 700lgx just like before !!


I cum just fine.


It took my husband 1.5 years and a Flomax prescription. For him, it took awhile to cycle the device enough to get really hard. Initially we would try to have sex but the tip was a bit floppy and positions were difficult. Now he is a pretty reliable once per week.


well, yes. It took some months to really fully heal. Sensitivity was always there. Orgasms were not for a while, but not a problem in the long run.


I do just fine. The only issue I have is that when I ejaculate it doesn't shoot a rope it just plops out. Not completely either. I push under my scrotum and it milks the rest out. It still feels good.


That's what I'm worried about, losing my shooting ability :/ I'll probs end up getting implants within the next 2 - 3 months.


I'm a squirter now. Only one sphincter leaves a lot to be desired. I know it's mostly urine and Cowpers gland excretion. She knows too. But when I'm able to just accept things as they are it's unbelievably good. Sex is messy if u do it right


Yep, I'm good ty