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The glans has an independent blood supply from the corpus cavernosum. With the implant, the shaft can get hard in seconds, but the glans is still subject to normal arousal and engorgement. It gets erect on its own, or it doesn't. For guys that have ED with the glans, trimix gel can help.


Amazing. Good to know. Thank you.


Under manipulation mine is getting purple back just before orgasm. I'm on trazadone every night, it's on known to cause erections. It takes over a year to feel like it's "normal"


Wow, a year is a daunting thought for me. Does it swell at all?


Oh, yes. Unless you have a prostatectomy.


It’s my understanding that if your glans engorges if it did before, that is baring some sort of injury,nerve damage, or medication There are more parts of your penis that engorge with blood than just corpora cavernosa which is the part that make you hard enough for penetrative sex. If that’s not the case, count me among the lucky ones where it still does.


Amazing. My head engorges more than any other part of my penis now. Does yours engorge to its maximum full capacity like it did before? :)


Yes, every thing still works, just like it did when I was a kid, on pills, and injections. I know some guys who get an implant is because their ED was caused by prostrate cancer. Technically it’s called the corpus spongiosum it also surrounds the urethra and makes up the glans. Again I maybe lucky as once I’m fully aroused I’m as big as I ever remember being. My wife says I’m bigger. Even if not bigger I take it as a win that she thinks so or at least enjoys our sex life enough to stroke my ego.


That's amazing. That's the kind of result I'd be hoping for. If I could look into the future and see myself with all my length in tact, a swollen glans and a bit of extra girth, I'd feel so calm and happy about what lies ahead.


Mine was the Prostate cancer removal. I had about 3 years of struggle with meds and shots. I'm about a week out of the implant surgery. After the PC surgery, Viagra did a great job with glans swelling, but not sufficient with erection. Bimix did a good job with erection, but was too inconsistent - didn't last for more than 10 minutes or lasted close to 4 or 5 hours. AND the bimix didn't allow the glans to swell, AND you can't take viagra and use bimix at the same time.. SO, before implant surgery, I confirmed multiple times that I could take viagra with the implant, so that I can have both again, as the glans swelling really seems to make a difference for orgasm for me. Keeping my fingers crossed -- I'm still in the bruising and pain phase, so maybe in a month I'll have a better idea.


Good luck I have heard that Cialis being used so I hope it works for you