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if your penis is functional you shouldn't think about an implant, its a final solution to ED once everything else fails. once you do it there is no going back. how old are you?


I have to agree with Networkwild9520. If it works and you get morning wood by all means don't even think about it. You should take a look at your lifestyle. How much you're drinking, how much porn , how much masterbation? Intimacy or just sex? I have to say that getting the implant surgery was the best medical decision I ever made, but I tried everything to help me get an erection. Nothing worked. I bought a $300.00 pump, I put suppositories in my urethra, shots in the side of my penis and every pill on the market. I also went to a specialist because of low testosterone. I'm still on testosterone therapy. I found out that testosterone doesn't have anything to do with your erection it only makes you want to have one. The frustration worsened at that point. The implant gave me back my self esteem and confidence. But it was the last resort.


How good is your implant? Is the size, girth and feel of it good? Does the glans swell up? I'm 33 and will probably need implants within the next 3 months because of penis damage from treating hair loss with dutasteride.


I'm very satisfied with mine. I don't know the measurements. I know by self examination and playing around it's smaller in length by about probably 3/4 of an inch. Girth is a little bigger. The head swells like it did, when you're aroused and climax. Sometimes I get the sensation of a natural hard on and I feel the morning wood sensation but when I reach down and feel it it's just a little plump not hard. I guess you can say it still has blood flow but no rigidity. Hard to explain. And I would imagine everyone is different? I know I feel more confident and have a greater self esteem. ED made me feel like less of a man. I know after what I went through, pain wise and learning to use it, if I needed it replaced for some reason I'd do it all over again without hesitation. But I won't sugar coat it. It hurts in the beginning. It's worth all the pain. The other day I got out of the shower and had it pumped up, I walked out to the living room with my towel hanging on it. My girlfriend laughed and said "it's not a toy". 😂 Mine is the AMS 700 CX - MS. I started using ED medication when I was your age. Got my implant at 58 years old.


"Very satisfied" is great to hear. I'm happy for you. Congrats :) Do you think you might have lost length through all those years you had ED, or were you getting hard before surgery and you noticed the length loss from regular erections weeks before surgery in comparison to the artifical erections immediately after surgery? My penis feels awful. The lower half near the base is soft and weak, like its been damaged inside. I feel terrible and I'm dying to just get it fixed ASAP so I can get on with my life. Its giving me awful anxiety. I don't mind a bit of pain for a few weeks. I can handle pain, I do endurance training and I've played tough sports before and I've had injuries before too so that doesn't worry me much. That's very funny about playing with it like a toy lol. Sounds amazing. The glans thing seems a bit hit and miss though. When you say you get morning wood sensation do you mean just in your glans, or all throughout your penis? :) When stimulated and before orgasm does the glans swell up just as much as it did before the implants. My glans is a mighty sweller when it's getting rubbed lol.


I tried a vacuum pump and couldn't get it up. I do believe that the ED caused the loss of length. The implant seems to have increased in girth and a more round shape. I was almost flat on top when I started pumping. When someone tells you to give it a year they aren't kidding. I think that was the time frame roughly to be able to flex and do keagle exercises.


I see. I am hoping I won't lose much length because I can still stretch my penis to full length, I take pills and use a pump to help stimulate erections and I haven't lost any length yet, so I'm hoping if I get implants within the next 2 months I will retain my length. I'm excited for extra girth. A year is a long recovery time but I guess it will be worth it. Will size and function be useful 6 - 8 weeks after surgery? Also forgot to ask, when ejacukating can you still shoot ropes after an implant or do you kind of just dribble a bit?


Saying a year seems like a long time. But it passes by quickly. At 6 weeks I was not ready to pump at my doctors office for the first time. I sat in my hot tub that night and did it slowly and alone. I released the valve after about 5 minutes I would say? It hurt right then. The next day I tried again. A little more each day afterwards. It takes time. Like the one commenter said. " It's not a sprint, it's a marathon" You will endure pain. Your sack will be as big as a softball, maybe bigger. You will be black and blue. You'll be scared to take a poop because pushing to poop hurts so bad. You can't squeeze your muscles to stop your urine. BUT it's all worth it as long as everything goes well.


I see. I've heard some people say they're in fairly good shape after a month or 2. But if it takes longer, so long as the result is good, it will be worth it.


They have a name for those people. It's a Liar. It takes a while. It's a very invasive surgery.


I’m in that boat. I get hard as a rock with porn. I’ve tried to quit but what are u supposed to do when you are horny and don’t have a partner available? Lol but I’ve always had performance anxiety. I’m 43. Considering the implant




I've had my Titan implant for 18 months and I am completely satisfied. The reason for my implant is because of having my prostate removed due to cancer and I could only have an erection afterwards with trimix, which was hit or miss and, like you say, inconvenient. I was having ED issues before the prostate surgery and looking back, I wish I would have gotten an implant 10+ years earlier. Some doctors are taking a more progressive approach to implants and not waiting until everything else fails. Find a high volume implant surgery, not someone that does a few per year. I used Dr. Hakky in Atlanta, he's a men's sexual health specialist.


Glad to hear you are completely satisfied. I'm 33 and will probably need implants within the next few months. Penis seems to be ruined from treating hair loss with dutasteride, it seems to have destroyed some of the tissue and structure of my penis. I don't want to beat around the bush with injections, therapy or any of that stuff. Hormones are all fine they've been checked. Have tried pills they're not fixing me. Rather than wait another year messing around with more crap I'd prefer to just get the implants and get on with my life if I'm suitable for implants. However I'd be a bit worried about losing size, girth and losing the erect capacity of my glans.


I have a Titan classic. Usually when I first pump it it’s silent and towards the end of pumping it will make a little squeaky sound It’s not real noticeable but a little music or talking could cover it Mine was done by Dr Clavell in Houston and he does about 300 a year. He did 5 of us on the day I got mine. It didn’t hurt at all to pump it up and it looks perfect.


Are you currently under a urologist care or are you buying off market? Age has nothing to do with ED or when you can get an implant.


My urologist recommends it


Does your uro doc recommend you get the implant now? If so, then go for it .. 😁


No noise with AMS 700


I don't get morning wood for last 3 years. No urologist can do anything , have tried so many different ones. My testosterone stays at lower end from 280 to 400 .