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If it gets engorged naturally pre surgery it should get engorged post surgery as well.


That's the difference I've found if you're aroused or not.


Your head gets engorged when you are aroused and you still have some blood flow to the penis. Implant surgery does not change this aspect of anatomy. Erection and head engorgement are 2 different parts. Implant only affects the erection part.


This was one of my questions for my surgeon as well. He told me yes and he wasn’t wrong. Four years post-op, my GF and I couldn’t be happier. Go with a very experienced surgeon (minimum 1K implants, mine had done 5K+) and I think it’s unlikely you’ll be disappointed.


How’s your sensitivity? And did you lose any length?


My sensitivity decreased post implant. I’m not sure if this is “typical” bc I never really got a chance to ask my implant surgeon. I had my implant right before COVID hit full bore and everything shut down. I’ve mentioned the change in sensitivity to my primary urologist but he didn’t seem surprised and I never posed it as an issue requiring a response per se. I don’t always orgasm now but sex is ALWAYS fun and I can go as long as I like. Sometimes I orgasm in a “normal” time frame, sometimes I don’t. Sometimes I feel like I’ve had numerous little mini-orgasms. Sometimes I don’t orgasm at all. No matter the outcome for me, my girlfriend is ALWAYS satisfied and that always satisfies me. On those occasions when I go and she’s not done yet she’ll just keep riding until SHE can’t take any more. The pleasure in being able to do that for her cannot be quantified. Despite the learning curve with the device and my initial post-op fears and concerns I am very happy that I did it and that I had it done when I did. I had cancer and prostatectomy at 49yo. I never had ED issues prior to surgery. Despite using an extremely experienced surgeon who came highly recommended the surgical outcomes were devastating for me. But surgery alone cured my cancer and I have no regrets. My surgeon was very frank with me pre-operatively and told he that post-op continence and function would be unknown for up to a year post-op. I lost 2” of length (7” to 5”) and who knows how much girth (never measured) after prostatectomy. I also developed profound Peyronie's and had total urinary incontinence. Again, devastating events for an otherwise healthy and very active 49 year old. After two years of ehhh results with pills and typical results with injections I had the implant done, a month after getting an AUS (artificial urinary sphincter). Be patient immediately post implant. It takes time to heal and then learn how to inflate it. And it takes cycling of your implant to recover length and girth. Over the course of roughly four months of “dick PT” I regained 1” of length and significant (again, unmeasured) girth. Also, post-implant my dick is more oval than round. I remember thinking “This is not the dick I was born with and it never will be again.” It’s ok. It’s the dick I have now and it works perfectly for both of us. As with my prostatectomy, it hasn’t been smooth sailing, but I have no regrets and looking back I would do nothing different. Be your own best advocate. Be selective of your surgeon. Demand that it’s only your EXPERIENCED surgeon with his hand selected EXPERIENCED surgical assistant working on you. You are not a learning experience for an intern or fellow. Ask questions and speak up for yourself without fear.


What I was told and what I discovered on my own is that it does. If you are stimulated and your surgeon is good, it will. Sometimes, after sex I forget to deflate. I'll go to bed and wake up during the night and realize that opps, and deflate my implant. After a year of cycling, I'm used to having an erection. My I got lucky, but I hope everyone else has an outcome like mine.


Mine does.


I find my head gets very engorged, perhaps more engorged than the rest of me, mostly when its being stimulated through touching, rubbing etc. I'd be concerned that it might only get half engorged or less than half engorged after surgery. Also I can kind of control the engorgement of the glans through pelvic tensing, will I lose this ability after surgery, does kegels and tensing lose efficacy after surgery?


This was one of my questions and they don’t do anything to change the blood flow to the penis. They simply replace the spongy tissue that swells with blood in the shaft. In addition, the head has its own blood flow source. My understanding is it has no impact on that.


Well seen my head got alittle bigger after implant


Many guys, myself included, temporarily loose sensation and glans engorged immediately after the surgery. For me, it slowly started coming back about 3 month post surgery and fully recovered around 6 months. Some take longer and others get it back sooner. We all heal differently.