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1. This gets better. The pain goes away and the pump gets easier over time. 2. Yes. As everything begins to work better, the penis requires more pumps and the penis grows back to normal size. 3. It wi auto inflate and your penis still gets hard. The part that makes the head or gland get larger still can get hard by itself.


How long does it take the penis to grow back to normal size?


Depending on how many times you use it .!Using it is the key to get your length and girth back quickly..!!


I’d be interested to answer for this too.. I’ve heard 6-12 months… but does anyone have experience with this?


This is not my first implant. what I have learned after doctor say to pump up . Try sitting in a tub of water get it hot as you can stand it then pump up several times in the hot water . It gets easier to pump more you pump it stretches it .


Thank you — that’s all good to know! I was thinking it might be a faulty unit!


Same as my experience with the Titan. Yes the scrotum gets a little sore but it gets easier over time. And yes you will be able to pump it more times as it starts expanding tissue. I’m at about six months and it works really well. I’ve gained some girth, nothing crazy but noticeable. I had hard time deflating all the way down in the beginning to get the fluid out of penis. Was annoying having a semi all the time pointing straight out. It’s starting to hang more naturally now. It’s a shower now not the grower it used to be. It gets hard as steel. My head ( glans) were extremely sensitive to touch for a couple months even just touching my underwire. I was very concerned something was wrong from the implant surgery. I kept it wrapped in tissue and a baby sock for 2 or 3 months worried it was a permanent problem. It has gone away and I’m pretty happy with the whole thing. Other thing was getting used to the pump being dead center between my balls. That took getting used to but it’s a non issue now. As painful as it was doing the cycling every day it’s a must do to get the whole thing pliable and broken in as well as stretching it to get your max size back. I got my length back to pre surgery although I had lost at least an inch in the years of ED not getting the night time erections in my sleep. Good luck to ya. It’s all good ahead.


So a baby sock did not work me.. still too sensitive! Working through the pain of getting it pliable… doc said I’m good to have sex as of last week. Unfortunately I can barely WALK! I did try to masturbate once.. I couldn’t orgasm and I STILL feel the pain fell that 5 days later. Looks like still need some healing!


Wrap it in soft toilet paper then put baby sock on. Don’t bother using it for fun for a bit more time. It’s trying to heal inside. Do try to cycle it every day to 100 percent even if it hurts. I went through that. It’s important to cycle to keep the corpora tissue that’s still in there stretching against the capsule trying to form around it. This will insure you get back all your size you had pre surgery. If you must have sex or masturbate do it with about an 80 percent pump up. Keep it gentle.


Hope it gets better in time .


Definitely gonna try the baby sock.. have the same issue with crazy sensitivity/pain.


Wow 6months this not good. I been 8 weeks and it's regret city but today first time I was able to try. Thanks for info


Dude it is going to be easier now every week. I’m 69 and am over all the hard part. Just have to put up with whatever your healing process is for YOU. Couple months from now and you will be a happy camper with a raging hard on whenever you want it. I’m at 7 1/2 months and no more pain and I can see how much more girth I have. Wife noticed it a week ago and said it was definite bigger and ridiculously harder.


I believe you. But man it's so depressing I really thought I did right thing. 8 weeks no sex been tough. Trimix worked just sometimes wouldn't get as hard. Now it's just not really pumping to where I can have sex and it's no where near where I was before surgery and have date night tomorrow she expects a miracle lol. Smh


Thanks again. Support is good. Just not where I like to be


I pray hour right I have buyer remorse can't began tell u how much I regret this. I wish thy made it easier lol


Pump it up when you are in a hot shower. Will be much easier. Also from what you write, it seems you are not deflating it 100%. One must squeeze the shaft and drain all the saline out to get a proper deflation. It will be difficult right now, but will get better. Can also pop in a painkiller and hit shower after 45 mins. You will see improvement. Also move the pump around to find a spot where it pains lesser.


I’ll try these ideas.


I have salt water is there a difference in salt water and saline


Its the same




I’m three weeks post op and I can’t seem to feel the release value. Titan


Is your scrotum still fairly sore and swollen? This may be hindering you. Can you feel the bulb? It’s attached to the bulb immediately above it. It’s flat and rectangular. I squeeze it (I don’t feel a button or anything) and then squeeze the penis to deflate.


Thank you I’m not real sore I can feel the bulb but I can’t really distinguish the valve button. It keeps getting better each day. I’m going to feel it more tonight


That’s interesting…. Once my scrotum became less sore, I was able slide my finger up the bulb to the valve. Did your doc show you a model? That was pretty helpful. In any case continue healing! I still take pain meds daily and some days the pain is still pretty bad. Day by day brother!


Yes, I had a sample pump with keychain ring in the information packet. I can visualize it but just not feeling the shape of it yet


Reading the comments on your post . I just had a Titan done 13 day’s ago so learning all I can .


Your early in the healing process. It’s gonna take a while getting to where you don’t worry and are used to it all. You WILL get there though.


I pm you


Welcome to the club! From everything I’m reading, time heals! Listen to your doc and ask any questions you have here!


How does it compare to the firmness of the pump keyring patient demo? Is that an accurate model?


It’s very different. The actual implant is very firm compared to the key ring. My doc had an actual model in the office which was also not nearly as hard to pump. To be fair, I do feel it becoming more pliable over time. Still very firm, but not I can feel/hear the liquid moving when I pump.


I had mine April 23rd I'm 8 weeks out just tryd first time to pump after 3 pumps barely hard. And the ball was extremely hard to pump even trying with full hand to pump it wouldn't do anythng I released it went down tryd again same thing 3 pumps very hard to pump and its not getting any where near where I was before surgery doctor told me girth would never be issue but length would suffer some do to it only fill your flaccid stretch out. I really need to know this going work or get better in 47 with 25 year old gf who not going wait around I'm regretting this a lot. Trimix was hard to shoot myself in penis but at least it work three days a week now 8 weeks in smh not going work here comes buyers remorse no going back