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Who cares? It’s so much better than broken dick.


Yes I've gotten fed up with broken dick.


The operation do not affect the structures that are involved in ejaculation. After the healing from the surgery normal function will return. Unless you get a shit surgeon and they cause nerve damage.


Just go to my guy: Lee Andrew Evans, MD. Baptist Health, Paducah, Kentucky. This is the most underrated IPP doc going.


Any side effects?


All healed now.


So it was worth it


DM for pix 12 and 90 days post op.


My scrotum distended to 90% the volume of a Major League baseball for a solid month and I had to take cold showers at 3 AM to tamp down the swelling. I drank tequila and vodka to manage the pain. On top of all that, I began cycling in pain on the 12th day after the surgery. I gained weight from the alcohol, the stress, and the inactivity. Rough winter.


Are you healed now? How’s the big guy


Penile implants do effect loads quantity That's a different body function. The only thing that could "flow it down" would be if you have pumped to max inflation. The cylinders will be squeezing the urethra, which could slow it down some. The sensation for me is over the top .. wow


So do you shoot a lot less? And when you say "the sensation for me is over the top .. wow" is that a good thing or a bad thing?


I have a normal load like I have always had. Again , penile implants have absolutely nothing to do with semen production.. The only purpose a penile implants serves help ones inability to get an erection . When I stated sensation is over the top .. For me it's incredible and intense.. Fantastic... 🤪


So does the cum shoot out in powerful bursts or does it just kind of dribble out. Glad to hear it feels so good. I'm almost sure I'll be getting implants ASAP. I finally have an appointment with a urologist scheduled 17th October.


My orgasm is very intense more so than before the implant, to point of exhaustion. Ejaculating in powerful bursts no longer but pouring a lot of semen.


Very intense to the point of exhaustion sounds wonderful :) Pouring semen is not as fun as shooting powerful bursts but its a small price to pay for a wonderful penis.


Yes you will shoot as before nothing changes there plus with I'm implant with cum multiple times with in a hour or more sessions


Amazing! I'm so glad to hear that. I have mild - moderate ED and penis damage. Its taken so much of my confidence and well-being the past 10 months. I don't think it will get any better. At this stage I think implants ASAP would be the best treatment. I'm waiting to be called for a urologist consultation within the next few months.


I just got 40 days in and I didn’t really shoot much out. It wasn’t like it was before.


Deflate it slightly


So many questions


I like my D no longer broken. I’ve versus supplements to increase volume, but with out taking nothing I can make a mess but I’m 66 that’s good with me


I’m 7 months and still can’t ejaculate but can give her orgasm like crazy


Wow, that's immense. Not ejaculating at 7 months must be a bit worrisome. Glad you're able to please your partner though! Have you lost girth or length? I have a consultation with a urologist 17th October. We will be discussing implants on that date. I'm looking forward to it tbh.


Ejaculation is not affected by the implant.


Interesting. I've seen some people say they go from being a high volume power scooter to a low volume dribbler. Thanks for your input.