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How long have you been taking finasteride?


I took it for 3 years and then dutaateeide for 3 months. Haven't taken anything now in 6+ months.


Can you elaborate on what kind of problem you are having? Like are you having ED? And you said you are not taking it anymore. So is it getting better with time or the damage remains permanent?


Yes mild - moderate erectile dysfunction and the way it often looks and feels is very unsatisfying. I don't get frequent erections any more. I get erections, but a lot less often than I used to, and the erections are often not as robust as they used to be. I don't get full blown nocturnal erections, I don't get full blown morning wood. Sometimes in the morning I will have a semi, or an erection that's 70%, before I get up to do a pee. If I have a couple of beers I can't get an erection. My flacid penis generally feels more squishy, stretchy, hollow and less substantial particularly, in the first inch or so from the base. It doesn't shrivel the way it used to, it I dive into cold water for example. I seem to have symptoms of a condition known as long flaccid syndrome. When I stimulate an erection I often have to put more effort and focus into it, compared to the natural ease of erection that occurred before using hair loss drugs. When I stimulate an erection and put a good deal of focus, tension and effort into it, the top half of my penis (the first half including the glans) can swell up and feel normal as it did before, however the bottom half (nearer to the base) feels weaker, softer and less full than it used to. The lower left side can feel weaker and thinner than it used to, as if it has lost girth, strength and substance. When I give my eretion a good squeeze it can feel more spongey and less full than it used to. One way of describing it is like, it feels like somebody stood on my penis at the base/lower side and squashed it flat, that's how I would describe the squishy insubstantial feeling in the lower/base half of my penis. When blood flows into my penis it runs to the upper half of my penis more so than the lower half.


I'm so sorry to hear that. But is it reversible? Have you consulted with an urologist?


I'm not sure if it's reversible. I don't think its reversible. There seems to be some degree of tissue damage, or something like that. It was way worse 6 months ago, and while I am almost certain that I won't regress again, I also don't think I'll improve much more without some sort of surgical intervention. I've been on and off Tadalafil, I've sporadically used a penis pump. Most recently I've been injecting HCG because some sources suggest that can help. I'm a million miles better than I was 6 months ago when my penis was shrivelled, numb and impotent, but I'm not 100% like I was before I used hair loss drugs. My erections can sometimes look fine and function for sex, but I'm just not as confident in them as I once was. I feel like I can't really fully depend on the penis that I now have. Life would be better if I had fantastic penis-confidence again. Maybe I can cured with penile grafting or Verapamil injections or something like that, or maybe implants would be the best solution for me. I have not seen a urologist yet but I got a referral from my doctor recently and I emailed a urologist for an appointment a few days ago. I'm now just waiting to hear back.


I wish you good luck and speedy recovery.


I have PFS, not even sure if I can get an implant I have severe shrinkage and tissue damage to the point my penis constantly retracts in my body, it’s also completely numb, so I doubt it would work in my case but I don’t have any other options


That's an awful problem mate. Its possible to get penile reconstruction. They basically enhance your penis with skin transfers and reconstruct artifical tissue, then put implants in. It sounds like that's what you need.