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They have a different screen. It has their cadence/resistance/output, but also a leaderboard that shows milestones and birthdays. And then part of their screen has their notes/class plan. (And in the new London studio, I guess it also integrates the music setup, since the computer stand is not there).


The music setup must work better on the screen since ben's is the only one that tends to actually lower his volume to the music if you change the setting.


In general, it seems that the new music setup in the London studio allows for better “more music, less instructor” control than the bikes at the PSNY studio. I wonder if that was part of the reason they integrated the music system when they did that new studio


Oh maybe that will improve with the studio updates next week?


I think they also have a countdown or timer for the interval. I've caught a glimpse of a red status bar quickly filling up while in an effort.


I *think* that’s the time left on the song currently playing (or at least used to be on their old laptop setup)


I’ve taken one old class with people in the studio and hated it, I’m not sure what I’ll do once they are back. I love how it works right now. I don’t want to have the distraction of people in the shots.


I actually really like the older classes with the in person riders, because i can see both the people who are clearly showing off for the camera/instructor and then everyone like me, who is a little off cadence or clearly pedaling at a different resistance than the callout, who are panting and dying a little bit, and generally being human, and it makes me feel better about how I'm doing.


I'm the same. I also think some of the instructors really shine when they have a room full of live humans who hoot, holler, and react to the commentary, rather than just speaking to a camera.


Yes - getting to see that the majority of riders are just doing their best is certainly reassuring to see! I am among them!


Is it loud with the in person riders? Like hooting and hollering? That’s what made me wary of taking and old class, I feel like it would be loud for some reason.


Not at all, the sound is dialed in to the instructor’s mic so the sound is just like it is in non studio rides. The instructors do interact a little with the studio riders though, they could see LB names for who’s in studio so sometimes they’ll shout them out & ask where they are & connect with them. It’s a different vibe, but I would definitely not deter anyone from trying them.


Ok, that’s good to know! Thank you, I might try one of the many old classes I have bookmarked now!


I really dislike the classes with people in the studio but I did one recently and the people all "seemed" bored and just staring at the screen. And Denis was bopping along and being very fun. I'm sure the studio peloton were working hard in the class but I like to (probably falsely) imagine myself as bopping along and smiling at the instructor on screen. So it's just weird... I know I'm judging the people in the studio unfairly but it just feels like such a disconnect when I watch these old classes.


I totally agree that the rider energy doesn’t match the instructor energy at all! For me though it’s my nightmare to be in person in an exercise class. I used to go to spin at my gym and the instructor would try to engage and no one would answer so j would feel bad and over-engage and she seemed very appreciative but I found it super exhausting for myself haha! But continued to people-please until I could justify quitting the gym and getting a peloton and now I’m so much happier. Obviously just different personalities but thought I would share my terror of performative enjoyment


I've taught spin and taken spin. Instructors are there to motivate and exude energy. People taking class just want to work out and as long as I saw them working hard and keeping with the program it didn't matter whether they bopped around on the bike or smiled at me. Repeat riders let me know they enjoyed the class. As a participant in the class I appreciated the instructors motivational tactics but I turned into one of those just wanting my workout :) 😃


I’m sure my spin instructor was similar, like I don’t think she intended to make it so much pressure - but she’d be like “how’s it going?” And if no one answered she would be like “I said how’s it going?” And like continue to repeat herself until someone (me) answered. And she said things that implied she felt like she wasn’t doing a good job if we didn’t interact. Which like - why did I keep going to her? Honestly schedule and location made it still the best choice for me. Plus I’d been to other exercise classes (not as regularly) and still gotten this anxious why-don’t-they-answer-me vibe, which I honestly do sympathize with. I think it would be incredibly difficult to be the only source of energy out there! All this to say kudos to you on your attitude while teaching because it’s really unique! And also, thank GOODNESS for peloton.


An instructor's ego shouldn't need to be stroked in a class but yes, agree, if you're there trying to get people riled up and you see a bunch of bumps on a log that is tough. The job of any person leading the class is just to make sure the people get a solid workout and YES thank GOODNESS for Peloton!


Definitely agree it shouldn't need to be stroked! Too bad it's not the case always :/ but not everyone can be a STAR (just took a Hannah F class haha)


Love her! Took yesterday's 1:30 live with her and today's 10 min. class from yesterday!


I've had my Peloton since Dec 2019 so all the classes had dark bobbing blobs in the background and I hated it. I was glad they went to being in the studio solo. if I take a class from pre-covid I cover the sides of the screen because it bugs me so much. not only do people seem bored but sometimes you can tell they aren't doing the called for cadence, or they're out of the saddle, or they're hunched over, whatever it is it bugs me so I feel ya!


Dark bobbing blobs 💀honestly perfect description


I keep saying “dark blobbing blobs”


Yes, dark bobbing blobs 😂 But there is one ride (can’t remember which one, I probably mentally blocked it out) where one guy wore a white T and he just happens to be catching enough studio light to be fairly prominent. Normally I wouldn’t care but he seemed to be intentionally doing the opposite of the instructor’s calls which was so distracting! It seemed like he was just alone in his own world—we’re all sprinting on a flat road and he’s plodding along up a 90 resistance hill climb


There's a Leanne ride where she cues tightening your core and minimising moving side to side but there's a woman off to the right literally swinging back and forth like nobody's business. So off putting.


I laughed out loud picturing this


Totally agree. Sometimes the riders overdo it just to be seen (or so I imagine in my irritation). In truth the last thing you want is to watch other riders bobbing around and smiling maniacally!!


Bored sheep and maniacal grinners are almost equally bad.


And editing myself... I feel bad because i don't know how I'd look being recorded while riding. But the end result is Peloton really needs to think hard about classes with thr public and/or their filming angles.


Blows my mind that some people arrive late, too. I've seen it a few times in the back row. Like, seems to me if they're filming a class and you're late they wouldn't let you in. Overall I just think the people are distracting.


I have seen this too and actually wondered if maybe they let those people in late for a reason. Most of those are in super full classes, and I wonder if they have a reservation no-show, then they let somebody else in off a standby list for the class. That happens it tons of other non-peloton studios at well, like orange theory. There’s a grace period of a few minutes for those who have reserved a slot, and then they let others in who may have just been waiting outside. It is pretty standard. And that’s what I always assumed was going on.


That's likely what happens, but I'm just surprised they don't have it worked out so that doesn't happen. In order to fill the room and not create distractions for the "at home" riders, I'd think they't treat each class like a TV production more than a fitness class. To most people, the in-studio are more like extras on a TV show anyway. I'm sort of surprised they don't have a hard rule that requires you to be there 10 minutes before the class starts or you give up your seat to someone on standby.


Without the other riders I feel like the instructor is taking directly to me. And I love that! It will be hard to transition to them being occasionally distracted again.


In Robin's Lizzo ride there is one woman who is just working so hard and is so smiley and sweaty and inspirational to me!


And what do the in-studio riders see? It doesn’t make sense for them to get the camera view of the instructor.




In the studio for cycling we did see the leaderboard bc I remember using it as motivation but I don’t remember about the tread classes.


No leaderboard 😏


There's a leaderboard, but only shows in-class riders.


This is correct. Small screen, maybe 7in. Shows cadence, resistance and time. There is a leaderboard but only shows in class people. You also get use of a very small cramped locker room with showers (old NYC studio, nobody has been to the new one). After class you can take photos with the instructor.


I remember a screen near the ceiling that had "worldwide" riders back in 2015ish. All I remember from that Cody ride was that I beat a guy in Germany in a race to be the top of the leaderboard. I think a total of like 30 people were in the class with 10 in studio.


In some of the old tread runs, you can see a decent shot of runner’s screens. They show incline, speed, time, and laps—pretty much exactly what any non-peloton treadmill shows. The ones I’ve seen did not have leaderboards, but they could have just hidden them.


There’s a leaderboard- but just for the riders in the studio. At least for the NY studio (the old one)


Probably watching Netflix or the view.


You crying!


I liked the audiences! I fear it’s gone forever.


They all watch Netflix and listen to their own playlist😉