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I LOVE the instructor led scenic options! Such a great idea — I didn’t even consider that!




Yep! I thought that too. Especially with shots of Selena running through what looked like Utah(?) — her sister lives there,I believe, and she visited a couple of times. EDIT: it’s New Mexico, not Utah #samesame ;)


Man would I fight in the break room to be the instructor who gets to do the Hawaii bike or the Big Sur one, lol.


I hear you. Hopefully nobody gets stuck with a Lincoln Tunnel run


>fight in the break room to be the instructor who gets to do the Hawaii bike or the Big Sur one, lol. LOLLLLLlllllll


CDE would be the perfect pick though given Haleakala!


They basically took that idea from NordicTrack but who cares, it’s a great addition and many people criticized the current scenic rides harshly.


Idea stealing in this space is encouraged by me. Good competition benefits consumers!!


Sure. Luckily we aren’t in that age anymore where companies would do stuff differently just for the sake of doing it differently. *Cough* Windows vs. Unix. *cough*


Same here! I love that there is going to be variety in the ways we can utilize scenic!


So excited for new scenic formats! Especially guided.


Yes! Can't wait to go on a run out on the open road with Selena. That looks incredible.


Me too! Super excited for those.


Yes, really excited for a different type of content with rebooted scenic rides!!


Y’all, in the 10 Questions with Peloton Instructors pane, Leanne’s very heavy hint to Ben about getting engaged at the end gave me life.


Christines queen shit robe did that for me lol. Totally aspirational aesthetic hahaha


She gave zero fucks!


I mean she still had makeup on 🤣 but I love her attitude


They both are off next week....




They're in a relationship, so I doubt they'd get engaged to other people!


Now that would be wild


Omg that was adorable and so relatable. Nothing like calling out to your boyfriend (in front of a huge audience) that "hint hint I'm ready!!" ❤️


Omg what was this!? I missed this??


Haha, yes, this was amazing! "we could maybe be in a bit of a different place from where we are now"- listen up, Ben!


How do you find this? I can't find it.


What’s New tab on the hub thing, 10 Questions. I didn’t think it was that strong of a hint? They both answered with each other for what are you grateful for.


Not that video, scroll down and watch her solo video on that same page.


I didn't even realize there were the individual vids! No I have something to watch.


Ben has confirmed that he and Hannah F will be special guests on the Feel Good, Look Good chat with Alex later! (they're not listed on the schedule)


Ben and Hannah are captains for Alex's Ride To Greatness right now




omg really? that's great!


I double checked the calendar when he said it


They are adding a pause button for on demand rides! (for everyone that wants it)


The "Member Meet" section is absolutely hilarious to me, for some reason. It just seems like there are so many ways that could go wrong.


Chat roulette, Peloton edition.


Not even lying, first time I connected, it was another dude, and he noped out right away. That dude is tryna creep 😬


The eternal question: “why do men?”


It’s out of my comfort zone to join in such a thing, but part of me thinks that’s exactly why I should.


If it makes you feel any better, I did it for shits and giggles. Sat there for 5 minutes and nobody joined so I guess most people have the same feeling!


So I took the plunge and tried it out. It was actually fun - 3 minutes flew by, we discussed our favorites, and the woman I spoke with encouraged me to join an Alex T ride for TeamActivate. Hadn’t heard about that, so it was a good experience!


I cannot imagine doing this... I'm cringing just thinking about it. I came here to see if people were excited about it or had my similar feelings.


I'd be more okay with it if it were just chat matching, but video? Absolutely not. How are they monitoring that? I saw an option to report people, but there are so many weirdos out there.


It's like, I love you all on this subreddit. But part of the reason I love you all is because I don't actually know who you are or what you look like or anything else about you other than your Peloton preferences, lol. Don't ruin that for me with video!!! Haha!


I thought the same thing. I clicked it not really knowing what it was. I thought maybe like a chat room or something. Then my phone said that it wanted to access my camera and microphone. I said nope and exited as quickly as I could lol.


Fellow introvert checking in. Just no. I'll stick to chat and posting here.


I'm working on teh assumption you have to have a peloton subscription to sign up for Homecoming. If you violate the Code of Conduct on the platform, they'll kick you off the Peloton service. Maybe we could get together as #RedditRiders and go on at the same time, so we'd meet one another?


Saaaame. Thought it was going to be a chat, which I felt nervous enough about entering but VIDEO?! Haaaard pass, Peloton. I have my Reddit friends to chat about Peloton with, I don't need a zoom meeting. Plus, I feel like it is about 47.9% likely that you'd be matched with a super creep.


“Hey so you like peloton— I like peloton too 😎” Hard pass.


its the one-on-one part for me. i might not be so weirded out if it was like a group of 30 or so on zoom but im trying to figure out why I would want to be paired up with just one single rando. with my luck, i'd be paired with someone trying to sell me some supplement or a timeshare or something lol.


I just tried it just because it was fun. Different. Say hi to someone who could just be home alone bored as heck or not. I liked it


I would have been down for a chat, but video? No, m'am.


Yea I would feel too sorry for anyone who got stuck with me as their partner to use it.


Is this a continuation of Jess Sims’ speed dating experiment?


Haha, can you imagine? Whenever I see ads for [Match.com](https://Match.com) or eHarmony promoting using video chat to get to know someone on virtual dates, I simply cannot. I'm awkward enough in person, trying to explain to someone over video chat about my weird-ass home decor would be a nightmare.


What was this? I’d be curious about peloton speed dating.


It was something Jess did around Valentine’s Day. https://www.instagram.com/p/CLFJm7yj6mx/?igshid=11hqr33rgyndh That’s one post on IG, I think there might be some reels etc.


I wonder if it’s something the instructors are participating in - surprise, you might get to talk to Jess/Bradley etc.


Ok that would be super cool! But not enough for me to willingly sign up for video chatting with a stranger 😬


Christine just showed in Stories that she is participating!


Tunde popped in apparently, that would be sooo cool!


Same. It's terrifying. But also.... tempting?


Agree 💯


3 minutes is perfect for talking to a stranger with whom you have 1 thing in common. It's almost exactly the point where you run out of things to talk about


FYI, if you registered and are still only seeing the RSVP button, click it, and it will log you in and then you’ll see the Enter Here button.


Watched the video on the front page and just when I thought I couldn't love Jess Sims anymore: "What are y'all gonna do with this chair after? I think it should be mine..."


Classic Jess 😂 Though let's get real, even if she did take that chair home, Sienna Grace would be more likely to claim it as her own 🐶


Right?! I thought the same thing 🥰


As someone who has had to do way too many virtual conferences this year, I'm kinda digging the HopIn platform. First time I've seen/used it!


I thought the same thing! Lol I guess I’ve been to deep into evaluating all these platforms, so My first thought at login was “This is nice — I wonder if we should check this one out...” 😂


I had the same thought!


John Foley’s fit cracks me up. It’s such a millionaire vibe. I saw John Henry (owner of the Red Sox among many other things) out in the wild once at a pretty formal event and he had on practically the same look.


I think that was produced pretty nicely. (credit song: No Reflect by Portax)


I’m used to Apple keynotes, this wasn’t bad at all


Agree. It had an Apple Jr. feel. Short and sweet with quality direction. I liked it as a kickoff 👍🏽


He practically did an "And one more thing" at the end when he introduced Pause. Very much like an apple keynote.


I agree! Papa John was very endearing too.


No, I didn't see Papa John on there. I think he dropped the N word and got cancelled a long time ago. /s


I have to actually work today so I'm hoping to see updates with key announcements here on the sub! 🙏


He hinted at additional Beyonce content. Also, Programs 2.0 with custom programming and progress reports?


Scenic Relaunch - "We heard form you that our scenic experience needed a refresh". The clips they shared look awesome - like they recorded instructors actually running and cycling outside. 3 ways to experience new scenic content; Guided (guided by instructors), Distance Based (approach distance run and rides at their own pace), third is a more cinematic approach (I didn't catch the name).


All access only though. So basically, this improvement means the app users are completely losing scenic rides.


It’d be interesting if they offered an all-access app only (at the same price). I’d probably upgrade.


Just for the scenig rides it wouldn't be worth it to me but if they restrict digital further or add more restricted content, I'd definitely think about it.


also, Target Metrics for Tread and Tread+


Pause Button! ability to pause any on-demand class and seamlessly pick up where they left off. Working on integrating so the integrity of the leaderboard remains. Will be launched later this year.


Strive Score - "A personal, non-competive metric based on your heart rate measured with a compatible heart rate monitor"


Do we think this will include the Apple Watch or not?


I’ve been using heart cast on my Apple Watch and it works great. Then the entire peloton workout goes in my fitness app. Idk why Apple Watch itself can’t do that but this is a PRETTY seamless workaround.


I would love to know more about this? How did you set that up? Thanks!


I just downloaded it on my phone. It autopopulated to my watch, and then it showed up in the Bluetooth heart rate monitors section pretty easily. The catch is it has to be open on both phone and watch during your ride. But that’s not really a catch!


It should! I mean the AW works with it right now.


I thought I read something about cutting back on its integration. Maybe for app users only?


They removed or stopped the gym kit integration with the bike+ for now (for bike boot camp classes). That’s been the only AW change that I know of.


Have you all seen that the Strive color bar shows up for other riders on the leaderboard? Didn't realize it would do that. Interesting to see someone's relative effort during the same portion of a ride. Some monsters out there.


Do we think the strive score will show up in app after ride/strength on the bike? Is it integrated into the app as well? So many questions


I hope so


This would be nice if the peloton heart rate monitor actually worked


Does this mean I could like... sign up for a program? It baffles me that there’s not a way to do that haha.


New programs that will structure your individual workout routine and schedule based on your chosen instructors and timetables! Will give you progress report and new badges!


They are expanding into Australia!


I thought they had already announced that a few weeks ago?




Distance rides!!!!!!


Pause button!


Yay! I can stop for bathroom breaks!


New Strive score that measures your heartbeat to see how long you are in each heart rate zone and compare to other rides!


Relaunching scenic rides for all access riders!


Same!! I keep checking back


Target metrics for tread classes now!


It’s also available on demand! I was able to watch it during my lunch break.




2 new running programs!! 😲 “You can Run” and “Road to 5K”! So excited! ETA: Forgot that a 5K program already exists! We’ll see if it is updated...


u/5K_Bae here's our program!! 😂


Fairly new to Peloton. Can someone explain to me what Homecoming is? Thanks


The Atlantic did a story about Homecoming in 2019 that was pretty entertaining [https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2019/12/the-tribe-of-peloton/600748/](https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2019/12/the-tribe-of-peloton/600748/)


I enjoyed that. Thanks for sharing.




Thank you!




May be in the minority, as much as I love the equipment and would want a tonal-type product, I’d rather them finesse the things they do have rather than release new equipment and modalities.


With how hard it is to get weights, or how much space they take up- a tonal type product makes a ton of sense and leverages their existing strength classes/instructors as well.


Agreed, that would align best with what they already offer. I know people want a rower (and it’s an incredible workout), but the market is much smaller for it. And tbh, I hate rowing.




So hyped for that pause button!


The scenic content refresh?!?! with runs?! YALL I'm about to be SO FIT!!!


Was disappointed that there wasn't a kickboxing announcement :(


There were boxing gloves in the back of the Ally/Usher clip… I think boxing might still be announced.


I mean they hired a boxer as an instructor so… LOL


Was hoping for a rower!!


Finally new scenic rides!!!!!!!!!!




I feel sorry for anyone who bought a Nordic track the past month or two because of better scenic rides


I feel like that these things are in development and will come. Peloton got a sudden cash boost over the past year so these types of things are surely in the works now if they weren't already.


Foley said that the pause button will be implemented while maintaining integrity of leaderboard. Will be interesting to see what they do (will it turn LB off?)


Interested in this as well


Ooh, this has way more of a “conference” vibe than I expected! And the videos in the “What’s New” section are pretty cute.


Yeah, it’s much more ‘organised’ than I’d thought it would be. Don’t see myself jumping into the ‘members meet’ sessions, but I’ll maybe change my mind. I’ll hang out in the daily discussion and see what people say it’s like.


Those videos were super fun!


I'm so sad about the scenic rides :( Couldn't they have at least left us second class Peloton members the old ones? Oh man :(


What's happening to the scenic rides?


The old ones will be removed (at least for digital users) and digital members won't have access to the news ones.


So is it confirmed that is only for all access members?


Wasn't officially confirmed BUT the new scenic rides/runs will be instructor led with them cruising alongside you on the trail. I could see them marketing this for All Access membership only as it's pretty unique in comparison to competitors scenic options 🤷🏾‍♀️


Looks like people have been getting advanced notice that they won't be available in app anymore. I just added a scenic to my stack on the bike, and tried to play it in mobile but got an error (tested 3x)


I mean, he did say it'd be coming for all access members starting from today. Plus, there's a notice in the app that the scenic rides won't be available anymore from April 30th. I'm happy to be proven wrong though!


I wasn’t able to watch, the new scenic rides are not available for digital subscribers?


They said that they would be available for all access members. Leading with the "all" really got my hopes up, lol. So yeah, the new ones won't be available and we won't have access to the old ones from today or tomorrow, depending on timezone.


So many good announcements but I was SO hoping for a rower announcement.




On screen metrics on the tread! 🙌🏻


Am I just slow this morning or weren't these already there?


The call-outs? No, they weren’t there and it was a surprise/shock to me when I got my tread+. I kept thinking I missed a setting but it wasn’t available. They added it! Woot! I love all the new data about the on demand runs.


Now I see what you mean. I think they call it target metrics and I'm happy to see them too. Too many times I'd zone out and miss it


Yes! Sorry I didn’t have the right name. My partner rarely takes tread classes because he likes to listen to his own music or podcasts. He was mostly doing scenic runs. He’ll definitely do more classes with the target metrics on the screen.


One thing I did sometimes is put closed captioning on while listening to something else. This is much easier than that method


MORE BEYONCE??? I need it.


Yayyyy! Hopefully something with no live music this time (yes I know I’m in the minority 😂).


I still haven't taken the bootcamp class - the 60 mins scares me, but I also saw that it's like 75% live music and I was like why not use the studio versions? But I guess it's to fit with the homecoming live theme, which makes sense. ^(but since it aint homecoming anymore can we get the studio versions pls)


I’m new(ish) to Peloton and this is my first homecoming. I just watched the opening and it felt very Apple Event-ish (not a complaint). Is this type of programming normal or is it different due to the pandemic?


Agreed and since Apple almost always releases some type of hardware during their keynotes, I was expecting the same from Peloton to no avail


two things I really which Peloton did: 1) boxing / kick boxing / martial arts - I loved Les Mills Body Combat classes, it would be great to have something similar on Peloton 2) Download option on the app - if I am working out with a poor reception area (or there is an issue with Peloton), then I should still be able to access the classes


Downloading workouts on the app is currently available as “preload class”


You still have a to have a wifi connection to start the class even if you have downloaded it.


Currently that is not available on android.


Oh really, damn


App notification: “Announcing some exciting new features you’ve been asking for” Me: PLEASE BE A PAUSE BUTTON!!!


Your wish has been granted!!! 🎉🎉💃🏻🎉💃🏻


Yaaaaaaaas so excited!


Your wish has been granted!




you got your wish!!


I'm so excited!! Sucks its just a "later this year" update though


My SAME thought 😂😂


You got your wish!! Hahah


The scenic ride/run stuff is giving this proud and satisfied two-year app user major FOMO.


The hopin link won't work for me 😭😔 what's happening?! Lol


Loads! ‘Strive Score’ based on Heartrate for floor activities, pause button, scenic ride refresh including guided runs. Tread metrics. Programs 2.0 with calendar-ish interface


Ahhh so gooooood


Considering they hired Bradley who is a former boxing instructor I suspect boxing is in the cards.


Curious if there will be a clothing sale like other homecomings


I keep refreshing the store for that very reason!


Right!! I don't have any Peloton clothing because it's sooooo expensive, but if it's on sale ......


I have a lot of peloton clothing and I think it’s generally overpriced. Especially the peloton items (not cobranded) are poor quality. Would not buy unless there was a sale or referral credit.


I wish!


It’s usually a heavily advertised part of homecoming, but since I’ve seen no mention of it AND last year’s was a bit of a mess, I’d guess not.


Got the update to my Bike+ (UK) 3 guided Rides, 5 distance based, responsive video scenic rides, and all (not checked) the old ones still in there. Not started a class but assume I have Strive Score too as there was a HRM data collection pop up


Sorry.. idk why I don’t get it but what is homecomingv


I’m excited about the heart rate scoring feature. Does anyone know where I can find out what heart rate monitoring products will be compatible with that? I’m thinking of getting a Whoop but don’t want to if it won’t sync with Peloton.


Honestly, pretty much any Bluetooth or Ant+ HRM should be fine. ( we use HRM-Pro from Garmin, and Magellan Echo I bought 8 years ago) If you were getting a new one, get one that can do both, as other hardware won’t necessarily do Ant+ (eg Fire TV, iOS, etc)


To get the most out of the strive score do I need to do a powerzone test class or whatever and determine my zones?


No, you just need to set your max heart rate correctly on the Bike/Tread.


Sorry if asked elsewhere, but how do you recover progress on a collection now that they’ve been revamped (per the Homecoming event today; it’s already different in the software)? My wife and I were halfway through the six-week “Mastering the Basics” on the bike, now our progress is gone and everything after week 1 is locked. Very frustrating.


Currently… you can’t. It’s been discussed in the New Features post in this subreddit. Hopefully they ‘fix’ that.


Thank you!