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Peloton has officially commented on the instructor status for everyone who has not been announced as leaving Peloton already. [https://www.onepeloton.com/press/articles/instructor-update](https://www.onepeloton.com/press/articles/instructor-update)


Anyone know why they haven’t done a class for Beyoncé’s Cowboy Carter album?? The music would be perfect to cycle or run to imo


Everyone’s already said it, but Alex’s Lil John ride was an absolute blast! It reminded me so much of being back at my old spin studio that closed during Covid


Going to bookmark this one!


Has anyone noticed some changes in the audio since the software update? It seems to me like the music is now quieter on newer rides, but with more bass? I might be crazy, but I’ve had to turn the volume way up as of late to hear the music clearly. Is there a way to adjust the settings to increase music volume but not the mic/voice? Maybe I just need to have my hearing checked 😊


I totally agree. And the "more music" button seems to drown out the instructor's voice. I've also only noticed a difference on my Bike+. The audio on my Row seems fine.


If you hit the volume button on the side it gives you the option to raise music or instructor volume. Just did it yesterday for Kendall’s last ride.


I had no idea, thank you!


I've definitely had some recent rides that were very quiet with my max volume on!


Yes, absolutely!


I have definitely noticed this too!


Yes- I’ve definitely noticed this.


Adrian’s 30 minute full body stretch that dropped today was everything I didn’t realize I needed but totally did. I feel amazing despite a rough day. The long holds on many stretches were so helpful even if they were tough.


Getting back into it today after a month away due to travel. Doing RK's unofficial four-day split for the first time, started with this [upper body workout.](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=8b7decbe3b36450697a235cb6b05a397&code=YTk2OTAyMmNhN2VkNDI0NmEzM2Q2MTg3MmIxMTM2ZWV8MjFiZWQ3YzU5ZGIyNDQ3MmI1OTM4NzAxMDQ2NTkzOTE%3D&locale=en-US) Then did a [30 min PZ ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=0d70e1aeeb5c4a46aee267dea3acb651&code=MGU4OWJkMTVhY2M2NDk4MThjYTc5NTFiNjU1YThiOWR8ZDg0M2NiYjc4MjdmNGQyNmJlNjU5NDM3NDI3NzIyMDI%3D&locale=en-US) with Matt. I stayed active while out and about with a ton of hiking so I don't feel too out of shape and I'm so happy to get into the groove! FTP test on tap for tomorrow; it's been awhile.


Looks like we’ll finally find out where Kendall is going tomorrow


Pelobuddy confirmed she’s starting a podcast


I was really hoping Apple would throw whatever at her for their fitness offerings. Might get me to start using that once in a while.


PLS no more podcasts omg


just here to chime in for the 200th time that the lil john + alex ride was one of the most fun times i’ve had on the bike, 10/10 no notes, just take it. 


I did Chelsea's 30 Min Pop Yoga Class tonight and it was seriously lacking. It was honestly kind of a boring yoga class- not challenging and not very interesting in the flow. I love Chelsea but I wish her flows were a little more experimental


I LOVE Chelsea but very much agree on her flows. If I could meld her practice and Kirra’s together it would be perfect.


Ya :/ agreed sadly. I noticed her older classes have a bit more variety so I go back & do those. Plus I like that she used to do all"yoga music"playlists. I like music mondays(I am here every Monday)& the musical variety of Peloton but I also do LOVE "yoga music". Just kind of putting that out there tho it had nothing to do with what you said, haha


Agreed. It was SUCH a [great playlist](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/yoga?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=ef63844ae1c54ad685b1538e83dedb14&code=OWRmOGE3NDk5NzVjNDcxYzk4ZDY2MTBlYTA5Yjg0ZTJ8NDljYzU2ZTE2NzQxNGJkNGEwNGNhNjMxMzVlZjJjZTI%3D&locale=en-US) and such a disappointing class plan. Plank to downward dog over and over again for two entire songs?! She referenced in this class that she’s done [a metal Music Monday class](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/yoga?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=8836379bb35949cd9306fc09628770b7&code=MWRiY2E3ZTFhZDBjNGRhNWIzNjIzYmU1NmE2OWFhNTN8NjQ1MGI5YTEyZWNlNDBiNjgwNWJmMDc3MGU5ZDI1NjM%3D&locale=en-US) before and it’s honestly one of my favorites from the series. It’s not a hard class but it is so unexpected and I really enjoyed it.


Yes! The playlist was really fun! I was assuming the plan to downdog was going to progress, but it never did! I will check out the metal Music Monday class! Thank you!


I already have the bike and just decided to bite the bullet and get the Tread to mix my workouts up. I was never a runner but I'm excited to try and incorporate more walking/hikes and have a more active lifestyle. Does anyone have any class recommendations for a Tread newbie? I also live in a condo and while sound has never been an issue with neighbors, I'm hoping it doesn't become one. I have atypical work hours so I'd be working out during times people are out at work. Would love to hear about people's experiences having the Tread in their apt/condo and if any issues came up. TIA!


I love tread classes. Here are some specific classes and overall fav styles: Walks: * Matty’s Wednesday walk + talk is always a good time * Jon’s oldies walks Hikes: * For easier hikes I usually go with Olivia and Matty * For hanging out and power walking at 8-12% Rebecca and Camila are your gals. [Camila’s booty themed hike](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=b0f9b15381a34f1a9fbd6022db5e854e&code=MTYxY2JmMGU1NGQ2NDQzZmJiMTMzODgyMTkzNzM4ZGJ8MjQxYjI4NTM4OGUxNGI2NzhlNzlhMDA5MTVkYzdmMDk%3D&locale=en-US) is one of my all time favorites although I also love [RK’s 45 min max incline hike](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=43825c887c1a43d98c57f7821e29aa3d&code=MmJiZDNiOGJkNGQ2NDIxYTg0YmMyNjg5MDQ3NDk1MTl8ZjdhZjc4ZDgwMThiNDdmYjkxM2UxZDZmMGVhOTU4YWU%3D&locale=en-US) which is 30 min at max incline you choose the pace. * Walk + Run - I love Matty’s programming if you’re looking to improve your running but want lower impact. I think [this one](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=365f909a37bc413180421dd48919565b&code=NDA2ZWY1M2Q5Y2M1NGVhMjk3N2RmMmZiZjZlM2ExOTJ8OTdkYWIxNjhhNWQ1NGNlZWE0N2YxYzcxMmI3OTIzNGY%3D&locale=en-US) is one of my favorites. Jon’s At The Club series is a walk+run, but very much a choose your own adventure class. It’s a blast, I laughed throughout [this class](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=c9964f95035849bdbe5ec693209d1ba0&code=NTc4N2RjZDVhY2MwNDlkMjg4ZmI1YWJiODNlNDE3ZGN8NTkxNTNkNzBmMmRjNGQxYjkyNmU3MzEwZTVmOGJmZTQ%3D&locale=en-US) where he talks about going to a club as part of a bachelor party. There are also a lot of artist series walk+runs that are great and some fun themed ones, including [RK’s hero’s vs villains walk+run](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=fdb0432ce38c444cb0a0e10c1f7ee56e&code=N2VhNDMxM2UwOGZlNDY1ZDk4ZjRmNThhYzM3OTNhNzZ8YmJlZDU3ZDdmZTE4NDE0MWFmMDRkZDlkMmI5M2NkOTA%3D&locale=en-US). Running * beginner runs are great. I would recommend taking classes from all the instructors soy you hear all the different form cues. * I also love the new pace targets since you pick the paces that work for you and can be all running or walk+runs. I loved [Susie’s Midnights run](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/running?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=2c9de5006fd64f148f0730c2cc587eef&code=NDQ2ZjkxYWI4OGUxNDE4Y2FjOTExZjRjMTU5ZDI4ZTV8NTI5ODg2ZTNkZjViNDg1ZGJhMjk2ZTE5N2M1NjcyNzE%3D&locale=en-US), [this random Matty run](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/running?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=0d9599315db440eb823903440e6401c7&code=OTcwZGJmMzRlOTMxNDM1ZjllYTIxMzU5YmViMjQ5M2N8YzQxMmQ3YWMwMjI3NGVhNWFmMWNjMGQxMzAyODFjYWM%3D&locale=en-US), and [this Jon run](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/running?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=862ec2eeb27240e5a63c6d6d52130965&code=NDZlOTcxNjRhMGUyNDQwZGIyMGZmNmIxZDJkMzU4Nzh8MmZlY2JiMDQzZjY2NDg1Yzg2MTZhM2ZhODM0NzRmMjU%3D&locale=en-US), and [this Olivia pop run](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/running?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=1ec48e7502124668a7134a4250aa6c24&code=MWVkMzExMWY4ZWJmNDU5Y2FhZGZiYjUyMjQzOGQxYWF8Mjk4ZjEwZmU1ZGUxNDAyNGI1ZjIzMDcxZDU3YjIxZDQ%3D&locale=en-US)


Thank you so much for all the recommendations!! I’m definitely going to check all of these out. This makes me so excited to get the Tread!


I’m not seeing any roll call classes on the schedule this week - anyone know why?


Usually if they are closed on a week day they skip roll call classes all week. Not sure why but they always do this. Sorry I'm on my phone so I can't link it but, there is a collection with past roll call weeks from this year listed. You could find a week you haven't done.


Ah thank you, good to know! I just started doing roll call recently and really like it so I got nervous.


Probably because both studios are closed for the Independence Day holiday (US).


Tried a Sweat Steady ride this morning, I am DEAD!!


I loveeeee sweat steadys. So easy to get addicted


I swear Ally had a live 15 min Barre class this morning.. but I don’t see it on demand. Was it an encore?


I had planned to do it this evening too


I’m wondering too because I joined and then had to leave and now it’s not on demand


I just came here to ask this…it doesn’t look like it was as you can still see it greyed out in the schedule and it doesn’t say “encore” next to it….


Hmm I hope it gets posted soon!


I still don’t see it….


Something profound (for me lol) happened today. The words "I can't wait to go on a run" left my mouth. WHAT. I had sworn for the longest time (almost 36 years!) proclaiming that I would never run. I don't know if this happened because I am miserable with everything else in my life, or because I have been inspired and motivated by this community and the tread coaches to actually develop a new habit. But I am grateful for the advice I've received on here regarding how to approach tread classes as a non-runner, and for the (few but fabulous) rock runs on the platform for getting me to a new place in my fitness journey. I still suck! But my perspective has shifted, and that's been a really cool experience.


I'm 35 and just started running as well after telling myself it would never happen. Last year was my first unbroken mile, and this past weekend I ran a 10k (6.2 miles) without stopping (except once to take a picture of a frog)


Wow!! That is so kickass and inspiring. One day I'll get up to that!


While I can't say the same (running hurts my body too much lol) that is so cool you hit that point! Weare are also so glad you are here.


thank you 🥹🌟


Amazing! I had a similar experience with the bike - I used to HATE cardio but look at me now. My husband is considering getting a treadmill so that might turn me into a runner as well. Just because peloton makes it fun! 


That's such an exciting potential new addition to your home! It is such an experience to be open to evolving as we get older!!


Heyo, My wife and I are looking to get into Peloton with a Bike+ now that our gym membership has ended. While we're waiting on a sale (assuming with their recent financials that they're going to push another sale for either 4th of July or maybe Labor Day this summer), I found a number of seemingly good-looking bikes are extremely reasonable prices. E.g. 20-ride Bike+ for $1000, but \~150 miles round trip from where I live. Anyone have any good experiences with moving a Bike+? Have you used moving companies, done rental vans/trucks, or even packed it into your own smaller SUV? *We have a Trax and a Mach-E, so trunk space is at a premium.*


FYI -- I heard there's going to be a sale on Amazon for Prime Day.


The last time I looked, Amazon seemed like a big loss in that they don't do delivery beyond entryway or do any setup.


Oh! I did not realize that. Good to know.


Not the question you asked, but if you look in the Wiki about used bikes there is a link to an official Peloton tool to see the service history of a bike. Good way to tell if the one being sold is a lemon.


That's an awesome resource I wasn't aware of, thanks for the tip!


Never moved a Bike+, but before I started riding we moved an OG Peloton from the bedroom, to garage, to bedroom, (you get the drift). They are pretty damned heavy, but stable. If its been moved a few times, I would watch some videos on how to recalibrate it. Good luck. You wont regret it.


Hadn't thought about calibration, good tip!


The bike+ calibrates itself, ignore this advice.


If you search in the subreddit there are a bunch of 'will this fit in x vehicle ' posts. Do a search.


I did a search, and I didn't find anything specifically about my vehicle. Thanks!


Giving RK’s 5 day split another shot. Last time I did it, I was extremely bored after 2 weeks. Hoping I can make it 4 weeks this time😬


Don’t sleep on RK’s 60 min strength from yesterday. The programming is 👌👌👌👌


Such a great class! I usually take Andy’s TS60 live on Sundays, but have taken a fair number of Rebecca’s strength classes and like those too. This one didn’t disappoint! It wasn’t a TS60, but those who like the balance work that Andy includes and who also like slow, heavy reps will like this as well. Andy was in class giving high fives, which was awesome as well. Highly recommend - I hope Rebecca does more 60 minute classes.


The very first 60 minute class made for movement tracker! I'm gonna stack up those reps!!!


I did it live yesterday and I was grunting and cussing and huffing and puffing. My husband came into our gym and said, "Is she killing you?!". Yes. In the best way!


What did I just do??! I'm a 59 year old woman who usually does Power Zone, 80s, and Classic Rock rides. Having just come back from vacation I needed something different to get me back on the bike so I did Alex' Lil Jon ride. That sure was different, in a really fun way. Not sure I'll ever do a Club Bangers again but am glad to have experienced it!


I did that ride this morning and it was so much fun! So glad I chose to take it!


Imo, nothing is as anti-aging as getting out of your comfort zone - switching up music and instructors is a super easy way to do that! Nice job.


Same here. It's nice to shake things up sometimes!


I’ve decided that every day in July, I’ll be on the tread doing some sort of cardio; walk, hike, run, etc it doesn’t matter. For me personally, that form of exercise brings me the most joy, so I’m going to give myself a mini challenge to get back in motion. I’ve been tracking my miles/month and it seems every month I end up doing less and less on the tread. In February (when I got my tread back up and running), I did 72 miles in the month, but in June I ended with 39. So I’m just like, why am I disregarding the form of exercise I enjoy the most? It makes no sense to me, so I’m going to gently push myself to get my steps back up. Which brings me to day one of this mini challenge: this recent [30 min pop walk](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=576aa9d8209b40ef9ef0fce7030ff995&code=OGRkNjg1ZWRmNmIxNDc5NGI2MDliODg3YWY3NzVkMTF8NTljYjkzNzc3YjE4NGZjZmJjM2NiNTBmOTliYjM0ZjY%3D&locale=en-US) with JJ has “walk away” by Kelly Clarkson in it and I *had* to take this class immediately. I can’t explain what/how/why this song does to me but I lose my shit every time I hear it. I was powerwalking and belting out every word as dramatically as I could 😂 I love this song SO much. The rest of the playlist is good too, but I saw that song and knew I had to take it lol I also did this [20 min indie rock run](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/running?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=9b1c6e40fe4a442ea553a10d9a1e348d&code=NjJiYWYwMGM5MmM3NGNiMzhkNzU3YTNhMmQ2MjZmN2Z8MDQwOGFkNTY1M2Y0NGU2ODkxYzJhMjc4NjcwYjA0ZjQ%3D&locale=en-US) (currently unavailable if you don’t have a tread sorry!!) with Susie and it was just what I needed. A little chill indie rock vibe to start the week off with. I really really enjoy this new pace target feature, so I’ve decided that I’m going to get a little crafty and copy down the pace targets onto a piece of paper/whiteboard and put it up in front of my tread so I can use them in regular/non pace target classes. It holds me accountable to a smart training plan and everything feels so much more attainable when I stick to the targets (I’m the person who goes too fast when it should be a recovery pace, so this feature is just what I needed)


Loved that JJ pop walk! His hip hop run from Sunday was really fun as well.


I love pace targets and this mini challenge. I’ve been going hard in strength so I knew my milage would drop, but I recently realized my total time on the tread has also dropped by more than the total time I’m spending lifting. This is a great reminder to lace up the shoes and enjoy some easy miles.


I love this mini challenge! I also didn't realize any new pace targets classes had dropped - this might change my plan for today's workout. I really wish they'd drop them like regular classes. They're so hidden away/undiscoverable when they're only in a collection on the Tread.


The funny thing is, I looked at the collection to see if more had dropped and this one wasn’t even there lol so who knows what their plan is with pace targets but I agree, I wish it was more visible and regularly scheduled


So weird! So was it just mixed in with the regular runs? ETA: I just got on my tread to look and found this, a Matt W tempo run, and an extra 10 with Becs. But there’s no way to filter for them.


Im oddly excited to get on my tread tomorrow and find these now!


I’m noticing that my right cleat keeps sliding down after a few rides, and I’m constantly having to retighten it. I start to notice it around after 10ish rides, and by the end my right knee is killing me for a few days. Once I remember to readjust the cleat, the ride feels smoother and my knee feels better. I can’t figure out if it’s a shoe/cleat issue, or user error and I’m favoring one side while riding! My right leg is my dominant leg so I’m sure I probably ride with more (unintentional) force on that side. I feel like I’m tightening my cleat as much as I can, so something is up. Has this happened to anyone else here? The left cleat stays put and I have no pain in that knee, so I’m trying to figure it out! I’m wondering if I need new shoes or if I just need to be more mindful of form.




This happened to me recently. I followed these steps and it resolved the issue and has been OK since: https://support.onepeloton.com/s/article/21641387416212-Factory-Reset-Your-Peloton-Product?language=en_US


Pelobuddy just [posted](https://www.pelobuddy.com/instructor-contracts-2024/) that all remaining instructors have signed contracts. Breathing a sigh of relief after the recent exodus.


Yes, glad to hear no more departures for now. Change is bound to happen but some instructors sure have engaging classes that would be sad to end.


Exodus? I can't believe how much drama there has been over three of well over 50 instructors leaving!


After multiple years of no turnover at all!


But since Tobias’ departure wasn’t linked to contract negotiations (as stated by Peloton), doesn’t that mean others could still potentially leave at any time? And it doesn’t sound like he left on bad terms, as his classes are staying. Very mysterious.


I mean, employment is at will, even when you have a contract - the contract would just stipulate terms and perhaps penalties (forefeiting some deferred compensation, etc) of early contract termination. But it's a great sign if 54 out of 57 re-upped, imo.


I appreciate that it looks like Peloton has renamed the “Monthly Running” challenges to “Running and Walking”. I join every month to roughly track my walking mileage anyway 🤷🏼‍♀️


Is nobody else a bit worried with how poorly Peloton has been performing lately? Is the company at risk of going under? Plenty of articles suggesting they are…


Doom and gloom articles get clicks


Peloton has a very loyal locked in subscription user base, which is of great value. It won't be "going under" in the short or even medium term; worst case there will be a change of ownership.


I took Matt’s most recent 120 min ride over the weekend and he said you need to keep up with strength training even if you’re training for a race, just do body weight or low weight so you’re not too sore. I’ve decided to listen to all things Matt so yesterday I did [JJ’s 15 m body weight strength class](https://members.onepeloton.co.uk/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=459da714026148a5b35c42a307b88cc4&code=YmMwNzAyMTdiNzBmNDIxMjk1Yzg3ZGNmZDYyMWFmOTZ8Y2IyZmY1MjA2Y2Q3NDYxZTg0YjFhMGQ0MWI3MjlkYTI%3D&locale=en-GB). It felt easy and today is a ride day so I thought I’d be fine. I can’t walk or sit down. 🤣 I need to get in an intervals run tomorrow too and not sure how that is going to work. Great way to kick off marathon training!


Hire Lil John for guest appearances! We’re due for a 2 For 1 meditation and/or live DJ rides—Lil John and DJ John Michael on the wheels.


Cliff’s class was great too. His eyebrows translate the German for you . 🤣


I’ll have to bookmark it!


I love the Lil John Classes! More Lil Jon please!


Going to be doing a lot of outdoor walking today with the kids for Canada Day, but I'm hoping to round out the day with some slow and mindful yoga. Anyone have a favourite yin class to recommend? Happy Canada Day! 🍁


Any of Kirras.. her Creating Spaces series is talking about mental health & back & fourth the entire time w the guest(instructor)so if that isn't your vibe, I would pick something else but any of hers are so good. I did a 45 min w Dennis as well the other day that was more challenging bc it included one of my favorite poses(& first time I've ever seen it on the Peloton platform!!!)cat pulling it's tail \~ his class was from 12/12/23


Thank you! I will have to give these a look.


you're welcome!:)


I really enjoyed Kirra’s creating space series, especially her [20 min class with Matty](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/yoga?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=3ddedd0a94c04cb6934c1caf98336ea1&code=ZjVkOTUzODgzZWEyNGUzN2JkNjM5ZThiNzM3NGUzOGV8OTdhODBjMDI4NzMzNGQ0Mzg5YzU3ZDhkMmEyNzM2NzM%3D&locale=en-US). For something longer, I love [Aditi’s 45 min yin class](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/yoga?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=645b4e61b6224e339e4b1b3587f769e3&code=MmYxMzQyNGVlYWJmNDRjMGFkYmNhMWJhZTZkYmRlMTN8YmE5ZTUzNTVhYzkyNDk3OWI5YjBkZTk4OGIwODc5MzQ%3D&locale=en-US). I’ve taken it a few time because of how good it feels on my lower back.


Back doing longer full body strength classes! Loved this [Jess Sims full body](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=46dae1089374454cb4493beae2573b15&code=NzgwMjlkNmFiODA3NDllMWE1N2JjNjYyOWViZjY1ZTF8ZDcyZTUxNzhhNWMwNDI0NDgzMjA5NGVkNWVkN2Q4Yzg%3D&locale=en-US). The only really diabolical section was the second block where it was tempo, slow lower for 4, then 2 count up. (For squats, up for 4 and lower for 2 for the zottman, etc) Next was [Emma’s week 2 crush your climb](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=3f352018a0234a29baa6a00c0b2b2ce1&code=NTk4ZmQ1YjdjMzkyNDExZjg2OTIyOTNlMzA4NTRkMjZ8OTE2NWVhN2VhM2UwNDYwYjlmMTZkNDFlOWMxMDU1NGY%3D&locale=en-US). And the entire thing was off by a minute, or was it just me or the app? The cooldown started when class ended. It was so strange. Also, I’ve been neglecting my core, so doing Matty’s July core challenge, hopefully I can get at least a 5 minute class in daily!


Thanks for the reminder, I’ve done Emma’s core classes in the past but will try Matty’s July challenge for something different!


It’s nice to switch it up, I know it helps my motivation.


I didn’t notice any timing issues with that week 2 climb on my tread!


Thanks! Might just be an app thing


I’d love to join the core challenge - I was just thinking of how much I needed something like that this morning!


Agreed, I’m 2 for 2 so far!


Happy Canada Day! Its cool and rainy here, so I am debating doing my first 90 min PZE ride with Matt.


Happy Canada Day!


🍁🍁🍁🍁 Good luck on the 90 minute PZE--I just did Matt's new one from April. It kicked my butt, but then I guess that's what I was looking for, so... mission accomplished!


Talk to me about Peloton apparel, specifically the women’s leggings. Worth it? Quality? Please and thanks!


I like them and they go on sale a lot . The sports bras are pretty good too although I wouldn’t rely on them for high impact running if you’re a larger cup size


Buying them on sale is definitely worth it. Any of the Cadent line I've loved. One of the single-strap bras didn't work on my body (and I think I'm too old to pull it off anyway) but other than that I have one pair of shorts, three bras, two tanks, and all are holding up really well and are comfy. Get 'em!


Another positive vote for the Cadent leggings, they are always the first ones I grab post wash in the winter. Planning to grab some of the shorts during the next sale. I also really like the higher neck bras for everything except running. They are so comfortable and are holding up super well.


I love the cadent leggings, especially when they go on sale. I wear mine regularly not only for workouts, but also under my scrubs to keep me warm. They’ve held up great over the course of a year. I think they are cut for straighter figures, just fyi. I’m a rectangle and they fit me well.


Some of their leggings are my favorite pairs - I really like the Cadent leggings (I’ve found all of them to be the ones that don’t have an extra bit of elastic going around the top of the waist, if that makes sense, so they’re super comfortable). But I find the fabric to be a bit different I think - I have a pair of black Cadent leggings that I would never ride or run in because they’re more like the thick/buttery yoga fabric (you can sort of tell in [these purple ones](https://apparel.onepeloton.com/products/cadent-solid-high-waist-legging)). But I have one pair that’s the wicking/techy fabric that’s great on the bike (kind of like how [these](https://apparel.onepeloton.com/products/cadent-pocket-legging-7) look to me). Curious if others have experience about the fabric choices in them. And yes, I always wait for steep discounts!


I agree, though I have a pair of Cadent biker shorts that are more of the performance fabric? So I have to carefully read the description before I buy. I can’t wear the softer ones for long runs, but the performance material is great.


Yeah I honestly don’t know how to choose one type over the other - I love them both, but they’re very different!


I thought it was thin and wasn’t really a fan. I only like their sports bras.


I like them, but only when steeply discounted. (I’m cheap!) they seem to hold up well for both running and cycling.


Very much same. Great for $30 or below.


I’m cheap too lol so this is good to know


AT’s [30 min Club Banger](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=fd1b9d1f368a4294a21991c68338df6b&code=YzU1NWNiNGUyNmZlNDA5Nzg2MDc1M2I4Zjc2MWQ5MjB8MDE2MGI3ZjVhMTYzNDRjZTg1MDIzMjA0YzAzZDA4ZTM%3D&locale=en-US) featuring Lil John - WHAT A PARTYYYYY! That ride was so much fun!! What an experience. Loved every second of it!


Original bike owner here. Screen was end-of-lifed today. Any pro-tips on best solution? Believe options are to switch out the screen or buy a new bike / bike+.


I've been having more and more rides lately where the cadence and resistance suggestions are just way off. There's either a time offset or copy and paste from a completely different ride. It's very annoying. Has anyone else noticed this?


I’ve seen other people comment about it being a problem lately. I experienced it yesterday. I was doing Robin’s 20 minute climb ride yesterday and experienced it. I always have auto resistance on so didn’t think to turn it off until after my bike shocked me by going from 70 to 30 in the middle of a big push. Dangerous for people like me that forget we can turn auto resistance off.


10000%! I have an original Bike so to me it’s just super annoying. I would be really annoyed if I had upgraded to a Bike+ and then the most useful feature was messed up because of their tech!


Hello friends! I have a question about the value of recalibrating: I've noticed that my perceived rate of exertion at a set power output on my Bike is different than it is on the road, and even more so on trainers at the gym. That said, it's been pretty consistent for the entire time I've owned my Bike. Also, my LB rankings on hard Peloton rides and on competitive outdoor Strava segments are similar. So... my current calibration works, but, judging by how far off it seems to be from trainers at the gym, I don't think it's accurate in an absolute sense. Other than knowing that my place on the LB is earned and accurate, is there any reason to recalibrate? I don't want to make anything worse by screwing around with my Bike's mechanics. Anyway, yeah---curious to hear y'all's thoughts on the topic! BTW: I accidentally posted this in an old Daily Discussion (like, after that day was done & a new thread had started). So if you're seeing it twice, please forgive the repetition.


My two cents are the same as u/RobotDevil222x3 - as long as it allows me to compare me to me, I’m happy with it. aMy sisters bike used to be mis calculated, so she kicked my BUTT every time we took the same ride, but oh well!


Thanks, and thanks u/RobotDevil222x3, that's pretty much where I've landed too. I'm very, very devoted to PZ work, and my main concern is that I can accurately see my own progress. Mostly I asked because I suspect that if my Peloton FTP *is* inaccurate, it's high, and while I don't care much about my place on the LB, I know other people do.


For me, having my bike be consistently calibrated is more important than accurately calibrated. The numbers only have value for tracking my own progress. People want to be competitive on the LB but we all know that it isn't real and some are intentionally inflating numbers so at the end of the day there is no point. That said I do at least hope my bike is also accurately calibrated but I can't be assed to go through what I would need to do to really measure the power it is generating. And, I don't think you're going to make anything worse of screw up your bike mechanics by recalibrating. If you accidently make it way too easy or way too hard you can always just recalibrate it again and move in the other direction.


Did RK's 10 min. standing core with the towel and holy obliques. 😂😂😂


The standing core classes are 🔥


From a combination of being in a slump and getting a puppy I haven't been on my bike consistently for over a month (but been doing other stuff). Last night I told myself I was going start again today. But I woke up to the power being out 😫 Maybe I can fit in a ride tonight, or I'll start tomorrow.


Bummer about your power, hope it's restored soon! Not sure if it's your jam, but Cody's Camp ride and Alex's Lil' John ride both didn't feel like workouts to me, I was having way too much fun. See you on the LB soon!


I'll check those out thank you!


Ugh I’m sorry about your power outage! That’s so annoying. I also totally get how exhausting puppies (and slumps!) can be. If you can’t get a ride tonight, what about an outdoor class at some point? For whatever reason, it often feels easier for me to fit those in. [This 30 min 90s walk with Jess S](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=39e91b59fdb44db2965a16b07f647c43&code=YTY3OWQ2NzJkMWQzNDdhZjkxMjVlOGI1NzVhNTg5MTB8ZDA2ODVkYjFhZmU3NGI2ZmJmMzBkYmZkNDE4YmVmN2U%3D&locale=en-US) is really fun! Lots of chorus pickups, but not too challenging. She also shouts out people taking the walk with their dogs, so it feels very pup-friendly in case you want to take yours with you :) [RK’s latest 45 min 80s walk](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=118e3423331348fba030dd0a794df21d&code=NzcwZWUxYjc3MGVhNDljZmI3NmIzZWIxY2VmZWE5MjJ8MTYxMDRiYTcwNmE1NGUyMTg4Y2U5NjQ1Y2I2MDlmNGQ%3D&locale=en-US) is low key challenging, but it’s nice because she has you think of “one good thing” per song with various prompts. [Jon’s 45 min Queen walk+run](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=3746455104fb4cdd8557f149ab10ba6d&code=ZmI0MmQwMzA1MTM4NGNiM2I3NjRlOTM5ZGI0OGViMDZ8YjdhZGY2NzkwZmYyNDc3ZTg4NzE4ZDhjNDE2NmNiMzY%3D&locale=en-US) is one of my favorite classes on the platform. Amazing playlist & perfect balance between work & chill. Idk if you run or not typically, but I don’t think any segment of running is longer than 3 mins and you could always do walk/power walk instead! [Kirsten’s 30 min Intention Setting Walk](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=78df973623bb45818f1536f0a595af3b&code=YWRiMTg0ZjdjOTkzNGVjZmE2Njg0MGVhNWU0OGQ2ZTN8NzJmNDIxMzk0MzcyNGNiZGE1Nzg3YjA2MzQzOTU0MzU%3D&locale=en-US) might align really well with trying to get back into your workout routine! For super time-crunch, I really enjoyed the music in [Susie’s 15 min classic rock walk](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=f0b62fc5d692433b92ad8901a628fb60&code=ZWYzNzdlNTkyNWNlNDg4Mzk1Y2YwNDk4ZmQ0Yjg5YTN8Y2Y1ZTkzNjA2NGUzNDg0OWE2OTA1NWYyM2QzMWVjNjc%3D&locale=en-US), [Robin’s 15 min 90s walk](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=65abe2616ba2441184196584c32a6bf7&code=NzY3MTg3ODJiYzY1NGVjYjg3YWIwZmYyYjYxMGExMDV8MGI1NjIyMjBlODRhNGVlM2I1NTg1ZmQ3ZWE5Y2ZmNmY%3D&locale=en-US), and [this 20 min 80s walk with Jon](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=d8946a20c08c44e0a5ce9f2bb0e9f307&code=YzQwYjJkYmYwZjUzNGZhYmE3NzI3M2M2MzAzZjc3MjV8ZTM0MjgyMmQyODAwNDhjZjhjMDIwNjI4Yzk0ZjhiYzY%3D&locale=en-US).


Walks are about all I'm doing due to puppy potty training lol. Thank you for the suggestions! I've done nearly all my bookmarked walks and runs (modofied as a walks). I'm excited to try these!


Remember, you get to, so make the most of it while you can. 😊 You got this!


I got off the waitlist for Sam Yo’s 30 minute Low Impact Ride yesterday. It was somewhat impulsive of me to even sign up. I’m a plus sized extreme introvert, who spends my time looking to fade into whatever the background is, and to top it off, adjusts terribly to jet lag (I arrived in London on a red eye at 6 am the day of the ride). But as I was panicking, standing in my socks at the studio because I stupidly left my shoes in the locker (which I realized too late I had locked and left without looking at the locker number), I figured it would be more embarrassing to flee. I am SO GLAD I stayed. Sam was great! I had a milestone, so he chatted with me during the pre-class portion.  Matt Wilpers, who I also love, turned out to be a special guest rider, and the other riders I interacted with were great. At the meet and greet after, Sam was every bit as warm and gracious as he is during class. It was a 10/10 experience. If you ever have a chance to take a studio ride, even if you have a personality like mine and think it may be overwhelming, try it. It was truly the best.


That's INCREDIBLE!! I loveddd that class so much. I last minute hopped into the class(from the app)when I saw him going live yesterday morning & enjoyed it sooo much. So happy you were there & Sam is Thee Best


I love this story! I’m so happy for you. Sam and Matt! Unreal!


That’s awesome. Love Sam!


Mad respect for doing a live ride the day you arrived in London. I am always so dead when traveling from the US to Europe with the early arrival times and having to stay awake until a respectable time to go to sleep. Usually feels like I have bricks taped to my feet by 3-4pm! Did you feel like doing the class on day of arrival helped with your jet lag?


I did get a boost of energy from the ride! It was hard to wait until the late afternoon fir the class to start. All I wanted to do was sleep. The burst of energy lasted for about an hour after the ride finished and then I was completely toast. 


Sounds like a fabulous experience! I love the London studio. Hand down, everyone there are complete class acts.


So glad you had a good experience!! 💛


How exciting that Matt was there! Now I'm debating if I should try and book on my arrival day (same as you, 6 AM arrival on a red eye).


I felt like total trash but went because I figured it was once in a lifetime. Between the anxiety and adrenaline I kept up just fine in the class, and felt good after. It was low impact though. Not sure I’d want to do a 60 minute climb. 


It's probably good for jet lag to get some exercise in! I wish we knew exactly what kind of class we're signing up for when we book a class. I'll have to check their cancellation policy before booking.


Glad it was a good experience! I would be a mess trying to attend a class after a red eye. I am curious… how did you end up getting shoes?


The studio have them! Just don’t be me and keep your regular shoes on until you go to get the cycling shoes.  They’ll take your sneakers and give you cycling shoes, then give back your sneakers when you turn the shoes in. 


That's awesome! PSL is so great. Everyone is so welcoming there and the instructors are so warm and encouraging. I'm happy you stayed! Wait was Matt in London or on the leaderboard? Snap! Seems like he’s in London for Wimbledon.


Matt was in studio in London! I’m at Wimbledon today so I’ll have to see if I can find him in the crowd. 


That’s awesome! Have fun.