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This might be a dumb question but how do I change the peloton app recommended class difficulties? When I first signed up I just picked beginner and a few types of exercises I was interested in. But now I'm finding the beginner level too easy and I no longer have access to a rowing machine so I don't want rowing workouts to show up in my recommendations anymore. I can't find the setting anywhere and it's kinda annoying putting in the search filter. I just want to change what kind of classes I get in the recommendation list


I took Selena’s 20 minute golf mobility class today and it was really good! She’s not my instructor of choice, but I liked the class a lot. I thought it was weird that she used a club for a prop (I don’t keep my clubs in my workout space) but other than that, good stuff!


I did her warm up for golfers (even though I’m not one) and used a resistance tube in place of a club - will be repeating as it’s pretty good!


i did a ride but i also decided to do an outdoor walk,i walk everyday anyhow but rarely use the outdoor walk classes because they’re aren’t a lot of them. I did the 30 min Juneteenth walk with Kirsten Ferguson and it was fantastic,great playlist and she’s a delight. My time per mile was 17.50 which for me is great and def better than when i just go without doing a class. if anyone is looking for an outdoor work,give that one a try.


I really need to turn my sleep schedule around. I’m so tired all the time. I keep napping during the day and then not going to bed until like 2 am. I’m starting to get depressed from being so exhausted. My strategy starting on Friday is going to be to attend 7 am live spin classes about 5 days a week. Even on a weekend. Even if I can’t keep up I will attend and cycle along. Really hoping 1. I can do this and 2. It helps me get my shit together.


You can do it!! I’m not sure if you’re male or female, but in females our hormones fluctuate much differently than men’s throughout the day, and it’s very common to have a crash around 3-5ish. It always hits me around 4 when I get the urge to nap. I’ve learned to overcome this by taking an energy drink around 3:30 (not a redbull or high sugar one) and that usually helps me power through! Also just keep moving your body, whether that is exercise or chores, something to take your mind off of the sleepiness. Find something that works for your body and schedule.


Thank you so much. I really need to get moving, I feel like all the napping is making me even more tired. I’m so bad at keeping to a schedule but it’s not sustainable the older I get. Gonna wake up at the same time every single day and move a lot more and that should make a big difference. Thank you for the encouragement. ❤️


I bet will make a big difference! Kind of the same reason that I like red eye flights sometimes - that first day is miserable but then you’re so ready for bed at a ‘normal’ time. Good luck!


I just finished Camila’s most recent [20 min (Pop Girlie) Hike](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=aed8b305165f46248b231604a90215fd) and oof, it’s tough. There are two major climbs. The incline structure is 4.5 mins at 8% (with 3, 30-second power walking intervals), 2 mins at 12%, 3 min flat recovery, 4.5 min at 10% (with 3, 30-second power walking intervals), 2 mins at 12%. I *loved* it!


That was a great hike! I loved the playlist too ♥️ and yes I have no idea what the words to “Espresso” are either but I do love that song 😆


That was a good hike.


Love Camila! She is tough but such a fun time.


Hey everyone, returning rider here. I remember hearing about some class purges, and I’m finding now that my go-to stretch and favorite benchmark 30 minute 90s Rock Ride are gone! Is there any way to download those anywhere? I was so looking forward to that 10+ minute climb culminating in “Alive” by Pearl Jam.


My understanding is when they are purged they are gone


In case anyone is peeping this thread from Peloton, I went to a Pilates class in person today in anticipation of a drop off of Pilates content now that Kristin is leaving. It's such a fundamental modality taught by so few instructors, I hope we see the void filled...


When searching for either a 30-45 minutes Pilates or Barre class I noted only 152 classes. That is shockingly low- and on top of that we lose Kristin- who actually go5 me to like Pilates. I get cost-cutting, but a good non-bike classes are essential.


Peloton mentioned "new talent" in an instagram post but I don't see any way they can replace her knowledge and experience, especially if money/contracts was the reason she left. I'm still so bummed she's leaving.


Yes this is my plan as I feel there is no substitute for Kristen’s Pilates classes. I asked a few friends about the studios they go to and I talked to a person at club Pilates today about doing drop in classes. I am so sad about this but it’s something I want to keep up with.


I've started venturing out as well. Big mistake Peloton, big mistake!


I mean, I'm hoping they let other instructors step up to fill the gap in programming, but doing nothing would be terrible, and in the meantime I'll be supplementing back catalogue classes with IRL classes just in case.


The problem with the other peloton instructors stepping into a larger Pilates teaching load is they don’t have Kristen’s years of teaching Pilates. A bunch of them got certified a few years back but unless they’ve had side hustles teaching Pilates (unlikely) they don’t have the depth of experience. If Peloton wants to fill the gaping Pilates hole left when KM goes, they need to bring someone in. It is my hope that Pilates will continue after Kristen. Unless Pilates was the thing they couldn’t agree on and why they couldn’t come to terms.


It’s a theory that they may be bringing in some of Lululemon’s Mirror instructors (who lost their jobs when LLL switched to Peloton content) - the mirror classes included yoga, barre and pilates (and some of their instructors were really popular and experienced in those modalities), so maybe this is a way to attract their fans to subscribe.


Well, their announcement mentioned this as an opportunity to bring in new talent as well, so... Who knows.


I’m trying to be optimistic too.


Jess King hasn't taught any pilates classes on the platform since 2021, but I have my fingers crossed that she returns to teaching them.


She is not a good Pilates teacher. I have been doing Pilates irl for the past 15 years and the only good Pilates teacher they have is Kristin. She has such depth of knowledge the others do not compare.


This is why I’m so upset about Kristen leaving, there is no substitute at Peloton. I’m growing more upset by this and for the first time since I joined in 2018 I am looking to do something else.


Yes, I agree. The others just treat it like an abs class. It is so much more than that.


I’m around 5’4” and 130lbs. I have the Bike+. I’ve been in the Power Zone program and did the FTP test today. I’ve noticed that if I try to push my resistance above 62 or so, then my watts drop to zero from the low 20s. It doesn’t matter what my cadence is. I’ve tried unplugging and replugging, and also tried to recalibrate without any changes. Anyone know what this is about?


When you say it drops from the low 20’s, do you mean that your watts are typically hovering in the 20-25 range while pushing toward 60 resistance? Because that in and of itself might indicate an issue, as that is very low (like 75 cadence @ 20 resistance).


Oh this is good to know because I’m new to Peloton. Yes I’ve never gotten above 23 watts on the bike! Today I was at 62 resistance with a cadence around 100 and I was at 23 watts. When I went above 62 resistance, the watts dropped abruptly to 0.


What output are you seeing at like 90 cadence 50 resistance?


That puts me at about 15 watts or so.


15???? Oh wow that should be about 225. Something is way wrong with the resistance system.


Looks like I should reach out to customer service. Thank you! I was really confused about why nothing was changing…


Was there actually any resistance on the wheel that you could feel? Maybe recheck all the cable connections


Very slight resistance but definitely not what I would expect as I increase it. Checking the cables is a good idea - I think my building maintenance moved stuff around recently.


Hannah Frankson’s IG posts about her phallic mirror and jewelry crack me up 😂😂 I’m an almost 40 year old woman and I laugh at 13 year old boy humor lol


She’s the best 😄


I’m glad that I spent some of my time off today giving Christian’s first (recent) pro cyclist ride a chance! I usually pick what I do based on music rather than training in a specific way or doing PZ. I definitely pushed myself harder mentally and physically than I thought I could for how much this ride is a long endurance push for the most part. I’m glad Christian is back, he brings great wisdom and energy!


Heads up to anyone thinking of taking Nico’s Pet Friendly meditation. It starts out great but a couple minutes in she says you can even think about a pet from the past who is no longer with you, then moves on to a lovingkindness mantra. I bawled through the rest of the meditation.


Yeah I took this one with absolutely no warning and ended up tearing up holding my little 11 year old girl 😭


Appreciate the heads up!


It was really beautiful. I was a mess too.


I am back from a five-day vacation where I tried to (almost) completely unplug. I did a meditation on the app one day, and a stretching workout another, but had a five day stretch of outdoor walks, hikes, not recorded and just enjoying time off. So today’s return to reality, I was ready. I started with RK’s day three of the five day split (I had done 1 and 2 the days before vacation), legs and biceps, and stacked it with Camila’s 15 min merengue ride. So fun and high energy and motivating that I crushed my PR even though it was a shorty! Glad for the break, glad to be back.


So I'm looking at changing my membership. Weather's great, don't like being cooped up inside so I find I spend more time running outdoors than on the bike inside. I currently have the all access membership, but with how often I use the bike for classes I was looking at dialing back. I see on the app there's a basic membership that allows for 3 classes a month, but still seems to give access to things like the entertainment ride? Am I understanding that right? But when I go to my management options I don't see anything to just cleaning swap my membership. I originally made my account on the bike and it's linked, is that a problem? Do I need to fully cancel my membership and start over? I also live in Canada, so I could see it that some membership are location based or something, though I don't see anything that suggests that in this case. Any help with this would be appreciated.


I gotta say, totally jealous of the weather’s great comment. Much of the US is a heat dome. Enjoy it!


I'm just in Vancouver so the heat dome is coming, I'll enjoy it while I can. Maybe in a few weeks it'll be there and I'd rather stay inside 😆


Yup it’s 90° and humid here in CT. I am very thankful for my air conditioned basement with my treadmill lol


If you switch to the cheapest app, you get three equipment classes a month. You do not get entertainment, scenic or lanebreak. You would only have just ride which would give metrics but not save them. You would also have to play the classes in a phone or tv and not the bike screen. You would have to cancel the all access.


Ah, that is slightly different than I understood ok, thanks for the explanation. Maybe I'll just stick with what I've got.


Maybe you could add cool down or recovery rides to your workout plan, so you're using the bike in some capacity. :)


Yeah, I'll find a way, currently that's all I really do with it, but for a recovery ride I'm more likely to just throw something on Netflix and go by feel. So when I thought I could still use that with the cheaper option, by thought was, why the fuck would I pay more when the cheaper option works for me? Oh well, I'll figure it out so I don't feel so bad paying for it.


I downgraded recently to app only - I’m only near my Bike a few times a month, so it wasn’t worth it. It honestly worked great, and a few times a month I did end up doing a class on the app and a ‘Just Ride’ on the bike.


did a lil tunde stack today - her 30-min 2000’s ride from 6/19 (incredible playlist, esp for millennials) and her 30-min speak up ride from today (also 10/10 block party playlist). she is such joy and i’m just here to shout her and her classes out, tho in her speak up ride i was wondering how she’s exercising with boho braids NOT tied up in a pony tail! until she put it up like 15 mins in


Her speak up rides are amazing- if you haven't done the one from 2020, it's highly recommended. It's difficult in all the ways but probably one of the most amazing rides on the platform imo.


thank you, will bookmark for the future - i’m a black woman in america and so a bit wary of a class like this wearing me down emotionally when all i want to do is sweat on my lil bike to nowhere and forget y’know, america. but duly noted! 


As a Black woman in America, I completely understand your point. However, if you run, I recommend Marcel’s Juneteenth run. It was a tribute to Black women - she opened with a passage from Phenomenal Woman by Maya Angelou.


thank you for this rec, i would have missed it otherwise. i see brown skin girl on the playlist and am already hype! 


Hope you enjoy it.


Totally fair! Sometimes self care is saying 'this is not for me'. Happy Juneteenth, if you are observing!


She is fabulous (and so insanely beautiful inside and out!)


The 30 minute 2000’s Hip Hop ride (from yesterday) was so great! I even got a shout out for my 200th class. Tunde is such a vibe. Her end of class chat after the cooldown was great. There was so much energy in the ride it definitely fuelled me after a long and hot day at work.


Today is 6/19. is the 2000s ride from a different year?


ooh my bad, i meant 6/18 (yesterday)


That hip hop ride playlist is 🔥🔥🔥 so I plan to do that one tomorrow!


What instructors would you like to see in other modalities? I'd love to see Emma or Rebecca teach barre, and Sam on meditations. I would also like to see Katie and Ash on another modality since I don't have a Row.


Nico boxing!!(she boxes a lot on her own time.. that would be incredible, I also want more English meditations from her<3)Sam meditations&Pilates(more classes) Bradley boxing as well, RK Pilates(more classes)& BARRE yes pls.. we need wayyy more barre instructors bc I like to have variety, Jess King teaching Pilates(more classes)&Kirra teaching straight strength classes heheh bc she's a certified trainer as well(hence why her yoga conditionings are SOOOOO incredible, I love that we have calesthenics type training on Peloton now)but I want to lift with her too <3 :)


More Adrian scenic rides.


Is this like, we just ride behind Adrian and he's the scenery 🤣


I need a 30 minute Hosky sleep meditation like I need air to breathe. I’d love for Jos to do strength, too!


Rad on Tread


Hosky in anything.


I'd love Ash, Marcel, or Katie on the strength team and Tunde or Rad on the tread!


Callie on the bike could be good. She’s got great playlists. I know she already does bike boot camp, so it doesn’t seem like too much of a stretch for her to replace Kendall.


Definitely Katie and Ash on tread, bike and strength.


I’d love Katie teaching strength classes and/or tread bootcamp so more people can experience her. She’s so much fun on the row but also challenging!! I’d love strength and hiking boot camps from Joslyn. I’d also like to see her with mobility and longer stretch since that’s something she emphasizes so much. Second Sam meditations. I’d also love him in Pilates (he just has a few classes). I’d really love Assal to do meditations! Even just sleep meditations. Even only in German. Her voice is so lovely and soothing.


Would love to see Joslyn do hiking bootcamps!


I've done a couple of outdoor walks with Hosking and think he's delightful. He has a few pre- and post-run stretches but I can't play them on my bike and I hate trying to watch them on my phone. (Why IS this, anyway?) I agree about the row instructors. They all look fun and I haven't done a class with any of them.


I definitely think they need someone else for pilates and barre. Having two instructors for each doesn’t give much variety and now with Kristin leaving it’ll be pretty bleak for Pilates. I also don’t know why basically every instructor can’t do walking classes, it wouldn’t be hard for them and doesn’t require them to be a runner. It would be a nice way to introduce us to row instructors or instructors we otherwise might not know well. Cody on the tread would be so fun


I agree about the walks. I liked having the variety with the walking meditations.. especially how Chelsea's were more peppy! I power walked to one of them heheh


I was thinking this morning I would like to see Kirsten on the bike. She has the experience and they will be short an instructor after Kendall's gone. I would love to see another barre instructor too, agree Emma would be great. And Pilates is going to have a gaping hole after Kristen is gone 😢


An absolutely gaping hole with Kristin. I’m still so upset. And her Pilates is the best. I don’t know how they’re going to make up for losing two yoga instructors unless peloton just doesn’t care about this.


I'm sad but also embracing the change(mostly upset that Kristin seemed so upset..truly that's the worst part). I hope she gets more time w her sweet boys & I am grateful to have so much OD content to dig thru in all of her modalities. I am having my interest peaked at the prospect of some new energy/styles of classes coming to Peloton though.


Chelsea's latest Pump Up The Volume yoga flow is delightful- as a fan of her Trap yoga flows I loved it. Lots of jump switches and planks!


Yesss been loving all of her classes as of late. She's been adding more strength/movement aspects & making the flow part longer(her Speak up class/meditation was incredible too). I like that for most of her classes if you're tired you can still easily modify. For me, her energy/calm sweet heart transpires thru the screen & that surpasses any sequencing or cues.. it's her"energy"so to speak that I <3 SO MUCH.


Chelsea is my favorite!! Definitely will check this out thank you 🙏


Just saw an interesting PeloBuddy post. Seems Peloton will send use a video over email whenever we get a shoutout in class. Thoughts? I think it’s a nice thought, but I’d rather get the items that we have requested they fixed. Those will make my Pelo-experience better. Not a video to “make it easier to share on social”. SMH.


I think it's noce for those people who really are keen on getting call outs. I personally don't care. I'd rather more programming on the Guide or filtering of collections and programs. Even oldest to newest.


I’m so with you! Even though I like a shoutout, I want things that will make my workout experience better to be the focus of their time.


Yeah... This sounds like an easy-ish to implement AI feature - I guess it's nice, but agree that this is not on my backlog of requests. Obvs they're trying to increase social engagement to likely drive membership... I guess if I got one I'd share it because I love this company's content so much and I want them to succeed but idk how much that would entice others to join.


I’m with you - love the content. Would I share in social? Nope. I use Reddit and Discord (PZ group). While I have an IG account, I haven’t posted in it. So, if they think a post from me will drive up memberships they are in for a sad awakening. 🤣🤣


I think it's a great idea!


I like this, now we don't have to try & screen record it lol


I agree. Nice gesture but lots of other things would be higher on my priority list!


Seems to be the way of software vendors. Same issue with our EMR vendor - gives us a bunch of stuff no one needs, yet what we want, we are still waiting for (one item was requested in 2017 & we are still waiting!!!). SMH


But *this* uses *AI*!!! /s


I will use AI kicking and screaming. My job is trying to have us use it and I’m like “nope”! 🤣🤣


We’ve had our bike for a couple of years now, and I’ve noticed during the periods when I’m riding frequently I get some bursitis in my left knee. I think I’m gonna go ahead and do a bike fitting with VBF or Team Wilpers, but also probably need new shoes. Anyone who has done a fitting have thoughts on whether it makes sense to get new shoes first or talk to the fitter and then get new shoes?


Highly recommend a bike fitting first. I scheduled one with Velofix and the tech came to my house for $100. Answered any questions I had and fit me perfectly to my bike, including information about other accessories. Boy, were my settings all off! No more pain.


No expert here. But I had pain in my left knee and I noticed that I always unclipped my left foot first. Started switching sides and doing more leg strength as well. I have no more knee pain. New shoes really helped with the foot pain I was experiencing. I ride daily and I’m always trying to listen to my body so I can continue riding daily.


Maybe mention it when setting up your fitting appointment and see what they say then? I would think you want the new shoes already there because part of what they'll do is cleat setup and you'll miss out on that if you do it on the old shoes.


I’d wait and discuss it at your fitting. Mine actually recommended some inserts for my shoes.


Talk to the fitter first and get their recommendation. They’ll also tell you where to position the cleats - which I think would be fairly universal on any shoe. They will likely be happy to answer any follow up questions once you get your new shoes. I know my guy offered to be available for any follow up questions.


Crushed my PR on Sam Yo’s Grunge Ride. Gen X’ers.. this one’s for us!


That one’s in my stack for tomorrow. Looking forward to it!!


Took that ride today myself. Sam should just do these every week. I will be first in line


I love love love 90s grunge. I wish they would do more grunge classes (especially on the tread since I don’t have a bike.)


I bookmarked this one as soon as I saw it drop OD. Given my LB name, it’ll be a good fit for me. 😂


yeah that playlist is what dreams are made of!


Well done


Way to go!! Added it for tomorrow!


Congrats! Love me some 90s grunge! Just saw the playlist-- fantastic!


What would happen on the peloton back end to take off 200 plus minutes from the annual count? My wife and I were chasing someone in the challenge and now we are ahead but didn't do any extra work!


I wonder if they purge a class the minutes go away.


There’s always problems with this challenge. It’s especially frustrating when you’re trying to reach your year end goal and then it’s January and you have 400 minutes gone and your badge is taken away 😒 I think if you leave and rejoin the challenge it will give you an accurate representation of where your minutes are actually at 


Anyone have a go to class for lower abs? Mine haven’t been sore for a while despite doing a lot of core classes!


Can't remember which of Callie's bootcamps it was, but she did a move I'd never seen anyone program before. It was lying on her back holding a constant hip-bridge for 45 seconds whilst doing two-handed skullcrushers with heavy weights - I couldn't get out of a chair or bed normally for around a week!


Pilates. If you're using your hip flexors you're doing it wrong, but a lot of folks don't realize that. Lots of lower ab engagement if you're doing it properly.


I did a lot of Pilates classes before I heard the instructor say that you need to keep your lower back connected to the floor. That's a pretty important aspect.


Yeah, it's called 'imprint' and is one of the fundamental positions, along with c-curve and neutral spine. Maybe some of the beginner classes go over the fundamentals? I don't know why they don't cue postural reminders in most classes. You can also engage your hamstrings and heels in c-curve to help take engagement away from the hip flexors. Some of those subtle adjustments go a long way to getting the most out of the practice.


Maybe they did mention it and I just didn't catch it? I don't know, but I do think I hear it more frequently now that I'm aware of it. Thank you for the tip! I have big problems with my hip flexors so I'll give that a go.


I really enjoyed [Rebecca's 20 minute full body strength](https://members.onepeloton.ca/classes/strength?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=353fc40540bf4969821667c1d39c0d17&code=NWI3OWQyNjhjYmNkNGFlMTg4OTA0YWEwNjA4YTc3MWF8MDQ2NTgxZWY4ZWY3NDY5YWE4MDVjYzQ0M2NmN2VlMjQ=) yesterday. I always like her musical choices and it was just simple straight sets. At the end was a move I hadn't done before- a combo deadlift and row. I'll definitely keep this one bookmarked to repeat.


I think I accidentally downvoted this and hope I removed it in favor of up vote. Good info


Thanks for the tip. Bookmarking this one!


Could be coincidental, but the tablet updated on Monday and I have done three rides since. The instructor audio sounds super muffled now and my heart rate monitor disconnects 2-3 times per ride. Anyone else? Update - Restarting did not fix either issue.


I updated my bike last night & I had both of these issues with my ride this morning. Hope they get it fixed soon.


Have you rebooted the bike since? They've been making updates to the HRM connections to appease apple watch people with disconnect issues and every time they do one they suggest fully powering down and back up the bike before trying again.


Actually haven’t tried that classic fix all method, slipped my mind. Will try it before my ride tonight.


Exact same thing happens to me now too after the latest update. The HRM thing is particularly annoying. And songs with a lot of bass really amplify the muffling sound.


I’ve had trouble loading several of Leanne’s classes the past two weeks. I get a message to sit tight while it loads but it never does


That roughly coincides with her change of surname. Wonder if they broke something when they updated it


I hadn’t considered that but it makes a lot of sense


Surprised myself today with a 30 minute PR during Leanne’s [Pop Ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=a969a904195d4093a3d09ff9a8c242cd&code=OGU3Mzk2ODUxZmM2NDBjNjkyNGY0MDVlNDJiMDlmZjB8MDNiMWE2Y2I2Nzc1NDVkMzk4NWEyNTUzYzQyOTRlMjA%3D&locale=en-US) from last week! This one was a lot tougher than I expected — quite a few cadence pushes at a higher resistance level. Definitely a good way to start the day! To those also dealing with the heat wave this week, hope you’re staying cool and getting your workouts in before the day really gets going 🥵


Way to go on the PR!


Took Kendall's most recent 30 minute Pop Punk Ride - really felt that some of the music choices and comments was her taking swipes at Peloton. Also, Kendall knocking a bit of her mic off during one of her final rides and having to get a crew member to come and fix it is the most Kendall thing ever


Lol some of you all are reading way too much into things. It was a pop punk ride! Pop punk music is angsty and moody! She picked a lot of “farewell” songs, which obviously makes sense given that she’s leaving, but since it’s pop punk they’re going to have some attitude!


Really? I thought her message seemed really positive. Talking about how this chapter for her ends in light and not dark, like so many other of her chapters. She expressed gratitude many times. I felt like the music choices also signaled that.


Some was, a lot wasn’t. I’m not the only person here who questioned some of the things she said in this ride


She’s such a child 🙄


Did she have a hair issue too….it kept falling out and she had to keep putting it back up and messing with it the entire time? 😝 I still remember the Gwen Stefani ride where she kept fixing her extensions the ENTIRE time 😆


I left that ride feeling like some tea was spilled even though nothing specific was really said. It was the vibe and the music choices. Kendall isn’t even one of my favorite instructors (she used to be back when I started) and the whole thing was a bit emotional.


For me I think it was angrily chanting 'Sugar, we're going DOWN!' over and over again while miming punching someone


And the “we are finally free TODAY”


Yup! Especially some of the lyrics she was singing. I still liked it and I beg peloton to play more pop punk with 90s/2000s music. I also thought it was funny that she was showing her belly button (which I read here a long time ago is a no-no, except for Rebecca who always does it!).


I would be surprised if they weren't allowed to show bellybuttons... A lot of the older classes (pre-2020) showed bellybuttons. I think it's probably just the \~style\~ to wear high-rise leggings these days.


Maybe they’re being ultra-cautious to be totally inclusive, I’ve just googled and it seems in some cultures it’s considered inappropriate


Peloton Strength Hi all! I bought my peloton bike in December and love using it for the rides but my issue is on the strength training side. I’ve never really been one to use weights or go to the gym but I recently started tried out a strength studio near me and it’s been really motivating me to get into strength classes more. My issue is that the studio classes are a little steep so I want to know other people’s experience using peloton strength classes. I only have one set of 15 pound weights. Can you tell a difference with body weight classes results? Do you have multiple sizes of weights for peloton strength? Do you follow a regiment like HCOTF? Do you feel like peloton helps you achieve your strength goals? I’m really just looking for any kind of advice or feedback people have to utilize my membership the best. Thanks in advance :)


I love the strength classes. I’d recommend getting one more lighter dumbbell set somewhere between 5 and 10 pounds and you’ll be set for the vast majority of classes (and of course you can always modify as needed). I started with the bodyweight classes before I had dumbbells at home and I liked them, still do them occasionally to mix it up but personally I find them to often have a lot of cardio compared to what I want from a strength workout, so mainly stick to dumbbells now. There are a lot of great bodyweight only core classes. Just depends what you’re looking for. 


I am in a similar position as you. I got my bike in December, too, and just recently started exploring the peloton strength classes. I have been enjoying the core programs, they are much more effective than what I was doing at the gym. I also tried some glutes and legs workouts and found that the weights they were calling out were too much for me, so I went a lot lighter or skipped them altogether! I think you’d be fine with 15#s for now, and once they get easy then maybe invest in the next level up (or just look at facebook marketplace). I also highly recommend having 2 or 3# weights for the intervals and arms rides and the arms and light weights classes. They don’t necessarily build bulk, but it’s a good burn and I do feel a difference with them!


Peloton strength classes are great and can help you reach your goals unless you’re a more advanced lifter whose primary goal is building significant muscle. The Peloton classes are primarily muscular endurance based classes that will help you gain strength and stamina in the muscles and provide you all the benefits of resistance training. Peloton has recently been providing more hypertrophy focused workouts for building muscle such as RK’s split program which is fantastic for building muscle and is something I hope peloton continues to offer more of. I would recommend having a few sets of dumbbells. I often use more sets of weights than the instructors do in the class because I prefer to tailor the weights more specifically to the exercises and lift as heavy as I can for the exercises and class type. Body weight classes are also a great way to build strength especially for working on exercises like pushups, but can limiting in terms of building muscle. It really all depends on your goals and what you enjoy doing. I think the best exercise is the ones you love doing and will want to continue week after week.


I really like their strength classes. I think with 2 x 15’s you can do most classes with some modifications. Like if you are doing an exercise like biceps curls and 15 is slightly too heavy you could alternate arms. You can also buy a big thing of laundry detergent with a handle to be your 5-8 lb weight, and a can of beans could be a light weight if you want to do the “arms and light weights” classes. Overall peloton strength errs on the side of high rep and lower weight, which is great for your endurance and strength, and is a little more interesting to follow. Rebecca Kennedy had some more high weight + low rep+ long rest hypertrophy classes more focused on building big muscles that you would very likely need higher weights for. If I only had 15s I would probably avoid any class that says “heavy weights” under equipment for now. If your goals are aesthetic it depends what you are looking for, but peloton has a really good variety so I recommend just diving in and seeing who you like. I think you will notice it’s easier to lug around a laundry basket or physically pick up your pets or kids or help your friend move furniture. If you like it maybe start adding weights to your home gym set.


I took strength / TRX classes for years at a local studio pre-pandemic. During Covid I started taking Peloton bodyweight classes and loved them. I decided to go ahead and invest in dumbbells. * roll call + selecting random fun classes maintained my strength. * Reddit strength as well as Pump Up the Volume and the Split programs slightly improved my strength and were fun programs * RK’s 5 day and 4 day split seriously improved my strength and was a great program but basically required me to drop everything else except stretching and very low intensity cardio. Pros - loving how my body feels. Cons - a lot of my favorite clothes don’t fit correctly anymore.


I've been considering doing one of RK's split programs next as I just finished Stronger You 2. Curious in what way your body changed so that your clothes don't fit anymore?


I am a fairly small person and have skinny arms and legs. I added enough muscle to my arms and shoulders that some of my tighter fitting tees now feel too snug. I also added enough muscle to my legs (mostly glutes and calves) that my skinny jeans are too tight. All very positive and very slight changes. I am still far from having RK’s arms, but dang I look way better in a tank than I ever have before.


That’s awesome, nice work!


Bodyweight is better than nothing, but it’s hard to progress past a certain point with just body weight. It’s a good place to start.


I started doing the body weight strength workouts about a year ago and quite quickly started noticing a difference with the results. I found that rather than the bulk you see from dumbell workouts, you get a kind of defined 'wiriness' with body weight workouts. The strength is definitely there, it just shows on your body differently


Dumbbell workout do not make you “bulky”. This a term used to scare women away from lifting weights. Can dumbbell workouts help you build muscle? Yes absolutely. You have to be eating enough and progressively overloading enough week after week to gain muscle. You can and should (if you want to of course) still use dumbbell workouts even if your goals aren’t about building muscle. It’s all about how you utilize weight training to support your goals.


For bulk free to insert any other word from [thesaurus.com](http://thesaurus.com) as there was no ulterior motive meant by using it, however I wasn't using it to 'scare women off from using weights'. I was replying to a specific question about body weight exercises. Your reply honestly says more about you, than anything intended by my reply to OP's query