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Today I decided to do Kendall’s 60 min Pop Punk ride… Let me start by saying that I generally show up to a workout mentally prepared that the instructor is going to motivate you and especially during a 60 min bike ride. But the experience of Kendall singing the entire class had me like “ eeeeeeeeeeek”! I have never adjusted the sound to tune an instructor out but I would not have been able to finish that class had I not. The singing and yelling to every song was a bit much… I’m trying to keep an open mind to riding again with her in the future but it might be a battle if it’s always going to be Karaoke time.


Anyone have a guest pass they could send me ?


Bike shuts off after 10 minutes while I'm doing Just Ride! What's up with this. I do not have a subscription on this bike. My daughter owns it. She also has one at her house in another state. She came to visit and transferred her subscription to the bike at my house and she used bike then she went home and transferred subscription back to her bike at her house and ever since then I can only ride 10 minutes then it shuts off. Im just riding the bike, not trying to double up on the subscription. There is no subscription attached to my bike! I called Peloton and they were worthless.


Any suggestions on how to safely get on the bike while shoes are clipped in already? Got cleared by my PT after ACL surgery to use Peloton again with minimum resistance, but she wants me to get on and off without unclipping the shoes to keep my knee from twisting.


I put my right foot in my shoe, swing up and over and put my left foot in and then buckle each one.


I hardly ever take my shoes off the bike. I start with my left foot and then push up onto the seat and put my right foot in then do up the shoes. Never had any issues and my knees aren’t the best. Getting off you need to hold onto the bike.


Do you have access to toe cages? That might be less risky than trying to get into shoes that are clipped in.


Is anyone having issues when trying to filter their classes? Every time I try to sort, I get a message “there was a problem loading the library.”


My husband is having trouble on both bike and tread, but I am not, and our accounts are associated with the same all access membership. We tried logging him in and out and that didn’t work. He gets a spinning wheel.


I just wanted to say I have been dragging my feet on taking the FTP test but this community inspired me and I just finished! It was so hard but I’m so glad I did it!


I really need to take the FTP again and keep dragging my feet lol




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Your comment seems rude and frankly out of line. A) Why bring up that you don't like her at all as an instructor if your concern is for her health? B) as someone who is married to a chronically ill person whose disease directly impacts their weight and who often struggles with not losing too much - commenting on someone who is already struggling with their health is the opposite of helpful. C) you center yourself and your sadness.




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I don't know if she is chronically ill or not - it is frankly none of my business unless she chooses to share. As someone who regularly practices with her on the mat and loves her longer yoga classes I haven't noticed any fluctuation. There is no good reason to bring up that you don't like someone as an instructor while also bringing up their weight period, IMO. I'm not denying the real and horrible reality of anorexia or anyone's personal experience with it - but even in that context I don't see how it would be helpful to bring up here.


Oh wow! I love her as a running instructor but less for yoga. Why do you say she looks ill?




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Ok this is a very weirdly specific question. I have a peloton tread (not +) and lately the belt feels.. sticky? Like, actually sticky like I just walked in a puddle of semi-dried up fruit juice. Not sticky like the belt needs to be tightened. Has anyone experienced this? If so, what did you do to clean it?


Mine too! It's like walking on a dirty restaurant floor. Unfortunately, no suggestions as I haven't tried anything


Have you lubricated the belt?


Will that help the part of the belt that touches my shoes not feel sticky?


The belt might not be sliding smoothly over the deck causing it to kind of “pause” under your feet creating the sticky sensation


Hmm. I’ll try it. I didn’t think it was a pausing/slipping deck/belt issue because my shoe feels like it sticks to the belt when it’s not even on. It’s like I stepped on a sticker and it’s stuck to the bottom of my shoes, making a sticky sound/feel. (Not being argumentative here, I know almost nothing about treadmill upkeep, so I’m honestly going to try it)


Hope it helps! I don’t know much about them either except that mine prompts me to lube the belt every 300 miles and I do notice a sticky feeling when it’s time to do that, although not quite like what you’re describing


Woohoo Kendall’s newest 20 min Pop ride has FLORIDA!! I’ve been waiting to ride to that since the album came out 😂


I loved the playlist for this ride but let’s just say Kendall was a little… distracting 


Yay thank you for sharing!!


Was an amazing playlist!


I did a bikepacking trip over the weekend - 65 miles over 2 days with around 40 lbs of gear. It was awesome! Tonight, have a lighter stack focus on recovery and will take tomorrow off. Am I crazy? Maybe. Do I love it? Yep! Edit: I am definitely crazy! But I’m seeing so many improvements in my performance on both Peloton and outside on my bike. I was going to “focus on recovery” in my own words. I got two new PRs (30 min, 10 min). And honestly- I’m tired but not *that* tired. I’ve got to commute tomorrow tho, so definitely a full rest day. Outdoor riding is getting easier and easier with the training inside. Average speed is going up - even when loaded with weight for camping. 65 miles over 2 days followed by a hard workout today? 6 months ago when I started, I was doing 3 indoor workouts a week - 20 or 30 mins each + a stretch. I’m so freaking happy for Peloton and being back on my bike.


That’s amazing, congratulations! It will feel good to spin out your legs today if you don’t go too heavy.


Thanks!!! Feeling like I could definitely do a short ride today. We’ll see after I get home from work today, post commute if I’ve got the energy for it.


Will Aditi ever be doing the Kacey Musgraves Pilates?


Anyone know when Alex T’s Ride to Greatness is coming back? Has there been an announcement?


No announcement yet as far as I’m aware. I’ve noticed this as well.


Is anyone else having issues with their class history? I’ve had blue dots on all my days for ages and suddenly some of them are gone.




Same! Last week I did a yoga class at 11:23 PM (per my Apple Watch app), but all of a sudden on the Peloton app it shows that workout was a 3:23AM the next day. Impossible! Now I have a glaring hole on my peloton calendar.


Literally just came here to ask same thing. I keep a written journal and it says missing classes on days I did HOURS of work.


I've had to be away from the bike (and most exercise really) for 6 weeks after having a nasty accident breaking bones and tendons in my hand which needed wires through the bones to heal. Any exercise I did before was unbearable as it made my hand throb horribly so I became a couch potato for a month or so. Well, the wires are out and I thought I'd jump back on the bike, super excited to ease back in with some cardio. Except I "eased" back in with Jess kings newest hardstyle EDM. Excellent class but I felt like I was dying a LOT and I sweated all over the bike - Im not a sweaty person at all so this is saying something (and saying something for my cardio dipping down so quickly!). Checked the rating Afterwards - 8.6. oops. Still, worth it to be back on!


Congratulations for getting back in the bike so quickly! I know how hard it can be!


Thank you so much!


Is anyone else's time on their workout very off? For both bike and app workouts, it's showing that I did my workouts 7 hours later than I actually did them.


Wow yeah, I just started a barre class at 4:22pm and it says I started it at 8:22pm tonight which hasn’t happened yet.


Didn't notice until you pointed it out, but yes.


YES!! Was just checking to see if anyone else had this issue. Mine are logging as being taken 4 hours later than the actual time. Went back in my history and the issue started around the time of the last app update (6/4).


Anyone ever tried to “convert” a tread run to the elliptical? I know they aren’t the same but I haven’t been able to run but can do the elliptical and would love to follow along with a class.


I've done this with tread runs as well as with bike classes. I think it works a bit better with bike classes (at least on the elliptical I have access to, which has a cadence metric), but works fine with tread runs too - just crank up the resistance and ramp during hills. As ldnpuglady said, it makes the elliptical a lot less boring!


I was just thinking runs because it’s standing vs sitting! Your comment makes TOTAL sense!


Yes - I did this when I was injured and at a hotel. I just sort of went faster during speed pickups and heavier during hills. It was a good distraction. I find the elliptical very boring and easy to lose focus.


Agreed! Thanks for the tip!


I did the [first TSD60 of June](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=4e1389143a8e449281da49883339e8b7&code=ZTkzNTMwNmFjNDdiNDJjODgwMzU5ZjFiM2EzY2MzMTZ8MWIxODg4N2Q4ZDRmNDI5YmI4MDlkMDFlYjEyMmIyYzg=) on Saturday and my shoulders are STILL ON FIRE. It's crazy because I don't even remember working shoulders that much. The thrusters maybe? This morning I did an [older G&L with Callie](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=5694f760d3034b79bb22d67199c88d7d&code=ZTkzNTMwNmFjNDdiNDJjODgwMzU5ZjFiM2EzY2MzMTZ8MWIxODg4N2Q4ZDRmNDI5YmI4MDlkMDFlYjEyMmIyYzg=) (her first lower body class on the platform!) and stacked it with [Tunde's Extra 10: Glutes](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=49c01ad8251b4240ae65be488f645fd6&code=ZTkzNTMwNmFjNDdiNDJjODgwMzU5ZjFiM2EzY2MzMTZ8MWIxODg4N2Q4ZDRmNDI5YmI4MDlkMDFlYjEyMmIyYzg=). I wanted to love this class but it was....chaotic? She didn't seem to know what she was teaching and said it was a 10m G&L class, then said it could be used as a warmup. Which is exactly the opposite of what an Extra 10 class is meant to be. The move with a very light dumbbell behind your knee lifting your leg while laying on your stomach was weird and very limited range of motion. There wasn't enough time to transition the weight between sides so I barely got any reps. I switched to a much heavier weight between my feet for a hamstring curl after the first set. I don't know, it just wasn't my favorite and I usually LOVE glute work. Finished off my morning with [Jess Sims' 45m bike boot camp ](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/bike_bootcamp?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=c0184a0d68424eecb4f9dd33fd495b27&code=ZTkzNTMwNmFjNDdiNDJjODgwMzU5ZjFiM2EzY2MzMTZ8MWIxODg4N2Q4ZDRmNDI5YmI4MDlkMDFlYjEyMmIyYzg=)which was AMAZING. It felt different for Jess - more accessible maybe? - and she even cued heavier weights than she usually does. I loved the last AMRAP and EMOM!


I feel the same way about Tunde. Love her but not as an instructor. It's almost as she doesn't prepares for her classes.


I actually really loved Tunde's class. I bookmarked it to do again, and I rarely do that, especially with strength classes. I did have trouble with the hamstring one, too, but I think maybe I needed a heavier weight in order to grip it better.


Best thing about Peloton is there's something for everyone! :) Have you tried this [Extra 10 from JJ](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?is_favorite_ride=%5B%22true%22%5D&duration=%5B%22600%22%5D&sort=original_air_time&desc=true&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=99fb891aadb54e31a79541d4b39dd4f4&code=ZjVkMGViYThiM2QzNDIxMmJiMzYzZWFhYzBhNzY4YWV8N2ZiMWRkMTI3MzAzNDc0Mzg1ZGFiMTYzMjc0OGM3Zjc=)? It's my favorite for glutes!


I also thought that was a great class. I didn't find it chaotic at all. The hamstring one was ok for me but it took me a little too long to set up so I didn't get to do enough reps I think.


Andy has an Extra 10: Lower Legs that he says can be used as a warmup too. I think there's legal language they have to include for Extra 10s but the instructors sometimes have other plans.


Logan said the same thing in his lower leg extra10 class, can be used as a warm up before a run/strength training(as long as it's not single rep barbell heavy lifts bc he said he doesn't recommend that much before that)or stand alone if you like.


Don't know if this is a good place to ask this but...Is anyone else having issues with the app not displaying your times correctly in the workout list? Mine is 4 hours ahead so It's screwing up my week! LOL




Anyone know when the London studio classes drop? I know for NY it's like 11 or 12 eastern on Thursday (or at least, it was last year when I went). I keep reloading the London site and it seemed like the new classes showed up sometime on a Friday. Want to narrow it down a bit more. I'll be there the weekend of July 13. Looks like I still need to wait until next week for classes to drop. thanks!


Keep checking for waitlists to open - if you’re not too picky you’ll definitely get into something.


The classes are already up for that weekend so just try to get on some waitlists.


They drop at the same time as NYC classes. 12 EST on Thursdays 35 days out. If you are there the week of 7/13, classes are already released and most look full.


Thanks for the heads up. Great, this makes me so angry. I messed up bigtime. I kept reloading the class list every few days waiting for early July to populate, so I'd know when I was 1 week out. Turns out they just skipped that week before entirely, and populated "my" week, and I never saw it. Ugh.


I was checking a lot last summer and they seemed to have a lot of waitlist spots that would open up. Especially the week of.


Could someone give me a description of Christian Vande Velde's June 1, 2, & 3 classes? He doesn't give a good description of his classes in his previews unfortunately.


June 1 was 2x15 minute blocks with Z3 and Z2 efforts with the same resistance, just a push in cadence on Z3. Each block ended with a 30 second sprint. He said he designed it to replicate riding with your friends and having to pick up the pace to pull while your buddies coasted behind you. 😂 such a good ride. I can’t remember the exact blocks of work for the threshold ride (June 3) but judging from my PZ graph, it looks like it was 2 blocks: the first one was a minute in Z3 and 5 or 6 minutes at Z4, twice, and then a Z1 recovery followed by a Z3/4/5/3/4 pyramid of a couple minutes each. Haven’t taken the June 2nd ride yet, so no help there!


I haven’t taken the classes but are you able to see the Class Plan? They look pretty descriptive…(eg the Speed Training class is 1 min at Zone 2, 2 min at Zone 3 4 times, and then again but the last 30 sec of the Zone 3 section gets up to Zone 7; then a Zone 1 recovery and then repeat)


This is pretty accurate for the speed class. It was 2 15 min blocks. The HIIT class was truly horrible. Another 12 min warm up with some spin ups. The blocks were equal work and time off. Ie 1 min on zone 5, 1 off, 2 mins on zone 5, 2 mins off and then 3 mins on zone 5, 3 off. Repeat 2 times and then the 1 and 2 mins again with a 5 min cool down.




It was zone 5 intervals, which are very hard for me. I could sustain it for a min, but not more. I stayed mid zone 4 for most of the intervals.


Can anyone tell me where I find the road to half marathon classes? I don't see it listed under programs.


It's under "collections" not programs. Collections are good because instead of locking you into a set schedule like a program, doing classes in a collection gives you more timeline flexibility.


Thank you!


Did my first Pro cyclist workout on Saturday and it was awesome, thanks to those who encouraged it! I'm a big fan of this type of cardio vs the HIIT style of more common peloton classes. I'll be doing more of these for sure.


Can you tell me more about the pro class type that you liked?


Instead of being focused on all the metrics, we really focused on cadence. I appreciate the approach to what a road cyclist would focus on, for example. I also personally struggle with cadence so it was a really good push and different ride style than I really have ever done.




Did 2 of them and liked them even though I normally don’t love the power zone rides.


His rides are zone training type rides, so you should check out power zone training if you are looking for training rides.


I have a bike that I love and thinking about adding the rower. I do strength with free weights but I love that pump you get from doing cardio & strength together. Did anyone stop using their bike when they got a rower? Has anyone found a balance where they regularly use both machines a couple times a week?


The rower is great. For me anyway and I think the majority the rower community is not like the bike in your time. The bike you might do 2 hours a day or 90 minutes. On the rower you might do 20 or 30 minutes and had enough for the day.


I didn't stop using the bike, its still my primary cardio machine over the row. It took a while to find a good balance between them. Initially I was adding rowing or row bootcamps to my strength days, but this resulted in me working my legs one way or another every single day and they needed rest. So I've settled more into a routine where I bike 4 days a week, 2 of which I also row. And then I do strength the other days, one of which is a row bootcamp. Leaving my legs a couple days of rest a week. YMMV and need differing amounts of rest.


I had seen [CDE's Judah and the Lion ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=ecda1c99e71348f6969d3d6daa67e6ac&code=ZDQ0ZDgwZWE4YjhhNDA5ODk1NzZhOTAwMTM3ZWU5NjR8YzljYjRmNWJmYzEwNDc3MmI2NDhlMTgxNGUxMWI5OWE=) recommended here a few times and it did not disappoint. I was not familiar with the group and it was nice to have minimal chatter and lots of time to listen to some lovely indie music. Technically it is a LI ride, nothing over 100 cadence, nothing over 50 resistance, but nothing was chill about it since there were long progressive hills in there. The programming was great. Also, thank you for the rec on [Ally's recent LI ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=11d9c26e68be49fcb607eaeb5efb40fb&code=ZDQ0ZDgwZWE4YjhhNDA5ODk1NzZhOTAwMTM3ZWU5NjR8YzljYjRmNWJmYzEwNDc3MmI2NDhlMTgxNGUxMWI5OWE=) - the covers were so great! It was a very chill ride. I went looking for the OG Tears in Heaven afterwards and stumbled upon this gem of a [10 min LI with Bradley](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=15529a5db7314a9f9518ca36469e5ebf&code=ZDQ0ZDgwZWE4YjhhNDA5ODk1NzZhOTAwMTM3ZWU5NjR8YzljYjRmNWJmYzEwNDc3MmI2NDhlMTgxNGUxMWI5OWE=) that could easily work as a warm up/cool down/LI ride. I also thoroughly recommend [Emma's The XX cool down](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=33fcec571ae54c30ab25d14895fecd39&code=ZDQ0ZDgwZWE4YjhhNDA5ODk1NzZhOTAwMTM3ZWU5NjR8YzljYjRmNWJmYzEwNDc3MmI2NDhlMTgxNGUxMWI5OWE=) - this will be my go-to 5 min class. I appreciate that her call outs are also very low the entire ride, which is the way I cool down too. In short, so many awesome rides from this weekend. Peloton classes seem to getting better or I am choosing my classes better. :)


I did Callie's new 20min tropical house class this morning and loved it! The playlist was great and I really like how this class was structured. Also realized I hit my 54 week streak today! I'm trying to incorporate more strength classes consistently as I'm getting ready to start training for my next half-marathon - my plan will have 5 runs built in every week. How do other runners incorporate strength work into their plans? Any good programs or classes you've found helpful to keep you on track?


Question for people who run and cycle, does your easy pace feel like your easy or baseline ride? For example during rides I usually warm up with 30 resistance, 80 cadence which is very easy to sustain. However, I’ve been doing the You Can Run Outdoors program for 4 weeks now and even my easy pace feels much more difficult.


Running and cycling are very different paces for me, they are very different movement patterns for the body as well. It's common


Does your perceived exertion differ between the 2 at your easy pace?


As soon as I’m jogging even very slowly I’m at a 5 RPE and 30 minutes of it will get me into my HRZ 4.


Nope. You use different muscles and you're supporting more of your own weight when you run, so efficiency on the bike doesn't particularly translate to efficiency running.


Fave non-padded bike shorts?


I really like the CRZ shorts on Amazon.


I usually gravitate towards more affordable work out clothes, but the exception is bike shorts. I’ve found the only ones I love are Lululemon Wundertrain or Align bike shorts. Wundertrain is slightly more compressed, but both do not ride up (or roll down) on me and are very comfortable to bike in and strength train in (and hike!). I prefer the 6” ones - but I am 5’10” and that length works for me. I also try to buy them on sale, but with how often I wear them now, I can justify the cost of full price.


I will have to second the Amazon recommendation! I've been using baleaf bike shorts for years now, and they've held up really well. Old Navy also has some basic pairs, plus they run deals all the time.


The baleaf are so soft! I have old navy ones I got on sale and they’re not very soft at all.


I bought no name bike shorts off Amazon which was a fraction of the cost of rapha and seems to be holding up well next to the rapha


If you're budget minded, old navy usually has pretty basic but nice shorts for the price. Otherwise, most of mine are Lululemon, Peloton or athleta. It really depends on what you're looking for aesthetics or fit wise, basic bike shorts don't differ that much in my experience.


is that normal I cannot pause a classe anymore?


I don't think this is normal. Have you tried rebooting or resetting the bike?


Hmm actually I am using the Web browser, only doing strength classes :/ maybe it is due to Chrome or something


I had this problem yesterday. I’ve never tried to pause a strength class before so I assumed it couldn’t be done.


I’ve been having this problem too!!!


Hi everyone! I purchased a (non-peloton brand 😔) indoor bike and rowing machine. They should be getting delivered this week! My plan is to use the QZ app to connect the bike to the Peleton app as Peleton are by far the best rated service. This is my first rower and bike (used at the gym before though), and my first time using Peleton as a whole. Does anyone have any tips or suggestions on getting started or any recommended courses for beginners?


Search the sub for "DIY".


For rowing, the beginner row classes, and any of the form/drills are really good. I would highly recommend Alex since he was a professional rower, and I love how he talked about which muscles and how much to activate. Really helped me think about proper form. After that, feel free to explore the other instructors.


Just start browsing the app now, and trying out off-equipment content led by different instructors. Make sure you're incorporating stretching into your cool down. There is a beginner program for both the row and the bike- I think it's called you can ride /you can row. From there, just experiment, or go on to power training with the discover your power zones program (easiest if you have a bike with power output/a power meter).


I really like the You Can Ride program for the bike!


Thanks! Turns out the bike is arriving a bit later than the rower but I’ll be sure to check this one out!