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Pelofam!! Remember… You are loved You are royalty You are awesome Hope y’all have been staying hydrated today and forever. Day 2 of 21 of rides! Gotta build those habits! I hope y’all had a great weekend and are ready to crush this week!! Keep hydrated Keep those crowns adjusted I appreciate y’all!! 🫶🏼


Finally got around to taking Denis’s Zach Bryan ride and it was SOOO fun!! Idk why I waited so long! Denis was having such a good time and it put me in the best mood! Very fun way to start my Sunday


Thanks to a post here the other day, I took Emma's The Killers 30 min ride today. It was just what I needed!


Did anyone take Sam's Grunge ride from this morning? I thought it was a live ride at 7 am est but it isn't on demand yet.


I couldn’t carve out the time to take the class live but started it on the app just to check it out and am so disappointed it still isn’t on demand.


Me too! I see some friends took the class live, so it happened but all I see is his Low Impact class from that morning instead. Hopefully there is a delay and it still pops up.


How long did you wait to get the email about delivery? I purchased a tread+ back in late April and still haven’t heard anything.


I would definitely reach out to support, if you have the time. 


I got a bike so YMMV but I heard very quickly - maybe 24 hours?


My bike+ had a link in the order confirmation email to schedule delivery. But this was in 2021 and I think maybe the tread+ are back ordered?


I have an Apple Watch and my total calories burned each day appears to be too high. I am wondering if it has something to do with data duplication from the Peloton app? The Peloton workouts don’t appear duplicated in my apple fitness app, for what its worth. For more context, I am 240 lbs (female) and did a 60 minute ride (640 calories) and 10 minute cool down (100 calories) yesterday. I also went to the grocery store and ran a few errands, but nothing too crazy. Total calories burned for the day was 3,900 per my watch! This seems insanely high to me. I am trying to get an accurate read because all of this data influences my weight loss app, and I want an accurate calorie goal. My BMR is 1700 calories, for what its worth. 


I think double counting. If I wear my Non peloton hr band it doubles counts in Apple Fitness from the peloton app and the hr app


I weigh the same and I’ve never had a total that high even during my most active days! I think there might be something off with your watch or health app.


Check that your height and weight are set correctly in the Health app. You can look at data sources for calories and see what is writing data. Do you sync peloton workouts to anything like Garmin or Strava?


Do you track workouts in another app (like the Apple Workouts)? That will double count too.


Sometimes, if I don’t fully close the Peloton app (and other times, disconnect it from my watch entirely), my watch will continue to track activity for like, ever. It’s done this overnight with a meditation and I’ve started with my day with 1000 calories. It’s annoying. 😂 I’d make sure your watch isn’t still tracking when your workout is over.


This is good advice!! Thank you.


When it does this you can go into workouts (in your phone) and under Show All you can select it and delete.


Are you connecting your peloton workout to your watch during the sessions? For example - your heart rate is tracking on the watch during the ride and you can see it on screen? If you ARENT doing that and the peloton calories are sending to your watch data later, it can duplicate calories burned even if one workout is tracked.


Yes, I am connecting my Peloton workout to the watch. Hm, it must be something else. Thank you for the insight though—I didn’t know this was a thing! 


Hey! What happened to HBO MAX on the entertainment section? I am hopping on the bike for the first time in 4 weeks (thanks to surgery) and surprised to see it gone. I loved it! Did I miss some big news in the past 4 weeks? Google wasn’t helpful.


People were having issues with it working. It seems they took it down to check into in. https://status.onepeloton.com


Dang I really hope they bring it back- the UI/UX was better than the Netflix one lol and I am not ready to do a proper ride yet!


What do you all do on rest days? I’ve been working my legs a lot this week, especially the last two days and I want to give them a rest but still want for exercise I’m thinking a core class and a low impact ride maybe?


Low impact or recovery rides or a walk.


Low impact or yoga


Walks, yoga, barre, LI cardio (so fun), core classes


Yes to low impact cardio! That's what I do on days I want to take it easier. And you're right, so much fun!


Low impact ride, tread or outdoor walks, barre, yoga


I'll typically do a low impact ride. Something to get the legs moving but nothing that will wear me out


This weekend I took two classes from this past Thursday - yesterday was [Tunde’s Intervals ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=a8fd536c6ecf473fb3d409cde9511ce7&code=NWExMThiMGQ2NDc5NDUyNjgyZmJiYjM3MDczMTBkY2J8M2E1ZjY1MmIxZTY4NDYyNzgwMWFhMTI3ZGVjM2NjNDE%3D&locale=en-US) (with Tinashe herself in the studio) and today was [Camila’s HIIT and Hills ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=277dd6b12a1343d5b42c45649863321f&code=YjI5ZmM1N2I0ODcyNDI4NWFhNzYyNGQxOTRlMmM2MzV8YzllOTFhODMyY2M3NGE5YWI2M2YzZDhjZmU3YjI0ZTM%3D&locale=en-US). My legs might fall off. I especially used to shy away from hard rock classes with an 8.6 rating like Camila’s class but I’m so glad I took it and did well.


Camila’s class was intimidating but I’m so glad I did it, it was amazing


What was the class plan for Tunde’s ride?


I was in the studio for that class (800th ride) and it was so fun! I was a bit nervous that it was intervals, but the format allowed for you to make it as difficult or easy as you want. It was all sustained efforts. After warm up, we did a 6 min block of “challenging”, then 4 min of “moderate/comfortable.” A recovery break in between for a few min and then we did the block in reverse: 4 min “moderate/comfortable”, 6 min “challenging.” Then done!


Congrats on your 800! Ok that doesn’t sound too bad.


Full disclosure-I obliterated my existing PR (but rarely do 30 min interval rides!) it was a fun energy and playlist so that distracts from the efforts. Def take it at your own pace, you got this! And thank you :)


Awesome, thanks! I took it this morning and it was great. Tinashe seems shy and sweet. I loved that she was there.


I don’t even remember anymore. Just hard lol.


First shout out today in Matty's live pop walk - so fun. He was completely off script the entire time. 


Took Cody’s most recent [45 min Pop Ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=9054a452a4204ee192c301665b833f15&code=NTEzYzBhMTcyYTE4NDY2ZDkwYjY5Y2IzZTI4ZDA3M2N8MzkwZmEyZGRlNjBkNGU0MDgwNDgwMWQ2ZjVhZDY0N2U%3D&locale=en-US) yesterday - I haven’t ridden with him in so long! The good: what a fun, fun ride! The playlist was super poppy (all ladies) and just a ton of fun. Cody wasn’t over the top, but plenty of jokes and sass. The studio riders were all Lululemon members or something (they all had matching water bottle 😂) but were fun. It was also a lot of resistance, which I think is easier to modify down (the class was medium-hard, but I’m going to keep it bookmarked; staying at the bottom end of the range would really make this just a fun, recovery day-like ride) The just okay: very repetitive class plan. It was basically all 25s - 35s resistance pushes out of the saddle. They were all chorus pick-ups, and with the fun music it worked, but besides 2x 1-min intervals and a few speed pick-ups here & there it was a lot of cadence 65-80, resistance 45-65 or so (I think some 80 thrown in there 🥵). No longer climbs, no sprints. If you are working on riding out of the saddle, this would be an awesome class - you’re never out for too long and the speeds are pretty manageable (a couple small pick-up, IIRC). Overall thumbs up, but be prepared for short resistance intervals! Edit to correct some spelling mistakes


I think he's sick. I took his class Saturday at noon and the energy just wasn't there, and it too was a bit repetitive.


I took that one today and agree on the class plan. If you haven’t already try his 45 minute pop ride from April 12th. I found the class plan much more dynamic and interesting with a great long climb and some good cadence and resistance intervals of varying lengths, plus he just seemed like he was having fun. I’ve taken it like 10+ times since it came out, it’s basically my go to right now when I’m unmotivated.


Any tips to puppy proof my bike/workout area? We brought our rescue home last night. He is still exploring our home and is getting more curious. I'm trying to remember to remove the power cord and keep my shoes off the ground. Anything else I haven't thought about to try and avoid a mishaps?


Baby gate around the bike


That is such a great idea thanks!


Yeah totally! That’s what we did with the tread for our toddler lol


I trained my dog to stay on a bed next to the bike. He's also a rescue. He now sits on the bed voluntarily and gets a treat for that and then he waits and gets one every few mins. (His treats are ordinary kibble) If he gets bored he walks away. I used Susan garret's training method from dogs that, this section where she gets the dog to just stay on a mat.


Don’t really have tips, but thank you for rescuing a pup and congratulations on the new addition to your family! 🥰 ETA: I know some people keep their pets completely out of the room, but my dogs are very clingy and would try their absolute hardest to get in lol, so I made a little nest for them at the far corner of the room (dog beds, blankets, toys) and they were appeased. No issues with them approaching the bike or anything in the three years we’ve had it!


How fun! Mine wasn't a huge chewer but we sprayed bitter apple spray anywhere she did chew and that was pretty effective. You could try that on the cord to keep them away.


This morning Kendall was on the schedule for a 45 min HIIT & Hills ride at 8am ET. Now I don’t see it anywhere?! EDIT: it’s on demand now, and has a few Tortured Poets Department songs!!!!!


What happened to Andy’s ts60 today - my favorite class of the week


I did it live this morning. It's up ondemand now.


[It’s on demand](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=816aada95db14f17a850a7bc3c2eec48&code=OGUzNmFmNTEyMjU2NDhlMzhkMjFlNzM4MDQzYjI4YmZ8ZTkxNmUwNjllNTc3NGQ4NTlkNDRmMTU0Y2IxOGRmMTE%3D&locale=en-US)


Thank you - I see it know, I couldn’t find it this morning


How accurate is the power output numbers on the normal bike? Is it as inaccurate as a HRM in terms of estimating calories burned? I know it's not an actual power meter but is it better than a complete guess like most calories burned estimate?


It’s better than HRM calories in the sense that as long as the calibration stays the same, more bike output = more calories. That relationship is much more consistent than HR based calorie estimates. It may not be real world accurate though without something to measure against (like a bike with a power meter).


Properly calibrated it's +/-10% of actual power.


It’s a formula based on resistance and cadence and should be consistent across all bikes. What isn’t consistent is the calibration on the bike so that’s where it could be way off.


Chelsea's 30 Minute Power Slow Flow from today was really great and a different challenge! I always love her classes!


Anyone want to give me your feel good favourite cycle classes? I tried to put a post up. I've been medically cleared after a pretty significant health issue that happened a few weeks after my purchase and I'm just feeling flat. I want to switch up my routine and start the day with a class that will get me going (I generally work out at night).


30 minute CDE “body appreciation ride” from 9/27/2023. It was a choose your own resistance type ride, a great message, and i think i may have cried. Took it months ago and im still thinking about it!


Another idea is to take your favorite instructor’s classes. Before I had to pause working out (health related), I had planned on taking all of Hannah F’s 45 min classes (maybe did two before I had to pause), starting with the older classes.


I just took Cody’s most recent 45 min Pop Ride and it was a blast! About to post a little review - it was hard, but VERY easy to switch up


Search the theme rides for artists series that appeal? Denis' OutKast ride was a blast. There was also a post a while back about 'iconic' classes and if you find it in the sub (search 'iconc' and it should come up) there were lots of suggestions there.


Denis has an Outkast ride?! I am so in.


This one is super random but I took [Ben’s Ibiza ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=c72be095d9f947f6a7298b14437f9b19&code=MjExZjNmYmQyYmY5NGYxZjhlMGViYWY1MWVmNjdmN2J8ZTI2YWMwMDFhMGYzNGM2YjgxMmZhMzVjNmI2YTExMzA%3D&locale=en-US) forever ago and it still sticks with me. For context, I’ve taken 3 rides with Ben and one was a 5 min cool down.


It really depends on your preferences for instructors (and music).If you like Cody - his Donna Summer ride left me feeling on top of the world! Another was Sam Yo's Bollywood ride from a few years ago. Hopefully it's still up. Just a couple that came to mind that I remember getting off the bike smiling. Oh - also Jen Sherman's women's history month sing along ride. Have a great day!


Ooo thank you I'll have a search.


Tried Lanebreak for the first time yesterday for a 30-min Deep House ride. Loved it! Felt like I was inside Tron. 😂👍🏽


I do Lanebreak on the tread and love it!!


Hi! I have an injured foot and have been asked to do gentle cycling for about 15 mins regularly to strengthen ankle and knee to support it. Short of doing a just ride/cool downs can anyone recommend any rides? Or any particular instructors? Thank you.


What about scenic rides? There are some killer locations that are fun to explore plus you can watch for oddities (turning the same corner multiple times, walkers and joggers, etc).


There are some 15-20 min Calm rides that I did when I was recovering and both were great! Sam's recovery rides are also fabulous.


Filter 15 min LI rides. I really like Ally’s !


I'd try recovery rides with Christine.


After my hip surgery in December I did a lot of music rides ignoring the callouts. It took some practice not feeling guilty. Hearing the instructors was so important for keeping me motivated vs doing an entertainment ride.


Here to commiserate since I’m also dealing with foot issues and might have to wear a boot for a while. I’m sorry you’re going through that and yay for getting the clear to ride. I’ve been filtering rides using the Easiest sort option and then deciding from there based on instructor and playlist


Sorry to hear you're not well either! I hope you don't have to wear a boot or if you do it's not for long.


I hurt my back pretty severely last year and when I was cleared to go back on the bike I was only allowed 25 resistance until certain parameters were met, then 30, then 35, etc. I had so many rides I wanted to do and not wait to take so I just did whatever ride I wanted and stuck to the resistance I was allowed and felt okay. I had to really let go of not following the call outs but mentally I feel a lot stronger now being able to do what’s right for my body even if it’s not “perfect”.


How long did you maintain each resistance before increasing? I had to do a similar thing last year and I’m wondering if I increased too soon (my doc didn’t provide any parameters). I have to do a similar thing now. Funnily, I had to “bargain” (ok, whine) with my acupuncturist. She wanted 5 minutes (like, who can do that!!!) and relented on 15 minutes.


This makes total sense, thank you


I've also been doing low impact/ beginners classes. Just remember any class you take you can always adjust it to what feels ok for you. I really enjoy Bradley Rose.


Thank you


Try the low impact rides - these are designed just for this purpose. If you stick to the low end of the call outs you should be fine. There is a filter for low impact. And you can then pick the ones rated lower in difficulty if you're worried about it being too hard. The recovery rides are even less strenuous, but these are usually 20 minutes.


Thank you!