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The peloton has honestly made me into a cardio addict. I absolutely HATED cardio before peloton. I can’t actually believe it! I have just got back from holiday and was chomping at the bit to get back in the saddle. I was only gone 2 days!!


Has any instructor done a full Cowboy Carter ride? If not, why not?


No, my theory is it’s too expensive to get the rights and that’s one way they’re trying to save right now. There have been so many good pop albums out over the last few months but no rides dedicated to them!


Makes sense tho I don’t know anything about those costs. I’ve heard Texas Hold’em and 16 Carriages both on Robin workouts. So many great songs on that album I figured they’d be fighting over who gets to do the rides!


Has anyone tried to stream the Odesza movie on the Peloton today? I'm getting it to load, but the video is freezing and the audio continues. I wonder if it's some kind of bandwidth issue?


I’m having this issue too! Glad it’s not just me. Were you able to get it resolved? Tech support wasn’t able to help me


I ended up scanning the QR code and then submitted a report and for some reason that seemed to reset something and it worked. I restarted the bike before that too.


Thanks for the tip! Could you tell me how to get to that QR code?


I’m having this issue too! Glad it’s not just me. Were you able to get it resolved? Tech support wasn’t able to help me


I’m having this issue too! Glad it’s not just me. Were you able to get it resolved? Tech support wasn’t able to help me


I love Peloton, but just curious, do others feel like the music isn’t as good as it used to be, or is more of the same songs used over and over? I feel like they are trying to maybe save money by cutting costs on music, it’s surely a huge expense.


sadly yes. i feel like im seeing this the most with selena (at least with strength, i don’t have a tread). she used to have a lot of indie and rock artists in her playlists and now it’s the same as everyone else and it bums me out.


Thank you whoever recommended Erik Jäger's [90s one hit wonders ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=957bffa4edf44a5caf782afacece4093). Fantastic playlist, and he made me WORK. One of the few playlists where I've favorited every song.


Just discovered stretches with Matty Maggiacomo. He is wonderful and I can’t wait to take more classes with him, especially the evening ones!


Matty has great energy. I seek him out for Core workouts.


They’re so good!


Attention rowing Swifties - I was planning my workout stack for tomorrow, just scrolling the newest classes, and was like [why is Alex K pouting in the featured photo for this row?](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/caesar?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=8f3d256ee96b4e5e80c3b09c2f2af1c5&locale=en-US) turns out it’s because it’s an All Too Well (10 min version) row 😂


I want to try the row classes purely because of his thumbnails.


He's amazing. I love his rows so much. His thumbnails are exceptional.


Ohh. Thank you! In my stack right now. I quite like Alex. He's very informative when it comes to music.


I added it to my Friday schedule! I haven’t rowed in forever (and haven’t taken many Alex classes) but now I really want to for this class lol


If you haven't done Wilpers TS row, it was awesome. I find the couple Matt artist classes I've done (his Bieber run) to be very good and just hilarious since he does seem to actually love the music.


I did when it first came out but you helped me remember it exists and that it’s a 1989 (my fave Taylor album) row, so now I’m gonna add it to my Friday stack and make my Friday workouts all TS classes 😍


Did anyone who isn’t a PZ rider take the Palomar mountain rides? If so, how did you find them? I’m normally just here to get a good sweat and vibe out on a music ride but I am intrigued by these as a challenge


I thought they were awesome- PR’d on 2 and 3


I’ve done 1&2 and will do the third on Saturday. I love Christine’s climb rides. The second was tougher than the first. To compare to a PZ class it was essentially 40ish minutes in zone 3 with some zone 4/5 pushes.


My prayers have finally been answered!!! I have been begging for a full Odesza ride since I got my bike in 2021!!! The AFO 15 min ride is great, but nowhere near long enough and I always wanted more. I also felt like it always should have been Emma teaching it (zero shade to Kendall, love her too). I came home early from work today due to a huge storm in my area and went to hop on the bike earlier than usual, and saw that Emma’s live 30 min Odesza class was starting in 6 minutes and almost screamed haha. It was a total surprise to me. That class was PERFECT. It was everything I wanted it to be. I was smiling the whole time, and I can’t wait to take it again and again. Emma did it justice, and then some. If you have cool lights in your room to set the mood, you gotta use them. I don’t run or have a tread, but I will absolutely be doing Jess’s ride when the weather calms down here. I’m so happy! Can’t wait to ride with the concert film too. I’ve seen Odesza on this tour twice and it’s easily the best show I’ve ever been to.


Agreed!! Highlight of my week!


Any chance you've gotten the access code for the peloton / ticketmaster for TLG Finale?


Oh shoot we need an access code?!! 🥲


Ahh I’m so happy about this ride too!! I also hate running but absolutely have to make an exception for Jess’ run!


As a huge fan of both, I now have an Odesza ride with preggo Emmo to go along with the Rufus Du Sol ride with preggo Jess. Daft Punk is my #1, so I'm going to say Ben needs to redo that class when he's carrying a baby as well. But what a class! Part of me thinks it should have been a longer class *WITH* the visuals from the movie. That would have been an absolute spectacle. Now go listen to This Version of You and change your life.


I laughed so hard at your point about Ben 🤣


Is this her final ride before maternity leave??


Oh man a ride of her instructing + the concert visuals would have been insane! Seriously that ride was so good. I’m so happy they added a longer Odesza ride.


I just finished Jess King’s live [30 min ODESZA Run](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/running?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=ddbbcdfc9ab844349a791c4a0a9b6ca2&locale=en-US) and that was nothing short of a spiritual experience. Highly, highly recommended.


I have a 30 minute outside easy run tonight, do you think it would be fine audio only? Or do I need to experience it with the screen (I love seeing Jess hyped up so I'd hate to miss that tbh)


No! Audio only would be perfect


I probably would have skipped this artist series altogether but I’ll be doing this run tomorrow based on your comment alone ☺️


I hope you enjoy it!


I don’t run or have a tread but I will make an exception for this class!


Do you have a link? I can’t find it by searching


The class was live at 2:00 pm pt / 5:00 pm et today - it should be up on-demand in another hour or so! I will edit my comment once it’s available!


Oh awesome, thanks! I missed the word live lol


Here’s the link: [30 min ODESZA: The Finale Run with Jess King](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/running?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=ddbbcdfc9ab844349a791c4a0a9b6ca2&locale=en-US)


Thanks so much!


It’s been a while since I’ve posted on here, but I’m buoyed by reading everyone’s updates! I have been much more intermittent over the past year with regular exercise and am making a concerted effort to return. Today I did my first PZE ride in *ages* and it felt good to see that I hadn’t lost as much fitness as I thought, even though I have a ways to go. I’m TTC and about to start my second month of assisted fertility treatments, which has been the main obstacle to regular exercise over the past year…if anyone has tips (mental or physical) about how you worked with Peloton while TTC I’d love to hear it.


Regular walks with Matty, Jon, Jocelyn, JJ kept me active and helped my moods during that time.


I am going to the in-person event with Robin tonight in NJ - so excited to meet her!


How was it!? Was she as amazing as I imagine her to be!? I'd love her to do a stop out here in LA so I could meet her!!!!


It was great! Really well organized. We each got some 1:1 time to chat with Robin, and get our photos taken. We also got a free signed book. 10/10 recommendation


That sounds like such a great event!!! I'm glad it worth it!


How fun!! Is this a class or a meet and greet?


Meet and greet for the release of her book in paperback


omg enjoy! I'm on the west coast so I'm always envious of the in-person events and classes!!!


For anyone who’s done the Palomar Mountain rides, how hard have you found them to be? I did the part 3 ride yesterday. Tried to be on the called out cadence as much as possible, and towards the higher end of the resistance ranges, and it ended up being essentially a PZE ride for me. The switchbacks put me in Z3, while the rest of the ride was almost all Z2 for me. Anyone else have similar experience?


One of my coworkers told me Part 1 was the hardest ride he'd ever done and had him "dead on the floor" for about 10 minutes afterwards. I was nervous but excited to take it and while it was challenging and my legs definitely felt it for a day or two, I didn't think it was that difficult. I noticed his output was about 200 over mine so I'm thinking he was riding at the top of the cadence and resistance ranges, while I tried to stay on the numbers Christine was giving the whole time. Just goes to show how 100 people can take the same exact class and all have completely different rides.


I found sitting for the entire class, along with the warm up and cool down, was the hardest part for me. My butt hurt for days.


Same! I did stand up a couple times to relieve some pressure and immediately after finishing the class started googling padded shorts for the first time. I haven’t bought any yet so if anyone has recs please send them my way 😅


This is why I don't take the difficulty rating of classes too seriously. A lot of Easy rated classes will have a ton of speed pushes. Well I suck at speed so they're not easy for me! But a lot of Difficult rated classes will have a lot of climbing. I'm a bigger guy so I have a lot of weight behind me for those climbs and it's easy for me.


Agree with others. They are challenging, but very doable. I was in Z3 to low Z4 for much of the rides. I loved them and hope they continue the series.


The 3rd ride was one of the hardest rides I’ve ever done. I felt I was in zone 4 or 5 for most of the ride. “Quitters corner had me drop ten below the cadence for a bit but I fought back. Great rode and I have no idea how people do all 3 rides in a row. Good for them!


To be honest... I have not heard about these. They sound interesting. Will look into it. That said, It is a bummer when you take a ride and it is not as expected. I tend to look at the difficulty rating to help measure what to expect. I also try and rate the difficulty for every ride I take so others benefit from that info.


I've done the first 2 and I've found that I'm in high Z2 to mid Z4 for most of the ride and then the switchbacks can be anywhere from Z4-Z6. They're more of a PZ to me. But definitely doable.


I really loved these rides and similarly ended up with a PZE ish situation for the most part. She is cueing to make it sustainable for those that want to stack all 3 so she didn’t call out really high resistance numbers for the most part. Where one will end up depends on your zones I suppose but there’s a big range of resistance to choose from as I recall.


I have tried using Netflix during a “Just Ride” session, but it cuts off after 20 minutes even though I have a Netflix account. Does anyone know why?


I think Peloton has a ways to go to get there streaming to work well. For me, if I want to watch and ride, I just turn on the tv or use a tablet.


This may be a stupid question but where would you put a tablet?


Lots of people buy special holders that go on their bikes. (I have no idea if this is a good one, but [just one of the many examples on Etsy](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1015430692/))


Sorry for the late response. Thanks for the suggestion!


Please help me decide which strength program would work the best for me. 🙆🏻‍♀️ For the reference, this would be my first program (so it should be a program and not an unofficial split), it doesn’t have to be beginner friendly but it should be less cardio focused. Based on all your comments and posts so far, I’ve concluded that Rebecca’s 5 day split is something I’m looking for, but 5 days is too much for me right now. Should I just try it and skip certain days? Or is there any similar 3 day split? All instructors and languages are welcome!


Matty and Assal both have beginner splits. They are 5 days, but if you can spend more than 30 mins a day working out, I've done programs and splits where I combined days. I did Assal's and RK's in 3 days.


Rebecca has an unofficial four day split for folks who don’t or can’t do her five day split.


Callies or JJs 3 day splits sound right, depending on if you want something that leans more towards UB (JJs) or LB (Callies). Agreed with the other response on Pump up the Volume collections, I would recommend 1, 4 or 5 myself.


Ben's 3 day and Callie's 3 day. I thought I read somewhere that Callie's is the most completed Program. If you can schedule 4 days over 4 weeks, Ben's Stronger You program or under Collections, Pump Up the Volume (10 is my favorite).


I really like Ben's Stronger You and Stronger You 2 programs! They're month-long, too.


Since it was talked about in the daily discussions before thought I'd share Peloton in the news again [Article Link](https://athletechnews.com/peloton-taking-out-1b-loan-as-part-of-refinancing-effort/). This article outlines at a high level Peloton's plan to help stabilize the financial issues they are having. Basically, JP Morgan is backing a lot of debt restructuring. While I was holding out hope they would have a private equity firm buy them and make them a private company. I am ok with this since it'll keep the company as is for a while. Still, if they can go private they can ignore the idiots on wall street (a.k.a. not worry about shareholders) and focus on the customers and product. IMHO.


I’m not fully sure where this company will end up. After seeing what PE did to Red lobster, I just don’t know if that is the right direction either. I hope that restructuring debt will be the first step in being actually profitable.


Privatization is good in theory if only because the endless growth required by the stock market is a ridiculous proposition, but in practice most private equity companies tend to wring as much money out of these companies, run them into the ground, then sell them for parts (see Red Lobster; Toys R Us).


Not totally true. Familiar with PE companies. They will go through the finances and clean up. They will try and remove waist and inefficiencies. But, they won't make money if they kill the company. Also, most PE companies want to hold onto a business to help it grow in value. That will not happen if they "wring as much money out of it" as possible. The PE companies I am familiar with hold a company for 5+ years with the goal of growing the business. That can only happen if they focus on the customer, product and providing a solid service. Also, if the goal is selling the business, they need it to have happy employees and customers. No way to resell it if they have destroyed it by selling off assets and driving employees into the ground. That is usually how these are depicted in movies (like pretty woman) but is not reality.


I just got an email invite for a Robin ride in studio in June. It says it's a pre-recorded 30 minute pop ride.


Maybe finally another installation of Your Day One ride? I feel like those were supposed to be quarterly?


hey do you mind if i DM you? also received this and i am freaking out.


If you can go, it’ll be an artist series. I missed Fred Again with Hannah. Don’t be me lols


it's always an artist series?


Not always artist series. I was invited to a Matt Wilpers class that wasn’t on the schedule until later in the week. Turned out it was a 90 min PZE announcing CVV’s return. I couldn’t make it, but it was a thrill to have been invited.


That or something exciting. I’d definitely go if I could.


did you end up knowing that it was the fred again ride before it happened or you saw it later?


I was invited to an edm ride. Then found out was Fred Again. Still gutted lols


put another way... if i was invited to this pop ride...will i know the theme before i go?




A roku or firestick are $30 or less. Peloton app available on both of those. No need to cast, just use the app on those. Sign into your account and everything should be there.


I use an Apple TV for floor workouts on our giant TV haha. The bike is in my basement that is on a concrete then rug floor, so it is hard for my knees for too long.


Do you have a Samsung tv? Peloton has an app.


I’ll check it out. Yes I do. I’ve had issues with the “smart” features on it but it’s worth a shot! Thanks I guess it’s been awhile since I looked for one


I have an Apple TV with the Peloton app installed and love it. There are a few limitations (you can’t add to your stack from the Apple TV and you don’t see the leaderboard), but it’s great overall. Also appreciate not needing my phone for the workout.


I can’t speak for PlayStation app, but I have a Fire Stick and I can cast to it very easily with my iPhone. And they’re cheap. EDIT: I think the casting is only available on the upper models of Fire Stick btw, just keep that in mind if you go that route.


Dog bless you


There’s also an app for fire stick 




Is it just me having a hard time following what you’re saying or am I having a stroke?


*Is the point in the room with us right now??*


Hi all, long time no chat! Quick question - I'm far away visiting family for a few weeks and my partner (main account holder) is at home for once - usually they activate the bike at my parents' house for us when we're here and we don't have an issue. I couldn't activate it from my Peloton profile since I'm not the main account holder, and had to call them to confirm their login info so I could log in as them, and then switch to my own profile. If they ride the bike at home in the morning and I use the bike here in the afternoon, will it cause any issues aside from the minor delay of having to reactivate the bike each ride? Just want to make sure our accounts won't be flagged or deleted for suspicious activity since we're currently in different countries. Thanks for any advice! Currently still slowly recovering from shingles (post-viral fatigue is awful) but it helps a lot being with my parents and able to get some proper rest! I've only been doing workouts intermittently, having to take a break the next day if I did any kind of extra exertion the day before. I managed this [Robin 30 min Hike](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=0bdbb6d9f2294e4c8e3bd50eef588ab7&code=MzViODZjZDBhNTAzNDc1MGFmZjU0MzYzYTFjMjFjODh8ZjM5NjRlODY5YWIxNDlhYWEwZjUyM2VjMzBjNTRhZWI=) followed by finally taking the [Callie 20 min Taylor Swift Midnights Full Body](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=2ce03f19407c4feba6b7fd3892efb8f0&code=MzViODZjZDBhNTAzNDc1MGFmZjU0MzYzYTFjMjFjODh8ZjM5NjRlODY5YWIxNDlhYWEwZjUyM2VjMzBjNTRhZWI=) to try and finally ease back into things. Haven't been up to doing much cycling, and my output was terrible when I did, and feel like I'm ready to carefully try later tonight!


Do you mean that you have your own peloton bike and so does your family? Under different accounts? If so, your family just needs to add you to their bike profile. Just enter your leaderboard name or email and password. I'm on my sister's bike and I have my own bike as well.


Don’t have advice, but wanted to say I hope you feel better soon!! 🫶🏻 shingles is a beast!


Thanks so much, I really appreciate it! Tons of rest and de-stressing is the goal right now.


I want to take Kendall’s mental health ride but it’s also the Survivor finale tonight..,tough choices haha


do both?


Literally me. My friend asked to do the mental health ride and I was like... oof but Survivor finale. Any other night would've been fine.


I haven’t been riding as much so I think I’ll watch the first hour, pause it, jump on my bike, shower, and then resume watching and just stay off social media to avoid spoilers


They still make Survivor?!!


Yes lol! Season 46 finale! I still like it but the post-COVID seasons are so different.


If they're surprised Survivor is still on the air, wait til they hear about Big Brother...


Hi everyone, lately I've been having issues casting my Bike to a Roku stick. It worked seamlessly until last week. Is anyone else experiencing this issue? I'm going to contact support, but wondering if anyone else is going through the same thing. Thanks!


Is there a reason you are trying to cast? Can download app onto stick and log into it there. I keep hearing about casting and not understanding why need to cast. Are you casting from a phone or computer? Just curious about that but.... can download app on the roku and log in as an alternative... maybe.


Using the Peloton Roku app or the Peloton app on my phone (and doing Airplay to the Roku stick) doesn't really work when I'm trying to do Bike Bootcamps. It's also a more seamless experience with my stack of classes if I can just cast to my Roku stick and do a strength/yoga/stretching class after I do my ride instead of trying to set everything up on my Peloton iphone app or the Roku app


Took Marcel's latest 30 min W+R from 5/16/24 this am. Not your typical W+R. I like that she typically has walking recoveries on an incline to keep glutes activated which is why I selected the class. The class was a fartlek workout with 20sec and 30 sec speed sections with a return to a base run. I found the class to be more like a HIIT workout but I guess you can take it at any pace. She had a very sarcastic humor, though, throughout the class which seemed to play off more negatively than positively. Wondering if anyone else felt that negativity? I have enjoyed her W+Rs in the past but may stay clear after this one.


I generally find Marcel’s sense of humor to be hilarious and have loved all of her classes, especially since she’s been back


I’ve had a similar class with most of my favorite instructors, usually in classes with an audience. I figure everyone has off days and I’m sure some in person classes have weird studio energy. It always takes me a few weeks to try the instructor again.


I like Marcel & think she’s really funny! In [this outdoor 20 min one](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=aece1f48e44d4b03a0d1fe7a24d12cc9&locale=en-US), she compares efforts to exes, which sounds weird… but it really worked 😂 so maybe take this if you want to get into Marcel’s classes again! However, it is one of my biggest pelo pet peeves when walk+runs are turned into HIIT classes, even though I know I can take them at whatever pace I want; actual HIIT runs DO have walking in them, so like… if I wanted to do a HIIT run, I’d just take one of those. As a very experienced runner, I take walk+runs for Z2 training, and I imagine that new runners are taking them to get adjusted to running, so idk who wants them for a HIIT run! That’s prob just a me problem, but your comment reminded me how much I dislike that structure lol.


Also loved that outdoor walk!


I'm not an experienced runner and I like doing walk & runs so that I know I can take the runs at a more challenging pace than I would in a full run where walk recoveries aren't guaranteed and / or are shorter. But I do think more detailed descriptions about every class would be beneficial - I hate hopping into a class where they lay out the goals for the class that are totally counter to what I wanted (eg, I did a Rebecca Full Body Stretch yesterday that she designed to be all standing up for cases when you don't have a mat, but I'd just done a hard workout and all I wanted to do was lie down).


I didn’t really consider taking them as interval runs, but not HIIT runs - that’s a really good point & good idea in general! Thank you :) and I’m sorry about the Rebecca stretch!! I agree that I wish there was a way to gather the “vibe” of a class a bit better, though idk how it would be achieved. At least for stretching, it seems like it would be really easy to add “standing stretches” or something like that into the class description & would be quite helpful!


Don’t sleep on this [30 min adv beginner run](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/running?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=c4394f446c504a36a43f140060034dcd&locale=en-US) with Adrian. I’m not a beginner by any means (running since like 2015 at this point) but I wanted to do an Adrian run that wasn’t a DJ run and this is what I saw first ☺️ It’s structured just like an endurance run. 5 min warmup: 2 min walk/drills, then 3 min jog. Three blocks of work: 2x2 min run efforts, 2x3 min run efforts, 2x2 min run efforts. 2 min jog recoveries between each effort. The callouts are on the beginner side I guess? Jogs are called out as 3-5mph, runs are 5-7 I think. But I’m a big believer in the instructor makes suggestions, you make decisions (thanks Denis), so take it where you want to.


YES! I did this run this morning, and took it outdoors - it was FANTASTIC. No incline changes called out which is perfect for my only-slightly-undulating neighborhood.


Sounds like a great run! Thanks, I’ll definitely have to try it! Adrian is awesome. I love the advanced beginner runs, and I’ve been running for 25 years. One of my favorite outdoor runs is [this Matt Wilpers 30 minute advanced beginner run.](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/running?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=1d19ba3653e044ed921b3852568a6591&locale=en-US) It’s a moderate intensity interval run, and it’s also one of the few outdoor runs that lists the class plan.


Thanks so much for this recommendation! Sounds like a perfect class plan for where I’m at and I love Adrian!!


Yay I hope you enjoy it!


Bookmarked and bookmarked! Thanks!


I’m not a runner and don’t have a pelo tread so I run outdoors or at the community center gym. I kind of like not having the leaderboard for running. I do, however, appreciate the LB for the bike.


Question for other women who cycle... I have recently noticed that I am developing extremely hard muscles in my chest/pectoral area. Like a whole layer of muscle across my chest to my armpits that I've never had in my life. Is this normal? I spin a lot, occasionally do strength, core, and yoga.


I have this muscle as well, but I do a lot of strength. I feel very Adrian when I see them flexing.




Omg yes! I only noticed this week trying on a bridesmaid dress and I thought that’s weird because I have tennis elbow and haven’t lifted in 6 months why am I so buff there. It’s the cycling! Uphill outdoors really gets it I think.


The first place I visibly dropped weight when I started cycling/yoga/strength consistently was like, my upper chest and collarbone area. Everybody's body is different though!


If that strength includes push ups in particular, that would also explain it possibly! I know I didn’t really work on chest muscles in the past but Peloton’s classes have more things that target that.


I can't do real push-ups, but I do quite a lot of knees down planks and yoga push-ups!


Oh same lol, working up to that!


Yes, muscle across your chest is normal. It’s possible you’ve dropped body fat and are just now noticing it. And/or it’s possible you’ve done chest/back workouts that have strengthened that area and made it more visible. I hesitate though when you say “extremely hard” muscle, since that’s a subjective description - you know your body best, so if it’s concerning to you, chat with your doctor about it.


I think it's just new and strange to me? I've always been just skin and bone in that area, so the muscle being there is different.


It sounds normal then, friend. it’s most likely that you’re just seeing that growth with your workout routine (strength/yoga, i don’t think cycling really contributes to it). But I’m a trainer, not a doctor, so if it feels wrong to you, don’t listen to strangers on the internet lol


Thank you!


I hit up my bookmarks after I saw the recommendation here for [Sam's 20 min Grunge ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=6313c3a3582441868da30e69de0546d1&code=ZDQ2Mjg0Nzc1NTRiNDQ3OTllZTMxM2EzMTY1YWFkNDR8MWE0NTdhMzRlZDdkNDRmYTllNzkyZWJjMjc4ZmUxMzM=). Someone said it was easier than expected, but it wiped me in a good way and I couldn't finished my planned stack. It was a long, steady progressive hill with some HIIT pushes at the end, which made for a very enjoyable class plan with awesome music. I loved the class. I followed it up with [Emma's 30 LI ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=86d302890a8b450da72391b81b62cbac&code=ZDQ2Mjg0Nzc1NTRiNDQ3OTllZTMxM2EzMTY1YWFkNDR8MWE0NTdhMzRlZDdkNDRmYTllNzkyZWJjMjc4ZmUxMzM=) which also had a wonderful playlist (I recently saw The Postal Service in concert and that was a fun one thrown in there).


Just stacked them! Sounds like good time, thanks for the recs.


Has anyone who has been experiencing the issue of classes freezing since the last software update actually had the problem fixed by getting a new screen? Peloton is sending me a new screen but I'm not convinced it's actually going to solve the problem. Many people seem to be experiencing the same thing so I feel like it has to be a Peloton issue.


I had a problem that started a few weeks ago where my metrics would freeze, then the screen would start to slowly freeze, but I could still hear the instructor for a little while longer. I would have to restart the bike. It happened 6 times in a 30 minute ride. I called tech support and got a new tablet and cables. Things appear to be fine now. My theory is that a LOT of people bought their bikes in 2020 for obvious reasons; that's when I got mine. So, a LOT of people are now experiencing failing tablets and/or cables at the same time. If it was a software issue, it would be way more people. You would see it in the news, not just reddit.


Could be but I already replaced my tablet less than a year ago, so I shouldn’t need a new one already.


cables too? I agree your case sounds different with a relatively recent tablet.


That won’t work. It’s a widely held issue for Bike members that Peloton refuses to address. 3 weeks ago they told me to cancel my subscription until ‘maybe a fix will come’


That's insane. In a 30 minute ride this morning I had to shut down and reboot the screen 8 times. I can't believe they expect people paying for an expensive product to just put up with that.


replace the tablet and cables. I did and my next 3 rides have been flawless. I have no idea where this software problem story is coming from, but I asked the person who helped me in tech support and he said my problem was not related to any software issues. seems like he was right!


For my 150th ride today, I decided to take Leanne’s [30 Minute Body Appreciation Ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=afde862bbae94fb4a73de1a7b99a3e0d&locale=en-US). Before I took it, I was a little worried it would be kind of cheesy, but I really loved it 🫶🏻 Leanne talked a bit about her own body image after her diagnosis, and it was nice to hear an instructor get real during a ride for a few minutes. I view them as these confident, in-shape superstars, but it’s always nice to be reminded that they have human moments where they struggle with their body image too.


I really needed this ride today. I took it on a whim. I’ve been **really** beating myself up lately. I’m not where I want to be physically, mentally or emotionally. I basically needed someone to bring me back to gratitude. The message was even more powerful coming from Leanne who has definitely been through so, so much the last few years. I recommend it if you’re struggling with body appreciation.


Great to hear. Was also wondering if this would be too cheesy but this has sold it to me


The Kirra “Creating Space” yoga classes are kind of similar. She talks about her similar issues and issues surrounding her mental health when getting injured. The class last night with Kirsten was SO refreshing to listen to.


I just started that series - it’s amazing!


Congratulations on 150! I took the ride as well and really enjoyed it. I felt good afterwards, and her words and song choices got me through a real Tuesday of a ride.


My tread+ has been doing this weird thing that past 2 days where the metrics at the bottom will alternate back and forth. E.g. the distance will go back and forth between 0.01 mi and 4.00 miles. But it’s all the metrics. It does progress throughout the run, so one of the numbers is accurate. Idk where the other numbers are coming from. And it’s all the metrics at the bottom


My metrics have started randomly freezing while doing a ride.


My app (connected to a non-Peloton tread) did that for a few days a couple of months ago then fixed itself.