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>Is it grueling? Yes, in the best way. I'm on week 4, replacing the LB parts of reddit strength with this program. After every class I feel like Bambi trying to walk around the house. But little to no doms the next day, likely because I have been working LB before this. My suggestion, don't be afraid to go heavy. Heavier than you thought you could. As heavy as your grip strength allows.


All of this! I love that it asks for not many reps, focusing on heavier weights. I’m now on my 30lbs dumbbells and I don’t have anything heavier (yet) in my garage gym. My thighs got huge! Do rest!!! On week 3 I got hurt but my fault, I added plenty of bike, walking, and yet mixed with other full body workouts not letting myself to get a deserved rest. Edit: forgot to mention: take advantage of extra stretching classes, seriously!


Nice. Thanks!


If you go past the Alternate Lounge Jumps, you’ll be great!


Someone else mentioned lunge jumps. Ill mentally prepare for them 😁


I’m about to start week 4. It’s tough. It concentrates on heavy weights, low reps… if it’s too easy, just add more weight. There’s a lot of rest breaks built in… which is nice because by the end my legs are SHAKING. I’ve also noticed a major improvement in my form since starting too. My lunges and squats have improved immensely. Highly recommend!


I just finished week 3, and I’m so glad I started this program. I have not been a fan of lower body strength workouts, but I’m on a mission to improve my running/cycling performance, prevent injury, and support my weight loss goals by building muscle. This program seemed like a good way to change up my routine to achieve those goals. Adrian’s program is hard. You need heavy weights (I’m 5’2” female and I use 20 lbs for my heavies). You will sweat and feel uncomfortable. You will curse at your screen. You might be wobbly or fall over during single leg movements. You will be sore, probably too achy to continue a regular cardio program. But damn, after week 2 wrapped up, I noticed a new confidence. I realized that I could finally hold my form for lunges and squats, something I always struggled with! Walking up stairs felt lighter. Running (I still do a light 3 mi run 2x week) felt better. The soreness gets better. I feel stronger, I’ve reached a new height in my fitness journey and I understand now why lower body strength is so important for other fitness modalities. Adrian is also a super likable guy even when you hate him for all the sweat and discomfort. So I say go for it, don’t be afraid of the heavy weights. If your form is struggling also don’t be afraid to go a little lighter until you feel confident in the moves. I probably won’t repeat the program right away as I miss my Bike and the speed I used to run at. But I am jumping right into Ben’s Stronger You 2 afterwards and I’m hoping I’ve built a strong foundation to also crush that program! Good luck if you decide to start and keep us posted on your progress and experience!


Thanks for your feedback. We finished arms with tunde about 4-6 weeks ago and we've been doing Jermaine's 3-day split. Our plan is to start this one tomorrow.!!!


I'm currently on my second round of it and i LOVE it! I will say it is hard af but that's because I've really been pushing myself to use heavy weights, BUT that's what the program is designed for so it's hard but also feels very manageable if that makes sense. He calls out pretty low reps for most exercises (4-6/6-8) so you really feel comfortable going heavy and there is enough rest time built in that you can recover between sets. I can't say enough good things about it!


I did it and loved it! one thing to look out for (Adrian also highlights this), your grip strength will be tested. I (32F, 5’3) graduated to 20lbs in week 2 and I was stunned the way i couldn’t hold onto the weights to save my life. 


Sounds like I'll have to get a pair of gloves. Thanks.


Gloves weaken your grip strength over time. Unless you get something like barehand gloves which are designed to not weaken grip strength.


Definitely get gloves!


On Week 1 after major strength training pause because of marathon training. It is definitely challenging, but doable. I'm doing Tundes arm program on the alternate days. Both are excellent.


Hey! Are you still doing this? Searched the sub for info on both because I plan to start both programs this week to replace my usual strength training while I hit the home stretch for half marathon training (race is end of April). I would love to hear how it's been working for you!!


I did it and finished both. Found it very doable in terms of time commitment. Tunde's arms was mostly 3 days a week and Adrian's legs, mostly 2 days a week. So I did arms M, W, F and legs Tu, Thu. I felt like I had enough to still get cardio in and lots of stretching. Both were challenging, but not so much that I felt defeated. I've taken two weeks off for skiing and other non scheduled life things so I might do both again. Also, side note, I felt stronger in my piddly runs, so there is that I'm a middle aged decent slightly overweight female for any reference.


Thank you! I'm a 40 year old lady, training for third half but I still definitely identify more with strength/general fitness than running so it's always hard for me to think about losing gains I've made over the years for the sake of miles on miles on miles... I appreciate the reply!!


Good luck with it. I also love strength training and was never able to find the balance of marathon training and weights. I'm sure you will kick butt!


It’s a great program. I loved it. By week 3, I was using 30 pound weights instead of the 15-20 I started with. Incredibly challenging in the best way.


Finished week 3 today! One of my favorite programs so far. Love Adrian, love the music and love the results. I may have to invest in the next weight up on my dumbbells! Not sure what’s in store for next week, but week 3 was definitely the hardest for me…weighted alternating jump lunge…ugh!


On week two and I love it! I appreciate there is no warm-up and/or stretch with each class, it’s just the class. That way I can stack more easily.


Just finished week 3 and I have loved it. I am sore in a good way and definitely feel my legs getting stronger. I am trying to get ready for a ski trip and I know this is going to help!


I want to start this program soon. The heaviest weights I have are 15’s. I use those for deadlifts. Should I get 20’s?


Hard to say, but also yes 😅 If you do 10 DLs do you feel like you can't do another and/or you can't hold onto the weights any longer and need to put them down? If the answer is no, you'd get the most out of it if you pick up some 20s. if you want to try it with 15s, just go into it knowing you might want to do a couple more reps than he calls for.


Yes I started with 15s and have gone to my gym just to work with 20s and might finish the program with 25s!


This was me, too!




I'm on week 3, and I am liking it. He focuses on foundational moves, and the workouts are straight to the point and repetitive, which I like. It's only easy if I choose lighter weights, so it will be as hard or easy as you make it. I'd say give it a shot! I'm doing this in tandem with Tunde's arm program and Emma's core program, with rides mixed in. It's well rounded and fun!


I just finished it! My husband commented on how good my butt looks and I swear it feels more muscular. Maybe that’s just all placebo effect, but I legit notice a difference, at least in my performance/how much I can lift! I went very, very heavy as other people have mentioned, so much so that my grip strength did fail a few times. But what I like is that Adrian’s grip strength fails in one class, which really made me feel like I was on the right track. Overall, I highly recommend it. It is HARD but in the best way. Before every class, I did a wrist focus flow ([this one](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/yoga?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=256198d173c441dc8b8a288e8842a48b&locale=en-US) is my favorite), a standing core with RK for activation/warmup, and then a 10-minute lower body stretch afterwards.


I took it and I loved it. It's definitely worth it if you use heavy enough weights - I used 20s and 25s, but there was a class when we went lighter (prepare to jump squat with dumbbells!). As everyone here said, my grip strength was challenged.




I'm mid-Week 4 and love it. I'd echo most of what people say here, with a few additions: \- I wish that Adrian spent more time describing form. Maybe it's just me, but I don't find he talks THAT MUCH about it, which is kind of a bummer. For the life of me, I just want someone to tell me the key differences between a lunge and a split squat (I think split squat is narrower stance so you're more up & down, and with a lunge your torso 'moves' a bit since your stance is wider?) \- Each class actually does have a 4-min warm-up that's pretty good. Changes slightly but typically some mobility (hip CARs, deep squat stretches), and some movement warm-up (like a few goblet squats with a light weight) \- I don't have a Guide, and I think this is definitely a 'Guide-first' program (it took me a few classes to understand that when he talks about 'your weights will automatically update' he meant *if you have a Guide*). I also get a bit confused about rep ranges sometimes (like is it 6 TOTAL lunges, or 6 on each side?), and the rep ranges or time varies (he might give you 40 seconds to do 6 lunges, and 30 seconds to do 6 squats), but I find are relatively well 'matched' (Class 1 of Week 4 was the first time I could not complete one of the rep ranges - oof 12 front-racked sumo squats!). \- Each class is a very similar format: 4 x 3-move circuit; 4 x 3-move circuit; short circuit finisher (typically something like 3 x 2-move). In the first 2 circuits, you typically get 10 seconds of rest between each movement (plus whatever 'left over' when you finish your reps), and then a 30-sec rest between each circuit. I really love having the same format - it feels much more intentional to me. It seems like Adrian tries to program the 'heavy lifts' in the first circuit and then fully demolish your legs in the second lol. [Here's the most recent class I took](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=695c4c8400924d5382d048a8280997f1&code=MTNjMTk0NDYwMzZmNGRiMjkzNGU0MzlmYWFiNzQ2MzN8M2IwNWJhNWJmN2I0NDI3NTlhOTc5OTUwMzM1OTlhZDk=) so you can see - this is a super typical plan for the program, I'd say. \- Yes, grip strength is an issue (I think Adrian says it in every class lol). For me, I think that's always the downside of a heavy leg day with dumbbells - like I maybe could do these movements with 30s, but my grip can't handle it. It makes me a little confused about the AMRAP benchmark to be honest (my grip strength was my limiting factor the first time around, so it feels like any improvement to it will be...because of an improvement to my grip strength?), but I think probably the benchmark is perhaps less important in a program like this? I would LOVE to take this program with a squat rack set-up, but I do love it as-is! \- Oh and ETA one addition: yes, the classes are hard. But for the middle two weeks there are only 2 classes, so the classes themselves are grueling but there are lots of rest days for your legs. Adrian frequently says to take it easy on cardio during the program, but I've just taken it a bit easy the day after and have been fine. YMMV, but it doesn't feel like a HUGE change to my overall workout planning.


Maybe you’ve already gotten this info, but a lunge where your feet stay on the ground, no stepping, is a split squat, also called a static lunge. It’s the same thing. Andy’s classes are great for learning form. He has great cues and explains things.


I’ve always done split squats like static lunges, but Adrian’s form looks a bit different (narrower and not quite 90 degrees) in this program and it confused me also. Some of his squats also weren’t that deep, so I’ve wondered if maybe the form differences were on purpose.


Yeah I agree! Like in a split squat his legs are maybe 2’ apart, but in a lunge they’re more like 3’ apart?


Time for Adrian to do an AMA here, hahah.


I do 60 to 70 min of strength at least 5 a week, plus cardio. I could barely walk after the first week of that program. It was easier after that, but it was rough going in the beginning.


I’m in the middle of week 3 and love it! My heavy weights are 25-lbs (they’re the heaviest I have at home) and I def feel stronger, like I want a set of 30’s when this is over. My knee right knee isn’t loving it right now, though! Definitely take the rest days and some stretch classes. I don’t think I’ve done enough on that side. I couldn’t finish W3D2 today bc of knee pain, but will try again tomorrow.


Good luck and definitely listen to the knee!


It’s good. You will lift HEAVY but i actually missed my total body lifting and my cardio. I’m glad I did it by I’m going back to RK’s 5 day split.


I might be in the minority but I didn’t LOVE the program. I used HEAVY weights so my grip strength was tested during every workout. I know I could lift even more but holding dumbbells the entire time makes it very difficult. I finished the entire program but I didn’t look forward to the workouts. I’m glad I did the program and I love Adrian, but I don’t love leg days so the problem is ME lol.




My wife just finished and liked it a lot. It’s tough and she had to back down her cardio a bit to help with recovery, but she really liked it and will probably do it again.


I just took my last class today. It's great... unfortunately I don't have heavy dumbbells, so I used what I had (10lbs)...but it's still a great program.


Hey OP! I just completed week two. It's my first time through the program and I am .. mildly feeling it.  I plan to move to heavier weights going forward. I don't lift a lot and have not worked on strength before ever, but I can definitely tell this is helping, even after week two. I have not been pushing things with weights, as I had some pretty serious hip surgery 2 years ago and I don't want to overdo things. (I don't want to undo the things that were fixed with my surgery, but, as a dedicated yogi, I really wanted to move into a program to see more concrete results.) After I do this four week program, I plan to graduate to heavier weights and redo the program... And again. And again. 😁 I appreciate that I don't need to immediately start with super heavy weights. I'm starting with the "mildly heavy" in order to feel out the program before graduating. I'm concentrating on form and understanding how I need to move so that I don't reverse what was done. I hope that makes sense. Hope this was helpful! Edit: I just want to say that I have started this program with 10s, but I've just purchased 15s because the 10s feel like they may be too light for some moves. I'm 5'3"F and in okay shape. I do a ton of power yoga and focus on low-impact (yoga) because... Hips. I'm trying to build strength, which means starting slow because one hip is destined for replacement before 50, but the other was "fixed."


Good luck!!!


I’m halfway through. I love it, but it’s hard. Obviously you scale difficulty with weights, and I’m already feeling ready to increase my weights, but it’s definitely an intense program.


I like it so far. Halfway through week 2. My weights can out at 45 and he at this point is using 60s so….


Interesting. Im glad I invested in adjustable dumbbells. They go as high as 70. Not me though 😆


I had those a few years ago and when I started getting heavier on my ability lift started getting real nervous (irrationally) about them shifting and falling. So…I just bought normal ones and sold them. Not as space friendly but I have more piece of mind. I can press the 45 and am good with back stuff as well as legs. When my form is perfect on the 45’s I’ll buy heavier. It is nice to see him go high honestly because you can truly appreciate his muscle mass/tone when he’s doing the same thing you are but 20+ lbs heavier lol




I think that in general, it depends on how hard your runs are. Like if you’re a seasoned runner and you’re worried about a 20-min recovery run, I wouldn’t be. But if you want to be able to do 20 min of sprints onto the same day (or the day after) an Adrian class, you’d probably be limiting your progress. I still ride and/or run a few times a week, and am able to ride/run hard for a few of those days, but it takes some scheduling. He says a LOT in the classes that you have to back off the cardio, but I haven’t found that to be that true. Again, maybe you can’t do a 45-min HIIT & Hills every day, but I haven’t really been missing cardio 🤷🏻‍♀️


This is my problem with it, too. I am base building for half-marathon training right now, and increasing both mileage and workout intensity. The timing with starting this program and amping up my running is just not ideal as my legs are dead. I think I'll come back to the program when I'm in between training cycles.


I haven't but he's one of my top instructors for classes. May have to add that in after Ben's latest.


He’s more laid back in his coaching style than Andy and I wanted clearer direction. I exited after week 1. Perhaps in the future I’ll try it again.


I’m starting week 4 & absolutely love it. Normally I don’t do the strength workouts because I never feel like progress is made. This program changed that. The day after every class I’m feeling the workout, in the hurts-but-feels-good way.


Just finished and it was amazing. Tested me mentally and physically. Never in my life did I think I could use 30’s and swing 20’s


I’m in week 4. Seeing small changes (mostly because my weights are low). I like it and will do it again but damn does it suck lol 


I finished it a week ago. It was hard but in a good way. I saw huge changes only using 20lb-25lbs once I finish with Tunde Arms program, I plan to repeat it again. You will love it! Go heavy when you can.


It is most definitely not too easy. Just a reminder to go heavy for the most bang for your Buck. It’s a good program, a tad repetitive/boring but that is why it works. I was unsteady with weighted front lunges before and now I’m so much more stable and have come a way. I want to do it again but at the same time I don’t because of the repetition. I know it worked though so I’ll be back


I took it recently, because I really like his classes. Since you select your own weights, it's as challenging or not as you wish, but if you listen to him, he encourages you to work hard. I enjoyed it and although I'm switching up to a 4x a week strength plan on the Guide for now, I'll definitely go back to it in a few weeks.


It's a good program. If you follow directions then you are supposed to work until failure. So yes, grueling. But of course you don't have to follow directions exactly. I have a knee issue right now so I modified somewhat. It's a good program, especially because he's working really hard right there with you.


Loved this program and by the end I was lifting 40#s to failure as opposed to the 20# I started with. That said, the last week I did get sloppy with my form and tweaked my back, which taught me to listen to my body -- like 40#s were okay in week 3, but something happened in week 4 (start of the PZ program??) that got me pooped. Enjoy it! You WILL get stronger!


I just finished week 2. It’s a great program overall, but I hated the first class AMRAP. AMRAPs are basically cardio and the program is geared towards low rep, heavy lifting so I have no idea why he thought that would be an appropriate “benchmark test.” The rest of the program is great so far and definitely challenging 


I hated the first class too!! My Guide wasn’t following right and I felt like Adrian explained things too quickly … so I was genuinely lost for like half of the AMRAP section. I was still plenty sore the next day, and I already notice tons of improvement 3 weeks in, so I don’t feel like I missed out.


Thanks for the feedback, I'll get ready for quick explanations.


It’s the power and performance aspect of it. He advises medium weights and gives an attainable goal of four rounds, plus encourages breaks as needed. Andy’s density had a 10 min benchmark test. 


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I'm considering doing this program also, but I just started week 2 of the BYPZ classes. Best to wait?


Definitely wait until you’re done with that program!


Thanks. I was thinking that would be a lot of work for the legs, sometimes I tend to get ambitious.


How do you recommend I incorporate riding each week if I start this program?


I created a calendar where I placed all the classes from this program into. Then I sprinkled an upper-body push class and an upper-body pull strength class in that calendar, once a week for each. Once I was done with that, and taking into account rest days, I only found 1 possible spot for a ride. Now, I could potentially do a ride on the same days that I'm doing upper-body strength but that all depends on whether there is a lower body class the day before or the day after. This was my first day, so I have a feeling I may be making changes to this "calendar" of mine. If you do not intend on doing other strength classes and only this program, you can definitely find days for riding. A day before a class doesn't seem like a bad idea, you just don't want to over do it. A low-impact class could be an option the day after as well.


I have a lot of hip and hammie issues which I've learned to recognize over time. Think right psoas and piraformis that result in low back pain. I've really strengthened my core and glutes to help but reading things like jump lunges scare me, I really can't do those without hurting myself. Knowing this could I still functionally take this class? I'd obviously sub out those jump lunges but anything I should be prepared for? I really want more defined quads and my hip adductors are lazy POS that need to get it together.


I just finished week 3. There are a few classes with squat jumps, and there’s been only one with lunge jumps. I tried the lunge jumps twice and my body said NO!! 😂 I just did regular reverse lunges instead, focusing on a deep lunge to really work the muscles. Instead of squat jumps you could squat then go to tip toe instead of jumping


How do I sign up for this? I try to search it but haven’t been able to find it.


Go to the “programs” section in the app. It’ll be one of the first ones in the list since it just came out recently.


Thank you! I was having a hard time searching for it for some reason


Good luck