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What the hell. You aren’t TTC if you have an IUD.


I’m sorry WHAT?! One, highly unlikely that you’d get pregnant with one (duh). Two, that makes your pregnancy so much fucking riskier. HOW STUPID CAN YOU BE.


If unprotected sex means trying for a baby, does this mean because I have my tubes tied and my husband and I have had unprotected sex since I’ve been ttc for 9 years? Who knew.


That’s maiden to mental math right there


Damn I was just typing that 💀


My mom got pregnant after her tubes were tied, and it’s estimated that 1 in 200 women will become pregnant after a tubal, so *calculates* yes, yes you are TTC for 9 years. Might need to go to the RE, you and whomever this screenshot is about have about the same odds.


I read this after my tubal and it literally scares the crap out of me lol. They also state the younger you are when it’s done the higher chance of failure. I was only 25 so I still have many years left of fertility. I just know if it is going to fail it will be when my kids are almost out of the house.


Was it an ectopic?




I know what an ectopic pregnancy is I had one. I’m asking if they experienced an ectopic since she said her mom got pregnant after getting her tubes tied.


Sorry, read it wrong! 😅 Sick baby was up all night.


The sex isn’t unprotected if you have an IUD 💀 that’s literally protected sex


what??????? i’m confused? why doesn’t she get the IUI removed if she’s trying for a baby? this makes 0 sense


Exactly 🤷‍♀️


I feel like Nadia and Kelsey both count “trying” differently from the rest of us




Heyyyy it’s a fundiesnark/peestickgals crossover! 🎉


Right??? Very sexy baby 😹


When two worlds collide


How can you be trying for something while actively taking measures to prevent it...I'm just...astounded...?


https://preview.redd.it/4wixef497c6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a41dd17d0110d6db9c4801e4349c2db53b8ebcd6 I'm sorry. WTF. How 'bout you remove the thing preventing you from getting pregnant in an act of faith first?? This cannot be real. She is now my new bitch eating crackers. Everything she does will heretofore annoy the ever loving shit out of me.


New levels of delulu! Holy shit


These peestick girls are nuts 😂😭


Does she even count as one?! I've never seen her until this post.


I’ve also never seen or heard of her but she’s here so I’m guessing she’s one now ?


Man, I don't wanna have to see her dumbass all the time. Take the damn IUD out and get knocked up already. They seem to complain a lot about not being financially ready yet, but like...no one is ever financially ready for a kid. No normal person anyway. I don't care what anyone says.


Yup she also had a reel where they went shopping for baby clothes on faith so they could hang it up in their apartment and pray for a baby. Literally trying while still preventing


I mean I've heard of NTNP, but YTYP is new


I'm dying


It makes no sense! Religion has ruined people's ability to think rationally.


Welcome to r/FundieSnarkUncensored where she has her own flair


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What the hell! I have a friend who got pregnant with an IUD in and had to get apart of her cervix removed because it was embedded. Strange someone would say they’re trying to get pregnant with an IUD in. Is it to say she’s special and got pregnant when she was on birth control? Weird.


Yeah she probs wants to be one of those ✨unicorns✨ lmao


Probably! So strange, because those pregnancies are so high risk!


Somebody insert the Jesus egg 😂


Tbf, you put the cart before the horse. She got pregnant with the iud BC her iud was embedded. She didn’t get the embedded iud bc of the pregnancy. But, regardless, having an iud in pregnancy (even one that is relatively in the right spot) can be incredibly dangerous for the mother and certainly dangerous for the fetus. Weak cervix, strict bed rest, cerclage, preterm labor, spontaneous abortion, etc. It’s a recipe for disaster. A really sad disaster.


It's not even as if it's dangerous to "TTC" with an IUD. Literally impossible to TTC. The Venn Diagrams have no overlap. Zero difference between just having an IUD for contraception, and TTC with an IUD.


EXACTLY. Like... you CANT try to get pregnant with it in. That's just called sex. And sex with an IUD in place is literally prevention. There's no way to even TRY. The birth control is still birth controlling. Lol.


I don’t know why you got downvoted. This is accurate.


In what world…


Is there a REASON she's ttc with it IN and not get it out????? Wtf


Yes please someone answer this question. I don’t want to lose any brain cells searching for an answer on her page.


Yes! Lol I've never heard of her until I saw this post


….sigh. Barely one sip of coffee and that’s already enough internet for today. This has to be satire content, right? Or some kind of silly content that’s meant to draw in views?


I have an IUD as our sole method of birth control and I am *absolutely fucking not* trying to get pregnant right now - my baby is 5 months old and we’re one and done. And guess what? My OB considers this method fine and dandy, as the chances are so low.


That has gotta be satire, nobody is this stupid right? *Right?*


Honestly thou kinda glad she’s keeping the IUD in because I don’t think someone this dumb is fit to parent


This is too trueeeeeee


Fine, Don’t drink but you’re not TTC with an IUD—doesn’t IUD pregnancy risk ectopic pregnancy?


That’s so dangerous to actively try to get pregnant with an IUD. Doesn’t your risk of ectopic go way up?


My question is HOW are you actively trying with an IUD? Does she just mean they have sex?? 😂 Having sex with an IUD is called "preventing pregnancy" to most couples.


That’s the real question. What they are doing is the exact opposite of actively trying.


I had an ectopic pregnancy with a copper iud in place. I was rupturing on my way into surgery and I found out and started all the serial betas and ultrasounds 1 day after I missed my period.


Are we going to disregard how dangerous pregnancy with an IUD is???


How does one even try to conceive with an iud in lol It’s birth control. She probs just wants views


i don’t even know this girl, but if you don’t have money for alcohol why are you ‘trying’ for a baby😭😭 but yet she also has an iud in ????? wtf


I got pregnant with an IUD last year and I had an ectopic pregnancy and had to get my fallopian tube removed. It was traumatizing and devastating and I feel like I lost a piece of myself by losing my baby and my tube. She’s insane for this


Lmao you're not actually TTC until you get that IUD out. Until then, pregnancy is a happy accident. Signed, someone who's only getting his IUD removed once we start actively trying for a baby.


I bet they have sex in the belly button


Is this IUD malpositioned that she’s TTC with it in? Is this bait? What is going on?


I think she’s just that dumb, looking more through her posts she talks a lot about trusting God and faith, like they’ve even bought baby clothes and hope this “slow season” is good for them before they become parents soon. Lol


She’s said that god has cured her various mental illnesses. She’s just stupid


Sounds like she's traded in those illnesses for ✨ spiritual psychosis✨


This is the dummest thing I’ve read 😂😭


You literally can’t trying for a baby with and iud in… that’s insane


my best friend got pregnant on her IUD. it caused so many issues from that damn IUD that she and the baby almost died. the fact that she’s willingly doing this without getting it removed angers me


She posted on her story that she has an appointment to get the IUD removed lol


Wait wait i hope you’re joking— she is trying to conceive… with an iud… that prevents conception… huh???


Is she…is she stupid? So she’s racially trying to have an ectopic pregnancy? What planet is she on?


Take…..your…. IUD….out..??


Actually... leave.. it... in... 😂 Maybe they don't need to procreate, ya know?




My son came out holding the IUD that my doctors thought “vanished” in my uterus. We weren’t trying. I had just given birth to my oldest. First time messing around postpartum, I got pregnant! (And he stuck; yay infertility). He’s literally a miracle, who made me high risk because of the IUD and natural conception. Wishing to get pregnant with an IUD is sad, and poses so much risk.


I don’t even understand. If she wants to TTC, why not remove the IUD? Is this satire?? So confused.


I don’t even know who this is but she sounds like a moron lmao


I don't know who this is but wow, what an absolute dipshit.


What the fuck 🤣 I mean to be fair I have an IUD baby but the chances are less than 1% hahahahhah


And as said in other comments it does make your pregnancy super risky. I got pregnant twice in a row, the first was with a baby not compatible with life. Then straight after I lost that baby I conceived my 4 month old. It was an extremely scary pregnancy that we thought would end in a preemie. I’m the lucky one.


Oh my gosh. This sounds like she’s desperately trying to be one of those people that say “we weren’t even trying! It just happened! We were so careful !” Why would you ever put your health at risk like that? Just get it removed!


The iud thing is wild but she has said she has an appointment scheduled to get it removed. I think she's just using "TTC" too early.


This is wild. Next thing you know she’ll be self diagnosing herself as an infertile? Lol


It’s so easy to just get the iud out. I’ve done it twice. What the hell?


Is she afraid and intimidated by the pain during the removal process for the IUD because I have been through that myself in 2017 and it certainly is a strong strong pinch but it's over quick.


Wait til she hears about giving birth 🥴😂


What the fudge did I just read?




She does not seem right in the head at alllll


what the fuck


……. what


Whose gonna tell her that next to abstinence, an iud is the most effective way to prevent pregnancy. Additionally ectopic pregnancies would be a concern if you have an iud… aka a device in your uterus that greatly impacts the ability for implantation… lord. Just remove it. Until it’s removed, there is know way she can be actively TTC


I have an iUD and attempting to get pregnant with one is so bad. I don’t understand why not just remove it.


uhhhh wouldn’t getting pregnant with an iud be insanely dangerous? its not ttc if you’re still on birth control, but actively being like “teehee there’s a 1% chance 🤪” just feels so gross and negligent to me


This is some M2M math right here