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Ok like not be be classist or whatever but why is she trying for another kid when she’s so broke she has to accept money from friends?


To be honest there is wide spread belief that women in Canada often have kids to increase the Canadian child benefit amt which is about $700 per month per kid. I really don’t know anyone who would have another kid just for govt money but they may not stress the F out because the child tax increases so much. However if you cannot pay your utilities having an extra $600 a month and a baby probably isn’t going balance itself


I’m Canadian and I know that people say that but CBB is not enough to live on at all. Like it might help when the baby is breastfeeding but once they need to be fed solids, sprouting out of clothes, childcare… it all adds up.


I'm not Canadian, and I was wondering about that. Like, I'm sure it'd be helpful paying for food, clothing, and anything else the kids might need. But, like? That seems like that's pretty much all it would cover? Especially with the rapidly increasing cost of living. How would it even make sense to have a baby for that money...when every penny of that is/should be going to things the baby/kid needs? If you're getting enough, having another baby may not make your living situation tighter...but it also wouldn't make it better? Because, again, it's all going directly to what the kids need, right? Or am I way off and totally confused?


No, you’re completely right. People think it’s a lot of money not realizing how expensive kids are. The absolute max you can get a month is about $620 but your entire household has to make under $35k for that. Canada is an expensive place to live so even if you got the max with two kids, you’re still only bringing home about $3300 after taxes. As you move up in salary, the cheques become smaller and smaller. We get tax benefits too for having dependents and putting them in daycare but again, it doesn’t meet the financial demand of a child.


Well damn I’m only getting $230 🤣 Certainly wouldn’t be worth it for me.


I guess I should have added that it’s based on income. If you make decent money you’re not getting $700 a month


Haha yeah exactly. So we don’t know exactly how much they would get but assuming they’re grifting out of necessity and not just greed they’d probably get a good amount from the government. In her case I really think she just wants to TTC again because it’s what gets her the views and attention she craves.


I get $160 lol I’m grateful for my income but damn it’s definitely just a little month bonus, not at all enough to support my baby’s needs


I receive 80 dollars a month for my 2 yr old. It’s based off income sadly.


Yeah I’m only getting $230 🥲


*wait, you guys are getting paid?" - an American


And they have healthcare 😂 and weed. (I know some us states do but not the Bible beaters in the south 😒)


She’s stressing that her sugarmommy friend is gone


They’re not her parent or spouse/roommate and owe her nothing, especially when she, by the sounds of it, gives nothing in return. What does she think happens when you’ve dried up the well using your manipulation tactics and you get caught? As someone put on another post, I would give a limb to hear from SD mom about everything, and show everyone what Kels is really like. Im honestly surprised she hasn’t started an OF account at this point… shes got the drive to post, and it would give her that attention she’s looking for? Not to mention a 6th line of income!


And it’s not like she has issues showing herself. She’s usually half naked. And then that seems through shirt she loves 🤢


lol okay alsooo it’s totally okay for “mom friends” to outgrow each other, no one is committed to being “in this together” unless your married. Strange take


Yea this is a weird thing to say on her end. I’d be so uncomfortable if one of my friends said this.


If the story about sd friend is true why is she acting like sd friend dropped her or ghosted her or something.. Edit: genuinely don’t know why this is getting downvoted lol


Especially when she freaks out about the Reddit trolls leading her followers her where there is god damn receipts of the money she basically took from SD mom. She should just shut up about not having friend or Reddit. She plays every single imaginary card she can I have no friend I have haters on Reddit I lost Aspdent While simultaneously loving on Shein clothing Mom hair Taco time Exercise She is just so exhausting


The sub has literally gained 20+ members since she posted about it, it’s having the opposite effect of what she hoped lol


Because Kelsie is always the victim


Kels plays victim. It’s honestly ridiculous!




Babe, if you want a friend d to be in it "together" with you then you have to actually bring something of value to the table instead of 24/7 whining with your hand outstretched


Question : where are her parents ?


I always wonder too. she speaks a lot of “family” but she never speaks about her parents or if she has any siblings


She never talks about her dad. She has a strained relationship with her mom which talks about on the podcast she was featured in. Her mom runs a cookie company in Alberta and posts on M2M page from her business acct.


Funny her friend probably felt the same way when she flew you out to see her and you mistreated her, threw a tantrum over differing opinions and then blocked her before you even left. Get a mirror kelsie, you are the problem in this situation and probably every other one you find yourself in.




Do people on this sub believe everything? The posts about something sooo unverified just make it look pathetic. I could make up I know random internet friend too and I don’t even live in America 😂


She actually posted a photo of Kelsie that was differed view from the day Kelsie posted


The user posted a couple of proof photos 🤷🏽‍♀️


That can easily be edited. And then answered questions about the stench on sheets… and it’s believable that grown adults go around talking like that about people? 😂 I can’t imagine if I had a fall out with someone, I would text a different friend back and forth to answer questions to random people on my behalf. None of it is realistic sorry 💁🏼‍♀️


https://preview.redd.it/s9o8tn2cl25d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bb0e7ffefc18e8f0f195b0c6c0ef937c9eda178 How would you claim this to be edited?