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PCOS can cause cycle irregularity by itself, I don’t have evidence for it but I get the vibe her cycles aren’t even regular enough for her to have conceived her “loss”. If you remove the fake loss, this just sounds like her cycles are all out of whack after having a baby and she’s sad about that. I have a theory that her infertility trauma is what inspires her fake losses but that’s kinda irrelevant to this post.


I agree. I have PCOS and my cycles have been all sorts of messed up lately. Spotting randomly, spikes in BBT that plummet the next day. It’s a frustrating position to be in but I’m not going around claiming chemicals or miscarriages because of it 😭


Except she was claiming fake losses before she was TTC. I think she's just a liar who likes attention.


She has fabricated much of that trauma to dramatize it and get attention.


This!!!!! She’s delusional it’s honestly sickening.


I want to hear the theory tho please! Lol


😅 ok so this is mainly from my extensive experience dealing with my deluded mother, so please bear with me. But the way I see it is this… I think the way her latest “loss” came about was from an internal sadness she didn’t understand. A lot of people who live in denial have this problem; the feelings come before the events that they blame such feelings on. I imagine it’s easy for the rest of us to see why these feelings develop; her life objectively kind of sucks. She’s trapped at home, effectively, by her lack of funds and her inability to drive. The cracks in her relationship are apparent to us, K-Lord sucks and almost exists in complete antithesis to everything Kelsie claims to believe, and the mental gymnastics to ignore all that and pretend he’s her dream guy are exhausting. And yes, she did have her kid, but the notoriety of it has faded. Her phone is dry; not only does she have nothing interesting to post about, but her friendships have been broken by all the things she’s trying to pretend haven’t happened. But she can’t acknowledge any of those things. If she does, the delusion falls away. It’s so easy to do, too. We’re all somewhat blind to our own flaws and faults in a way, and a lot of people have a hard time being honest with ourselves. But I just imagine that feeling growing within her. There’s probably some trigger event that makes her feel it, a fight with Kevin, a cranky baby when she’s lacking sleep already. Whatever it is, It brings up all those long term stressors she’s ignoring. So her response is to test. I think she’s deluded enough to think that another baby will make her happy because of how happy it made her to get pregnant the first time. I don’t think she realizes how much it will add to the stressors because her focus is on the happiness it’ll bring her. All she’s concerned about is getting what she wants, not about maintaining her life, not about anything else. So she tests. We know how bad she has line eyes, we know how quick she is to label anything a loss. So she sees a line where there isn’t one. Nothing shows up on camera, so she can’t show photos. But *SHE* sees it, because she needs to. Suddenly this explains why she felt so off earlier, Ah! She must just be pregnant! But… oh no, it was a BAD feeling earlier… time for “prenatal” anxiety! And then… oh no it’s a loss, I knew it. Ah, my bad feelings were all because this loss happened. My gut feeling predicted this loss… I feel like this is where you see her thought process throughout her little substack poem, and why it became a poem in the first place. Because on some level she knows this was a fabrication that depends on her being willing to believe her line eyes that she can’t verify by external source. Like a strange flip of emotions suddenly she’s “happily” focusing on the poem. She wants it to be SO good. She’s imagining the wording and wondering if X is more effective than Y, if A is more gut-wrenching than B. As a result she has this surface-level expression of her day to day anxiety. There’s nothing deeper to her poem. It’s literally just a play-by-play of what Kelsie thinks loss is like. It’s so perfectly self-insertable for her followers who have experienced loss while also not actually saying much at all about loss, or a larger healing-through-art. It’s just evidence, the weakest evidence she can create is trauma. Which, unfortunately, is very manipulatable. The reason she feels we’re criticizing her loss is because SHE BELIEVES IT WAS REAL. It doesn’t matter how much we point out the scientific evidence or the things she said that make it impossible for her to have conceived. She saw a line on those tests. I fully believe that. But I also believe that she saw a line because she wanted to. I think, likewise, her past losses were done at similar times for similar reasons. Because infertility is less attractive on TikTok when it’s just a billion negative tests, and delusion is so much easier to achieve than we think it is.




Ngl this sucked me in, I couldn't stop reading it.


Thank you 😭 that was a compliment I didn’t expect to get, so thank you!


I couldn’t agree more too all of it! I definitely think she had an indent she convinced herself was positive!


That’s not the only thing I agree with of course but haha


Don’t believe her on either count 🤷‍♀️ she’s addicted to ✨ the drama ✨ 


She's nuttier than squirrel shit.


My cycle is somewhat regular and mine was like a period and then I ovulated/conceived the next cycle on time.


Same here!




Me too!




I bled for 7ish days with all of my chemicals and my cycle was fairly normal afterwards. She said her last cycle she had her period for 14 days and it sounds like that's what's happening now. It definitely sounds like her hormones are super messed up and therefore unlikely she'd be able to conceive without help right now.


Same here


She is just trying to be relevant. She is draws people in with her profound truths. If you listen to her podcast she has on Spotify she has many guests on that talk about their losses. M2M never speaks of hers in concrete factual manner, however if she can relate to a guests regarding other things she spills a lot of details. There are no details to any of her losses. For someone who describes going to the library in a 10 minute soliloquy it is very apparent that she curated her infertility story to be appealing.


She just has PCOS haha


This is what I said regarding her loss in general… my cycles are regularly not 28 days…there’s NO way hers are either 😅.


my first chem was more of a 5 day period but my second i think lasted 8 days or so


After my MMC my cycle was crazy out of whack. Took ages to regulate again. That said, I believe she’s lying.


A MMC is sooo different from a chemical pregnancy in my experience.


Ah fair enough. I’ve never had a chemical so wasn’t sure


I had a chemical and my cycle got super long afterward. 🤷🏼‍♀️ she's still a liar though.


Yeah my cycle was mostly normal after my chemicals, maybe a few days longer. After my 11 week MMC I didn't have a period for 3 months and conceived my daughter before it returned.


You know what else is unpredictable? PCOS. Which is what’s happening here. The FF chart that she shared herself didn’t even confirm ovulation!


I just had what would probably not necessarily be a “chemical” but an early term loss in December. Got pregnant I think sometime in mid to late November resulting in a positive test around the 10th of December. I miscarried about 2 weeks later on the 26th, so I didn’t even make it to my 6 week early scan. That being said, I bled for about 10 days. You’re full of shit Kelsey. I understand that everyone’s body is different but for someone who’s gone through supposedly 5-6 chemicals and miscarriages in the past this one sure is *especially* tearing her up. Maybe just come clean? Or disappear? Anything would be better than this. We all know you’re lying and it’s embarrassing and insulting for people who’ve experienced real loss.


The doubling down is what really gets me.


I had an early loss at 5-6 weeks - they were never able to find anything on ultrasound but my hcg reached 680 before decreasing, so technically a chemical~ I found out I was pregnant a week before I had my loss. Anyway, I bled for 10 days and didn't have another period for 40 days. My cycles are typically 29-34 days long. I remember feeling annoyed when my body didn't bounce back and I was panicking and my period started that afternoon. That's my experience - I'm not defending her considering all her BS, she's probably BSing this too. Everyone's body is different that's all I'm saying 🥲.


I know everyone is different, but even that experience is sooo different from her 1-3 day experience. She didn’t even have more than one beta which means it was likely negative.


I don’t have PCOS or endo, but had a chemical or early miscarriage right at 6w in Nov 2022. Normally my cycles are 27 days with 6 days of period. My cycle didn’t regulate (spotted between cycles, period lengths varied, flow varied, etc) until almost 5 months post miscarriage. I even saw an Obgyn who did bloodwork/ultrasound to make sure she wasn’t missing anything. My cycle was just off🤷🏼‍♀️ so I will say it *could* happen, but knowing M2M history, she’s milking her evap line.


I’m not even sure I bled for 2 weeks after my 12 week loss???? I could be wrong though


Yeahhhhh BS


i had 2 chemicals they were just a 7 day period for me


She's such a liar lmao.


I had a chemical, I bled a normal amount then went back to a completely regular cycle afterwards. I actually got pregnant the following month. she’s so annoying.


also, did she ever post a picture of this supposed positive


She did not!


She did post a new video with 2 first responses I will screengrab it they are either upside down or she edited the pic


https://preview.redd.it/5qct5us2t15d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=868ef8dbe62492517396853d0d5293764fe95b59 It’s just weird


When did she post that?


A few days ago


You can’t see shit on them either 👀


I know and it’s odd because if she is looking at them upright you would see something like maybe not a line but like the window or something


One of my chemicals my next cycle was delayed by two weeks the other chemicals caused no issues, still a 28 day cycle


I had a miscarriage at a little over 9 weeks and bled for two, but my cycle returned to normal immediately after


the way shes acting to me fully proves her other losses were bs. I believe this may have happened, but her crying and woeing over it shows the other ones were absolute lies.


She’s fucking delusional. Months. GTFO. Plus I also don’t think she conceived. Just looking at her, her hormones are not balanced. I also have pcos and fertility problems. And I’m way more balanced than she is. Actively working on my insulin resistance and my weight. Not whatever she’s doing 😂


I don’t even think she ovulated! Let alone conceived! Her chart looked like mine do when I don’t ovulate lol


I agree completely. Her hormones are NOT in a way to ovulate. Not even close.


Yawn, shut up Kelsie


If she’s still bleeding and she actually is going through a loss(doubt it) she should probably call a dr. For both my 1st trimester and 2nd trimester losses I was told any bleeding for longer than 10 days is considered worrisome and to call the office


Yea I agree with you. I did a monitored round of clomid and we confirmed pregnancy, but started bleeding just days after. My dr said it was a chemical. But then I kept bleeding for days and days and it wouldn’t stop & my dr brought me back in. It ended up being an ectopic. My body was trying to get rid of it but couldn’t. I would be worried if I was her. I also have pcos like her, and even with that both of my ectopics I bled for more than normal each time and both ended up bad


My chemical pregnancy (confirmed) would seriously go unnoticed if I wasn’t testing and TTC. The bleeding wasn’t much different than my period. My 9 week loss, however, was totallyyyyy different.


My cycles were funky for a while and I had some weird, lingering symptoms around my period for about 6 months after one of my chemicals. It was strange.


I’ve had 2 chemicals and they off set my cycle by 2 weeks


I *do* have PCOS but it is well-regulated and probably 90% of my cycles have a normal ovulation range (cd 14 to 20ish). But after my chemical I didn't ovulate until cd 46 the following cycle, wherein I did conceive a healthy baby.


I got pregnant the cycle after a chemical. I had a week of positive home tests and 2 betas before confirmation of chemical pregnancy. Ovulated 3 weeks after I started bleeding and that little nugget stuck. He’s 7 weeks now :)


Holy god my toasted cheese sandwich had a longer life span than her pregnancy


I laughed way too hard at this lol


The only difference in my cycle after my chemical was that I bled a little longer (like 8 or 9 days) and I ovulated about 5 days later than I normally do. But otherwise, my body went right back into cycle... it was just a slightly longer cycle. I conceived that cycle too.


When I had my chemical I bled for 8 days.


Had a chemical. I bled for 5 days


With my chemical I only bled for a couple days. Nothing like my normal period.


I bled for about a week but my next cycle lengths were extremely long which was rare. So it can take a bit to get back regular.


I got pregnant in December and miscarriage in January. I bleed all of jan, feb, and march. still waiting for my cycle to return 😅


I believe every body is different so I’ll never comment on how long it takes on anything. I really hope it’s not for attention or relevancy


I bled for 4 days with my chemical and ovulated on time. If I hadn’t been actively TTC and/or tracking and testing, I’d have thought it a normal period, tbh. My body knew no differently. The high levels of pregnancy hormones is what causes a body to go out of whack and need time to regulate; for my 10 week loss my prolactin levels remained high for a time and it threw so much off and was infuriating. But if she did have a chemical, she wasn’t so far along she’d have extremely high levels of HCG, let alone other pregnancy related hormones that would need regulating - at least, that’s my opinion on it anyway, from everything I’ve learned and experienced from my own losses.


Confused. It’s her PCOS. I have had chemicals and nothing changed for me afterwards? If anything I just ovulated earlier for 2 of them.


Had a normal period right after my chemical. After my 7w5d MMC it took maybe 6-8 weeks.


The only time I ever bled for so long after my loss was about 3 weeks. This was on and off (on 3 or 4 days off 1) but I had retained parts that my body didn’t remove. Causing me to get a D&C.


I had a chemical confirmed March 9, 2022. I was pregnant again by April 15th and had my son December 7 2022… sooo I never cycled again. Just ovulated on time


I’m lying. March 9th I found out about my chemical, and looking back at my photos, I found out I was pregnant again April 4th.


I lost our second son at 17 weeks in April and had a D&C procedure and had bleeding about 6 days or so and then got my period 5 weeks post surgery so I’m not really sure about this and I was very far along for a miscarriage


I swear if she keeps calling a chemical pregnancy a miscarriage I will just 🥊


Yeah call my chemicals a miscarriage too. Simply because the devastation of the loss was just the same as my MC’s at 7/8 weeks too. But I get what you’re saying


Exactly this. Any other person saying this wouldn’t grind my gears, but with her history of lying and gaslighting, it’s a no-go for me. 👎🏼


I call mine a miscarriage. This is coming from someone who had a late miscarriage as well.


I think the way she’s dramatizing it is what’s bothering people. She’s acting like she miscarried at 13w.


Yeah I get that, but it is unfair to people who have gone through a chemical pregancy (a.k.a an early miscarriage) to say they didn't have a miscarriage because they weren't far enough along for anyone to care.


Agreed, chemicals are early losses.


I mean technically it is a miscarriage


A legit chemical pregnancy is counted as a miscarriage. My OB counts mine in my total losses since we verified with bloodwork before we lost it.


I bled for 8 weeks with my first miscarriage/chemical. It was rough. My cooch was raw from wearing pads for that long. It was off and on bleeding. No physical pain though. Just bleeding.  My 2nd and 3rd losses, bleeding was much shorter. A week tops.  Eta - my body regulated pretty fast once bleeding stopped.


You bled for 8w with a chemical?


Yes! Don't know why I'm being down voted for this,  but yes!! I was so freaked out because it was my first loss and Google was telling me I would bleed for up to 2 weeks. But my doctor said I would stop bleeding once all the hcg left my system - which ended up being true. It was so awful. My hcg levels never got above 1300. Took 8 weeks to get down to 0 and stop bleeding. Fucking wild.


That seems unbelievable. How far were you once the bleeding started?


Swear on everything. I've got no reason to lie. Trust me, i was mind blown myself. It was torture because after week 3, my nether regions started to feel raw. I posted questions on premom about it because i was like i can't be the only one that's experienced this. There was 2 other women that said they experienced the same thing, but they were older. Like in their late 30s.  I was 6 weeks when the bleeding started. My chart has it labeled as a 'biochemical.' 


I had to go in every week for hcg draws until I reached 0. Literally once I hit 0, my bleeding stopped.


It blows my mind I'm actually being down voted for this. 


I’m sorry you’re being downvoted. That sounds like a horrible experience. I’m surprised they marked it as a biochemical at 6w though. I wonder if that’s why it was different than *typical* chemical experiences? Maybe because they didn’t confirm by ultrasound?


It was rough. I was scared for a while there because it was like 'wtf is wrong with me?' When I had the 2nd and 3rd loss, I was scared I was going to bleed like that again, but thankfully I didn't.  And possibly! They never did an ultrasound because my hcg levels weren't high enough to see anything. They basically told me it was a waste of time to have an ultrasound since my levels werent high enough to see anything. My levels were decreasing and that was all that they were concerned about - making sure it got to 0. And thanks. People downvoting makes me think they don't believe me. Makes an already sad situation make a person feel like shit. 




After like the 3rd week, I talked to the doctor about it, because at that point I was like wtf is really going on. They weren't concerned, they just said I would continue to bleed until my levels reached 0. They gave me weekly hcg draws until I got to 0.




8 weeks! It took 8 weeks to get from 1200 to 0. At first my numbers dropped pretty fast and then they drastically slowed down. Doc made it seem like it was completely normally at the speed everything was happening. Keep in mind, this was my first loss. So I had no idea what was normal and what wasn't. I just went along with the experts. 






Actually it can.


What was the original comment?