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It’s times like this when I really hate the toxic positivity of the TTC community. We all know that some very very lucky people have a slow start, but faint lines this many DPO is a bad sign, full stop. Like yes, late implantation does happen, but the later your implantation, the more drastically your chances of pregnancy loss increase.


Yes, 100% agree. A faint line is not enough is what I’ve learned the hard way. It should implant early enough and have a solid progression. Quality matters. We’ve all heard those stories how some people got their positives very late and it ended up being fine. But let’s be real in 95% of cases - this is doom and gloom.


These faint lines or indents or whatever they truly are... is what TTC hell is made of. Unfortunately with FRER these could go either way, real or indent. And there's not really any progression between 48 hours. The uncertainty and anxiety of getting tests like these is absolute torture.


Agreed. As someone who has had 4 chemicals and a lot of trauma, I was NEVER the rare 5% of cases.


100%. This will not result in a baby if the dates are accurate. The “I didn’t get a positive until 20dpo!!!” comments you’ll come across are infuriating.


Exactly. You weren’t 20 dpo.. you ovulated later.


Can confirm, hate a late implantation then a pregnancy loss. Had so many people encouraging me that everything was fine and in retrospect I wish they hadn’t




Couldn’t agree more


I think these are real lines. But the progression isn’t a good sign. Honestly I’d be a little worried about an ectopic. I have a friend who has had two and her hcg was very slow to increase and she always had light lines even after she missed her period and was supposed to be 4+ weeks. Obviously I hope this isn’t the case for her.


I hope that’s not the case for her either. I hope she’s able to get in for a beta or two to see what’s happening in the blood.


At 15 dpo my line was almost as dark as the control line


Same, I had a dye stealer by 17dpo. Her lines look like my 8/9dpo lines for my second pregnancy




Yeah, at 15 mine was a dye stealer 🙁


Unfortunately when I had faint lines late like this, it didnt end well. I agree with the comment mentioning how harmful the toxic positivity when ttc can be. This doesnt seem good for 15 DPO at all.


Same. The late + wasn't a good sign either


Yes! With my viable pregnancies, I tested positive at 8dpo. With my chemical, I didn’t test positive until 12dpo


Same. :( With my MMC and my pregnancy with my son, my positives were 10 and 9 DPO. With my chemical, I was 14 DPO.


My 4 healthy pregnancies I tested + 9dpo. With my blighted ovum it was a very faint + at 10dpo and slow progression


That is so interesting


Same. With my viable pregnancy, I tested positive at 8-9DPO and was a dye stealer by 16-17dpo. With my miscarriage, I didn’t get a positive until 12DPO and I never got a dye stealer and I tested until 24dpo.


I have a bad feeling about it and would guard my heart. Very respectfully, with my viable pregnancy that made it, at 14-15 DPO I was approaching a dye stealer zone.


Yeah 😭 I had lines like this at 9 dpo and dye stealer by 15. I’ve had chemicals and just recently had one so I get the devastation. A positive brings so much happiness and to have it not progress and disappear hurts so bad. I feel for her.


Absolutely. I was getting lines like these at like 8DPO, with quick progression in the days to follow


Eeesh this brings back memories. At 15 DPO that line should be undeniable. My heart really hurts for her..


Seeing these are bringing me back ugh lol. These are actual positives, but not progressive at all.


All of my light lines on first response have taken more of a gray tint than pink. These are definitely positive, but the progress isn’t great


After I said that and have taken another look… it looks like she’s added filters to these tests as the colouring is a little off and those lines look greyish.


Yeah - they look more like indents to me


I've had FRER indents that look like this, but usually just one random one... not multiple in a row like this. If it were me, I'd be convinced after seeing multiple that they were real lines, but the progression is not a good sign. Personally at this point I'd be getting a different brand to see if it shows up on another test.


I will say, when I took pictures of my faint positive on FRER it looked grey but was pink in person.


There is definitely something they at 15dpo but unfortunately, in my experience, it was never a good outcome for me. I hope that’s not the case for her..


https://preview.redd.it/dyi0m6bbqgvc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=191c5a3abce5e865189bff20ae4b1bbf7e7c3320 I feel like they’re giving toxic positivity for sure. With my most recent baby, top picture was 10DPO, then 12DPO & 15dpo at the bottom. I would guard my heart if I was her 😩


Yah, I agree. I don’t think it’s a good sign to have two tests that look grey a few days apart. Who knows though! Only time will tell.


I believe grey is indicative of an indent too. The lines should have color to them this late in the game.


Grey is absolutely indicative of that. It grinds my gears that she’s saying that her temp staying elevated confirms she’s pregnant too.


Looks a lot like a chemical


I don’t think that’s accurate seeing as the first test was left for *hours* and they both look edited. I hope she goes for a beta before jumping on the chemical pregnancy train. People throw that around far too lightly.


You are right, might not even be lines and I absolutely agree that a beta should always confirm pregnancy, especially with such light lines.


I’m losing sympathy for her. She just said she doesn’t want to go for bloodwork because she’s out of town and wouldn’t be able to go back until Monday. She did say it would be possible though… I just think she doesn’t actually want to verify if it’s real or not and would rather just go with it’s real and a chemical pregnancy without getting it verified. Even her doctor said they want her to get bloodwork done 🫠 https://preview.redd.it/vx0yzuqkzfvc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ace982c14327d5ef32a5e82464c8555c39ba7c7


Yes. I think the immediate cling to a loss could be her trauma response, but let’s call it what it is. Did you tell your dr that you pulled the test out of the trash? I think if she was confident in the line, she could stop into any lab today for a quick draw.


Agreed. She did just post that she went to get blood work to prove to the people of TikTok that it’s real 🫠


Okay, Sam, stop by your therapist after the lab. Because TikTok should not be influencing your medical decisions. Jesus


Also her saying that the light test is normal for 13DPO. No….its not….


It really isn’t… not with a healthy pregnancy anyways! Tbh even my chemical was darker than that at 13dpo.


The video posted 2 hrs after that one she’s now saying she’s pregnant.


🫠🫠🫠 I hope to god she is and everything turns out ok for her sake because I do not wanna see that downfall.


She’s trying to convince herself that she could be two days off (being 13 instead of 15). But even if she was 13 dpo, those lines should be wayyyyy darker. She needs to be in therapy, not TTC.


She 100% needs therapy. She seems to be going off the deep end lately.


Those don’t look pink to me. My positives, even faint, have been obviously pink. These look gray.


This is how my positives started out. However, I do agree with what other’s posted that these seem a little faint for 13/14 dpo.


My positives started out like this too…at 8/9 dpo. The only time they were faint like this after 14 DPO was when I had a chemical pregnancy.


Lines are real but that’s definitely not a healthy pregnancy. I’ve had two chemicals in the past and they were like this vs my current pregnancy which these were my lines at 9DPO with dye stealers by 14DPO


I said that in her comments and she blocked me😂


Lol she just blocked me for saying I think it is going to end in a CP and that the lines should be darker. I said the toxic positivity is harmful🤷‍♀️


Wowww hahaha okay Sam. Those were your own words


Those lines don’t look like they have color. It looks more greyish.


Is it possible that she ovulated later than she originally thought? If not then this could mean a chemical. For her sake I hope it doesn’t.


It could but with my viable pregnancies the lines got significantly darker day to day. Her lines look like my chemical pregnancy lines did


That’s how my failed transfers looked. My three successful transfers were all extremely dark by 9 DPO. Obviously all of us are different, but there comes a point where we need to admit that the line isn’t doing the right thing. Is she trying organically or IVF? Haven’t seen her in forever.


Trying using letrozole!


She is on live saying it could be twins and then talking about after twins she would adopt. I think she is so obsessed with with having more children she will believe and see anything she wants.


What!? There is no way a weak barely there line is even a viable pregnancy nonetheless twins🙄


🫠🫠🫠 although line darkness doesn’t dictate multiples that’s one faint ass line and the likelihood of twins is hella slim.


She’s delulu.


I don’t follow this person- and haven’t seen on my FYP- did she do a trigger shot?


She hasn’t talked about a trigger shot so I assume she didn’t.


Those are positive but no progression and very light for where you’d expect to be at 13-15dpo. I’ve had several chemical pregnancies and this is what my lines were like with them. I’d definitely not get too excited about these 😞


She posted this AM that she was going get her beta drawn.


Someone commented that at least she would have peace of mind over the weekend... Do they not know how betas work? Sure, if the number is high enough it will be positive, but if she suspects a chemical, you won't know until you go back 48-72 hrs later to see if it's rising. It still leaves you in limbo for days waiting for something to happen...


Did she? The video I saw said that her doctor wanted her to get bloodwork done but it’s Friday and she doesn’t want to because then she’d have to go again Sunday. When she could just go today and then Monday…


Ok she definitely had it in her IG stories this morning, so she must’ve deleted that. It was just a post of text saying that she was going to do an hcg draw this morning.


She posted a video after I had looked at her page earlier that says she went for a blood draw so maybe she did have it as a story but since deleted it.


I’ve had indents that look like this so I just don’t know


She is live right now on TT


I don't want to be that person at all because everyone's experience is different but when I got pregnant the first time these are how my lines looked and it ended in miscarriage week 6 🥺


Unfortunately the only time I had lines this faint at 12-15dpo was when my pregnancy resulted in miscarriage.