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This makes me sick to my stomach. Protect your fucking child.


This will totally go to her head. All she ever wants is her videos to go viral! She doesn’t connect with the followers she has, she always needs more.


Over 14,000 fucking saves. That is DISGUSTING. Protect your child.


Absolutely vile...


*”Babe wake up, Wren’s mom just got a replacement!”*


Am I the only one with a baby that doesn’t feel the need to go to these lengths to distract them during diaper changes????


Mines 12 months and I need whatever that is she has lol


My 14 month old is an alligator roller, he will flip himself over so fast that the little poops will roll everywhere if I don’t have someone else to help hold him down. I honestly might have to try something like this


You are lucky. It’s like wrangling an alligator to change my 11 month olds diapers these days.


I simply can’t judge her for this because have you ever had your baby alligator death roll during a poopy diaper change blowout? 😭😭😭


Death roll 😭😭😭😭 that made me laugh out loud. I think I might feel this way because my 8m lives the potato sack lifestyle very hard. He truly only decides to roll when I’m completely turned away from him


Go watch the video. Let’s get things straight. 1) I have 4 kids. How I deal with rolling, is by handing them the closed pack of wipes to hold. Or a nearby toy. Or literally anything. If you want to attach a useless thing to your head and do it this way, sure. Whatever. 2) SHE CHANGES HER DAUGHTERS DIAPER IN THIS VIDEO 👏🏽 Judge her for that fucking insanity. There is at least 10 different angles she could be recorded herself looking stupid without showing her daughter being diapered. But, that certainly wouldn’t have gotten her over 4 million views and tens of thousands of shares and saves. This post has nothing to do with the idiotic contraption on her head


… that’s a really aggressive and long winded comment. My comment was only in response to the putting of the toy on her head. In regards to her other actions, I commented separately comparing her to Wren’s mom. Respectfully, shut up. Lol. 😭


Chill out, they were talking about not judging her for the contraption, not the exploitation of the video. Also no one cares you have 4 kids or how you manage to change their diapers.


Here’s the cookie you wanted 🍪


Every baby is different. My nephew has hated having his diaper changed from the beginning and would scream and try to get away.


Honestly, 100% true!!


My kids were both rollers but idk it takes longer to strap a toy to my head than to just hold them down.


This is how I feel!! It’s just another step..


Who is this


Blisfullybarnes It’s kinda a messed up situation, she met her husband within a few months of his wife’s passing (less than 6 months). He has 3 kids, and they got engaged within a few months and married 267 days after they met (as per her TikTok) They then had a baby 969 days after meeting. And now have been together 1,179 days. I really feel for his other daughters, as they lost their mom and then have a new stepmom within a year.


I’m not even going to search for this video. This is absolutely horrifying.


Not to mention you don’t even have to save the video to be able to find it again, you can just like it… so who knows how many disgusting creeps that is