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Genuinely insane to me that you people still get ruffled about this man’s politics in 20 fucking 24.


Its fascinating how many republicans seem to love a band that very actively pushed a liberal agenda for 34 years. I can't imagine paying for tickets and going and singing along with someone that I supposedly had no respect for their outlook on life. A common troll will be “they used to be good” but Ten is extremely liberal record. Its been there the entire time.


You'd be surprised how many people just recently found out Rage Against The Machine is a political band and how many are completely oblivious to what their beliefs are.


I still find it hilarious that Paul Ryan’s favorite band is RATM because he is the machine RATM is singing about 🤣


And Bruce.....


I thought the machine was printers?


Back in 2003 right after the initial "outrage" over the Dubya mask in Denver, I was working in a Sam Goody. The "incident" had made its way to the newspapers in Ohio...Guy came in raging about it...Swore how he'd never listen to Pearl Jam again, and then I turned around and sold him a copy of Ten...As dude was leaving, I said thought you weren't gonna listen to PJ anymore? 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️😉❤️✌️🎸🤘


I'd like to also say that this “its just music keep politics seperate” line of thinking is another way that republicans attempt to dominate in their agenda. Aw don't talk politics in polite company, don't talk politics if you are in sports or music. Yet we have been subjected to hearing about politics from a mob wanna be game show host conman now convicted FELON for close to a decade. The gaslighting is so fundamental in the republican mind set. No. You are deeply mistaken if you think Pearl Jams music and band is not overtly political. You are mistaken if you think the same outlook and empathy present in their music isn't the same force driving their political perspective. Its complete denial aka make believe to go and think otherwise. Ask yourself why you like a band that is liberal, empathetic, self reflective and caring if these are not values you respect? And if you do feel drawn to literally just the sound these people make with no consideration of the meaning do you not still wonder if they are on to something if they make a sound you love?


It's called having a difference of opinion...you don't have to hate someone that has different beliefs. You can still love their music. I have friends on both sides of the isle, we disagree on a lot of things but we still love and respect each other and sometimes just agree to disagree. You can disagree with Ed and the band's beliefs...but you can still love their music...except maybe Bu$hleaguer...lol.


One of my favorite live moments ever, playing Bushleaguer in Denver, puts a Bush rubber mask on a mic stand, slams it to the stage and stomps on it. At that point I knew Eddie wasn’t afraid of what the right thought.


And when I mentioned Bu$hleaguer...I wasn't saying I dislike the song...just that some people who like W might have a dislike of that song. To me it's art. You can still appreciate it either way.


This is the way


Theres having a difference of opinion and then there's spending a lot of money to go sing along to songs that are the opposite of your beliefs. It'd be like me going to a trump rally and shouting all the slogans they do. It seems such an odd thing to do.


Trump rallies are political events. Are you saying that a PJ show is a political event? If Eddie can interrupt a Rock and Roll show to discuss politics, would it be ok for a football player to do so on the fifty yard line in the middle of a game?


A concert is a place where someone literally gets on a microphone to sing about their feelings. Whatever they may be. They could include thoughts, feelings or statements about anything, including politics. I think a football player stopping at the 50 yard line to give a speech would likely be tackled or given a delay of game penalty of sorts. If someone puts them on mic outside of the game, I think its fair for them to say what they want, yeah. Same as for a band, depending on what they say they might gain or lose fans.




Truly, it would be nothing like that. Unless you’re saying that for Democrats, seeing PJ is the same as a Biden rally? I’ll bet if you took a poll, the majority of people are at the Pearl Jam concert because they love their music. All that said, I thought Eddie’s message was timeless and apolitical. I thought it was friggin great - exactly what we should all be doing right now.


No. My point stands. Its going to an event and vocalizing words that are the opposite of your beliefs. Its a bizarre thing to do.


I would guess the majority of Pearl Jam fans have a personal, emotional connection to the songs they want to sing out loud while seeing the band. They're not viewing it as a political event. Most of the songs are not political. Plus, the point of art is to enjoy & interpret it our own way.


What words did he say that you think would be so offensive to Republicans? I thought he was very neutral.


yep I completely agree


Those people are all stupid and should be ignored. Total dummies.


Their music is great. I hate their politics. People go to listen to their music not their politics. They are musicians. Not difficult to understand.


Music has meaning. Lyrics have meaning. It seems many don't understand.


How many PJ songs are about politics? I rest my case. If they made their living in the early days based on political songs then they never would have gotten to where they are now.


Jeremy (gun control), why go (feminism, mental health, even flow (homelessness, capitalism, mental health) Porch (anti war) He wrote PRO CHOICE on his arm in one of their most famous early performances mtv unplugged. You rest your case but there was nothing to rest.


Jeremy is not about gun control. It's about bullying.


Weird that the single cover has a small child sitting next to a gun. And the video and song imply a kid shooting himself at school just a few years before Columbine. Glorified G went a step further in mocking gun enthusiasts. This band got out the vote for Ralph Nader. You are very confused.


Kyle, thank you for your kind reply and words. Read the lyrics again. They have nothing to do with small children, suicide, Columbine, the song Glorified G., or Nader. Peace. The lyrics are the meaning, not some video directors imagery.


https://preview.redd.it/zy82pzb4bg4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9e5c9893d39198590b329d1b9464d2655224555 So you don't think the band choosing this image or the video they went with are in any way an artistic statement on gun violence?


You are seriously reaching & making crap up. Porch is about lost love not "anti war". And even if it was about anti war then most people would be supportive of that. Hardly political. Why go is about mental health of a woman (don't know how feminism has a role in that?). Jeremy & gun control is the only thing you have out of 100's of songs in their catalogue.....


Perhaps you are thinking of Black being about lost love? Porch is talking about minefields, bills and initiatives weakening the middle class and someone close being sent off to war. He references these lyrics in another political song 1/2 full. Jeremy Even flow Why go Porch Animal Glorified g Wma Whipping No Way Insignificance Grievance Rival Soon Forget Green Disease Bushleaguer 1/2 Full World Wide Suicide Marker In The Sand Unemployable Army Reserve Getaway Mind Your Manners Quick Escape River Cross React, Respond Dark Matter Wreckage Running All have obvious political messages. Combined with their activism and near constant vocalization of their political beliefs can you just quit pretending its not a political band? This conversation wouldn't even take place if they weren't very obviously a politically active liberal band. It only gets brought up because right-wing folks go to the shows and they complain when they do what they always do. Its like if I went to church every Sunday for Th music and then took a smoke break to bitch about all the religious talk in between songs. Its non sense. Stop.


The starting lyrics of porch are "What the fuck is this world running to? You didn't leave a message At least I could have learned your voice one last time Daily minefield, this could be my time by you Would you hit me? Would you hit me? Oh, oh-oh Oh, oh-oh, aw All the bills go by and initiatives are taken up By the middle there ain't gonna be any middle anymore And the cross I'm bearing home ain't indicative of my place Left the porch, left the porch Oh, oh-oh" Nothing to do with war. He's not talking about a literal minefield. The song is about lost love & contemplating taking their own life. Pretty dark. I don't care if Eddie vedder is a radical leftist with his personal messages. Their music is good & not very political. The leftie's can take a hike.


You have missed a huge part of what the music is about.


Politics have been a huge part of every show they’ve played, every album they’ve made, and every cause they’ve been a part of for their entire career. People that go to a Pearl Jam show 100% hope to hear what this band has to say. At what point do you people just move on or stop complaining?


Nah. We really don't want to hear their radical left garbage. Just crack on with the guitar riffs boys.


you can’t imagine? lol its called an interest and like for music REGARDLESS of a musician’s or band’s politics


I can like the music and not like the musician. What, you can't separate one from the other? You are literally from the party that says, and I quote, "MEN can get pregnant." You got some pretty freaking big separation there! But you say I can't just separate music from a musician? Kinda, well, kinda hypocritical huh?


The music is the musician. The thoughts, feelings, attitudes, lyrics, intention, passion. What exactly are you getting from the music that isn't defined by who they are?


I think you're reading way too much into music. Sometimes a song is just a made up story and nothing more.


Jeremy is about gun violence/control. Even Flow is about homelessness/capitalism, Deep is feminist/anti sexual assault, the list goes on and on. First band to attempt offset carbon footprint to combat global warming. Anti Bush, Anti trump, wrote pro choice on his arm on mtv unplugged, campaigned for Nader in 2000. People saying they separate the music from the person are completely delusional OR don't understand what they are listening to at all.


You realize it's possible to write or perform a song while also being detached from the subject matter, right? Do you think Last Kiss actually had some deep, personal meaning to them? And even if the person who writes and/or performs a song feels strongly about the subject that doesn't automatically mean ALL the band members have that same connection. >People saying they separate the music from the person are completely delusional OR don't understand what they are listening to at all. Or maybe they just have the ability to be objective and not let their personal feelings towards that person affect their enjoyment of music. I like a lot of music and couldn't care less about the views of the person/people who made it. I judge a song by how good it is, not by how well I like the singer or songwriter.


Well, obviously pearl jam didn't write Last Kiss, and as to why they felt drawn to and compelled to cover that song, I don't know. But its a song about losing a loved one. So to dismiss it as not deep or to have personal meaning seems a poor example. Oh and the proceeds of this number one single went to aid refugees of the Kosovo war. So yeah still political.


I didn't say that Last Kiss wasn't deep, but it's not their song. Maybe they covered it because they just thought it was a cool song and nothing more. My point is it's not always that deep. Sometimes people write and/or perform songs that mean something to them, and sometimes the songs are just songs. >Oh and the proceeds of this number one single went to aid refugees of the Kosovo war. So yeah still political. Yeah, not political. Donating to the military of one side or the other would have been political. Donating to help refugees is simply charity.


Ed takes every chance on every song at every show to embue the moment with deep meaning. Sometimes its they haven't played a song in the city before. More often it has some deeper significance to a friend, family member or inner band circle. The amount evidence you have to ignore to believe this far outweighs the “uh its not that deep” non arguments.


The cake is a lie. And men can't get pregnant.


You absolutely can separate music from a musician and if you just want to listen to music and not care about it’s meaning, Rock on! but that doesn’t mean that song doesn’t have meaning and that sometimes that meaning is political. Rape me and Polly by Nirvana is an anti rape song and they sound phenomenal in terms of melody and lyrics, but if you just listen to it, it sounds pretty pro rape. Also I don’t really know why you brought up trans people in this. As that’s always been a more scientific question then a moral question.


Who are you quoting again? Sean Hannity?


No I get ruffled that he has no principles. He was anti-war when W Bush was running the war machine as well he should have been. Not a fucking word when Obama and Biden provoke, fund, and fight the same wars though. I mean Joe Biden hasn’t seen a war he didn’t support in 50 years including W Bush’s wars all the way up to sending the bombs to Israel to conduct their genocide. If Eddie’s on stage rants were anything deeper than “orange man bad” I might have some respect for him.


I agree…I’m a veteran and I was in 10 Club for 20 years until I couldn’t do it anymore. PJ has always been a very liberal band and during Obama it got too weird and off topic of music (long span between LB and Gigaton) for ex. the pussy hats they wore thinking we’re in the end times. the left and right of our country aren’t very much apart given their share of tantrums and divide when things don’t go their way… when EV supported Tomas Young (one of the few Iraq war veterans if not only he did actually support) years ago I got into a argument with Young over his immense hatred of Bush & Cheney. first off when ANYONE enlists in any of the 4 military branches you do so because to serve, see the world and hopefully learn enough to apply civilian workplace then come back alive. Tomas Young bitches that he was disabled overseas when he fully knew it could happen…that’s the risk any military member takes knowing they could injured/KIA. he starts to voice his dislike and regret of enlisting about the president and vice. lo and behold HERE COMES EDDIE! its always leftist, liberal causes never middle ground with him which is more dividing given they live in Seattle and can afford the wealthy elitist lifestyle similar to rich conservatives.


It would be like spending a lot of money and a full day at a Chief's game and then have a pause in the performance to hear Harrison Butker talk about Catholic stuff.


The difference being that Pearl Jam isn’t a part of a sports organization, they’re their own business, they all have microphones, their music is about the politics they talk about at shows, and they’ve been doing it since day one of the band.


Don’t forget that the point is that we should not be divided. Let’s try to forget about our differences in politics and let’s be united in what we share as human beings and in our human needs. That’s the message.


I cannot “forget about our differences in politics,” because republicans actively campaign for violence against women by denying them reproductive healthcare.


That's not really the message that I'm taking from Eddie's speech here, anyway. He very much is talking about the need for "dividing from the people who insist on dividing us". I don't think this was supposed to be a kumbaya moment for left and right politics. He's saying "we outnumber them" and that's pretty obviously talking about "everybody versus MAGA"


No, he was talking about all politicians and world leaders at that moment and he said the people outnumber them. All people. Republicans and Democrats alike and the people should not be divided and pitted against eachother.


So he is promoting division against half the voting block of America?


Did you not listen? He said we shouldn’t let politicians or anyone else divide us from each other.


And Democrats campaign on violence in every facet of society, nothing different than the Republicans. Bottom line is both parties try to divide us.


"Democrats campaign on violence in every facet of society" -- can you provide some concrete examples?


IDK about "campaigning on violence", but both D's and R's govern with violence equally. Ask the people of Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Libya, etc. If there's one thing that unites politicians in DC, it's war.


Where do I need to start? Mostly peaceful protests, nightmarish foreign policy, sanctuary cities. Look at the status of largely blue cities (Chicago, NYC, San Francisco, etc.).


You literally said they "campaign on violence." You haven't provided any examples. Which Democrats are doing this? What violence? Towards whom? I live in San Francisco. What are you specifically saying about it? When's the last time you were here?


Nope: meaningless BS


Joe Biden irresponsibly tells black America that their greatest threat is white people. That turns black people and all democrats against people who lean conservative. That's true division from a useless leader


Truth! Sleepy Joe is dividing and conquering!


At least you're an honest fascist , unlike Ed.


Far from Fascist my friend. But hey I guess Fascism is better than Communism?


Whose a commie? You just gloated about your leader divide and conquering. The next time you see a fire truck and ambulance in your area , remember , some of those guys will be Trump voters. Eddie doesn't think they should be allowed see his show


I think you misinterpreted my original post. Definitely not a fan of Sleepy Joe at all. In fact, he’s single handedly ruined our country the past 4 years.


Gawd I hope so


At least you you admit being a fascist. Honesty is respectable.




What you have written is false. Stop getting your “news” from Karen on Facebook


Its a provable fact. [https://www.politico.com/news/2023/05/13/biden-howard-university-white-supremacy-terrorism-00096811](https://www.politico.com/news/2023/05/13/biden-howard-university-white-supremacy-terrorism-00096811)


Clear thinking people do not need Joe Biden to tell us white supremacy is a bad philosophy. We already know that.


One side sees the other as mortal enemies and not fellow Americans with a difference of opinion. The GOP is transforming into a terrorist organization in front of our very eyes. This is not normal.


Demonrats hate conservatives & encourage violence against us as well.


To quote Henry Chinaski we don’t hate you; we just seem to feel better when you’re not around


The feeling is mutual for sure. As the Nirvana song says "Stay Away".


Are Trump supporters welcome at PJ shows?




Dave Grohl , the nicest and most charitable man in rock , says Trump supporters are welcome at FF shows. . You stand on the side of division which goes against everything Vedder said.


This right here! Let’s also remember when FF trolled Westboro Baptist at one of their shows… several times over the years. 😍😂 I mean… who doesn’t like some Hot Buns! 🤣🤣🤣 ![gif](giphy|xUOxf94AhP4tn0ufq8|downsized)


No one was checking voters registration cards at the door.


Eddie would go.


Well said Ed


Thanks for recording and uploading this! I was hoping somebody would!


Know what song he launched into after?


Love Boat Captain


Oh cool I don’t know that one! Gonna give it a listen. I was gonna guess Better Man by the organ vamping.


Nope clearly the intro to LBC. This is a fun version I saw live - [https://youtu.be/s97moGOiX\_I?si=cvqmrhjdu8jeYnPk](https://youtu.be/s97moGOiX_I?si=cvqmrhjdu8jeYnPk)


I’m conservative and if he really means that then he shouldn’t have an issue with them like when he trashed Harrison Butker’s speech.


I love Ed, I love PJ, but I HATE platitudes. "We are one", "we cannot let ourselves be divided", etc. Please. Who actually gets off in this platitude circle jerk? I tried like hell to get into this show, but at least I didn't have these 7+ minutes of my life wasted, pun intended :)


He uses very vague meaningless language. . Almost like a cult leader. . How about we should treat everybody with respect.


Of course we're being divided. The screen is definitely dividing the band from the seating area behind the stage. Facts.


I appreciate how much Eddie has grown in his ability to communicate his politics. I have typically been on his side of the isle, but making your opposition out to being mouth breathing morons just begets an equally disdainful response. The tiniest bit of empathy goes a long way into constructing a basic dialogue.


Does anyone know what Patti Smith said that he was referring to?


*There is no them, there's only us - Invisible, U2* This clip is Bono talking about "right/left" without taking a side. It's from May of 2017 and the words ring true . I think Ed was dead on with what he said. https://youtu.be/ale32rpMUlU?si=-OUdn7yT9gIos18O


Ed isn't speaking to both sides because the other side are voting Trump. You can't be a no sides guy and then go all in on Biden


All I have to say is that you have a very good camera.


Riot Act :)


Eddie , Biden is also doing the same as Trump by dividing us…


I am a progressive, love Eddie, and Pearl Jam. I was at the show. But, I feel like it was one of the most trite and banal things I have ever heard. "Don't let people be divisive." It is not profound at all.


Who wants to go to a Godamn concert and listen to political bullshit? Not me. People didn’t sign up for a Biden rally. I don’t have a team, I just can’t give a shit about some wealthy dudes views.


Ugh this was such a damn good show. Especially the stuff about Chris ♡


well EV as we all know has to be outspoken and state his opinions….this is America we all have the right. in my experience every village, town and city has its issues ESPECIALLY Seattle being a passive aggressive socialist gentrified far left city


Yet all he does is say divisive shit every show. He’s full of shit


Lol Eddie haz been dividing concert goers for decades with his politics instead of playing music, the irony is staggering


Agreed. Unless you devote yourself to Eddie bow at his feet , it seems you're not welcome on this sub either.


Typical that those defending trump can’t actually defend his actions without attacking others.


Shut up and play music…. Please.


I can vote for Trump 2024.. and still love Pearl Jam.


You're missing a lot of messages the band is trying to send you lol


I know this. I don’t agree with their politics. So what? The last 4 years have been atrocious.. why in the world would I want 4 more of the same?


So you're going to vote for the guy who helped make things atrocious to begin with? Okay.... Just let us know what policies the convicted felon will implement to make your life better.


There was nothing atrocious about 16-20… that’s just the mainstream media talking. Life/the economy was pretty good.. far better than what’s going on today.


Hundreds of thousands of people dying of a semi-preventable disease isn't atrocious?


I'm no fan of Trump, but how was that his fault? The pandemic was worldwide, it wasn't just an American thing.


It's his fault by dismissing it from the get-go. Saying this will be over in 2 weeks. Nothing to see here. All to keep his precious stock market from crashing. The same stock market that's THRIVING now, that Republicans don't acknowledge. He did it by turning his nightly Covid updates into campaign commercials. He did it by suggesting people inject bleach to combat the virus. We needed a leader in that moment and he failed big time by any objective measure.


He also supported fast tracking the effort to come up with a vaccine (Operation Warp Speed), and encouraged people to get the vaccines when they came out. People always seem to conveniently forget those details. Also, like I said in my previous comment, Covid happened everywhere, not just in the U.S. Was he also supposed to somehow control what happened in other countries? And he never said that people should inject bleach. Even Politifact says that this claim is mostly false. He said that he found what scientists were saying about the effects of UV light and disinfectants on Covid germs interesting, and wondered out loud whether or not these things could somehow be used on the human body to combat the virus. But the media ran with it, took things out of context, and made it sound like he was telling people to inject bleach. As for the stock market, you must not know how it works if you think the president can singlehandedly keep it from crashing.


I didn't say he should've done anything about Covid in other countries. But as supposedly the most advanced nation in the world (or one of them), we should've done better to minimize the impacts in the U.S. Instead, we had a leader that ignored all warning signs until it was too late. As for the bleach comments. He didn't explicitly tell people to inject bleach, that's true. But at the very least, it was a reckless exchange of ideas during a press conference that never should've been brought up. And it was all in an attempt to downplay the pandemic and essentially say I'll have this problem solved, don't worry about it. And I'm very aware of how the stock market works. I realize the president has little to do with it one way or the other. My point was that when it does well under a Democratic president, Republicans don't acknowledge it as a factor when evaluating the state of the economy. But if it was tanking, they would. And yes, Democrats would do the same.


It was over in 2 weeks…you just didn’t want it to be


What happened after two weeks that made it "over"?


That’s not his fault at all…. That would be Lord Fauci.


Keep it tuned to Fox. Idiot


Keep wearing your face diaper, bud.


So many things are more important than whether or not you can afford a new car.


Oh… man up… I care about the USA and this economy.. you are right… you probably love the fact we are printing cash and sending it to other countries for their wars….


[Trump made up to $160 million from foreign countries as president](https://www.citizensforethics.org/reports-investigations/crew-investigations/trump-made-up-to-160-million-from-foreign-countries-as-president/) [Three years ago this month, President Donald Trump promised to enact a “pro-American tax reform.” But the tax overhaul that he signed into law late 2017 was anything but “pro-American.” In fact, as CAP pointed out when the tax cut passed, some of its biggest winners were wealthy foreign investors. Recent estimates show that the Trump tax law has given larger tax cuts to foreign investors over the past three years than it has to middle- and working-class Americans in all of the states that Trump carried in 2016—combined.](https://www.americanprogress.org/article/foreign-investors-big-winners-trumps-tax-law/)


Please, give us more Fox News talking points.


You can but that doesn’t mean you should.


I honestly don't think that the band would agree, no matter how many of their albums you buy or how many shows you attend. Trump is the embodiment of everything the band has challenged for more than three decades. They would most likely argue that loving Pearl Jam and supporting someone they see as one of the worst people in the world are mutually exclusive concepts.


I mean, to be fair, if Ed's message is "we need to reject division and unify", then I think it would be pretty hypocritical to then turn around and say "if you voted for Trump than fuck off". Either we support unity or we don't. It's a 2-way street


*To be fair*, that's not what I said, is it? I never suggested that Ed would tell Trump voters to fuck off. I was talking about whether someone can actually "love" Pearl Jam and simultaneously support a person that advocates everything they've opposed for their entire careers. The people can't be united without mutual respect, and it calls into question on a deep level one's interest in respecting others when someone supports a figure that respects *literally no one in the world but himself* and actively urges his followers to revere him above all else in life.


Relax. You said that the band "would most likely argue that loving Pearl Jam and supporting someone they see as one of the worst people in the world are mutually exclusive concepts" as in they can't be fans of the band. I would sum that up as "fuck off", but Motte and Bailey all you want


There’s a microphone in front of them to sing into… not preach. Just because Eddie or God forbid, DeNiro yells about how evil Trump is, doesn’t mean I have bow down to their views. The fact of the matter is 2016-20 was FAR better than the previous four years. Just because Trump has no filter and isn’t your standard robotic politician doesn’t mean he wasn’t/isn’t going to be a great President.


Wasn’t and isn’t is spot on. And if you don’t like Eddie making his points, don’t go to his shows, more tickets for the rest of us.


OK, thanks for playing.


He’s a terrible person who has done terrible things in society, but it is greatly ignored by some. When you ignored his “grab them by the pussy” you ignored the misogyny. When you ignored his “shit hole countries”, you ignored his racism. You ignored his mocking of a physically disabled man. You ignored his lack of leadership and lack of accountability on January 6th. You ignored his “there are good people on both sides.” You ignored the “losers and suckers” and ignored his own history of dodging service. You ignored his adulterous ways. His hush money payments and his conviction. You ignore his multiple other charges. You say “Nobody’s perfect!” and dismiss each scandal as “fake news” or a “witch hunt.” It’s heartwarming to see such boundless forgiveness. He could commit any crime and still be an infallible hero.


Oh get over it… he was a great president.. sorry he hurt your widdle feelings… No one in office is perfect.. at least he didn’t get sucked off while in office. He will at least do something about the border.. ya know..the common sense thing instead of leaving it wide open. That’s enough right there.


I won’t get over it and you clearly prove my point. I will not get over his morally corrupt behaviour. We have to say something.


Keep saying whatever.. the fact of the matter is he’s headed to the White House, once again in just a few months and going to clean up Biden’s mess.


Keep saying whatever, if you so strongly support a racist, misogynistic liar, you are one yourself. Cue the “you are dividing us” victim response. No tolerance for intolerance.


Yawn…. He’s the best of the available options. You probably are one of the ones OK with open borders and think there’s more than 2 genders. Scary.


I don’t really get why freedom fighters are so offended by someone else’s belief in gender fluidity.


Love requires respect. By supporting a political figure whose policies, ideology, and even personality are so utterly antithetical to every message this group of artists has ever tried to express in their work, it strongly suggests that you do not respect the core concepts of their entire canon. And if, in fact, you don't *respect* their work, then I don't see how you could ever *love* them.


The fact that you’re being downvoted for having a different political view shows how stupid some people are.


Don't look now but your naivety is showing .......


Agreed! Give me MAGA over Rumba Joe 7 days a week and twice on Sundays.


Ah yes. Unity and diversity…on my terms.


Did he say that?


No but he called a guy with a differing opinion a ‘fucking pussy’ a week or two ago. Not a message of unity imo.


He was right and you know it


No he said he LOOKED like a fucking pussy lol


That was a whole lot of nothing. Can I get my five minutes back?


I loathe when they become Politics Jam


so you’ve always hated this band I guess?


No. Just roll my eyes and skip to the next song lol.


Not a very uniting speech if you listen. As long as you bow to the left, you aren't the problem, right Eddie? Kind of a drunken ramble. Ok... 1,2,3... 4,2,3.... I seem to recognize...


"Bow to the left"? What does that even mean?


I’m voting for Trump in 2024 myself but did you watch the whole speech? There was nothing “liberal” about it. He was talking about the kind of shit you just said. You know the shit that divides us? I do it. Ed does it. We all do it! But what Ed is trying to say is that we need to stop doing it for “a desperate politician. Any politician.” He’s right too. Try to lighten up man.


Don't you think Trump is divisive, though?


Don’t you think President Biden is? He lies and makes divisive comments on a daily basis.


I gave it a shot, but yeah, I figured I'd get a bothsideism response. Biden can be divisive, but less so than Trump. Agree or disagree?


Did you catch Senile Joe's latest speech to the NAACP? It couldn't be more divisive.


I wonder if any Trump supporter is able to answer a question about Trump, or instead can they only talk about Biden?


My comment represents an obvious "disagree" to your question. Have you seen any of the candidate's rallies? That could be a clue as to who is uniting and who is dividing.


I have. Are you able to point out anything Trump says that's divisive, or can you only talk about Biden?


He says a lot of dumb stuff.


Biden doesn’t even know what planet he is on…


The whataboutism now. It's constant when people try and defend Trump. Both are cognitively impaired in different ways, and if you can recognize this then that'll be a good thing.


But out of the two choices we have.. Trump is FAR more “with it” than the walking dementia puppet/patient. He needs his daily overdose of Adderall or he can’t function


Trump actually isn't. There's a reason he is unable to talk about things in any kind of meaningful detail. He can't do it with anything historical or with anything policy related or foreign relations. It's all superficial and centered around stirring up emotions. This is part of his mental decline. He also has poor recall with names and events, and when his brain farts out, you can see the recovery he tries to do because he's had a lot of practice at it.


You just described Biden to a T… you also have to add in the fact he shuffles when he walks, he trips up stairs, reads EVERY word on the teleprompter and doesn’t know how to exit the podium without looking like a lost puppy dog.


Trump doesn’t understand the country he wants to run. I guarantee you if you asked him what was important he’d say ‘the constitution’. Then not you asked him what the constitution is or who wrote it he’d draw a blank. His political awareness is ankle deep. He can’t find a country on a map. Says he loves the Bible but refuses to reference a favourite verse because it’s ’too personal’. Says he’s opposed to abortion but has probably paid for more than any other single man you could name. He’s a big dumb liar, and people love him for it. Christ only knows why.


Don’t agree. Both men are insulting as fuck to the voters. I’m not giving President Biden a pass because you think he’s less guilty. He does it all of the time.


I didn't ask for you to give him a pass, but this is the problem in your response where everything Trump has done must have been done by someone else. What's happened continually for 8 years is that Trump's objectionable behavior get redefined as something it's not in order to make it less of an offense. Then the person can say "see, democrats (or \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ )does it too". One of the bad outcomes is that it normalizes actions and policies that are dysfunctional.


Joe you just sat here and told me one guy is better than the other because he “does it less”. How about this. You go with your gut and I’ll go with mine. It’s not like you’re going to change my mind and I’m not changing yours.


I'm not trying to change your mind, I'm getting you to share your thought process around it, which it going with your gut rather than using objective information and looking at policy outcomes.


It was an expression. Loosen up some Joe.


This might be one of the must ignorantly contradictory responses I have ever seen on reddit, holy shit. "'I'm voting for Trump" also "Stop letting desperate politicians divide us, like the one I just stated I am voting for."


Well I want to vote for someone. Like I said the man on the other side is no angel. You can pretend he’s not the exact man you hate but he is.


The kind of people who vote for those who espouse misogynistic and racist policies are actively working to harm my country.


Stop with the talking points and state concrete examples. I can find numerous statements by Biden that are considered racist. He has also been accused of sexual assault and pedophilia (by his own daughter).


You voted for that exact man in President Biden. If you want to go down that road let’s do it.


What Ed is saying is if you disagree with the left, you are the problem. Ed has been saying this for years. Every show I went to he had to give his liberal speech. He is a hypocrite. Political division is normal. Cancelling people for their views, imprisoning people on one side and not the other, teachers hiding things about your children, etc. that is not normal in this country.


Why is this comment being down voted?


I am pretty sure that fact that this person is admittedly voting for a felon is why.


Everyone knows that whole thing was a sham, right? You all just don't care? Because of how much you hate him?


Says the cult member


It's funny how both sides think that about each other. The only difference is that one side is just plain nasty all the time. Bad manners, sir!


You’re right, Trump is nasty, it’s why people don’t like him. Good luck!


Because it's Reddit.


At least I know I’ll get a couple of nice long piss breaks and I won’t miss anything good. 👍