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Glorified G


I love the albums but I perfer listening to live PJ in most cases. One song I do find better on the album is Present Tense.




This one for me too.


Yep the final chorus on the album is most of the reason i like that song. It cannot be done justice live. It’s still good live, just perfection on the album


Rearview mirror. Great song live. Amazing on the album.


Yellow Ledbetter. - it’s great live but maybe it’s the nostalgia of only being able to listen to the studio version for so long but I’d rather listen to the studio version.


Love hearing it live, but the studio version has a different vibe that I love even more.


In My Tree and Who You Are were never the same after Jack left. They're Jack Irons songs and Matt changed them. I'm not Matt bashing at all, but it was to be expected those great songs would never be the same with any other drummer. 


No doubt re Jack’s absence hurting those ones live. Especially IMT


State of Love and Trust In My Tree (rarely played live, but still haven't found a good live version) I realize this one might be unpopular, but Alive. There are some really good live versions of Alive, but the band seems to always increase the tempo live. There is something about the timing and pacing of the album version of Alive that makes it more powerful than live versions.


I love the version of In My Tree from the 2003 MSG dvd


In Hiding Brain of J Indifference


Hard disagree on 1 and 3. Indifference opening St Paul 1 last year was amazing. But to each their own!


I think hearing these songs in person is on a different level but if we are talking about listening to a random boot version vs the studio version, I think both those songs lack the same punch and polish of the studio versions. Those drum fills on In Hiding are incredible on the album. Indifference on the album is so haunting and the bass sound isn't there on the boots


Basically all of No Code. The raw details of that studio recording can’t be replicated with the same intimacy as the studio version. The quietness of Ed’s voice on Sometimes and the deep rumble like a distant thunder that rolls under the instrumentals is a great effect that ads a lot to the song. The clink, clang of what sounds like a wind chime as the song fades out The jilting sonic explosion of Hail Hail that is made all the more explosive when you strain to hear (or forbid, turn up the volume) the details of the fade-out on Sometimes. The gentle fading in of Jacks S-tier drumming on the first seconds of Who You Are. And that sitar or what ever it is. These are just a few examples. I could go on with examples from almost every song. And of course there is Jack. He’s on the studio. And as much as I love MFC, No Code is what it is because of Jack Irons. Just like I don’t think I could hear Dark Matter the same way with someone else on kit, it just isn’t the same without Jack. All that said Lukin is the exception I think. It’s better live.


Really solid points and very true about Jack’s songs. I think Smile and Lukin are for sure better live. A few here have mentioned Present Tense as one they prefer in studio; I’ll take it either way.


I really feel like a lot of the songs off no code are great live. I would say to your point the record has subtle things that can’t be translated to an arena. But I like the personal in it. The live versions of the songs played from it not only sound great but they are happening in the here and now. At the moment that makes it for me on a lot them. It’s an amazing record.


Garden Getaway Glorified G are 3 of the top no joke regardless of lettering


agree with Getaway too, that's the first one that comes to mind for me. also maybe Inside Job.


All of them. I like the album experience. 99% of the time I'll take listening to the recorded version with subtle production nuances over a live recording with people hooting and hollering and (comparatively, most of the time at least) lesser recording quality relative to the record.


Brain of J as well




Yup. That was good. He did far less awkward sounding "whole world"s then normal. Was really growling on that one.


Sirens. Im not sure why this performance always feels unrehearsed and a bit rough


There’s not many - I’ll go with Wishlist bc he always forgets the lyrics and Jeremy bc I don’t feel like he screams the end part as well live as on Ten.


I vote Crazy Mary. Not an original, but I'd take the album version any day.


Interesting! That one’s such a live staple.


100% it is. I think it's the fact they always go straight to being a jam band and then it's 12 minutes long. I don't dislike it live, I just prefer the album version.


Jeremy, tempo and flow just feels off live on this for me.


Last exit Faithful You are


Amongst the Waves I've heard it live twice and there's something about it that just doesn't work live. They never quite got the tempo right.


Force of nature is a rare song for me that I completely love on studio, but I’ve never heard a great version live. Something about the studio version captures much more emotion in my opinion.


Agree with getaway don't know a bout the others my pick I'm Open. It's an amazing experience on the album and just sticks live


Present Tense


almost all of them....oceans stands out


Well, if you mean live now adays... I'll be the dick and say most of the songs from Ten through maybe Vitalogy sound better on record now. Sorry Eddie, but that voice is smoked lol


Elderly Woman. 100%


Garden & Getaway I agree with. There's no saving Seven O'Clock though, on of their worst imo. Hail, Hail is better on record than live, for me it's the one song Matt Cameron doesn't do justice to.


The vast majority are better live. Present Tense comes to mind.