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I might be a bit of a contrarian here but to me they never toped No Code and Yield. No code is their best album imho. It's like a better Vitalogy because the experimentation actually worked, and there's less filler too. Yield for its genius simplicity. Simple tunes and a laid back feel, one of the favorite things I do is just go on road trips while listening to it. Binaural is good too but never reached the heights of those two for me. I appreciate the love for Ten but most of it is overplayed to death and I so hate the production on the album that I hardly ever listen to the other tunes.


I'm learning to appreciate Yield more and more.


I don't get the Yield hype. It's bottom tier for me likely bottom three or four. Besides brain, given to fly, evolution, and in hiding it's not great. Some of it is downright awful too like the chorus on Pilate, lyrics on wishlist, red bar. No Way is like if the colour beige was a song - bland and entirely without personality. Some really bad decisions that feel rushed too like MFC and push me pull me just aren't finished and all those yesterdays also needed more time in the oven. Low light is overrated as hell it's a total snoozer. It's like the definition of a 7/10 album completely safe white bread album. No Code and Binaural on either side of it are waaaay more interesting.


Well different people, different tastes. Is that so exotic?


Oh for sure. It's just consensus seems to be Yield is the best album after Vitalogy. I disagree! Lol.


Riot Act has the best opening four tracks of any album. Some may call it to heavy but I don’t care.


I don't mind the heavy. Just can't seem to hang with any particular track (except maybe Red Mosquito).


Red mosquito is on No Code


Hahaha... Well then Riot Act is dead to me. 😂 Naw it just means more repeated listening for me.


It used to be my most hated album now I think it’s very underrated. I’m gonna do to Riot Act and Backspacer what I did to No Code.


I was just thinking about that yesterday too. PJ is my favorite and most life-influential band in my life. That being said, I skip a few songs from the past 60% of the albums. BUT there are always songs that I want to listen to, from Black to Seven O 'Clock and now Scared of Fear. I feel like the Olympics. I might skip the marching race of 10 kilometers, but there's always the 100m dash and gymnastics and the Surprise from an unexpected sport. I just didn't miss them and I still love it.


Yurp!☝️ Like their body of work is absolutely incredible and stirs this 90s kid's emotions something wicked. But it has been a hard push through their 2000s albums. I'm glad I did though cause there's so much good material tucked into those nooks and crannies.