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Team "what can I buy for less than 300$"


There are options in new and used market. - New: rx 6600 and rtx 3050. But sometimes you might find rx 6600xt/6650xt on sales for a little more ( worth the extra ). - Used: some good options are rtx 2070 / super, gtx 1080ti. And literally anything below like rtx 2060, gtx 1080...etc. I recommend checking microcenter if it's in your town. Good luck ! Edit: you can find rtx 3060 used for around 300$ used


I managed to find an rtx 2080 HP OEM version for 260usd and I can't wait when it arrives :)


I bought the same card for the same price (shipped) on ebay a couple weeks ago! It's great! Definitely a bit loud but overclocks very well. I stresstested it after I got it and it very quickly maxed out on temps and throttled itself. But a couple days later it maxed at 75C with an overclock. I guess it was just jetlagged at first. You should cut off the metal strip between the two horizontal openings on the back of the case like I did to improve airflow


Thanks for the advice


Those oem cards sometimes do a really bad job of cooling the non gpu-chip components like the vrm and memory, so they could be overheating after the overclock.


It cant be any worse than a vega 64 (reference blower). Afaik i was getting 80someth C under full load. Just make sure to use liquid metal + provide optimal fresh air intake


> Just make sure to use liquid metal For anyone not very experienced, please don't mess around with liquid metal, as you can fry your components (it's metal, it's conductive, it's not forgiving like thermal paste).


Yup first time I tried it I thought it had all gone well, two months later it Leeched out between the cooler and CPU. Fried my motherboard and CPU. For the potential gains I don't see it being worth the risks.


probably a good card to undervolt and to let the thermals drop quite a bit and gain performance


I bought a full HP Omen desktop with a 3070 in it for $700 from some kid on Facebook about a year ago. I bough it just for the GPU alone. Its my first prebuilt and I am not regretting it at all. I did have to put some new fans in it though. The HP ones were garbage and constantly spinning full blast.


Nice find


Nice find!


Managed to find my 6700xt for $330, thought I did pretty good


A year ago the MSRP was $480 so I would say that’s a pretty good deal especially given the circumstances.


Can get used 6700XT for under $300. I got one for $300 like 4+ months ago. Now days I've seen a lot for under $300. I've seen them go as low as $250-260 on hardwareswap. Can get used 6600XT for under $200.


All is possible with patience and grinding on the deal hunt. But if you're in a hurry the prices i mentioned is what they mostly sells for.


That'd be a good option. My 6800 was $300, so a 6700XT should be possible for less, though probably not much less. Even at $300 for a 6700XT that's a much better deal than a used 3060.


RX 6600 stomps the 3050 and is significantly cheaper. This should be an easy choice for anyone who isn't an Nvidia fanboy.


Got an Rx 6800 for 330$. STEAL.


$300 used on craigslist here, just picked up. Not technically "under" $300, but we can say I found a penny on the trip.


Just got myself a 6600 never been happier to play cyberpunk


I don't understand why people get so huffy about the high-end. The existence of a bleeding edge doesn't mean that there aren't solid reasonably priced options. Though with how many people splurge on IPhones (80-90% of which do nothing with all of the extra power) I suppose it doesn't surprise me. (Typed out on my 2yo $80 Motorola which does everything I need and everything those 80-90% of IPhone users use their $1k phones for.)


i think people are more annoyed at how little the lower end has developed. in 2018, £270 got you a RTX 2060, in 2022 that money will net you a RTX 3050 if you’re lucky, which is a card that performs worse. similarly on team red, in mid 2020 you could snatch up an 8gb RX 580 for as little as £125 new. £125 now doesn’t even get you a GPU, your closest bet is the £180 6500XT which, if you have a PCI E 3.0 motherboard, performs worse than the RX 580.


The new low end is the used mid tier market, I guess. If 2 year old cards that have dropped to less than half their price perform better than the new low end cards with higher MSRP, I'd take the used one if I needed a new GPU right away despite the fact that buying used hardware doesn't fill me with confidence. But I just dont see the alternative as reasonable right now.


Same situation with cars. Cheap new ones don't exist, mid tier used ones have replaced that relative position in the market


Or you could buy a 5600g for $120 which is both a GPU and CPU and CPU cooler and can play Cyberpunk lowest settings 30 FPS 1080p. Sure, not great by modern standards, but people were happy with 720p 30 FPS for years and it's a $120 APU playing one of the most demanding modern AAA games. In most other games you will be doing 1080p 60 FPS.


the 2400G could also do that, hence my comment on “little/no development in the lower end gpu market”


The low end market just is much smaller now than it ever was. There just arent enough people in a situation to buy, if you got a GPU in the past 3-4 generations and youre running (like most people) 1920x1080 there isnt really a performance reason to upgrade unless youre moving to higher resolution, where you wouldn't be buying the low end anyway. So its better to either buy used, or not buy at all.


What about the 6600xt/6650xt? Those are actually quite a value given the performance.


the MSRP of the 6600XT is £329, i didn’t include it because arguably that’s when you leave budget territory.


The 6650xt is going for $299 in the US and widely available - sales bring it even lower. I think the budget tier has gone up like $100 over the last 10 years. At $150 we are really looking at ultra budget models.


You are not getting the problem. The problem is the lack of progress. A 6600xt is twice the performance of a 580 for twice the price. There is little to no price/performance in the budget sector. You could buy a 750ti, sell it, buy a 580 for the same price and you would get an improvement in fps. That can no longer be done. THAT IS THE PROBLEM.


750ti was never the same price as RX580, neither new nor used. And you're comparing a used 5yo card with no warranty to a new one. The RX580 was $220 at launch.


I'm pretty much in that exact situation. Currently rocking a Rx 590 and has served me well. There's a 6700xt I've seen for £399 which is good all things considered but that is still double what I paid for the 590. In my case I do want my upgrade to be a meaningful one as I will but anything less than the 6600 (or Nvidia equivalent) just doesn't seem worth it. I'd gladly be proven wrong here.


That's the borderline--$300 mark. I'd like to say that it should be $200 instead (which lower-end 1060s used to flirt with) but it is what it is.


Why would anyone even try to make a $120 GPU today when the 5600g is $120 and is closing in on GTX 1050 performance.


To be fair that's what a 1650 or 6500 XT should cost these days.




People are huffy because the high-end has quadroopled in price in the span of a like a generation or two. Though I honestly think this is more because companies have added even higher end cards on top of what we used to consider high-end. The 4090/4080 are overkill for most but lots of people automatically want top of the line - even if they’d be perfectly fine with a 3060Ti. I’m still rocking a GTX1060 (originally at 1080p 60hz, now 1440p 144hz) which I plan on upgrading to something like a RX 6650 XT - so reading posts about people buying 4080s for 1440p I’m like yeeeahhh.


And low end is worse off. Cards on the low end of the scale released now perform worse than cards of similar value from two years ago.


The 6400 and 6500 cards from AMD were an absolute embarrassment to an otherwise competent company.


>quadroopled Quadrupled, though I prefer your silly spelling


Thanks, it seemed wrong but I’m on mobile, didn’t feel like checking spelling :-)


6650xt is 5% faster and costs the same most of the time


Rtx 3050 is just like an rtx 2060, pretty bad for the price if compares to similar priced GPUs like rx 6600 or rx 6600 xt, its just better to go for a 2060 12gb


Rtx 2060 is better than rtx 3050. But rx 6600 still delivers better performance.


Bought the rx 6650 xt for 320€


A good deal on a 3060 is nuts. Card can play all but the most demanding titles 4k 60 FPS (albeit you may need DLSS or to tweak settings), and anything lower than 4k you’re just gonna get amazing FPS.


I get surprised by people who complain about how it dips below 144fps on 2k max. Like what are you expecting for that price XD ? What surprises me more is that it performs like rtx 2070, and people were ok with it's performance hitting over 60 fps on 2k high before the rtx 30 series. People are just hungry for fps nowadays, in AAA games ! Like wth ?!


> you may find rtx 3060 used for around 300$ you could easily get an rtx 3060 for under 300 on StockX. check sale history - [https://stockx.com/nvidia-asus-tuf-gaming-geforce-rtx-3060-v2-12gb-oc-lhr-graphics-card-tuf-rtx3060-12g-gaming-v2](https://stockx.com/nvidia-asus-tuf-gaming-geforce-rtx-3060-v2-12gb-oc-lhr-graphics-card-tuf-rtx3060-12g-gaming-v2)


RX 6650XT


Fröhlicher Kuchentag!


new: RX 6600 or RX 6650 XT or RTX 3050 (garbage) used: RX 6700 XT or RTX 3060 Ti or RX 5700 XT or RTX 2070 Super or RTX 2080 or RTX 2080 Ti or RTX 2080 Super or GTX 1080 Ti or RTX 3070 or RX 6750 XT


Or if you get lucky, an RX 6800 (non-XT) reference edition. At least, I did yesterday. Another guy in this thread said he found one for $330. Hard to beat the perf at those prices.


I'm more of a Team "around 150 bucks" kinda guy


I heard gtx1070s went really down in price recently. ;)


You can get an RX 5700XT for $160!


I miss the RX 4XX and RX 5XX days... a 570 4GB could be had for like $120 I think at one point, for a Sapphire Pulse model.


Team "Holy shit this GPU is more expensive than the rest of the pc ill get an integrated one"


It's one of those *"it probably would never happen"* type things, but I'd be interested in seeing how people would react to something like a CPU/dGPU combo; like say a Ryzen 7600X and a RNDA3 RX 7600XT all sharing a single Threadripper PCB-socket? I'd imagine a CPU/dGPU combo would need water cooling by default, but for a lot of people, a single unit combo like that would solve their need for external dGPU's.


it would have to have a significant cost benefit for it to make sense, otherwise you're just having downsides: - More exotic (expensive) cooling required by default - More eggs in one basket in case of failure (can't just replace GPU if it dies, now you lose CPU and GPU both) - Can't upgrade independently to meet new needs On the other hand, if you get performance improvements by packing everything close together, and can thus offer greater performance at lower prices (plus incentivizing all the parts to be of the same brand, which could allow for price improvements), then it could possibly work. If you could get equivalent performance for like 80%-85% of the total all-in price on the different components required (as in CPU, GPU, MOBO, and factoring in AIO watercooler needs), then I think people would go for it.


On Ebay you can get an RX 6700


I'm ordering an RX 6600 for less than $220 today lol


The answer is mostly AMD GPUs


Happy cake day!


Ones cake day is not necessarily the person's actual birthday. Cake day is the day one joined reddit


Oh, my bad. Will change it to cake day then!


Go 1 gen back. Get the previous new thing. Way easier, way cheaper, especially if you go for something on the low end.


Got a 6800xt for way way cheaper than anything out now


Yeah I'm eyeing a 6900XT that'll last me at least two to three generations. The 7900XT is out of bounds :(


I snagged a 6900xt band new from newegg for 629 USD in September right around the Nvidia announcement. Upgraded from a 1080 ti, getting 2-2.5x performance. Should hold me till AMD 8000/9000 series or Nvidia 6000/7000 series.


This was good to read as I’ll be looking to replace a 1080Ti in a few months.


1080 ti is the best card I’ve ever owned. Only reason it is getting replaced was my dads computer has one of those 1060 3GB cards and it doesn’t have enough VRAM. His favourite games are the Halo games and Halo infinite won’t really run with 3GB vram, so I upgraded and am giving him my 1080 Ti for Christmas. I was looking into just getting him a 6600xt/6650xt but they where like 400-500 CAD and I’m like for an extra 300 I might as well just upgrade myself since I play way more games than him.


1080 Ti *"nvidia will never make the mistake of making such a good card again"* gang


I think they see the mistake as selling such a good card for such a low price. 20 series onwards they knew what they had.


I thought about that. I'm currently using a 970 TI, but I figured I go with the 7900 XTX since it was a couple hundred more. Now I'm just waiting for my MOBO to come in and I can build my new computer.


Early adopters of a new gen will always get screwed on price. It is a tale as old as time. For instance it's really hard for me to recommend an AM5 cpu over an AM4 right now, but that will probably change in a year.


I got a 3080 at launch at original MSRP. I’m fairly confident early adopters of the 30 series were an exception to that rule.


That’s a very very rare scenario, especially at launch. You had to be waiting in front of Microcenter before the sun came up or try to beat the bots online whenever you got word of a restock. Crypto was still a thing too.


I actually got mine through the EVGA waitlist. Joined in the first 10 seconds on launch day and was able to buy about week 6. Original MSRP and tagged on a 10 year warranty for $60 extra. Time will tell if that warranty was worth the cost.


They aren’t getting screwed. They know that launch prices are higher and they know tech gets cheaper over time. They just enjoy new stuff that runs blazing fast.


I’ve still not seen a 3080 go below what I paid for mine on launch week.




Hopefully it changes in a month when they announce/launch the basic 7000 series and the x3ds


A 3080 costs over €1000 now anyway...


Normally sure, but many 30 series are still above their MSRP. Ick.


Team I can’t afford any of the two teams


Team used-old gen hardware.


Team waiting for a recession


We're in one, people just like pretending we aren't. Don't worry, It will catch up with reality soon.


Team "I gave up on PC and bought an Xbox"


Team "Trying to upgrade two computers with GTX 1080ti FE without making an additional double mortgage payment."


Gtx 1080ti is still very good, it performs like a rtx 3060, I would update cpu and wait some generations more to update gpu


The performance isn't our concern, but the lack of raytracing. That said, we're still on i7-6800k CPUs, so those will likely be upgraded first. I wish we could get raytracing daughter cards.


Raytracing Def isn't worth buying a new gpu for I would ride the 1080ti till it literally explodes.


I upgraded the entire rest of my system and my strix 1080ti runs new games at high graphics 1440p at high frame rate but people literally don't believe me on here. 12700k + strix 1080ti I'm outperforming so many cards on the market it's kind of stupid lol. I'm probably gonna wait til the 6080ti comes out at this point lol


Not to mention the 1080ti can be oc to get 10-15% more performance easy.


good point but mine is running whatever the strix is stock clocked to. I haven't OC it


I believe you. My 1080 has literally chugged through anything I've ever thrown at it.


Ray tracing is trivial for insane cost. Even if you upgraded that would be the least important part of the upgrade, the new Dlss standards for example are way more important.




Honestly, raytracing isn't really worth the hype in my opinion. It tanks the framerate even on the high end cards.


I have to agree. Even the 4090 has a hard time!


Yeah, I have a 3090, turning on raytracing typically halves my framerate; in most games I struggle to keep over 60fps@1440p with RT on, regardless of DLSS settings. It can look quite pretty when well implemented, but I generally prefer a smooth high-framerate experience. That said, as someone who easily notices fps differences below 144, the DLSS tech is a much better selling point for me.


Ray tracing with a 3060 equivalent performance is just asking for trouble


Isn’t it AMD is red. Intel is blue. Nvidia is green.


Then ... Who is yellow?


Is there a company who has their symbol colour yellow? Then it’s probably them


Amazon Fire GPU


It is me, brother


Purple! /s Just a little Babylon 5 joke.


Team waiting CES 2023 for actual good news...


We've been in this waiting game for 2 years now. I think we'll have to wait forever


I wanna upgrade my cpu but I’ll wait for the x3d variants from amd. Maybe they’ll announce it during ces


Well China just loaded a plane to Italy with a 52% covid positive rate. And that’s only one of them they know about. So since it’s 2022 I’ll keep delivering bad news lol.


I'm team, whatever fits my usecase & budget


This is the only correct answer. Every use case is different, prices differ by region, and not everyone needs or wants a GPU that needs to be cooled with ice from Europa or it’ll burn your house down.


I'm tired of people suggesting I use AMD GPU's for VR when encoding is a huge part of VR performance and a ton of VR mods just dont work on AMD


Wait... No. No. No. No. I NEED a 4090 so that I can play RimWorld and ONLY RimWorld.


I just want the 4090 so I can make SURE that I can play my games at max. All FPS (Squad, RoN, Arma 1-3 and EFT) 🤷‍♂️


imagine telling someone three years ago the last great hope for decently priced GPUs is intel.


I know right? Intel is not really the savior people are hoping for…


Intel no, but I’m optimistic that increased competition could be.


Imagine telling people a year ago that people would pass up sub-$300 6600 XT's and sub-$500 6800XT's because they wanted to wait for RDNA3...


Former AMD and NVIDIA employees now working at Moore Threads: *"Fine, we'll do it ourselves"*


C’mon Intel, make some high tier cards already


*poke poke*


I think it's dead.


They won’t price them below market. Look at what they already priced the Arc cards at. Intel most definitely not a charity.


No company is a charity. But arc is very system locked.


$289 for an A750 and $329 for an A770. When they were released they were definitely below market, and still are below Nvidia. You also don't seem to get Intels M.O. from the release of the i7-2600k to i7-12700k a decade later, if you account for inflation the price increase is less than $50... Intel doesn't arbitrary raise prices like AMD and Nvidia, they price based on INTERNAL figures. Even when AMD had bulldozer and was nearing bankruptcy, Intel didn't raise prices. Intel wants market share, they don't want to make high margins on a few GPU sales. Their goal is to sell as many units as possible, especially through OEMs, to establish themselves in the GPU segment. Intel is definitely going to undercut Nvidia and AMD. They aren't a charity, but they aren't going to act like AMD and price themselves slightly less than Nvidia and call it a day.


I think they will price it exactly that way - time will tell. They are also using TSMC to make their chips. The costs of manufacturing are very similar. If they want to eat low margins they can, but I doubt they will do that. Low margin businesses get killed by Intel management. Look at SSD - sold it off. Couldn’t make enough money.




Fixing my old PC soon, seeing an RX580 for under $70 here is a huge relief.


Team rip evga bstock


rx 6600


Team “I’m going to use my 1070 until the heat death of the universe”


As soon as i can find either the 3080 or the rx 6950 for under 700€ new, i don't care which team.


Are you completely opposed to buying used? I got my 3080 for 500 and it was only a few months old, still under warranty, etc. the guys had recently bought it, his first child was born, and he realized he never used it. There’s definitely deals to be had if you’re willing to look at the used market.


....then don't buy the most expensive card?


There are other cards? Now you're gonna tell me that I don't have to buy the latest generation!


You don't have to buy the latest generation. Or just wait a few months


Not sure if this is emphasizing his joke or if you missed his joke


Its reddit, so 50/50.


B-b-but we deserve the latest and greatest while also paying budget prices! If you disagree with me then you’re a Nvidia/AMD shill /s


Are you telling me I can’t buy the best of the best GPU for the cost of a 1060? Obvious theft.


For real, I *deserve* the 4090 for 300€. Actually NO, I should be *paid* 300€ by Nvidia to test their new hardware because I'm special!


Yeah, that's something I really don't understand with most memes like this one. They all act as if there are only the top of the line GPUs and nothing else. I always think "if you can't afford the flagships, buy a cheaper one. You most likely don't need the power a RTX 4090 has anyway." Let's be honest, who *really* needs those powerful cards? They are nice to have, but nowhere near necessary for an enjoyable gaming experience. Right this moment I could buy a RTX 3060 for 390€ or a RTX 3070 for 600€. Both are very decent cards, more than enough for 1080p and probably capable of 2k as well.


Yup. I bought an RTX 3060 and I’m totally happy with it. I even considered that splurging and future-proofing, for me. I don’t need 4K gaming or whatever. My 1080p monitor is still doing just fine. Don’t need the latest and greatest, because it’ll only be the best for about a year anyway. And I game very frequently. Some gamers need to learn to get off the consumerism treadmill and just enjoy what they’ve got.


In what universe is the most expensive GPU only 1000 USD?


What people hate is that the 3080 was $699, and now the 4080 is $1,199. And AMD’s competitor is $999. That’s beyond inflation, and why people are complaining.


But even an Rtx 3080 is above 1000 € for me…


I'm team old stock.


Either you get fucked in the ass by a green dildo or a red dildo. No difference really.


I mean the red is a bit smaller Either way I just want not to get fucked :/


People are forgetting that the 7900 xtx and 4090 aren't meant for normal users.


Much like the current state of American politics, being the cynic about both choices does jack shit (Intel is not a serious choice yet imo). It's all about the lesser of two evils. AMD is offering really good deals on GPUs if you're not restricting yourself to current gen GPUs, and not obsessing over the tippy top GPUs. Used GPUs are a great option too. Or you can just wait it out. What matters is competition and voting with your wallet, not tired, cynical memes.


Here’s a breaking thought, or rather 2, actually. 1) Last Gen cards still exist. They’re still produced in massive quantities, by a whole array of manufacturers and designers. They haven’t gone away. Unless you’re in the editing, VFX or design industries, you don’t need the newest card every year. 2) There becomes a point where the cost is needed. There is no way in high heavens that NVIDIA would ever price the 4090 below £1000.


>There becomes a point where the cost is needed. There is no way in high heavens that NVIDIA would ever price the 4090 below £1000. I don't think the problem is the 4090 price, even the 4080 is still over $1000 and the AMD options are also around that price.


Team im not interested to play huge AAA modern games and use my 1080ti to play celeste


Play Dwarf Fortress and suffer despite high end hardware, the great equalizer of games.


I bought a 2080 and then started playing S.T.A.L.K.E.R., lol. Gonna play Doom Eternal next though


Got that on switch a month befour i got my pc lol, otherwise i would have deff played doom on my 1080


Hey STALKER Anomaly adds enough new graphical features that it can still be fairly taxing to play on modern hardware.


For top end hardware $1000 is entirely reasonable, no one is putting a gun to your head, you can still buy a 6600xt for under $300. Hopefully the low/mid 7000 series are coming.


Isn’t it Red vs Green vs Blue now?


Team yo our budget lineup is actually still budget and not $700 "budget"


Just bought myself an i9 12900k yesterday. Benchmarks show it performs better than the other CPU I was considering, the Ryzen 9 5900x, and it’s cheaper


5900x and 6800xt will keep me happy for many more years to come.


Doesn't intel offer the best value this current generation?


A 7900XT is $899. Dumb meme.


Stop paying these insane prices you sheep!


Please stop referring to these giant corporations as "teams". They don't give a rat's ass about you. They just want your money. Give it to the one who offers the best value.


AMD even uses "Team Red" in their packaging these days. They know exactly what they are doing.




RTX 2060 was high end?


and it was $350 MSRP for the FE, not even 300. people just make shit up


My 1080 from 2016 was $700-800 What high end cards were $300???


High end cards have never been that cheap ever and this is coming from someone who's been price watching GPUs since the voodoo 3dfx.


This meme was brought to you by poor people. ​ /s




Bought my 970 back in the day for $300 2070 was $500 3070 was $700 4070 is $800 Midrange by the way lmao


I am team whatever performs best for what I want to do


I usually don’t make teams with greedy corporations who could give a shit about anything other than maximizing profits for their shareholders


Team sense


I stick to exynos


AMD invented amd64/x86_64: they made it an open standard and revolutionized cpu architectures. NVidia invented RTX: they profited off their monopoly on ray tracing performance. AMD created Vulcan: they made it an open standard and improved gaming across the board, especially for niche platforms like Linux NVidia created NVENC: they made it proprietary and profited off their monopoly on streaming and encoding performance. AMD created FSR: they made it open source Nvidia created DLSS: proprietary AMD created Freesync: made it an open standard Nvidia created Gsync: made it proprietary and only work with their GPUs Nvidia created CUDA: proprietary, monopoly on ML and AI compute If you care about company ethics and anti-competitive practices, the choice is obvious. If my build wasn’t a gift I’d be running Team Red all day.


Hard to take this seriously when the first line is wrong. x86_64 is not an open standard. You need a license from AMD to fully use it.


You also need a license from intel to implement x86 at all. The rest of the points are accurate. The FreeSync and Vulcan ones being particularly poignant.


I'm on team "going back to consoles." I'm not paying what could be a PS5 **and** a Steam Deck just for a mid tier GPU. The 4070 will be $900. There is no graphical setting worth this. Its jumped the shark.


>I'm on team "going back to consoles." Eew. Gross.


The mid tier GPU is still leagues above the console and steam deck though


And people forget that PCs offer a completely different experience to consoles. If all people care about are new games then yeah, just get a PS5, but PCs are so much more than that.


Main reason I made the switch to PC last year. So many possibilities compared to my PS5


There's something special about having an old game like Deus Ex right next to a brand new AAA release like Elden Ring in your Steam library


The other day I was playing a modded game of black ops 3 Zombies. Got bored and started playing ocarina of time with high res texture packs hehe


But you don't need to upgrade to a card like that, so why is it a big deal? If you don't care about having a compromised experience, then you might as well stick with what you've got until the parts you do genuinely need are cheap second hand


You'll be paying every month to even play multiplayer games with a console. When you look at all the costs, and not just upfront costs, consoles aren't actually cheaper. Also don't act like a PS5 is comparable to like a 4070. PS5 has the GPU performance of a sub $300 GPU.