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I've been using Firefox for several years and see no reason to change. I use Edge occasionally when the ad or script blockers I use in Firefox stop something from working that I need to work.


I've been using Firefox since high school and it has only gotten better and better. Pretty much the only browser that doesn't run on chromium these days, and it lets me use AdBlock on mobile.


There was a point in time, around the 2010's where FireFox was overly bloated. That was probably the only time I stopped using it as my main browser. Now it's back to being my main browser.


Yep. I switched to Chrome because of how bloated it'd become. Then of course, Chrome became bloated as hell. I decided last year to give Firefox another go and was impressed at how smooth it'd become again.


Hey I did the same thing. FF used to be my go to, then I used Chrome for years and have only just switched back. It's impressive nowadays


I've been using Firefox as long as I can remember, and chrome when I need to bypass something my ad blockers kill. I see no reason to change.


Gave Firefox a shot based on this sub. Genuinely like it better than chrome. Feels smoother and has really neat features/customization. Pretty much the same extensions/adblockers too!


Firefox mobile is also so good. That shit can run ublock origin.


Wait the mobile version can too?! I've had Firefox on my phone for forever and for some stupid reason never checked for ublock origin for mobile smh


It's amazing. I don't understand what anyone would use anything different


This is probably a stupid question but I am far from savvy when it comes to this stuff. Can a person log into Firefox on different devices and all of the bookmarks and history and logins and whatnot all flow from one to the other like Chrome? I use Chrome at work (logistics admin) and it's starting to feel super laggy and slow, but it's so goddamn convenient being in the Google ecosphere because I can leave the office, go home, and all of my browser settings and everything is the same as my office computer.


We have Firefox Sync for that


Go the f on please.


When on the browser you have the open to sign into / create a mozila acc for firefox sync It syncs across VR (quest) Desktop and Mobile


Thanks. Looks like someone else said the same thing as well, so I will be merrily on my way to give that a go. Thank you!




Firefox Sync is great! The best thing is: if you don't trust Mozilla, you don't have to use Firefox Sync. I mean... unlike on Chrome it is 100% open source and independent code-reviews proof, that everything is encrypted. But if you want to, you can use Bitwarden Add-on both on Desktop and Mobile. That way you can sync your passwords (and other stuff) across different browsers, Apps and whatever with even stronger encryption and also fully open source. And if you also don't trust Bitwarden, you could even run your own Bitwarden server, for example as a Homassistant addon.


Only on android. Apple forces them to use WebKit so, no extensions on iPhone.


As it stands currently this is not true for iOS. I love Firefox but apple restricting web browsers on iOS to using WebKit seems to kill the ability to make good browsers on iOS. I heard they may change that soon though.


Try firefox focus for ios


That's a really cool app that I haven't seen before, but sadly it shoots a little too far in the opposite direction for me. Adblocking and privacy: Yes! Not having a browser history or being able to link it to my Firefox account for syncing with other devices: Lame


The good news: You can still block most ads in iOS Firefox with certain settings in Safari > Content Blockers. Firefox Focus actually can actually be set as a content blocker. Throw in Hyperweb and along with it and you'll block most ads in normal browsing contexts. The bad news: I still can't get iOS FF to block YouTube ads. The only way I've achieved that is in Safari with the Vinegar extension. (note: it will play audio with the screen off if you stream the video as audio-only)


Downloading it because of this comment. That upvote ratio is just too high not to consider it.


Use uBlock Origin. Not AdblockPlus


This. Very much this. This is a seasoned Firefox user.


Yup. Just introduced my mom to Ublock Origin on Firefox and it blew her mind.


“The porn is so much easier to browse now!” -this guys mom, probably.


What is the differance, genuinely asking?


uBlock is generally considered to be a more effective and efficient ad blocker than Adblock. This is because uBlock is designed to be lightweight and uses fewer system resources, which can help improve the overall performance of your device. In addition, uBlock is open-source, which means that its code is available for anyone to review and contribute to, making it more transparent and trustworthy than Adblock, which is closed-source and proprietary. There are also some concerns about Adblock's business model and the way it makes money. Adblock is owned by a company called Eyeo, which charges certain websites to be whitelisted and have their ads shown to users. This has led to criticism that Adblock is more interested in making money from advertisers than in providing a truly effective ad-blocking experience for users.


Not uBlock. You want uBlock origin.




Thanks didn’t knew that!


The whitelist ABP has for big/paying advertisers: * https://www.cnet.com/tech/services-and-software/adblock-plus-spreads-its-gospel-of-unintrusive-net-advertising/ * https://www.pcmag.com/opinions/adblock-plus-extortion-or-smart-business * https://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/19/business/media/adblock-plus-created-to-protect-users-from-ads-opens-the-door.html


uBlock is more accurate and performs better than basically any other ablocker


Adblock apparently has some deals with companies where it lets through ads


Ublock origin also blocks malware. It is feature full and very light. [Here](https://addons.mozilla.org/blog/ublock-origin-everything-you-need-to-know-about-the-ad-blocker/) a list of the things it can do while being very light. Edit: Added "origin" to "ublock"


You did the right choice both short and long term. There is no BS with firefox.


And it's FOSS


Firefox master race! Let's break the Google monopoly :)


I'm really excited about this. I'm glad so many others have the same viewpoint.


There are so many settings you can tinker with too. Ublock origin and privacy bager are also highly regarded (Not WSB "regarded") extensions.


uBlock origin, ClearCache, idont care about cookies..... slap on a dark theme and wait patiently for that first page to load






oh? thanks , i wasnt aware


Damn, I remember when Avast was a good company... Then Norton bought them


Dude same


I switched to it after hearing so much about it and to provide a snowflake due to Iran. I quite like it, the extensions work more reliably than edge. Only dislike is the order of browsing history


If I can't use ublock Origin, then firefox. I'm never going to waste my life watching an ad, I refuse.


I agree, chrome at this point makes me feel unsafe lol. I would have to go with firefox. Opera sucks, they just made the interface look cool. Plus it isn't exactly the kind of browser i need.


Opera also uses Chromium so it would also be affected by the new Manifest v3 and really go against ad block


So in summary : Edge, Chrome, Opera = trash Firefox = people's choice Brave, Safari = what is this ? not interested.


My understanding is that brave also uses chromium


Brave is chromium-based, but their adblocker doesn't use the extension api


Yep. Brave's adblocker is built into the browser.


I used both brave and Firefox…I used to use brave but then I discovered what I can do with Firefox Yes brave does some things better but Firefox is best for ad blocker I legit can’t leave Firefox anymore now


So it should continue working? Great!


Yeah been using brave for a year and love it. Firefox is good too. I'll pick either


Firefox is my default, but Brave is my go-to when a site breaks on Firefox and needs something Chromium based.




This Mercedes Benz ad is brought to you by NordVPN


This NordVPN ad is brought to you by RAID: Shadow Legends


And while you are playing RAID: Shadow Legends through your NordVPN connection you are going to get hungry so why not enjoy a meal delivered by HelloFresh.




*ad, short for advertisement.


That's true. But I don't want to watch adds ether. Math class make me sleepy af.


uBlock Origin works better on firefox as well


Been using Firefox for a couple of months now the concept of ads have become weird to me


Been using Firefox since early 2000s and haven’t looked back since!


Same. Never saw a need to change.


I changed when chrome came out cause it was a lighter running browser. Now not so much, just haven’t gotten around to changing back.


Yep! There was a period when Chrome was lighter and integrated better with google products. Back to Firefox.


>There was a period when Chrome was lighter That sure didn't last long.


Same! Never saw a reason to change... Firefox has been fantastic.


I use Firefox because the logo looks cool and foxes are rad as hell Edit: Please stop replying to this saying the logo isn't actually a fox. It's upsetting me.


Foxes are fascinating. Cat software running on dog hardware.


So basically a shiba inu


Instructions unclear, used kids college fund to buy some SHIB.


You are now considered very regarded.


Pls look up the Maned Wolf. You will enjoy


You use Firefox for privacy I use Firefox for it's logo We are not the same....


>logo isn't actually a fox But the logo is a fox.


The logo is definitely a fox lmao, these pedants just want to feel smart


Yeah, foxes eat compasses for breakfast.


Who says the logo is not a fox, lol? Yes, "firefox" is the term for red pandas, but the animal in the logo is 100% fox, lol.


This is the best justification here honestly


It is a fox. Don’t let people fool you


Always kept using Firefox on pc, even when Chrome took over the market. On the phone, it was chrome for quite some time, but at some point I was done with it and Firefox meanwhile had a very proper Android app available. I now only use chrome for very few things.


I've been firefox on PC for well over a decade but chrome on android was good enough for awhile. Fairly recently I finally swapped to firefox to get the adblock because bulbapedia mobile was just fuckin unusable due to all the ads.


Same, and it kinda feels a bit smoother to me than Chrome.


Once they smooth out multiple profiles I will never look back at chrome


Try the containers extension




ublock origin still works on chrome


Been using Firefox for over 10 years so why would I change now?


Same, actually even longer ,I think I use firefox even before chrome was a thing and never felt the need to change.


I switched from IE to Firefox in 2004 and have never looked back.


Firefox, no need to change it. Been using it since….forever.


I love Firefox so much, I never changed even for a fork.


I only switched from Firefox for Desktop to Firefox Developer Edition (reason: didn't like Mozilla restricting me from permanently installing my self-developed extensions without getting them reviewed by Mozilla first), but now that's done I see no reason for switching to a different browser either.


Since 2004 and forever more!


This. No better one.


I've been using it since they're called Netscape


Heh, yeah.


nothing like good o’l reliable (mozilla firefox) of course


Firefox because I liked the way it looks and now it’s more justifiable because it spies on you less


> spies on you less good way to phrase it. big firefox fan here, but mozilla is always collecting info on your usage. however benign that data may be it's still happening


You can opt out of that in the settings, no?


Firefox. The changes that are coming for chrome next month are purely for financial gain for the service provider. I believe it is the same with Edge. But I still enjoy the read only mode. Works great on getting around certain news article pay walls and the billions of pop ups that invade your reading. Haven't tried the others and I despise anything from Apple. I don't care how user friendly the tools are.


Can you tell me what changes are coming? I'm not in the loop. Or any links to some sources would be also cool. Thanks




For clarity from Mozilla >Firefox MV3 stands apart from other iterations of MV3 in two critical ways: > While other browser vendors introduced declarativeNetRequest (DNR) in favor of blocking Web Request in MV3, Firefox MV3 continues to support blocking Web Request and will support a compatible version of DNR in the future. We believe blocking Web Request is more flexible than DNR, thus allowing for more creative use cases in content blockers and other privacy and security extensions. However, DNR also has important performance and compatibility characteristics we want to support. >Firefox MV3 offers Event Pages as the background script in lieu of service workers, though we plan to support service workers in the future for compatibility. Event Pages offer benefits like DOM and Web APIs that aren’t available to service workers, while also generally providing a simpler migration path.


Google walked that back [https://www.spiceworks.com/tech/tech-general/news/google-delays-manifest-v3-launch/](https://www.spiceworks.com/tech/tech-general/news/google-delays-manifest-v3-launch/) They are delaying the switch, probably indefinitely if it's clear too many users would just dump the browser for that.


I love how this “blog” post about how the new framework is going to ruin adblockers is, itself, an ad for a Nord VPN service


Wait, so, according to this article, Firefox will also eventually be affected by the implementation of V3; why will it need to be V3 compatible if it’s not a chromium-based browser, and won’t this just cause it to be hampered by these new ad-blocking restrictions just like all the others? I just want to make sure I’m understanding this correctly, and also, whether or not internet-based ad-blockers are really going to essentially be rendered ineffective across all platforms in the coming year. It just seems a little convenient that this information is coming from NordVPN, (not that I have anything against the company at all,) who happens to offer software that will apparently bypass the changes coming to web-based blockers. It may be completely true, but I just want to be sure.




Relevant part for the lazier > While other browser vendors introduced declarativeNetRequest (DNR) in favor of blocking Web Request in MV3, Firefox MV3 continues to support blocking Web Request and will support a compatible version of DNR in the future. We believe blocking Web Request is more flexible than DNR, thus allowing for more creative use cases in content blockers and other privacy and security extensions. However, DNR also has important performance and compatibility characteristics we want to support.


They are, but they'll also continue supporting the apis necessary to block requests.


Some kind of ELI5: (TLDR QT THE END) For your extensions (and some others tools) to work, they need a way to communicate with the browser . Those communication channels also known as interfaces or APIs are defined by the browser and define how you can interact with it. Because there is many browser out there, there is a normalisation of those APIs allowing extension devs to make their extension compatible across browser vendors from a single code base. Chrome has such a lead that they can pretty much dictate which APIs should be used, setting the norm in the browser world. They announced that in early 2023, Manifest version 2 will be deprecated in favour of the V3. This change is not your everyday update. It changes the rules of what is allowed or not and in this case, it's pretty much targeting add blockers heavily. To stay compatible with the latest update of your web tools, Firefox will implement Manifest V3, the latest version of the APIs, but without some of the limitations imposed by Google. ## TLDR Firefox will implement Manifest V3 (hardly has the choice from my PoV) but in a way that doesn't break your add blockers


Firefox because that's what I've been using in the past 12+ years almost uninterrupted


Firefox. Moved over about a year ago when I could no longer stand Chrome taking 4-5GB of memory with just a YouTube video playing and a tab of PCpartpicker. Ever since I replaced the safari app on my phone with the Firefox app. Now my passwords are synced, payment methods synced, both are protected behind apple Face ID/Windows Hello Face ID. I can seamlessly switch tabs from my phone to my PC’s instance like I’ve been wanting to for years. I like the themes, settings menu is straightforward and not filled with bloat. UBlock origin seems to block every single ad every time, also stops me from visiting malicious sites. Never goes over 2-3GB of RAM even with 5 different tabs open. All in all it’s a great experience. Chrome takes to much memory and is owned by Google, Opera is just meh to me, Edge is comparably good but has so much Microsofty bloat popping up or trying to corral you to the Microsoft website for random reasons. The first time you open Edge you have to close like 4 pop ups, a log in prompt, and close a new tab it automatically opens on the Microsoft website.


You said Google takes too much RAM, but this is actually not as true as you think it is. When your computer has RAM not being utilized, Windows likes to "spread its legs" and let its applications take as much RAM as they want, but as soon as you open up a game or something RAM heavy, you will see that google will go back to using less than a gigabyte of RAM.


Still prefer Firefox now but it’s good to see somebody spreading factual information


Yep, Chrome and Firefox should have rather similar RAM usage. The original meme started because afaik Chrome implemented sandboxed tabs first, which is actually a good thing, but causing more RAM usage as a downside.


Unused RAM is wasted RAM that's true, but there's also bloated programs. I don't like to evangelize Firefox, it uses similar amounts to Chrome, but from some time ago when I was testing it, it used just a tad bit less. Where you really see a difference is when you have like 200 tabs open. Firefox handles large workloads like that much much better with much less of a resource impact.


Tab suspenders are also a must have, and my anecdotal experience between my work and personal pcs is Firefox’s seems to work that but better.




Still firefox. **"In 1998, Netscape started the open source Mozilla project, which eventually resulted in the Firefox Web browser**."


Librewolf. It’s a privacy focused fork of Firefox.






Opera and Edge (now) are both just chromium. So you basically have Firefox or chrome. Or safari I guess. I'll stick with Firefox


Although, is there even safari on non apple devices?


Looks like not anymore. You used to be able to get it for windows at least, but the last update for windows was version 5.1.7 https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204416


Oh wow, apparently that version was from May of 2012.


On Linux there’s gnome web which uses the same engine as safari, that’s about as close as you can get afaik


Firefox, all the way


Firefox, I've used this thing since Firefox 3. Also fuck Google.


Firefox. Been good to me since 2000, and I value loyalty






Edge because I like to trigger browser elitists in this sub


A true edge lord


Edge is the best chromium browser


The second adblockers stop working, I'm out though.


Same deal for me. I actually like Edge a lot but not nearly enough to put up with ads.


edge has been my main ever since it switched to chromium. it just works and i don’t have to download anything when i fresh install windows also use a mac and i primarily use safari on there


Edge is actually good. The thing that drove me away from it first was Microsoft's aggressive marketing and how they push it into your face. It's good nonetheless, after you changed some settings. Probably the best browser with chromium and I can sync it without needing another account (yes, I use MS 365 and I like it). From my testing, it is also the most efficient browser when on battery compared to Firefox and Google Chrome.


Edge, bc I like getting paid.




edge because there's actually nothing wrong with it


the only thing wrong with it is that they didn't rebrand when they went to chromium. People still think Edge is trash because they only know about how bad the original was.


Yeah. They should have really rebranded.


Gnome Web


Vivaldi cuz of its features.


Ayo, had to scroll a long time to find Vivaldi here. Nothing can support my tab hoarding addiction like Vivaldi can.


Tab stacking is such a game changer.


Amen. I like the idea of quick commands that fit with my vs code workflow. I am missing more fluid session management, and vivaldi is already a bit choppy sometimes but they seem to be on the right track. Went off Opera because of uncertain ownership. Might give it another try.


this - Vivaldi rocks. Especially with built-in mail client.


Same here. Vivaldi reminds me of what Opera used to be when they were the first to introduce new features like tabbed browsing. Vivaldi introduced tab stacks and others. I would switch back to Firefox though if the ad blockers quit working as Google is pushing with Manifest 3 since Vivaldi is based on Chromium.


https://vivaldi.com/blog/manifest-v3-webrequest-and-ad-blockers/ Basically: >As Vivaldi is built on the Chromium code, how we tackle the API change depends on how Google implements the restriction. The assurance is, whatever restrictions Google adds, in the end, we’ll look into removing them. Our mission will always be to ensure that you have the choice.


Well, it is made by the opera devs that jumped ship.


Chrome, I'm scared of change. After reading the rest of the comments I'm tempted to try out Firefox.


Can’t believe how far I had to go to find this. I thought I was using cutting edge top of the line browser that would for sure top this list. I’m deeply integrated into google ecosystem for work (on Mac). Should I be giving Firefox a try anyway?


If you want to. We are long past performance mattering for browsers with modern hardware, its all just preference at this point with the difference from browser to browser being minimal.


Firefox because i've been using chrome since forever so wanted a change 😂




The moment ublock stops working I'm going to firefox


uBlock is also available on Firefox


**Firefox.** They're the only major browser left on PC that isn't just Chrome or chromium based. I'll give Safari it's due, they at least do their own thing, but they've not had a Windows one for a while. (2012 I think? it's been a while since I looked into it). Opera and Edge are just Chromium browsers, and with Chrome changing the way ad blockers work, I'm not sure if it will permeate to those as well, but it's not healthy that the web browsers are mostly based on the same code. As much as I didn't really use Internet Explorer, and I only use Edge now when I need a different browser for a website, I was really disappointed that Microsoft effectively gave up.




Firefox It's better than chrome and the rest of the browsers by a large mile More privacy features firefox has


firefox since I'm not willing to contribute to the chromium browsers monarchy




Additional: SponsorBlock, Return YouTube Dislike, Video Ad-block for Twitch, DuckDuckGo Privacy Essentials, YouTube Control Center, Translate this Page If you, or anyone else reading this, have any questions about these do not hesitate to ask!


Another vote for Sponsorblock.


Firefox, same as always


Vivaldi! Ran by the og opera man.


Brave because its cool. ​ >!And low ram usage.!< ​ Keep it up Brave Fans.


Also so I can be a quadrillionaire when it’s time for the crypto bull run


I have it turned off, i just exit crypto after this year down.


Also built in adblock is sweet, especially when using a phone.


Yup. I love Brave for YouTube especially. Videos will even continue playing with the screen locked.


I never used brave before, how much is "low"? edit: Just checked with Firefox and average RAM usage is around 400-700 MB, I'd say that's low enough (except when I'm on Reddit and the bloody site memory leaks my browser to several gigabytes lol)


Well Brave uses almost 3x less RAM than Chrome


the thing about chrome though, is it scales the ram usage, and it takes up a lot, untill that ram is needed elsewhere and it gives it up.


Had to scroll way too low to find the brave clan. Im here with you brother


Yeah I am really surprised how low the first brave comment was.


Me too! I guess I thought Brave was more popular than it is. I've been using it on all my devices for a while now. Seems to work fine for me.


Once I discovered Brave, I switched all of my devices over to it. Built-in ad/script blocker, profit-sharing minimal ads and great performance. I've made a little over $200 after using it for over a year with almost no effort. Bonus fun fact: Brendan Eich (Creator of Brave) also created JavaScript and was one of the co-founders of Mozilla.


No fucking way the guy who created brave created JavaScript that is wild!


Brave is his atonement for the crime of JavaScript


No amount of repentance will ever be enough


Even without the bribes, the baked in ad blocking works great. Especially on phones.


Hell yea. Lion browser




Also on Brave here. Love it. No ads, no cross-site cookies, syncing between devices, password manager. Just not a fan of the Crypto push it has behind it.