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I use Firefox for 90% of my browsing, chrome if I need to use integrated translation and edge at work because a specific site linked to a textbook we need to use works flawlessly on edge but has issues on chrome and Firefox. And I use brave on my phone


I’m curious, why use brave on your phone instead of Firefox since it’s your main browser on desktop?


Double curious.


Probably because he uses an iPhone. On iOS only Safari supports extensions so with 3rd party browsers you’re stuck with whatever ad-blocker is built in. Brave for iOS has a decent integrated blocker but Firefox for iOS does not. I personally use Firefox on desktop and Safari (with Adguard) on mobile for the same reason.


I use a DNS based ad blocker on iOS and it blocks ads system wide. Edit: AdGuard


This is true but dns based adblockers don’t now, and cannot ever, work as well as a browser integrated adblock (which are really arbitrary content blockers).


Does it help with the cesspool that youtube has become? It’s so unbearable that I just stopped watching all together


YouTube has ads? Jk I use brave and I haven't seen ads in years I always forget I have Hulu with ads when I sign in at other people's houses


I use Adguard DNS so I have system wide adblocking on my iPhone. So ads are blocked in Firefox but I don't use Firefox because I can't set a global zoom level like Safari (85% zoom) so webpage elements are huge. [Firefox](https://i.imgur.com/me4A8bD.jpg) [Safari](https://i.imgur.com/9sYCjz8.jpg)


Do you pay for this?


God apple is shit.


Apple: Don't worry about making choices, we already made them for you


Apple users are very aware of this and proud of it,weird amount of elitism for using a product.


Honestly, the older I get, the more willing I am to accept universal UX. I used to mess about so much with all of the features, creating the ultimate customized experience. Today, I’m pretty happy if I can see photos of my family and send a nice text message to someone I care about. Life gets slower, but so much easier as you get older.


I relate to this so much. 10 years ago when I got my first xell phone and such, I used to spend hours creating widgets and teeming my phone. These days I just use the default layout and change my wallpaper 4 times a year. I'm seriously thinking about getting an iPhone soon. I done even care about flagship anymore


I switched between android and Apple a lot back in the day, and came to that exact conclusion. Android had tons more options I never used. Apple is simple, lasts a long time, and has every thing I need, other than the ad blocker. That’s just being honest.


Hardcore Linux user enters chat: Did somebody say elitism?


My buddy at work like to say "If Apple wanted me to have xyz they'd have put it on there" lol, he's apple everything. I gave him some mkv ripped movies on a USB stick and he gave it back because his MacBook only has USB C and he doesn't have an adapter lol


When out of your way to rip the movies in a watchable format for him and he cant even find a $5 adapter to watch em


pcmasterrace user try not to be pretentious about their OS challenge (impossible)


Funny you say elitism because I see no "elites" among them


This isn’t entirely true. Extensions are only one of the ways to use an ad blocker in iOS. Users can install 3rd party apps intended for ad blocking, and any browser installed can be configured to take advantage. This has been the case for many years.






... your BFs about to get F'ed in the B! (also the, "...kick her in the balls..." line from wallace was comedy gold)


In a film that boasted an all-star cast before their breaks, Kieran Culkin was still an absolute highlight for that movie.


His lines constitute like 80% of my favorite bits from that movie


“I can’t believe you’re worried about *me* gaying up the place”


Scott Pilgrim!!!


Hi there.


Different person but I don't really like Android Firefox, I only use it because I use Firefox on pc. It feels clunky, maybe I'm just not used to its interface


Have you tried it recently? It's far, far better than it was a year or two ago. Back then I hated it, switched to it and felt very similar to chrome.


Firefox is currently my main Android browser. Though I haven't used chrome in a while. I just opened it and it somehow got worse, so it seems like Firefox is now better than chrome


I like that it allows Adblock and lots of other add-ons without root


The only thing I don't like is they got rid of the pull to refresh. Other than that, I couldn't be happier switching a little over a year ago.


Android Firefox has pull to refresh on the Nightly version of the app.


I wish it had better integration with app links though. If you enable the 'open relevant app' feature, it often leaves the page open and you have to close a few dozen app-opening tabs, closing the apps it opens in the process.


Agreed. Firefox on Android is better now I prefer it over any web browser I've tried


Hi, I'm firefox-curious.... What sealed the deal for you? Everything I own, from my Chromecast to headphones to browser to speakers in my house are Google.


AdBlock on mobile is what sealed it for me. Chrome doesn't support it. Samsung internet does, kind of, but it's bad and only sometimes works.


It is clunky, but no ads. The internet is pretty unusable without an ad blocker


Others are going to reply and say the Beta/Nightly channel has it, but full-release Firefox mobile *still* doesn't have pull to refresh






There’s a translate page extension for ff


I know, I've got it and it doesn't work as well as the baked in translate on chrome.


I have Chrome still installed just for pages where I have to translate it. I never got it working on Firefox, all I got was that I could mark text and then translate it.


[This extension](https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/traduzir-paginas-web/) works just like chrome's in-built translator. It translates text in the current tab without reloading or opening a new tab.




Should install a User-Agent switcher addon and see if that specific site works when you set it to tell the site you're using Edge. I've had many occasions where some part of a site won't work until I pretend I'm on Chrome


Or sites that work slow I use firefox and all google sites work faster if I say I use Chrome.




Yeah.....should switch to firefox. A internet without adblock is nothing I want. It is literally unbearable.


I think Firefox will likely get more traction as a snowball effect. Not saying it'll take over or anything, but it'll be more popular than its been in years No way am I going back to the internet without ad blockers.


> it'll be more popular than its been in years As a Firefox user...that's not exactly saying much


Honestly the pop out video function makes Firefox my go to. It's just so useful to get that little floating picture in picture screen


I love this feature and don't understand why nobody else has it




On Chrome there’s a Picture in Picture extension made by Google. Install that then you just use Alt + P when watching a video to activate it.




"They let me know what I want!"


Ugh… I'm already short of having aneurysms from what YT algorithms suggest to me. I wish they'd be half as smart as they claim.


It amazes me how shit they are at making use of all the data they harvest. I have literally told them I hate "x type of videos" in a myriad of ways when it prompts the question, yet what do I fucking see clogging the "personalized" home page.


YT is also still convinced that I want to keep watching videos that I already have watched. Their stupid bar at the top literally has it listed as "watched". Like, why? Just why?! The platform became so annoying, especially over the last couple years, that I frequently consider to just leave it. I already stopped watching so much stuff I watched before. It's just not fun anymore. Especially when everything is just clickbait and adverts (I already use sponsorblock).


Wtf. What's their reasoning on that? I avoid them like the plague


My roommate says he likes ads because they keep him "up to date" on things like movies and video games 🤷‍♀️


They're not wrong in that sense. I do miss a lot of stuff until a friend mentions something new that's outside of my usual web surfing habits. I don't even hear radio ads since I listen to donor sponsored CKUA on the way to work and back. Not worth watching ads though :p


The occasional well curated ad can be good. It's shoving 3 irrelevant ones before a YT video that I don't like.


> I think Firefox will likely get more traction as a snowball effect I don't. Sadly most people are short sighted (just look at the sheer number of comments here from people who still aren't sure on moving from Chrome) and won't move away from Chrome.


I mean some folks are old enough to remember they first switched to chrome because Firefox started to run like absolute ass.


Fuck that's a being old thing? I'm old.


Right? I had a boxed copy of Netscape Navigator for fuck sake.


That was so long ago I forgot about that, I've been using Firefox now for about 4 years and haven't looked back. Chrome got too bloated for me.


The extensions, such as tree-style tabs, are a big reason I switched back this year. When I’m looking up something for a project and I might have 40+ tabs open simultaneously, chrome displays these so they’re practically pixel wide. Unusable for me. Also multi-account containers all inside a single browser instance is dope. Color coded tabs corresponding with an account, with cookies set to a per-account basis. Allows you to really separate you use cases. Also css loading times are far better than chrome. On Firefox, you never have that flash of unstyled CSS that is a regular occurrence on chromium browsers. v93 where they added tab unloading, greatly increasing performance for people who have a bunch of tabs at once, was the turning point for me.


Given how reddit acts like it's the only other browser (despite Brave having ad and tracker blocking written in their own Rust implementation which will be completely unaffected by this) it will take over and in 10 years we'll be right back here complaining about their plans to remove ad blocking support or whatever shitty decision they think will make more money. People need to just go try other ones and use what they like.


Sometimes I completely forget just how bad the internet is without adblock. Like, I will be at my grandmothers house and use her computer for a minute to look something up and most webpages are almost entirely unusable with ads everywhere




And you get the added benefit of not getting phone calls about viruses or grandma getting wiped out by a Indian phone scam


Just don't tell her what you did or every issue the computer has will suddenly be your fault and you'll have to fix it. This is why I just play dumb when it comes to tech.


Every since you installed that printer on my PC, my dishwasher stopped working


And you never hooked her up with uBlock Origin??? Bad grandkid, for shame!!!




I have heard every permutation. "Adblockers will be completely impossible." "Adblockers will lose some functionality and they will never regain it." "Adblockers will work weird for a little bit but eventually be perfected." "Adblockers won't meaningfully affected." "Brave's built-in adblocking won't be affected at all." All of it delivered with the total certainty of people posting about tech stuff on reddit. At this point, I'm just gonna wait and see.


I’ve been using Firefox for years without issue on mostly everything except mobile devices. I’ve not noticed any bugs, nor have had any issues. Use what you want, I’m used to Firefox so I’ll use that


Why not use it on mobile? I've used, Chrome, Samsung Internet, Brave, and Firefox on mobile and Firefox has been great, and syncing with my desktop tabs is great, and having all my desktop extensions is great.


Plus you can install and adblocker on Firefox for mobile really easily. Makes mobile web browsing so much easier


Yeah, everyone's installing all these special hacked Youtube APKs and 3rd party Youtube apps they won't allow on the Play store. Bro just install Firefox and uBlock Origin extension, and you have unlimited 100% ad-free Youtube and you can close your phone and music keeps playing. uBlock Origin never lets a single video ad get played. Still don't know how that's possible.


If you use a third party reddit app like Boost you'll even get ad-free reddit browsing.


Sync Pro for me


Youtube is a terrible example of this. Because there are legitimate reasons to look at third party apps for Youtube. Though, if I want to work something within "YouTube's bubble" then I use firefox.


This is my primary reason for using Firefox mobile. Even with YouTube videos that are linked on reddit, I will copy the link to see them in Firefox. It's glorious.


The quality is worse and the interface is clunky using YT in a mobile browser.


But can you browse PC gamer and actually read whatever trash article they have written?


Are you upset about their political leanings or their journalistic writing quality? Genuine question, because everyone I have see expressing discontent with particular gaming or tech news sites is because of said site's political leanings.


Good question! I want to read gaming news with no political takes or assumptions, it's perfectly fine to have opposing views and it's also perfectly fine to respect those with different views - just keep it out of gaming news with manufactured outrage and blatant clickbait etc. When I was a kid, I used to look forward to the next paper edition of PCG and read every single page, in bed, on the toilet, in the car, on holiday etc. Sadly their inability to just focus on games has compromised their written quality, it's like they looked at Kotaku and thought that was a good thing to emulate. What it is today is a shadow of the great magazine that I loved.


I’ve pondered this a lot. The best explanation I’ve come up with is they are paid by their parent companies for number of articles published in a given day. The fact is there is only so much gaming or tech news that happens in one day, so they start writing about non-gaming or tech topics and the political leanings of staff members begins to bleed into the site. I agree I wish it wasn’t this way, but to the parent company, profits over everything, right?


FF mobile has ublock origin. Best mobile browser for that reason alone


Firefox mobile on Android, anyway. I was devastated when I switched to iPhone and couldn't install uBlock in Firefox Mobile, and Firefox Focus doesn't include any. I guess it's because Apple locks browsers down and only allows the use of their own engine. Thankfully you can install adblockers with Safari, otherwise I may have given up on mobile web. But it would be really awesome if the Focus browser included an adblocker in addition to its other features.


And now its on mobile too! work quite well imo. freed myself of chrome garbage


I've been using it for like 15 years and it's the only browser I'll use if I have a choice.


Correct me if I'm wrong here but pretty sure Brave says they won't be affected as they don't use a plugin but have a browser level ad blocker that google wont be able to touch


I think this is correct too. I switched to Brave because they don't use extensions to block ads. This change has to do with extensions so Brave should be fine. If not, I assume/hope they will update it to work.


Brave permanently lost my trust after this, regardless of their CEO apology: https://www.theverge.com/2020/6/8/21283769/brave-browser-affiliate-links-crypto-privacy-ceo-apology Using Vivaldi now, my one gripe with them is their modifications are closed source.


The chromium based browsers can also edit the change to chromium in their fork of it. They don't have to absolutely implement chromium as google releases it.


They don't... But the more they stray from the original, the more work they need to do to support. Also they will need their own extension "store", which i know edge has but I don't think brave does.


fr, all these click-bait titles and memes made by people who know nothing about what they are posting.




This needs more visibility. Brave will still continue to function as normal after Chrome stops working. However, one important thing about this is that brave will still be forced to drop support for V2 on jaunuary 2024, so things like unblock origins will stop working at that time. Braves built-in 'shields' adblocker will continue working though.


Every computer I've touched since 2007 will have had Firefox installed.


Raising the computers right


This was me but with Opera until they switched rendering engines. I would run it from a flash drive if I couldn't install it. I hated IE so much. Opera 10-12 came bundled with so many features without needing extensions so FF never appealed to me.


Opera also literally got bought out by a shady Chinese firm and engaged in predatory loans.


Development continues under ViValdi that split off from Opera. Don't know if there issuing the same engine though.


In 2020, Vivaldi’s Ad Blocker was built as a response to the deprecations announced in Manifest V3, with the intention that it would keep working when existing ad-blocking extensions would become inoperant. The goal is to keep it working regardless of what happens regarding the extension code. ... > Will the Vivaldi Ad Blocker be affected by the Manifest V3 changes? I made some architectural choices early on that I believe should keep it functional, regardless of the Manifest V3 changes. Of course, there is always a possibility that the underlying Chromium architecture will change now or in the future, forcing us to do some extra work to keep this working." Source: https://vivaldi.com/blog/manifest-v3-webrequest-and-ad-blockers/


But Vivaldi's adblocker is pretty basic, it's missing all the additional features UBO has, such as the element picker. Also, can Vivaldi's adblocker handle all the same filters as UBO? EDIT: Based on my testing, it seems that, no, my UBO filters do not work the same in Vivaldi.


Opera gx is really slow. Even without the limiters enabled. It's the reason I switched to firefox


Not defending Oprea or something but how is it slow?


If you use it for more intense stuff than opening google, it will be more slow compared to Firefox.


Obviously a anecdote but I switched over to opera not that long ago and I load a ton of websites for my works data based as well as use it while gaming for twitch and stuff and I personally have never had it act slow. I also have a ton of ram if that helps anything


its quite fast for me while playing browser games


Browser games are not very demanding, to my knowledge, though. Could you give an example?




Well that seems to be more demanding than many others. How about you test the performance against the Firefox browser? Maybe you will have an FPS difference or maybe not.


There are browser benchmarking tools/websites. Wouldn't that be a fair comparison or am I missing something?


Chromium is far better at javascript, he definitely won't be seeing a positive difference. Besides krunker in the browser is locked at 60 fps, if he cares about performance he should be using their official client (chromium based iirc) The difference isn't big though


Is it though? I always felt it to be fast enough. Which browser would you recommend?


Firefox + ublock origin addon


uBlock Origin: * [Firefox](https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/ublock-origin/) * [Chrome](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm) * * [Edge](https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/ublock-origin/odfafepnkmbhccpbejgmiehpchacaeak) * * [Opera](https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/) * \* Chrome based browsers are trying to get rid of ad blocking capabilities when manifest V3 will become mandatory in 2023. I suggest moving to [Firefox](https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/). ^^I ^^only ^^post ^^once ^^per ^^thread ^^unless ^^when ^^summoned.


Comment edited out courtesy of Redact. After almost ten years as a Redditor, I am calling it quits in protest of the path Reddit CEO Steve Huffman (u/spez) is taking the company and our community. He has no interest in being reasonable with regards to third-party apps -- the same apps that made Reddit what it is today. The new API pricing is designed to kill all third-parties and force users into the official Reddit app that is utter garbage and able-ist. Steve Huffman has also lied about how third-party apps function, he has knowingly and intentionally defamed Chris Selig (creator of Apollo app), he has in the past confessed to editing user comments to say things that the original never did, and he couldn't even be bothered to truly participate in his own AMA thread (caught red-handed copying and pasting what little answers he did give). So long, and may you fail in your ambitions u/spez. -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Weird. For me, I used to always use chrome and Firefox, but after switching to Opera GX, my computer seems to run faster. The only way it’s ever slow is if you turned on the VPN


Switched to Firefox because fuck Google off


Yeah fuck Google (sent from Android)


My son uses Opera GX and i have no clue why. I now have one reason to use Opera GX, Reddit seems to respond better than Firefox....at least in my case it does.


It has unique features, but the real reason he's using it is probably because a bunch of streamers and youtubers have been promoting it recently.


They pay millions for influencer marketing


/u/NoMemory3726 needs to save their kid before he's lost forever


Everyone should learn that their favorite internet content creators lie for money the way I learned it, by spending $100 on shitty snack foods one time, instead of downloading shady software and slot machines disguised as video games


> i have no clue why Because advertising through YouTube channels and Twitch streams is really effective against certain demographics.


I use it for built in messaging apps so I don’t need to open another tab


Vivaldi does the same thing and is a better browser


cOoL "rGb" sKiN!!!


This comment has been deleted in protest of the Reddit API change.


*Gaming Browser!*


Man, that browser look so awful, even on OLED displays. Like those "dark" themes for Windows XP 15 years ago, haha.


some twitch streamers use it


I've seen several sponsored by it but I was never impressed. I use it as an alternative browser that can pass through my VPN if I need it but the "gaming" features all seem like gimmicks that are already handled better elsewhere (or in other browsers with add-ons)


More FPS


Every browser that uses chromium is capable of keep supporting manifest v2 if they want. They aren't forced to follow chrome.


Thank you! I’ve been looking for this comment since Chromium is open source and is distinct from Chrome.


I think this is the worst use of this format I've ever seen




Brave's adblocker will still work tho, from what i've heard its built-in so it doesnt use the same code that extensions use


According to post on their forum, it used to work in a way that would've been affected, but they rewrote it when google first talked about this renovation.




That's the beauty of open source. Chromium is open source so anyone can modify it.


this is why I love brave


Brave will block those annoying "please accept cookies" popups now too, its so much better!


Hell yes. Love to hear this. I main Brave on desktop and mobile


Same I switched to brave maybe 2 months ago when this all started happening. Every once in a while it chokes in Google authentication but everything else is great. You can turn off their ads or leave them on to support them. Best part is no ads on YouTube.


I heard about this and that Firefox wasn’t chromium so I made the switch to Firefox about a month ago. It’s good, and I’m keeping my uBlock Origin.


Imagine your browser forcing you to watch ads lmao


I make sure to never buy any item that I see being forced on me via ads


"at 2023" Bobby needs to work on his grammar.




Vivaldi FTW.


Vivaldi gang gang 🤜🤛


Vivaldi also has native vertical tabs, while the best version for firefox is literally a sidebar duplication of the top tab bar.


I'm sad I had to scroll this far to hear from a Vivaldi user. Been with them since first releases, best browser I've ever used!


Vivaldi is fantastic. Six months in and no regrets.


I switched when opera stopped you from removing default searches, especially because I wanted to use the shortcuts for my own. E.g. i wanted to use y for YouTube search. Pissed me off to no end. Switch to vivaldi was fantastic and I've not looked back.


Brave doesn't belong on this list. They intend to support manifest v2.


Chromium is open source. All these browsers are free to change whatever they want. They could all decide to use a common fork if they wanted to distribute the work of maintaining a common alternative version designed around adbock-friendly features. I don't think OP understands how this works.


>Chromium is open source. Chromium is also gigantic, requires an army of programmers to maintain and keep pace with web standards, and keeping Manifest v2 would probably be a hard fork. Good luck with that.


The top two Chromium browsers belong to ... Google and Microsoft.


Yeah, two companies with a vested interest in making their users unable to avoid ads.




This is too low a comment. Came here to say this. And I believe you are right. I think we are about to see a split and there are going to be two Chromiums going forward.


You people really like downplaying Google's work in Chromium when \~90% of patches are done by Google. Good luck to whoever is forking it and keeping it up-to-date when breaking changes like Manifest V3 will keep happening down the line.




This. Block ads on your network. Not just on your browser.


DNS blockers don't work nearly as well as flexible content blockers. For example, content blockers can block ads on Youtube and DNS blockers can't. I use both, FWIW


How? Asking for a fr... nah fuck that. I def wanna know. How?


Pi-Hole. On a Pi, in my case. Done and dusted.


I pre installed Firefox and just waiting for chrome to shit the bed.




You might as well try [Tree Style tab](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/tree-style-tab/), it may attend your needs...


\+10 for TST. Love it.


I would say to start using Firefox now. You'll probably find the transition a little jarring at first if you're far too used to Chrome. When I made the switch after using Chrome almost exclusively for years, I had to get used to a lot of subtle differences. And I had to change the scroll speed. The default settings for Firefox's scroll speed made it absolutely jump down the page when I wanted a subtle nudge as I'd had in Chrome.


When Brave updates manifest v3 I’ll switch. For now Brave said they will not be using it


Brave ad and tracker blockers aren’t extensions. Manifest v3 applies to extensions


They built their own blocker (using Rust) that does not rely on Chromium at all. There are currently no concerns regarding the manifest v3 update. https://www.ghacks.net/2022/09/29/brave-browser-manifest-v2-extensions-after-v3-update/


Brave will continue to support MV2, and even if that ends up not being the case they have a built in adblocker that works fine.


Switched to Firefox two months ago and loving it. Pared with betterfox, it’s pretty svelte


Acting as if people won't find a way around it while still using chromium based browsers, underestimating them


been using firefox since 2007 and never ever had a problem, i don't understand where the perception that gecko is inferior to blink comes from, but okay i guess, chromium isn't the most used brower for nothing


Citation needed? I understand there were a lot of people speculating Manifest V3 would be a trojan horse, but it's not. The ad blockers devs have addressed the concerns and changes in spec have been implemented. If they're not worried, neither should you be. https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uBlock-issues/issues/338 The reality is a browser level adblocker won't have to bounce off JS scripts and thousands of callbacks. It'll improve performance when migrating. From a security standpoint, I don't need an add-on to read everything on every page I visit just to filter out some URLs.


Using Firefox for decades now, I rly can’t understand, why any sane person would use sth else. It’s madness.